21 #ifndef L1TriggerGlobalMuonTrigger_L1MuGMTPSB_h
22 #define L1TriggerGlobalMuonTrigger_L1MuGMTPSB_h
95 void getRPCb(std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>
int bx);
98 void getRPCf(std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>
int bx);
101 void getDTBX(std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>
int bx);
104 void getCSC(std::vector<L1MuRegionalCand>
int bx);
void getRPCf(std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > const *data, int bx)
get muons from RPCf Trigger
int numberDTBX() const
return number of non-empty DTBX muons
void print() const
print PSB
void getCSC(std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > const *data, int bx)
get muons from endcap Muon Trigger Track Finder
bool empty() const
are there any data in the PSB
void getCalo(edm::Event &e)
get Calorimeter Trigger data
const L1MuGlobalMuonTrigger & m_gmt
int numberRPC() const
return number of non-empty RPC muons
L1MuGMTPSB(const L1MuGlobalMuonTrigger &gmt, edm::ConsumesCollector &&iC)
const L1MuRegionalCand * CSCMuon(int index) const
get CSC muon
void printDTBX() const
print DTBX muons
const L1MuRegionalCand * RPCMuon(int index) const
get RPC muon
virtual ~L1MuGMTPSB()
std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > m_CscMuons
L1MuGMTMatrix< bool > m_Isol
void printRPCbarrel() const
print barrel RPC muons
void getRPCb(std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > const *data, int bx)
get muons from RPCb Trigger
const L1MuRegionalCand * DTBXMuon(int index) const
get DTBX muon
void printCSC() const
print CSC muons
void receiveData(edm::Event &e, int bx)
receive muon candidates
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
void printRPCendcap() const
print endcap RPC muons
void getDTBX(std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > const *data, int bx)
get muons from barrel Muon Trigger Track Finder
L1MuGMTMatrix< bool > m_Mip
int numberCSC() const
return number of non-empty CSC muons
std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > m_RpcMuons
std::vector< L1MuRegionalCand > m_DtbxMuons
const L1MuGMTMatrix< bool > & isolBits() const
return isolation bits
const L1MuGMTMatrix< bool > & mipBits() const
return minimum ionizing bits