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selectors_cff Namespace Reference


tuple cosmicMuonTPSet
tuple displacedMuonTPSet
tuple me0MuonTPSet
tuple muonTPSet
tuple TPmu = TPrefs.clone()
tuple TPmu_seq = cms.Sequence( TPmu )
tuple TPpfmu = TPrefs.clone()
tuple TPpfmu_seq = cms.Sequence( TPpfmu )
tuple TPrefs = SimMuon.MCTruth.trackingParticleMuon_cfi.trackingParticleMuon.clone()
tuple TPtrack = TPrefs.clone()
tuple TPtrack_seq = cms.Sequence( TPtrack )

Variable Documentation

tuple selectors_cff.cosmicMuonTPSet
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  src = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
3  pdgId = cms.vint32(13, -13),
4  tip = cms.double(85.), # radius to have at least the 3 outermost TOB layers
5  lip = cms.double(210.), # z to have at least the 3 outermost TEC layers
6  minHit = cms.int32(0),
7  ptMin = cms.double(0.9),
8  ptMax = cms.double(1e100),
9  minRapidity = cms.double(-2.4),
10  maxRapidity = cms.double(2.4),
11  signalOnly = cms.bool(True),
12  stableOnly = cms.bool(True), # accept only TP from the Generator (linked to GenParticles)
13  chargedOnly = cms.bool(True)
14 )

Definition at line 70 of file

tuple selectors_cff.displacedMuonTPSet
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  src = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
3  pdgId = cms.vint32(13, -13),
4  tip = cms.double(85.), # radius to have at least the 3 outermost TOB layers
5  lip = cms.double(210.), # z to have at least the 3 outermost TEC layers
6  minHit = cms.int32(0),
7  ptMin = cms.double(0.9),
8  ptMax = cms.double(1e100),
9  minRapidity = cms.double(-2.4),
10  maxRapidity = cms.double(2.4),
11  signalOnly = cms.bool(True),
12  intimeOnly = cms.bool(True), # discard OOT PU
13  stableOnly = cms.bool(True), # accept only TP from the Generator (linked to GenParticles)
14  chargedOnly = cms.bool(True)
15 )

Definition at line 54 of file

tuple selectors_cff.me0MuonTPSet
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  src = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
3  pdgId = cms.vint32(13, -13),
4  tip = cms.double(3.5),
5  lip = cms.double(30.0),
6  minHit = cms.int32(0),
7  ptMin = cms.double(0.9),
8  ptMax = cms.double(1e100),
9  minRapidity = cms.double(-2.8),
10  maxRapidity = cms.double(2.8),
11  signalOnly = cms.bool(True),
12  intimeOnly = cms.bool(True), # discard OOT PU
13  stableOnly = cms.bool(True), # discard decays in flight from the signal event
14  chargedOnly = cms.bool(True)
15 )

Definition at line 38 of file

tuple selectors_cff.muonTPSet
Initial value:
1 = cms.PSet(
2  src = cms.InputTag("mix", "MergedTrackTruth"),
3  pdgId = cms.vint32(13, -13),
4  tip = cms.double(3.5),
5  lip = cms.double(30.0),
6  minHit = cms.int32(0),
7  ptMin = cms.double(0.9),
8  ptMax = cms.double(1e100),
9  minRapidity = cms.double(-2.4),
10  maxRapidity = cms.double(2.4),
11  signalOnly = cms.bool(True),
12  intimeOnly = cms.bool(True), # discard OOT PU
13  stableOnly = cms.bool(True), # discard decays in flight from the signal event
14  chargedOnly = cms.bool(True)
15 )

Definition at line 22 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPmu = TPrefs.clone()

Definition at line 8 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPmu_seq = cms.Sequence( TPmu )

Definition at line 9 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPpfmu = TPrefs.clone()

Definition at line 11 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPpfmu_seq = cms.Sequence( TPpfmu )

Definition at line 13 of file

Definition at line 6 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPtrack = TPrefs.clone()

Definition at line 15 of file

tuple selectors_cff.TPtrack_seq = cms.Sequence( TPtrack )

Definition at line 18 of file