1 #ifndef JetAlgorithms_QGLikelihoodCalculator_h
2 #define JetAlgorithms_QGLikelihoodCalculator_h
bool isValidRange(float pt, float rho, float eta, const QGLikelihoodCategory &qgValidRange) const
Check the valid range of this qg tagger.
float smearingFunction(float x0, float a, float b, float min, float max) const
Return the smeared qgLikelihood value, given input x0 and parameters a, b, min and max...
float systematicSmearing(const QGLikelihoodSystematicsObject &QGLParamsColl, float pt, float eta, float rho, float qgValue, int qgIndex) const
QGLikelihoodObject containing valid range and entries with category and histogram (mean is not used a...
Category structure: ranges associated with QGLikelihood histograms.
const QGLikelihoodObject::Entry * findEntry(std::vector< QGLikelihoodObject::Entry > const &data, float eta, float pt, float rho, int qgIndex, int varIndex) const
Find matching entry in vector for a given eta, pt, rho, qgIndex and varIndex.
float computeQGLikelihood(const QGLikelihoodObject &QGLParamsColl, float pt, float eta, float rho, std::vector< float > vars) const
Compute likelihood for a jet using the QGLikelihoodObject information and a set of variables...
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
QGLikelihoodSystematicsObject containing the parameters for the systematic smearing.