61 static bool pair_compare(std::pair<const Stub*, float>
a, std::pair<const Stub*, float>
b) {
62 return (a.second < b.second);
67 PrintL1trk() <<
"=============== FITTING SimpleLR TRACK ====================";
90 double tanLambda = 0.;
100 unsigned int numStubs = 0;
109 SumRPhi = SumRPhi + digiStub->
rt_SF_TF() * digiStub->
111 SumPhi = SumPhi + digiStub->
115 <<
" z " << digiStub->
118 if (l1track3D.
iPhiSec() == 0 and stub->phi() > 0) {
119 phi = stub->phi() - 2 *
121 phi = stub->phi() + 2 *
125 SumRPhi = SumRPhi + stub->r() * phi;
126 SumR = SumR + stub->r();
127 SumPhi = SumPhi + phi;
128 SumR2 = SumR2 + stub->r() * stub->r();
130 PrintL1trk() <<
"InputStub (float): phi " << phi <<
" r " << stub->r() <<
" z " << stub->z();
134 double numeratorPt, digiNumeratorPt;
136 double numeratorPhi, digiNumeratorPhi;
137 double reciprocal, digiReciprocal;
139 double numeratorLambda;
141 digiNumeratorPt = (numStubs * SumRPhi - SumR * SumPhi);
142 digiDenominator = (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
143 digiNumeratorPhi = (SumR2 * SumPhi - SumR * SumRPhi);
146 qOverPt = (numStubs * SumRPhi - SumR * SumPhi) / (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
147 phi0 = (SumR2 * SumPhi - SumR * SumRPhi) / (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
161 digiReciprocal = floor(digiReciprocal / denominatorMult_);
168 phiT = floor(phiT * phiTMult_) /
173 PrintL1trk() << setw(10) <<
"Input helix (digi): qOverPt = " << qOverPt <<
" (" << floor(qOverPt *
174 <<
"), phiT = " << phiT <<
" (" << floor(phiT * phiTMult_) <<
") ";
176 PrintL1trk() <<
"Input Helix (float): qOverPt = " << qOverPt <<
" phi0 " << phi0;
181 std::vector<std::pair<Stub*, double> > vRes;
182 unsigned int psStubs = 0;
184 if (stub->psModule())
193 floor(phiT * phiTMult_) *
206 std::pair<Stub*, double> ResStubPair(stub, Res);
207 vRes.push_back(ResStubPair);
209 if (stub->assocTP() !=
210 PrintL1trk() <<
" Stub rphi residual " << Res <<
" TP " << stub->assocTP()->index();
212 PrintL1trk() <<
" Stub rphi residual " << Res <<
" TP nullptr";
216 double largestResidual = 9999.;
219 std::vector<std::pair<Stub*, double> >::iterator maxResIt = max_element(vRes.begin(), vRes.end(),
220 largestResidual = (*maxResIt).second;
222 PrintL1trk() <<
"Largest Residual " << largestResidual;
225 if ((*maxResIt).first->psModule()) {
228 PrintL1trk() <<
"removing PS residual " << (*maxResIt).second;
229 vRes.erase(maxResIt);
233 PrintL1trk() <<
"residual " << (*maxResIt).second <<
" set to -1. ";
234 (*maxResIt).second = -1.;
237 vRes.erase(maxResIt);
239 PrintL1trk() <<
"removing residual " << (*maxResIt).second;
244 std::vector<Stub*> fitStubs;
245 fitStubs.reserve(vRes.size());
246 for (std::pair<Stub*, double> ResStubPair : vRes) {
247 fitStubs.push_back(ResStubPair.first);
260 double SumR2_ps = 0.;
265 for (
const Stub* stub : fitStubs) {
266 if (stub->psModule())
274 SumPhi += digiStub->
276 if (stub->psModule()) {
277 SumRZ += digiStub->
rt_SF_TF() * digiStub->
278 SumZ += digiStub->
288 if (l1track3D.
iPhiSec() == 0 and stub->phi() > 0) {
289 phi = stub->phi() - 2 *
291 phi = stub->phi() + 2 *
296 SumRPhi += stub->r() * phi;
299 SumR2 += stub->r() * stub->r();
300 if (stub->psModule()) {
301 SumRZ += stub->r() * stub->z();
303 SumR_ps += stub->r();
304 SumR2_ps += stub->r() * stub->r();
307 PrintL1trk() <<
"phi " << phi <<
" r " << stub->r() <<
" z " << stub->z();
311 numeratorZ0 = (SumR2_ps * SumZ - SumR_ps * SumRZ);
312 numeratorLambda = (psStubs * SumRZ - SumR_ps * SumZ);
313 numeratorPt = (numStubs * SumRPhi - SumR * SumPhi);
314 denominator = (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
315 double denominatorZ = (psStubs * SumR2_ps - SumR_ps * SumR_ps);
316 numeratorPhi = (SumR2 * SumPhi - SumR * SumRPhi);
319 z0 = numeratorZ0 / denominatorZ;
320 tanLambda = numeratorLambda / denominatorZ;
321 qOverPt = (numStubs * SumRPhi - SumR * SumPhi) / (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
322 phi0 = (SumR2 * SumPhi - SumR * SumRPhi) / (numStubs * SumR2 - SumR * SumR);
342 denominatorZ = (floor(denominatorZ * denominatorMult_) + 0.5) /
357 phiT = floor(phiT * phiTMult_) /
364 PrintL1trk() <<
"Second Helix variables: numeratorPt = " << numeratorPt <<
", numeratorPhi = " << numeratorPhi
365 <<
", numeratorZ0 = " << numeratorZ0 <<
" numeratorLambda = " << numeratorLambda
366 <<
" denominator = " << denominator <<
" reciprocal = " << reciprocal
367 <<
" denominatorZ = " << denominatorZ <<
" reciprocalZ = " << reciprocalZ;
368 PrintL1trk() << setw(10) <<
"Final Helix parameters: qOverPt = " << qOverPt <<
" ("
369 << floor(qOverPt *
qOverPtMult_) <<
"), phiT = " << phiT <<
" (" << floor(phiT * phiTMult_)
370 <<
"), zT = " << zT <<
" (" << floor(zT *
z0Mult_) <<
"), tanLambda = " << tanLambda <<
" ("
374 PrintL1trk() << setw(10) <<
"Final Helix parameters: qOverPt = " << qOverPt <<
", phi0 = " << phi0
375 <<
", z0 = " << z0 <<
", tanLambda = " << tanLambda;
378 double chi2_phi = 0.;
381 for (
const Stub* stub : fitStubs) {
386 ResPhi = digiStub->
phiS() - phiT - qOverPt * digiStub->
387 ResZ = digiStub->
z() - zT - tanLambda * digiStub->
390 ResZ = stub->z() - z0 - tanLambda * stub->r();
393 double RPhiSigma = 0.0002;
394 float RZSigma = stub->sigmaZ() +
std::abs(tanLambda) * stub->sigmaR();
396 if (not stub->barrel())
406 chi2_phi +=
std::abs(ResPhi * ResPhi);
409 PrintL1trk() <<
"Stub ResPhi " << ResPhi * RPhiSigma <<
" ResSigma " << RPhiSigma <<
" Res " << ResPhi
410 <<
" chi2 " << chi2_phi;
411 PrintL1trk() <<
"Stub ResZ " << ResZ * RZSigma <<
" ResSigma " << RZSigma <<
" Res " << ResZ <<
" chi2 "
417 bool accepted =
420 double chi2 = chi2_phi + chi2_z;
424 constexpr
unsigned int nHelixPar = 4;
425 float dof = 2 * fitStubs.size() - nHelixPar;
426 float chi2dof = chi2 /
431 PrintL1trk() <<
"qOverPt " << qOverPt <<
" phiT " << phiT;
446 const unsigned int hitPattern = 0;
448 settings_, &l1track3D, fitStubs, hitPattern, qOverPt, 0., phi0, z0, tanLambda, chi2_phi, chi2_z, nHelixPar);
453 if (
debug_ and digitize_) {
458 PrintL1trk() << setw(10) <<
"First Helix parameters: qOverPt = " << fitTrk.
qOverPt() <<
" oneOver2r "
462 <<
"), zT = " << zT <<
" (" << floor(zT *
z0Mult_) <<
"), tanLambda = " << tanLambda <<
" ("
472 PrintL1trk() <<
"True track: chi2/ndf " << chi2dof;
475 PrintL1trk() <<
"Track rejected " << chi2 <<
" chi2/ndof " << chi2dof;
477 PrintL1trk() <<
"Fake track!!! " << chi2 <<
" chi2/ndof " << chi2dof;
bool enableDigitize() const
unsigned int iEtaReg() const override
constexpr double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
unsigned int slr_tanlambdaBits() const
double slr_phi0Range() const
unsigned int shiftingBitsz0_
unsigned int shiftingBitsPhi_
unsigned int numLayers() const override
double slr_chi2cut() const
ChiSquare Cut.
L1fittedTrack fit(const L1track3D &l1track3D) override
float qOverPt() const override
unsigned int phiSBits() const
double houghMinPt() const
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > cellLocationHT() const override
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPhi() const
Number of bits to reduce the PhiT parameter numerator calculation weight.
unsigned int shiftingBitsDenRZ_
float numeratorLambdaMult_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRPhi() const
Number of bits to reduce the RPhi helix parameter denominator calculation weight. ...
void digitizeTrack(const std::string &fitterName)
const std::vector< Stub * > & stubs() const override
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > cellLocationHT() const override
double slr_tanlambdaRange() const
unsigned int minStubLayersRed_
std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > cellLocationFit() const
unsigned int slr_z0Bits() const
int iDigi_phi0rel() const
unsigned int numPhiNonants() const
unsigned int shiftingBitsLambda_
unsigned int iPhiSec() const override
static bool pair_compare(std::pair< const Stub *, float > a, std::pair< const Stub *, float > b)
unsigned int slr_oneOver2rBits() const
double slr_chisquaredRange() const
float qOverPt() const override
double chosenRofPhi() const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
double slr_oneOver2rRange() const
const Settings * settings_
unsigned int ShiftingBitsZ0() const
Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight.
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix_
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ_
double invPtToDphi() const
unsigned int dividerBitsHelix() const
Number of bits to be used in hardware to compute the division needed to calculate the helix parameter...
unsigned int shiftingBitsPt_
unsigned int shiftingBitsDenRPhi_
const TP * matchedTP() const override
const DigitalTrack * digitaltrack() const
double ResidualCut() const
Cut on RPhi Residual (radians)
unsigned int dividerBitsHelixZ() const
unsigned int rtBits() const
unsigned int zBits() const
unsigned int slr_chisquaredBits() const
unsigned int numPhiSectors() const
double slr_z0Range() const
unsigned int slr_phi0Bits() const
unsigned int ShiftingBitsDenRZ() const
Number of bits to reduce the RZ helix parameter denominator calculation weight.
unsigned int numLayerCut(Utility::AlgoStep algo, const Settings *settings, unsigned int iPhiSec, unsigned int iEtaReg, float invPt, float eta=0.)
unsigned int ShiftingBitsPt() const
Number of bits to reduce the qOverPt parameter numerator calculation weight.
unsigned int ShiftingBitsLambda() const
Number of bits to reduce the tanLambda parameter calculation weight.
Power< A, B >::type pow(const A &a, const B &b)