308 makeProfiles_ = pset.
311 offline_pvToken_ = consumes<reco::VertexCollection>(
316 photonIsoValmap_token_ = consumes<edm::ValueMap<std::vector<reco::PFCandidateRef> > >(
318 barrelRecHit_token_ = consumes<edm::SortedCollection<EcalRecHit, edm::StrictWeakOrdering<EcalRecHit> > >(
320 endcapRecHit_token_ = consumes<edm::SortedCollection<EcalRecHit, edm::StrictWeakOrdering<EcalRecHit> > >(
328 minPixStripHits_ = pset.
329 muonMaxChi2_ = pset.
333 validMuonHits_ = pset.
334 muonTrackIso_ = pset.
335 muonTightEta_ = pset.
337 minMumuInvMass_ = pset.
338 maxMumuInvMass_ = pset.
340 photonMinEt_ = pset.
341 photonMaxEta_ = pset.
342 photonTrackIso_ = pset.
345 nearMuonDr2_ *= nearMuonDr2_;
346 nearMuonHcalIso_ = pset.
347 farMuonEcalIso_ = pset.
348 farMuonTrackIso_ = pset.
349 farMuonMinPt_ = pset.
350 minMumuGammaInvMass_ = pset.
351 maxMumuGammaInvMass_ = pset.
386 sigmaIetaMin_ = pset.
387 sigmaIetaMax_ = pset.
390 reducedEtBin_ = etBin_ / 4;
391 reducedEtaBin_ = etaBin_ / 4;
392 reducedSumBin_ = sumBin_ / 4;
393 reducedR9Bin_ = r9Bin_ / 4;
404 h1_mumuInvMass_[0] = iBooker.
"Two muon invariant mass: M (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
405 h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[0] =
406 iBooker.
"Two-muon plus gamma invariant mass: M (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
407 h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[1] =
408 iBooker.
"Two-muon plus gamma invariant mass: M (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
409 h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[2] =
410 iBooker.
"Two-muon plus gamma invariant mass: M (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
414 h_nRecoVtx_ = iBooker.
"# of Offline Vertices", 200, -0.5, 199.5);
417 h_phoE_[0] = iBooker.
"Energy;E (GeV)", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
418 h_phoSigmaEoverE_[0] = iBooker.
"All Ecal: #sigma_{E}/E;#sigma_{E}/E", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
419 h_phoEt_[0] = iBooker.
"E_{T};E_{T} (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
422 h_nPho_[0] = iBooker.
"Number of Photons per Event;# #gamma", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
426 h_phoPhi_[0] = iBooker.
"#phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
429 h_scPhi_[0] = iBooker.
"SuperCluster #phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
432 h_r9_[0] = iBooker.
"R9;R9", r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
433 h_e1x5_[0] = iBooker.
"E1x5;E1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
434 h_e2x5_[0] = iBooker.
"E2x5;E2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
435 h_r1x5_[0] = iBooker.
"r1x5;r1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
436 h_r2x5_[0] = iBooker.
"r2x5;r2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
437 h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[0] = iBooker.
438 "phoSigmaIetaIeta",
"#sigma_{i#etai#eta};#sigma_{i#etai#eta}", sigmaIetaBin_, sigmaIetaMin_, sigmaIetaMax_);
440 h_nTrackIsolSolid_[0] = iBooker.
441 "nIsoTracksSolid",
"Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
442 h_nTrackIsolHollow_[0] = iBooker.
443 "nIsoTracksHollow",
"Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
444 h_trackPtSumSolid_[0] =
445 iBooker.
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
446 h_trackPtSumHollow_[0] =
447 iBooker.
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
449 h_ecalSum_[0] = iBooker.
"Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
450 h_hcalSum_[0] = iBooker.
"Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
451 h_hOverE_[0] = iBooker.
"H/E;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
452 h_h1OverE_[0] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 1;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
453 h_h2OverE_[0] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 2;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
454 string histname =
455 h_newhOverE_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"new H/E: All Ecal", 100, 0., 0.1);
457 histname =
458 h_chHadIso_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF chargedHadIso: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
459 histname =
460 h_nHadIso_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF neutralHadIso: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
461 histname =
462 h_phoIso_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF photonIso: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
463 histname =
464 h_nCluOutsideMustache_[0] =
465 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF number of clusters outside Mustache: All Ecal", 50, 0., 50.);
466 histname =
467 h_etOutsideMustache_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF et outside Mustache: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
469 h_pfMva_[0] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF MVA output: All Ecal", 50, -1., 2.);
471 histname =
472 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[0] =
473 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
474 histname =
475 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[0] =
476 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
477 histname =
478 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[0] =
479 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons Hadrons: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
480 histname =
481 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[0] =
482 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
483 histname =
484 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[0] =
485 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
486 histname =
487 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[0] =
488 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
490 histname =
491 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[0] =
492 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
493 histname =
494 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[0] =
495 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
496 histname =
497 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[0] =
498 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"Pf Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
499 histname =
500 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[0] =
501 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
502 histname =
503 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[0] =
504 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
505 histname =
506 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[0] =
507 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons: All Ecal", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
510 h_nPho_[1] = iBooker.
"Number of Photons per Event;# #gamma", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
511 h_nPho_[2] = iBooker.
"Number of Photons per Event;# #gamma", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
513 h_phoE_[1] = iBooker.
"Energy for Barrel;E (GeV)", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
514 h_phoSigmaEoverE_[1] = iBooker.
"Barrel: #sigma_E/E;#sigma_{E}/E", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
515 h_phoEt_[1] = iBooker.
"E_{T};E_{T} (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
517 h_phoEt_[2] = iBooker.
"E_{T};E_{T} (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
518 h_phoE_[2] = iBooker.
"Energy for Endcap;E (GeV)", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
519 h_phoSigmaEoverE_[2] =
520 iBooker.
"Endcap: #sigma_{E}/E;#sigma_{E}/E", eBin_, eMin_, eMax_);
523 h_phoPhi_[1] = iBooker.
"#phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
524 h_scEta_[1] = iBooker.
"SuperCluster #eta;#eta", etaBin_,
525 h_scPhi_[1] = iBooker.
"SuperCluster #phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
528 h_phoPhi_[2] = iBooker.
"#phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
529 h_scEta_[2] = iBooker.
"SuperCluster #eta;#eta", etaBin_,
530 h_scPhi_[2] = iBooker.
"SuperCluster #phi;#phi", phiBin_, phiMin_, phiMax_);
532 h_r9_[1] = iBooker.
"R9;R9", r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
533 h_r9_[2] = iBooker.
"R9;R9", r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
534 h_e1x5_[1] = iBooker.
"E1x5;E1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
535 h_e1x5_[2] = iBooker.
"E1x5;E1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
536 h_e2x5_[1] = iBooker.
"E2x5;E2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
537 h_e2x5_[2] = iBooker.
"E2x5;E2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
538 h_r1x5_[1] = iBooker.
"r1x5;r1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
539 h_r1x5_[2] = iBooker.
"r1x5;r1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
540 h_r2x5_[1] = iBooker.
"r2x5;r2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
541 h_r2x5_[2] = iBooker.
"r2x5;r2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
542 h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[1] = iBooker.
543 "phoSigmaIetaIetaBarrel",
"#sigma_{i#etai#eta};#sigma_{i#etai#eta}", sigmaIetaBin_, sigmaIetaMin_, sigmaIetaMax_);
544 h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[2] = iBooker.
545 "phoSigmaIetaIetaEndcap",
"#sigma_{i#etai#eta};#sigma_{i#etai#eta}", sigmaIetaBin_, sigmaIetaMin_, sigmaIetaMax_);
547 h_nTrackIsolSolid_[1] = iBooker.
548 "nIsoTracksSolidBarrel",
"Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
549 h_nTrackIsolSolid_[2] = iBooker.
550 "nIsoTracksSolidEndcap",
"Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
551 h_nTrackIsolHollow_[1] = iBooker.
552 "nIsoTracksHollowBarrel",
"Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
553 h_nTrackIsolHollow_[2] = iBooker.
554 "nIsoTracksHollowEndcap",
"Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone;# tracks", numberBin_, numberMin_, numberMax_);
555 h_trackPtSumSolid_[1] = iBooker.
556 "isoPtSumSolidBarrel",
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
557 h_trackPtSumSolid_[2] = iBooker.
558 "isoPtSumSolidEndcap",
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
559 h_trackPtSumHollow_[1] = iBooker.
560 "isoPtSumHollowBarrel",
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
561 h_trackPtSumHollow_[2] = iBooker.
562 "isoPtSumHollowEndcap",
"Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone;P_{T} (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
564 h_ecalSum_[1] = iBooker.
"Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
565 h_ecalSum_[2] = iBooker.
"Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
566 h_hcalSum_[1] = iBooker.
"Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
567 h_hcalSum_[2] = iBooker.
"Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone;E (GeV)", sumBin_, sumMin_, sumMax_);
570 h_hOverE_[1] = iBooker.
"H/E;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
571 h_h1OverE_[1] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 1;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
572 h_h2OverE_[1] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 2;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
573 histname =
574 h_newhOverE_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"new H/E: Barrel", 100, 0., 0.1);
576 h_hOverE_[2] = iBooker.
"H/E;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
577 h_h1OverE_[2] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 1;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
578 h_h2OverE_[2] = iBooker.
"H/E for Depth 2;H/E", hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
579 histname =
580 h_newhOverE_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"new H/E: Endcap", 100, 0., 0.1);
582 histname =
583 h_chHadIso_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF chargedHadIso: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
584 h_chHadIso_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF chargedHadIso: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
585 histname =
586 h_nHadIso_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF neutralHadIso: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
587 h_nHadIso_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF neutralHadIso: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
588 histname =
589 h_phoIso_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF photonIso: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
590 h_phoIso_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF photonIso: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
591 histname =
592 h_nCluOutsideMustache_[1] =
593 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF number of clusters outside Mustache: Barrel", 50, 0., 50.);
594 h_nCluOutsideMustache_[2] =
595 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF number of clusters outside Mustache: Endcap", 50, 0., 50.);
596 histname =
597 h_etOutsideMustache_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF et outside Mustache: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
598 h_etOutsideMustache_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF et outside Mustache: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 20.);
600 h_pfMva_[1] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF MVA output: Barrel", 50, -1., 2.);
601 h_pfMva_[2] = iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF MVA output: Endcap", 50, -1, 2.);
603 histname =
604 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[1] =
605 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
606 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[2] =
607 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
608 histname =
609 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[1] =
610 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
611 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[2] =
612 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
613 histname =
614 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[1] =
615 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons Hadrons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
616 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[2] =
617 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons Hadrons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
618 histname =
619 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[1] =
620 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
621 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[2] =
622 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
623 histname =
624 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[1] =
625 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
626 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[2] =
627 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
628 histname =
629 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[1] =
630 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons : Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
631 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[2] =
632 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons : Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
634 histname =
635 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[1] =
636 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
637 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[2] =
638 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Charged Hadrons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
639 histname =
640 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[1] =
641 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
642 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[2] =
643 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Neutral Hadrons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
644 histname =
645 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[1] =
646 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
647 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[2] =
648 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"PF Cand Sum Pt Over photon pt Photons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 2.);
649 histname =
650 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[1] =
651 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
652 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[2] =
653 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Charged Hadrons : Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
654 histname =
655 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[1] =
656 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
657 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[2] =
658 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Neutral Hadrons : Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
659 histname =
660 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[1] =
661 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons: Barrel", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
662 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[2] =
663 iBooker.
book1D(histname +
"dR(pho,cand) Photons: Endcap", etBin_, etMin_, 0.7);
669 "r9VsEtBarrel",
"Avg R9 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R9", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
671 "r9VsEtEndcap",
"Avg R9 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R9", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
675 p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
676 "Avg #sigma_{i#etai#eta} vs #eta;#eta;#sigma_{i#etai#eta}",
684 "e1x5VsEtBarrel",
"Avg E1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E1X5 (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
686 "e1x5VsEtEndcap",
"Avg E1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E1X5 (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
688 "e1x5VsEta",
"Avg E1x5 vs #eta;#eta;E1X5 (GeV)", etaBin_,
etaMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
690 "e2x5VsEtBarrel",
"Avg E2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E2X5 (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
692 "e2x5VsEtEndcap",
"Avg E2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E2X5 (GeV)", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
694 "e2x5VsEta",
"Avg E2x5 vs #eta;#eta;E2X5 (GeV)", etaBin_,
etaMax_, etBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
696 "r1x5VsEtBarrel",
"Avg R1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R1X5", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
698 "r1x5VsEtEndcap",
"Avg R1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R1X5", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
700 "r1x5VsEta",
"Avg R1x5 vs #eta;#eta;R1X5", etaBin_,
etaMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
702 "r2x5VsEtBarrel",
"Avg R2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R2X5", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
704 "r2x5VsEtEndcap",
"Avg R2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R2X5", etBin_, etMin_, etMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
706 "r2x5VsEta",
"Avg R2x5 vs #eta;#eta;R2X5", etaBin_,
etaMax_, r9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
707 p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[1] =
709 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
716 p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[2] =
718 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
725 p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
726 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;# tracks",
733 p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[1] =
735 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
742 p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[2] =
744 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
751 p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[0] =
753 "Avg Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;# tracks",
760 p_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[1] =
762 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
769 p_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[2] =
771 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
778 p_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[0] =
780 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;P_{T} (GeV)",
787 p_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[1] =
789 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
796 p_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[2] =
798 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
805 p_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[0] =
807 "Avg Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;P_{T} (GeV)",
814 p_ecalSumVsEt_[1] = iBooker.
815 "Avg Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
822 p_ecalSumVsEt_[2] = iBooker.
823 "Avg Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
830 p_ecalSumVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
831 "Avg Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;E (GeV)",
838 p_hcalSumVsEt_[1] = iBooker.
839 "Avg Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
846 p_hcalSumVsEt_[2] = iBooker.
847 "Avg Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
854 p_hcalSumVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
855 "Avg Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;E (GeV)",
862 p_hOverEVsEt_[1] = iBooker.
863 "Avg H/E vs Et;E_{T} (GeV);H/E",
870 p_hOverEVsEt_[2] = iBooker.
871 "Avg H/E vs Et;E_{T} (GeV);H/E",
879 "p_hOverEVsEta",
"Avg H/E vs #eta;#eta;H/E", etaBin_,
etaMax_, hOverEBin_, hOverEMin_, hOverEMax_);
882 histname =
883 p_phoSigmaEoverEVsNVtx_[1] = iBooker.
bookProfile(histname +
884 "Photons #sigma_{E}/E vs N_{vtx}: Barrel; N_{vtx}; #sigma_{E}/E ",
892 p_phoSigmaEoverEVsNVtx_[2] = iBooker.
bookProfile(histname +
893 "Photons #sigma_{E}/E vs N_{vtx}: Endcap; N_{vtx}; #sigma_{E}/E",
907 h2_r9VsEt_[0] = iBooker.
908 "r9VsEt2D",
"R9 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R9", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
909 h2_r9VsEt_[1] = iBooker.
910 "r9VsEt2DBarrel",
"R9 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R9", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
911 h2_r9VsEt_[2] = iBooker.
912 "r9VsEt2DEndcap",
"R9 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R9", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
913 h2_r9VsEta_[0] = iBooker.
914 "r9VsEta2D",
"R9 vs #eta;#eta;R9", reducedEtaBin_,
etaMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
916 h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
917 "#sigma_{i#etai#eta} vs #eta;#eta;#sigma_{i#etai#eta}",
925 h2_e1x5VsEt_[0] = iBooker.
926 "E1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E1X5 (GeV)",
933 h2_e1x5VsEt_[1] = iBooker.
934 "E1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E1X5 (GeV)",
941 h2_e1x5VsEt_[2] = iBooker.
942 "E1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E1X5 (GeV)",
949 h2_e1x5VsEta_[0] = iBooker.
950 "e1x5VsEta2D",
"E1x5 vs #eta;#eta;E1X5 (GeV)", reducedEtaBin_,
etaMax_, reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
952 h2_e2x5VsEt_[0] = iBooker.
953 "E2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E2X5 (GeV)",
960 h2_e2x5VsEt_[1] = iBooker.
961 "E2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E2X5 (GeV)",
968 h2_e2x5VsEt_[2] = iBooker.
969 "E2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);E2X5 (GeV)",
976 h2_e2x5VsEta_[0] = iBooker.
977 "e2x5VsEta2D",
"E2x5 vs #eta;#eta;E2X5 (GeV)", reducedEtaBin_,
etaMax_, reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_);
979 h2_r1x5VsEt_[0] = iBooker.
980 "r1x5VsEt2D",
"R1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R1X5", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
981 h2_r1x5VsEt_[1] = iBooker.
982 "R1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R1X5",
989 h2_r1x5VsEt_[2] = iBooker.
990 "R1x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R1X5",
997 h2_r1x5VsEta_[0] = iBooker.
998 "r1x5VsEta2D",
"R1x5 vs #eta;#eta;R1X5", reducedEtaBin_,
etaMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
1000 h2_r2x5VsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1001 "r2x5VsEt2D",
"R2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R2X5", reducedEtBin_, etMin_, etMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
1002 h2_r2x5VsEt_[1] = iBooker.
1003 "R2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R2X5",
1010 h2_r2x5VsEt_[2] = iBooker.
1011 "R2x5 vs E_{T};E_{T} (GeV);R2X5",
1018 h2_r2x5VsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1019 "r2x5VsEta2D",
"R2x5 vs #eta;#eta;R2X5", reducedEtaBin_,
etaMax_, reducedR9Bin_, r9Min_, r9Max_);
1022 h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1023 "Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
1030 h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1031 "Number Of Tracks in the Solid Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;# tracks",
1039 h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1040 "Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone vs E_{T};E_{T};# tracks",
1047 h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1048 "Number Of Tracks in the Hollow Iso Cone vs #eta;#eta;# tracks",
1056 h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1057 "Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone;E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
1064 h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1065 "Track P_{T} Sum in the Solid Iso Cone;#eta;P_{T} (GeV)",
1073 h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1074 "Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone;E_{T} (GeV);P_{T} (GeV)",
1081 h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1082 "Track P_{T} Sum in the Hollow Iso Cone;#eta;P_{T} (GeV)",
1091 h2_ecalSumVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1092 "Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone;E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
1099 h2_ecalSumVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1100 "Ecal Sum in the Iso Cone;#eta;E (GeV)",
1108 h2_hcalSumVsEt_[0] = iBooker.
1109 "Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone;E_{T} (GeV);E (GeV)",
1116 h2_hcalSumVsEta_[0] = iBooker.
1117 "Hcal Sum in the Iso Cone;#eta;E (GeV)",
1128 using namespace edm;
1130 if (nEvt_ % prescaleFactor_)
1133 LogInfo(
"ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer") <<
"ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer Analyzing event number: " << e.
id() <<
" Global Counter "
1137 bool validTriggerEvent =
1140 e.
getByToken(triggerEvent_token_, triggerEventHandle);
1141 if (!triggerEventHandle.isValid()) {
1142 edm::LogInfo(
"PhotonAnalyzer") <<
"Error! Can't get the product: triggerEvent_token_" << endl;
1143 validTriggerEvent =
1145 if (validTriggerEvent)
1146 triggerEvent = *(triggerEventHandle.product());
1153 if (!photonHandle.isValid()) {
1154 edm::LogInfo(
"ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer") <<
"Error! Can't get the product: photon_token_" << endl;
1161 e.
getByToken(pfCandidates_, pfCandidateHandle);
1162 if (!pfCandidateHandle.isValid()) {
1163 edm::LogError(
"PhotonValidator") <<
"Error! Can't get the product pfCandidates " << std::endl;
1168 if (fName_ ==
"zmumugammaGedValidation") {
1169 e.
getByToken(photonIsoValmap_token_, phoToParticleBasedIsoMapHandle);
1171 if (!phoToParticleBasedIsoMapHandle.isValid()) {
1172 edm::LogInfo(
"PhotonValidator") <<
"Error! Can't get the product: valueMap photons to particle based iso "
1175 phoToParticleBasedIsoMap = *(phoToParticleBasedIsoMapHandle.product());
1179 bool validMuons =
1183 if (!muonHandle.isValid()) {
1184 edm::LogInfo(
"ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer") <<
"Error! Can't get the product: muon_token_" << endl;
1188 muonCollection = *(muonHandle.product());
1193 if (!bsHandle.isValid()) {
1194 edm::LogError(
"TrackerOnlyConversionProducer") <<
"Error! Can't get the product primary Vertex Collection "
1202 for (
uint filterIndex = 0; filterIndex < triggerEvent.sizeFilters();
1204 string label = triggerEvent.filterTag(filterIndex).label();
1205 if (label.find(
"Photon") != string::npos) {
1206 for (
uint filterKeyIndex = 0; filterKeyIndex < triggerEvent.filterKeys(filterIndex).size();
1209 triggerEvent.filterKeys(filterIndex)[filterKeyIndex]);
1218 if (
i != (
Keys.size() - 1)) {
1231 h_nRecoVtx_->Fill(
1239 if (muonCollection.size() < 2)
1242 for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator iMu = muonCollection.begin(); iMu != muonCollection.end(); iMu++) {
1243 if (!basicMuonSelection(*iMu))
1246 for (reco::MuonCollection::const_iterator iMu2 = iMu + 1; iMu2 != muonCollection.end(); iMu2++) {
1247 if (!basicMuonSelection(*iMu2))
1249 if (iMu->charge() * iMu2->charge() > 0)
1255 float mumuMass = mumuInvMass(*iMu, *iMu2);
1256 if (mumuMass < minMumuInvMass_ || mumuMass > maxMumuInvMass_)
1259 h1_mumuInvMass_[0]->Fill(mumuMass);
1261 if (photonHandle->empty())
1266 for (
unsigned int iPho = 0; iPho < photonHandle->size(); iPho++) {
1269 double dr1 =
deltaR2((*iMu).eta(), aPho->eta(), (*iMu).phi(), aPho->phi());
1270 double dr2 =
deltaR2((*iMu2).eta(), aPho->eta(), (*iMu2).phi(), aPho->phi());
1288 if (farMuon.
pt() < farMuonMinPt_)
1290 if (drNear > nearMuonDr2_)
1293 if (!photonSelection(aPho))
1295 float mumuGammaMass = mumuGammaInvMass(*iMu, *iMu2, aPho);
1296 if (mumuGammaMass < minMumuGammaInvMass_ || mumuGammaMass > maxMumuGammaInvMass_)
1301 if (aPho->isEB() || aPho->isEE()) {
1314 h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[0]->Fill(mumuGammaMass);
1315 h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[iDet]->Fill(mumuGammaMass);
1317 h_phoE_[0]->Fill(aPho->energy());
1318 h_phoSigmaEoverE_[0]->Fill(aPho->getCorrectedEnergyError(aPho->getCandidateP4type()) / aPho->energy());
1319 h_phoEt_[0]->Fill(aPho->et());
1320 h_phoE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->energy());
1321 h_phoSigmaEoverE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->getCorrectedEnergyError(aPho->getCandidateP4type()) / aPho->energy());
1322 p_phoSigmaEoverEVsNVtx_[iDet]->Fill(
1323 aPho->getCorrectedEnergyError(aPho->getCandidateP4type()) / aPho->energy());
1324 h_phoEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et());
1326 h_phoEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta());
1327 h_phoPhi_[0]->Fill(aPho->phi());
1328 h_scEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->superCluster()->eta());
1329 h_scPhi_[0]->Fill(aPho->superCluster()->phi());
1330 h_phoEta_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->eta());
1331 h_phoPhi_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->phi());
1332 h_scEta_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->superCluster()->eta());
1333 h_scPhi_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->superCluster()->phi());
1335 h_r9_[0]->Fill(aPho->r9());
1336 h_e1x5_[0]->Fill(aPho->e1x5());
1337 h_e2x5_[0]->Fill(aPho->e2x5());
1338 h_r1x5_[0]->Fill(aPho->r1x5());
1339 h_r2x5_[0]->Fill(aPho->r2x5());
1340 h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[0]->Fill(aPho->sigmaIetaIeta());
1342 h_r9_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->r9());
1343 h_e1x5_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->e1x5());
1344 h_e2x5_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->e2x5());
1345 h_r1x5_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->r1x5());
1346 h_r2x5_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->r2x5());
1347 h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->sigmaIetaIeta());
1349 h_nTrackIsolSolid_[0]->Fill(aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1350 h_nTrackIsolHollow_[0]->Fill(aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1351 h_trackPtSumSolid_[0]->Fill(aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1352 h_trackPtSumHollow_[0]->Fill(aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1353 h_nTrackIsolSolid_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1354 h_nTrackIsolHollow_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1355 h_trackPtSumSolid_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1356 h_trackPtSumHollow_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1358 h_ecalSum_[0]->Fill(aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1359 h_hcalSum_[0]->Fill(aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1360 h_hOverE_[0]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1361 h_h1OverE_[0]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm(1));
1362 h_h2OverE_[0]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm(2));
1363 h_newhOverE_[0]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1364 h_ecalSum_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1365 h_hcalSum_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1366 h_hOverE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1367 h_h1OverE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm(1));
1368 h_h2OverE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm(2));
1369 h_newhOverE_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1371 h_chHadIso_[0]->Fill(aPho->chargedHadronIso());
1372 h_nHadIso_[0]->Fill(aPho->neutralHadronIso());
1373 h_phoIso_[0]->Fill(aPho->photonIso());
1374 h_nCluOutsideMustache_[0]->Fill(
1375 h_etOutsideMustache_[0]->Fill(aPho->etOutsideMustache());
1376 h_pfMva_[0]->Fill(aPho->pfMVA());
1377 h_chHadIso_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->chargedHadronIso());
1378 h_nHadIso_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->neutralHadronIso());
1379 h_phoIso_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->photonIso());
1380 h_nCluOutsideMustache_[iDet]->Fill(
1381 h_etOutsideMustache_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->etOutsideMustache());
1382 h_pfMva_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->pfMVA());
1385 if (fName_ ==
"zmumugammaGedValidation") {
1386 float SumPtIsoValCh = 0.;
1387 float SumPtIsoValNh = 0.;
1388 float SumPtIsoValPh = 0.;
1390 float SumPtIsoValCleanCh = 0.;
1391 float SumPtIsoValCleanNh = 0.;
1392 float SumPtIsoValCleanPh = 0.;
1394 for (
unsigned int lCand = 0; lCand < pfCandidateHandle->size(); lCand++) {
1396 float dR =
deltaR2(aPho->eta(), aPho->phi(), pfCandRef->eta(), pfCandRef->phi());
1397 if (dR < 0.4 * 0.4) {
1407 SumPtIsoValCh += pfCandRef->pt();
1408 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1409 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1412 SumPtIsoValNh += pfCandRef->pt();
1413 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1414 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1417 SumPtIsoValPh += pfCandRef->pt();
1418 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1419 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1423 for (std::vector<reco::PFCandidateRef>::const_iterator
i = phoToParticleBasedIsoMap[aPho].
1424 i != phoToParticleBasedIsoMap[aPho].end();
1427 if ((*
i) == pfCandRef) {
1435 SumPtIsoValCleanCh += pfCandRef->pt();
1436 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1437 h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1440 SumPtIsoValCleanNh += pfCandRef->pt();
1441 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1442 h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1445 SumPtIsoValCleanPh += pfCandRef->pt();
1446 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(dR);
1447 h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(dR);
1452 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanCh / aPho->pt());
1453 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanNh / aPho->pt());
1454 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanPh / aPho->pt());
1455 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCh / aPho->pt());
1456 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValNh / aPho->pt());
1457 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[0]->Fill(SumPtIsoValPh / aPho->pt());
1459 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanCh / aPho->pt());
1460 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanNh / aPho->pt());
1461 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCleanPh / aPho->pt());
1462 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValCh / aPho->pt());
1463 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValNh / aPho->pt());
1464 h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[iDet]->Fill(SumPtIsoValPh / aPho->pt());
1467 if (makeProfiles_) {
1468 p_r9VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r9());
1469 p_r9VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r9());
1470 p_e1x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->e1x5());
1471 p_e1x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->e1x5());
1472 p_e2x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->e2x5());
1473 p_e2x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->e2x5());
1474 p_r1x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r1x5());
1475 p_r1x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r1x5());
1476 p_r2x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r2x5());
1477 p_r2x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r2x5());
1479 p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->sigmaIetaIeta());
1480 p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1481 p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1482 p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1483 p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1484 p_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1485 p_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1486 p_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->trkSumPtHollowConeDR04());
1487 p_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->trkSumPtHollowConeDR04());
1489 p_ecalSumVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1490 p_ecalSumVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1491 p_hcalSumVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1492 p_hcalSumVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1493 p_hOverEVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1494 p_hOverEVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->hadTowOverEm());
1500 h2_r9VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r9());
1501 h2_r9VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r9());
1502 h2_e1x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->e1x5());
1503 h2_e1x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->e1x5());
1504 h2_e2x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->e2x5());
1505 h2_e2x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->e2x5());
1506 h2_r1x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r1x5());
1507 h2_r1x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r1x5());
1508 h2_r2x5VsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->r2x5());
1509 h2_r2x5VsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->r2x5());
1510 h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->sigmaIetaIeta());
1512 h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[0]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1513 h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->nTrkSolidConeDR04());
1514 h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[0]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1515 h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->nTrkHollowConeDR04());
1516 h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[0]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1517 h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04());
1518 h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[0]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->trkSumPtHollowConeDR04());
1519 h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->trkSumPtHollowConeDR04());
1521 h2_ecalSumVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1522 h2_ecalSumVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04());
1523 h2_hcalSumVsEt_[iDet]->Fill(aPho->et(), aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1524 h2_hcalSumVsEta_[0]->Fill(aPho->eta(), aPho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04());
1528 h_nPho_[0]->Fill(
1529 h_nPho_[1]->Fill(
1530 h_nPho_[2]->Fill(
1543 if (mu.
pt() < muonMinPt_)
1545 if (fabs(mu.
eta()) > 2.4)
1551 pixHits = mu.
1552 tkHits = mu.
1555 if (pixHits + tkHits < minPixStripHits_)
1563 if (mu.
globalTrack()->normalizedChi2() > muonMaxChi2_)
1565 if (fabs(mu.
globalTrack()->dxy(beamSpot)) > muonMaxDxy_)
1570 if (mu.
track()->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits() < validPixHits_)
1572 if (mu.
globalTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits() < validMuonHits_)
1579 if (fabs(mu.
eta()) > muonTightEta_)
1587 if (pho->pt() < photonMinEt_)
1589 if (fabs(pho->eta()) > photonMaxEta_)
1591 if (pho->isEBEEGap())
1594 double EtCorrHcalIso = pho->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR03() - 0.005 * pho->pt();
1595 double EtCorrTrkIso = pho->trkSumPtHollowConeDR03() - 0.002 * pho->pt();
1597 if (pho->r9() <= 0.9) {
1598 if (pho->isEB() && (pho->hadTowOverEm() > 0.075 || pho->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.014))
1600 if (pho->isEE() && (pho->hadTowOverEm() > 0.075 || pho->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.034))
1603 if (EtCorrHcalIso > 4.0)
1605 if (EtCorrTrkIso > 4.0)
1607 if (pho->chargedHadronIso() > 4)
1610 if (pho->isEB() && (pho->hadTowOverEm() > 0.082 || pho->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.014))
1612 if (pho->isEE() && (pho->hadTowOverEm() > 0.075 || pho->sigmaIetaIeta() > 0.034))
1615 if (EtCorrHcalIso > 50.0)
1617 if (EtCorrTrkIso > 50.0)
1619 if (pho->chargedHadronIso() > 4)
1627 float mumuMass2 = p12.Dot(p12);
1628 float invMass =
1634 float Mass2 = p12.Dot(p12);
1635 float invMass =
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_unCleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * p_hOverEVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_pfMva_[3]
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_unCleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_Pho_Cleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[3]
particle types
MonitorElement * p_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[3]
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
MonitorElement * p_r1x5VsEta_[3]
float sumPt
sum-pt of tracks
bool muonSelection(const reco::Muon &m, const reco::BeamSpot &bs)
MonitorElement * h_phoSigmaIetaIeta_[3]
double pt() const final
transverse momentum
The single EDProduct to be saved for each event (AOD case)
MonitorElement * h2_r2x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_newhOverE_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::PFCandidateCollection > pfCandidates_
MonitorElement * h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[3]
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::SortedCollection< EcalRecHit, edm::StrictWeakOrdering< EcalRecHit > > > barrelRecHit_token_
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_unCleaned_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Photon > > photon_token_
MonitorElement * p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_r9VsEt_[3]
virtual TrackRef innerTrack() const
MonitorElement * h_nCluOutsideMustache_[3]
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
MonitorElement * h2_ecalSumVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h_nTrackIsolSolid_[3]
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_Cleaned_[3]
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
MonitorElement * h_trackPtSumHollow_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * p_ecalSumVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h_phoEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_nPho_[3]
MonitorElement * h_chHadIso_[3]
MonitorElement * h_phoSigmaEoverE_[3]
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_Cleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h_r1x5_[3]
MonitorElement * p_phoSigmaEoverEVsNVtx_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_sigmaIetaIetaVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_NeuHad_unCleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_hcalSumVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h_hcalSum_[3]
MonitorElement * h_phoPhi_[3]
unsigned int prescaleFactor_
MonitorElement * p_newhOverEVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_trackPtSumHollowVsEt_[3]
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
TrackRef track() const override
reference to a Track
etaMax_(conf.getParameter< double >("etaMax"))
MonitorElement * h2_ecalSumVsEta_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerEvent > triggerEvent_token_
MonitorElement * p_newhOverEVsEta_[3]
bool isTrackerMuon() const override
std::vector< Muon > MuonCollection
collection of Muon objects
MonitorElement * h_hOverE_[3]
MonitorElement * h_trackPtSumSolid_[3]
MonitorElement * p_hcalSumVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_e1x5VsEt_[3]
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
MonitorElement * h2_r2x5VsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h_h1OverE_[3]
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_ChHad_Cleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_e1x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h1_mumuGammaInvMass_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
MonitorElement * h_phoE_[3]
MonitorElement * p_r2x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_nRecoVtx_
std::stringstream currentFolder_
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::SortedCollection< EcalRecHit, edm::StrictWeakOrdering< EcalRecHit > > > endcapRecHit_token_
float minMumuGammaInvMass_
MonitorElement * p_e2x5VsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_hcalSumVsEta_[3]
float mumuInvMass(const reco::Muon &m1, const reco::Muon &m2)
float mumuGammaInvMass(const reco::Muon &mu1, const reco::Muon &mu2, const reco::PhotonRef &pho)
ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
MonitorElement * h_phoEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_ecalSumVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * p_r9VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_nHadIso_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > offline_pvToken_
MonitorElement * p_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h1_mumuInvMass_[3]
photon histos
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
MonitorElement * h2_trackPtSumSolidVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_hcalSumVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_unCleaned_[3]
constexpr auto deltaR2(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) -> decltype(t1.eta())
bool photonSelection(const reco::PhotonRef &p)
MonitorElement * h_scPhi_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_e1x5VsEt_[3]
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
~ZToMuMuGammaAnalyzer() override
MonitorElement * h_scEta_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< std::vector< reco::PFCandidateRef > > > photonIsoValmap_token_
std::vector< size_type > Keys
std::vector< Photon > PhotonCollection
collectin of Photon objects
MonitorElement * h_nTrackIsolHollow_[3]
MonitorElement * book2D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
MonitorElement * p_r2x5VsEt_[3]
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_Pho_unCleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h_SumPtOverPhoPt_NeuHad_Cleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * h_etOutsideMustache_[3]
MonitorElement * h_e1x5_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_nTrackIsolHollowVsEta_[3]
int numberOfMatches(ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const
get number of chambers with matched segments
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > beamSpot_token_
MonitorElement * h2_e2x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[3]
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
MonitorElement * h_r9_[3]
MonitorElement * p_r1x5VsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_nTrackIsolHollowVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_r9VsEt_[3]
bool basicMuonSelection(const reco::Muon &m)
MonitorElement * p_trackPtSumSolidVsEt_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< bool > > PhotonIDTight_token_
MonitorElement * p_e2x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h_e2x5_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_r1x5VsEta_[3]
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::ValueMap< bool > > PhotonIDLoose_token_
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
MonitorElement * p_trackPtSumHollowVsEta_[3]
float maxMumuGammaInvMass_
MonitorElement * h_dRPhoPFcand_ChHad_Cleaned_[3]
MonitorElement * p_hOverEVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_r1x5VsEt_[3]
bool isGlobalMuon() const override
etaMin_(conf.getParameter< double >("etaMin"))
MonitorElement * p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEt_[3]
MonitorElement * p_e1x5VsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * p_nTrackIsolSolidVsEta_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_r9VsEta_[3]
const MuonIsolation & isolationR03() const
edm::EDGetTokenT< std::vector< reco::Muon > > muon_token_
virtual TrackRef globalTrack() const
reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector
MonitorElement * h_ecalSum_[3]
MonitorElement * h_phoIso_[3]
MonitorElement * h_h2OverE_[3]
MonitorElement * h_r2x5_[3]
MonitorElement * h2_e2x5VsEt_[3]
double eta() const final
momentum pseudorapidity