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1 // user include files
38 #include <map>
39 #include <array>
40 #include <string>
41 #include <numeric>
44 public:
45  explicit HGCalHitCalibration(const edm::ParameterSet&);
46  ~HGCalHitCalibration() override;
48  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
50 private:
51  void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker&, edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
52  void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
54  void fillWithRecHits(std::map<DetId, const HGCRecHit*>&, DetId, unsigned int, float, int&, float&);
67  int debug_;
69  static constexpr int depletion1_ = 200;
70  static constexpr int depletion2_ = 300;
71  static constexpr int scint_ = 400;
73  std::map<int, MonitorElement*> h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_;
74  std::map<int, MonitorElement*> hgcal_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_;
75  std::map<int, MonitorElement*> hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_;
76  std::map<int, MonitorElement*> hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_;
79  static constexpr int layers_ = 60;
80  std::array<float, layers_> Energy_layer_calib_;
81  std::array<float, layers_> Energy_layer_calib_fraction_;
82 };
86  rawRecHits_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("rawRecHits")),
87  debug_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("debug")) {
88  auto detector = iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("detector");
89  auto recHitsEE = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recHitsEE");
90  auto recHitsFH = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recHitsFH");
91  auto recHitsBH = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("recHitsBH");
92  auto caloParticles = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("caloParticles");
93  auto hgcalMultiClusters = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hgcalMultiClusters");
94  auto electrons = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("electrons");
95  auto photons = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("photons");
96  if (detector == "all") {
97  recHitsEE_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsEE);
98  recHitsFH_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsFH);
99  recHitsBH_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsBH);
100  algo_ = 1;
101  } else if (detector == "EM") {
102  recHitsEE_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsEE);
103  algo_ = 2;
104  } else if (detector == "HAD") {
105  recHitsFH_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsFH);
106  recHitsBH_ = consumes<HGCRecHitCollection>(recHitsBH);
107  algo_ = 3;
108  }
109  depletion0_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("depletionFine");
110  caloParticles_ = consumes<std::vector<CaloParticle> >(caloParticles);
111  hgcalMultiClusters_ = consumes<std::vector<reco::PFCluster> >(hgcalMultiClusters);
112  electrons_ = consumes<std::vector<reco::GsfElectron> >(electrons);
113  photons_ = consumes<std::vector<reco::Photon> >(photons);
115  // size should be HGC layers 52 is enough
116  Energy_layer_calib_.fill(0.);
118 }
121  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
122  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
123 }
126  edm::Run const& iRun,
127  edm::EventSetup const& /* iSetup */) {
129  ibooker.setCurrentFolder("HGCalHitCalibration");
130  h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[depletion0_] = ibooker.book1D("h_EoP_CPene_100_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
131  h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[depletion1_] = ibooker.book1D("h_EoP_CPene_200_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
132  h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[depletion2_] = ibooker.book1D("h_EoP_CPene_300_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
133  h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[scint_] = ibooker.book1D("h_EoP_CPene_scint_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
135  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_EoP_CPene_100_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
137  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_EoP_CPene_200_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
139  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_EoP_CPene_300_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
140  hgcal_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[scint_] = ibooker.book1D("hgcal_EoP_CPene_scint_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
142  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_100_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
144  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_200_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
146  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_300_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
148  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_scint_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
150  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_100_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
152  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_200_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
154  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_300_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
156  ibooker.book1D("hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_scint_calib_fraction", "", 1000, -0.5, 2.5);
157  LayerOccupancy_ = ibooker.book1D("LayerOccupancy", "", layers_, 0., (float)layers_);
158 }
160 void HGCalHitCalibration::fillWithRecHits(std::map<DetId, const HGCRecHit*>& hitmap,
161  const DetId hitid,
162  const unsigned int hitlayer,
163  const float fraction,
164  int& seedDet,
165  float& seedEnergy) {
166  if (hitmap.find(hitid) == hitmap.end()) {
167  // Hit was not reconstructed
168  IfLogTrace(debug_ > 0, "HGCalHitCalibration")
169  << ">>> Failed to find detid " << std::hex << hitid.rawId() << std::dec << " Det " << hitid.det() << " Subdet "
170  << hitid.subdetId() << std::endl;
171  return;
172  }
173  if ((hitid.det() != DetId::Forward) && (hitid.det() != DetId::HGCalEE) && (hitid.det() != DetId::HGCalHSi) &&
174  (hitid.det() != DetId::HGCalHSc)) {
175  IfLogTrace(debug_ > 0, "HGCalHitCalibration")
176  << ">>> Wrong type of detid " << std::hex << hitid.rawId() << std::dec << " Det " << hitid.det() << " Subdet "
177  << hitid.subdetId() << std::endl;
178  return;
179  }
181  unsigned int layer = recHitTools_.getLayerWithOffset(hitid);
182  assert(hitlayer == layer);
183  Energy_layer_calib_fraction_[layer] += hitmap[hitid]->energy() * fraction;
184  LayerOccupancy_->Fill(layer);
185  if (seedEnergy < hitmap[hitid]->energy()) {
186  seedEnergy = hitmap[hitid]->energy();
187  seedDet = recHitTools_.getSiThickness(hitid);
188  if (hitid.det() == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
189  seedDet = scint_;
190  }
191  }
192 }
195  using namespace edm;
200  Handle<HGCRecHitCollection> recHitHandleEE;
201  Handle<HGCRecHitCollection> recHitHandleFH;
202  Handle<HGCRecHitCollection> recHitHandleBH;
204  Handle<std::vector<CaloParticle> > caloParticleHandle;
205  iEvent.getByToken(caloParticles_, caloParticleHandle);
206  const std::vector<CaloParticle>& caloParticles = *caloParticleHandle;
208  Handle<std::vector<reco::PFCluster> > hgcalMultiClustersHandle;
209  iEvent.getByToken(hgcalMultiClusters_, hgcalMultiClustersHandle);
211  Handle<std::vector<reco::GsfElectron> > PFElectronHandle;
212  iEvent.getByToken(electrons_, PFElectronHandle);
214  Handle<std::vector<reco::Photon> > PFPhotonHandle;
215  iEvent.getByToken(photons_, PFPhotonHandle);
217  // make a map detid-rechit
218  std::map<DetId, const HGCRecHit*> hitmap;
219  switch (algo_) {
220  case 1: {
221  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsEE_, recHitHandleEE);
222  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsFH_, recHitHandleFH);
223  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsBH_, recHitHandleBH);
224  const auto& rechitsEE = *recHitHandleEE;
225  const auto& rechitsFH = *recHitHandleFH;
226  const auto& rechitsBH = *recHitHandleBH;
227  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsEE.size(); ++i) {
228  hitmap[rechitsEE[i].detid()] = &rechitsEE[i];
229  }
230  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsFH.size(); ++i) {
231  hitmap[rechitsFH[i].detid()] = &rechitsFH[i];
232  }
233  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsBH.size(); ++i) {
234  hitmap[rechitsBH[i].detid()] = &rechitsBH[i];
235  }
236  break;
237  }
238  case 2: {
239  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsEE_, recHitHandleEE);
240  const HGCRecHitCollection& rechitsEE = *recHitHandleEE;
241  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsEE.size(); i++) {
242  hitmap[rechitsEE[i].detid()] = &rechitsEE[i];
243  }
244  break;
245  }
246  case 3: {
247  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsFH_, recHitHandleFH);
248  iEvent.getByToken(recHitsBH_, recHitHandleBH);
249  const auto& rechitsFH = *recHitHandleFH;
250  const auto& rechitsBH = *recHitHandleBH;
251  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsFH.size(); i++) {
252  hitmap[rechitsFH[i].detid()] = &rechitsFH[i];
253  }
254  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechitsBH.size(); i++) {
255  hitmap[rechitsBH[i].detid()] = &rechitsBH[i];
256  }
257  break;
258  }
259  default:
260  assert(false);
261  break;
262  }
264  // loop over caloParticles
265  int seedDet = 0;
266  float seedEnergy = 0.;
267  IfLogTrace(debug_ > 0, "HGCalHitCalibration") << "Number of caloParticles: " << caloParticles.size() << std::endl;
268  for (const auto& it_caloPart : caloParticles) {
269  if (it_caloPart.g4Tracks()[0].eventId().event() != 0 or it_caloPart.g4Tracks()[0].eventId().bunchCrossing() != 0) {
270  LogDebug("HGCalHitCalibration") << "Excluding CaloParticles from event: "
271  << it_caloPart.g4Tracks()[0].eventId().event()
272  << " with BX: " << it_caloPart.g4Tracks()[0].eventId().bunchCrossing()
273  << std::endl;
274  continue;
275  }
277  const SimClusterRefVector& simClusterRefVector = it_caloPart.simClusters();
278  Energy_layer_calib_.fill(0.);
281  seedDet = 0;
282  seedEnergy = 0.;
283  for (const auto& it_sc : simClusterRefVector) {
284  const SimCluster& simCluster = (*(it_sc));
285  IfLogTrace(debug_ > 1, "HGCalHitCalibration")
286  << ">>> " << << " SC.simEnergy(): " << simCluster.simEnergy() << std::endl;
287  const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, float> >& hits_and_fractions = simCluster.hits_and_fractions();
289  // loop over hits
290  for (const auto& it_haf : hits_and_fractions) {
291  unsigned int hitlayer = recHitTools_.getLayerWithOffset(it_haf.first);
292  DetId hitid = (it_haf.first);
293  // dump raw RecHits and match
294  if (rawRecHits_) {
295  if ((hitid.det() == DetId::Forward &&
296  (hitid.subdetId() == HGCEE || hitid.subdetId() == HGCHEF || hitid.subdetId() == HGCHEB)) ||
297  (hitid.det() == DetId::HGCalEE) || (hitid.det() == DetId::HGCalHSi) || (hitid.det() == DetId::HGCalHSc) ||
298  (hitid.det() == DetId::Hcal && hitid.subdetId() == HcalEndcap))
299  fillWithRecHits(hitmap, hitid, hitlayer, it_haf.second, seedDet, seedEnergy);
300  }
301  } // end simHit
302  } // end simCluster
304  auto sumCalibRecHitCalib_fraction =
305  std::accumulate(Energy_layer_calib_fraction_.begin(), Energy_layer_calib_fraction_.end(), 0.);
306  IfLogTrace(debug_ > 0, "HGCalHitCalibration")
307  << ">>> MC Energy: " << << " reco energy: " << sumCalibRecHitCalib_fraction << std::endl;
308  if (h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_.count(seedDet))
309  h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[seedDet]->Fill(sumCalibRecHitCalib_fraction /;
311  // Loop on reconstructed SC.
312  const auto& clusters = *hgcalMultiClustersHandle;
313  float total_energy = 0.;
314  float max_dR2 = 0.0025;
315  auto closest =
316  std::min_element(clusters.begin(), clusters.end(), [&](const reco::PFCluster& a, const reco::PFCluster& b) {
317  auto dR2_a = reco::deltaR2(it_caloPart, a);
318  auto dR2_b = reco::deltaR2(it_caloPart, b);
319  auto ERatio_a = a.correctedEnergy() /;
320  auto ERatio_b = b.correctedEnergy() /;
321  // If both clusters are within 0.0025, mark as first (min) the
322  // element with the highest ratio against the SimCluster
323  if (dR2_a < max_dR2 && dR2_b < max_dR2)
324  return ERatio_a > ERatio_b;
325  return dR2_a < dR2_b;
326  });
327  if (closest != clusters.end() && reco::deltaR2(*closest, it_caloPart) < 0.01) {
328  total_energy = closest->correctedEnergy();
329  seedDet = recHitTools_.getSiThickness(closest->seed());
330  if (closest->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
331  seedDet = scint_;
332  }
333  if (hgcal_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_.count(seedDet)) {
334  hgcal_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[seedDet]->Fill(total_energy /;
335  }
336  }
338  auto closest_fcn = [&](auto const& a, auto const& b) {
339  auto dR2_a = reco::deltaR2(it_caloPart, a);
340  auto dR2_b = reco::deltaR2(it_caloPart, b);
341  auto ERatio_a = /;
342  auto ERatio_b = /;
343  // If both clusters are within 0.0025, mark as first (min) the
344  // element with the highest ratio against the SimCluster
345  if (dR2_a < max_dR2 && dR2_b < max_dR2)
346  return ERatio_a > ERatio_b;
347  return dR2_a < dR2_b;
348  };
350  if (PFElectronHandle.isValid()) {
351  auto const& ele = (*PFElectronHandle);
352  auto closest = std::min_element(ele.begin(), ele.end(), closest_fcn);
353  if (closest != ele.end() &&
354  (closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::Forward ||
355  closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalEE) &&
356  reco::deltaR2(*closest, it_caloPart) < 0.01) {
357  seedDet = recHitTools_.getSiThickness(closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed());
358  if (closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalHSc) {
359  seedDet = scint_;
360  }
361  if (hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_.count(seedDet)) {
362  hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[seedDet]->Fill(closest->energy() /;
363  }
364  }
365  }
367  // PHOTONS in HGCAL
368  if (PFPhotonHandle.isValid()) {
369  auto const& photon = (*PFPhotonHandle);
370  auto closest = std::min_element(photon.begin(), photon.end(), closest_fcn);
371  if (closest != photon.end() &&
372  (closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::Forward ||
373  closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalEE) &&
374  reco::deltaR2(*closest, it_caloPart) < 0.01) {
375  seedDet = recHitTools_.getSiThickness(closest->superCluster()->seed()->seed());
376  if (hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_.count(seedDet)) {
377  hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_[seedDet]->Fill(closest->energy() /;
378  }
379  }
380  }
381  } // end caloparticle
382 }
384 // ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the
385 // module ------------
388  desc.add<int>("debug", 0);
389  desc.add<bool>("rawRecHits", true);
390  desc.add<std::string>("detector", "all");
391  desc.add<int>("depletionFine", 120);
392  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("caloParticles", edm::InputTag("mix", "MergedCaloTruth"));
393  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("recHitsEE", edm::InputTag("HGCalRecHit", "HGCEERecHits"));
394  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("recHitsFH", edm::InputTag("HGCalRecHit", "HGCHEFRecHits"));
395  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("recHitsBH", edm::InputTag("HGCalRecHit", "HGCHEBRecHits"));
396  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("hgcalMultiClusters", edm::InputTag("particleFlowClusterHGCal"));
397  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("electrons", edm::InputTag("ecalDrivenGsfElectronsHGC"));
398  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("photons", edm::InputTag("photonsHGC"));
399  descriptions.add("hgcalHitCalibrationDefault", desc);
400 }
402 // define this as a plug-in
static constexpr int layers_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< CaloParticle > > caloParticles_
static constexpr int depletion2_
static constexpr int scint_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Photon > > photons_
std::array< float, layers_ > Energy_layer_calib_fraction_
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::PFCluster > > hgcalMultiClusters_
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > hgcal_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_
double correctedEnergy() const
Definition: CaloCluster.h:150
edm::EDGetTokenT< HGCRecHitCollection > recHitsFH_
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry and is current per Services can connect to the signals distributed by the ActivityRegistry in order to monitor the activity of the application Each possible callback has some defined which we here list in angle e< void, edm::EventIDconst &, edm::Timestampconst & > We also list in braces which AR_WATCH_USING_METHOD_ is used for those or
Definition: Activities.doc:12
Particle flow cluster, see clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo.
Definition: PFCluster.h:42
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
edm::EDGetTokenT< HGCRecHitCollection > recHitsEE_
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:539
#define IfLogTrace(cond, cat)
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > hgcal_ele_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
constexpr uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:57
assert(be >=bs)
HGCalHitCalibration(const edm::ParameterSet &)
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > hgcal_photon_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
void Fill(long long x)
MonitorElement * LayerOccupancy_
int iEvent
edm::EDGetTokenT< HGCRecHitCollection > recHitsBH_
Monte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation.
Definition: SimCluster.h:29
void Fill(HcalDetId &id, double val, std::vector< TH2F > &depth)
constexpr int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:48
float energy() const
Energy. Note this is taken from the first SimTrack only.
Definition: SimCluster.h:104
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
double energy() const
cluster energy
Definition: PFCluster.h:74
hgcal::RecHitTools recHitTools_
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
float simEnergy() const
returns the accumulated sim energy in the cluster
Definition: SimCluster.h:213
std::float_t getSiThickness(const DetId &) const
Definition: DetId.h:17
constexpr auto deltaR2(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) -> decltype(t1.eta())
Definition: deltaR.h:16
unsigned int getLayerWithOffset(const DetId &) const
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::GsfElectron > > electrons_
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
std::map< int, MonitorElement * > h_EoP_CPene_calib_fraction_
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
void add(std::string const &label, ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
void setGeometry(CaloGeometry const &)
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
void fillWithRecHits(std::map< DetId, const HGCRecHit * > &, DetId, unsigned int, float, int &, float &)
size_type size() const
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
std::array< float, layers_ > Energy_layer_calib_
edm::ESGetToken< CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord > caloGeomToken_
ESHandle< T > getHandle(const ESGetToken< T, R > &iToken) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:157
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
ESGetTokenH3DDVariant esConsumes(std::string const &Reccord, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
Definition: Run.h:45
std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, float > > hits_and_fractions() const
Returns list of rechit IDs and fractions for this SimCluster.
Definition: SimCluster.h:184
static constexpr int depletion1_
#define LogDebug(id)
constexpr Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:46