1 #ifndef L1Trigger_TrackerDTC_Setup_h
2 #define L1Trigger_TrackerDTC_Setup_h
27 #include <unordered_map>
29 namespace trackerDTC {
61 int dtcId(
int tklId)
65 int dtcId(
int tfpRegion,
int tfpChannel)
Class for "official" algorithm to be used in TTStubBuilder.
int numModulesPerDTC() const
constexpr double deltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
edm::ParameterSet pSetFW_
void checkMagneticField()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeEndcapDisksRings_
int hybridWidthR(SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridMinPt() const
std::vector< int > hybridNumsUnusedBits_
TTStubAlgorithm< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > StubAlgorithm
std::string dumpDiff(const edm::ParameterSet &pSetHistory, const edm::ParameterSet &pSetProcess) const
int dtcNumRoutingBlocks() const
const std::vector< double > & encodingBend(int windowSize, bool psModule) const
int dtcWidthQoverPt() const
std::string phGeometryConfiguration_
std::vector< int > hybridNumRingsPS_
Base class for any algorithm to be used in TTStubBuilder.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > disk2SRs_
double baseSector() const
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsR_
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology_
bool side(int dtcId) const
double htBasePhiT() const
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdGeometryConfiguration_
double chosenRofZ() const
int offsetDetIdTP() const
double baseRegion() const
std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > hybridDisk2SRsSet_
double hybridChosenRofPhi_
int tkLayoutId(int dtcId) const
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsZ_
double kfBaseChi2() const
std::vector< double > boundariesEta_
std::vector< double > hybridLayerRs_
std::vector< std::vector< SensorModule * > > dtcModules_
std::vector< double > hybridDiskZs_
double hybridChosenRofPhi() const
int widthSectorEta() const
int hybridWidthBend(SensorModule::Type type) const
std::string phTTStubAlgorithm_
double hybridBaseZ(SensorModule::Type type) const
edm::ParameterSet pSetFE_
int kfWidthLutInvZ() const
int htNumBinsQoverPt() const
std::unordered_map< DetId, SensorModule * > detIdToSensorModule_
int gpDepthMemory() const
double windowSizeBarrelLayer(int layerId) const
void encodeBend(std::vector< std::vector< double >> &, bool) const
std::vector< double > hybridRangesAlpha_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsPhi_
int hybridWidthLayer() const
int hybridNumUnusedBits(SensorModule::Type type) const
const StubAlgorithmOfficial * stubAlgorithm_
const TrackerDetToDTCELinkCablingMap * cablingMap_
double mhtBaseQoverPt() const
double deltaPhi(double lhs, double rhs=0.)
edm::ParameterSet pSetTMTT_
GlobalPoint stubPos(bool hybrid, const TTDTC::Frame &frame, int tfpRegion, int tfpChannel) const
int mhtNumBinsPhiT() const
double invPtToDphi() const
int dtcNumUnusedBits() const
double drBasePhi0() const
double drBaseQoverPt() const
int numSectorsEta() const
#define EVENTSETUP_DATA_DEFAULT_RECORD(_data_, _record_)
int dtcDepthMemory() const
int numDTCsPerRegion() const
double kfBaseInvR00() const
std::vector< std::string > sgXMLVersions_
int slot(int dtcId) const
bool configurationSupported() const
double windowSizeTiltedLayerRing(int layerId, int ring) const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBendPS_
const TrackerTopology * trackerTopology() const
int htWidthQoverPt() const
double beamWindowZ() const
double mhtBasePhiT() const
double kfBaseChi21() const
int htDepthMemory() const
const std::vector< int > & encodingLayerId(int tfpChannel) const
double hybridDiskZ(int layerId) const
int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock() const
int drDepthMemory() const
void checkTFPIdentifier(int tfpRegion, int tfpChannel) const
double numTiltedLayerRing(int layerId) const
int tpMinLayersPS() const
double baseWindowSize() const
void checkTKLayoutId(int tkLayoutId) const
int numOverlappingRegions_
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetGC_
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsAlpha_
TTStubAlgorithm_official< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > StubAlgorithmOfficial
Class to process and provide run-time constants used by Track Trigger emulators.
double tpMaxVertZ() const
double hybridMaxCot() const
const MagneticField * magneticField_
std::vector< double > hybridBasesAlpha_
int hybridNumLayers() const
int dtcId(int tklId) const
int mhtNumBinsQoverPt() const
edm::ParameterSet pSetDTC_
double kfBaseInvR11() const
void consumeStubAlgorithm()
bool configurationSupported_
edm::ParameterSet pSetSG_
edm::ParameterSet pSetKF_
edm::ParameterSet pSetTF_
int drWidthQoverPt() const
int hybridNumRingsPS(int layerId) const
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry() const
std::vector< int > hybridWidthsBend_
int htNumBinsPhiT() const
double hybridBaseAlpha(SensorModule::Type type) const
std::vector< double > hybridBasesZ_
int hybridWidthAlpha(SensorModule::Type type) const
int kfWidthLutInvPhi() const
std::pair< TTStubRef, BV > Frame
int offsetLayerId() const
int hybridWidthZ(SensorModule::Type type) const
double windowSizeEndcapDisksRing(int layerId, int ring) const
std::vector< double > hybridRangesR_
edm::ParameterSet pSetGP_
int kfMaxSkippedLayers() const
std::vector< SensorModule > sensorModules_
bool psModule(int dtcId) const
SensorModule * sensorModule(const DetId &detId) const
double hybridBaseR(SensorModule::Type type) const
edm::ParameterSet pSetDR_
void produceSensorModules()
std::vector< std::vector< int > > encodingsLayerId_
double hybridBasePhi(SensorModule::Type type) const
double hybridLayerR(int layerId) const
int offsetDetIdDSV() const
std::vector< double > hybridBasesPhi_
Class to store hardware like structured TTStub Collection used by Track Trigger emulators.
std::vector< double > windowSizeBarrelLayers_
void checkDTCId(int dtcId) const
std::vector< double > numTiltedLayerRings_
int hybridWidthPhi(SensorModule::Type type) const
double kfBaseChi20() const
std::vector< double > hybridBasesR_
edm::ParameterSet pSetSF_
int offsetLayerDisks() const
edm::ParameterSet pSetHT_
std::vector< std::vector< double > > windowSizeTiltedLayerRings_
double boundarieEta(int eta) const
int mhtWidthQoverPt() const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > encodingsBend2S_
const edm::ParameterSet * pSetSA_
std::vector< double > hybridRangesZ_
int numDTCsPerTFP() const
int dtcNumMergedRows() const
const std::vector< SensorModule * > & dtcModules(int dtcId) const
edm::ParameterSetID pSetIdTTStubAlgorithm_
double dtcBaseQoverPt() const
edm::ParameterSet pSetHybrid_
int numOverlappingRegions() const
int dtcNumModulesPerRoutingBlock_
double tpMaxVertR() const
edm::ParameterSet pSetMHT_
edm::ParameterSet pSetPH_
double htBaseQoverPt() const
void checkHistory(const edm::ProcessHistory &processHistory) const
edm::ParameterSet pSetTP_
double hybridMaxEta() const
int numSectorsPhi() const
double chosenRofPhi() const
void calculateConstants()
int kfMaxStubsPerLayer() const
const TrackerGeometry * trackerGeometry_
int dtcWidthRowLUT() const