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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // Package: DQM/SiStripMonitorHardware
4 // Class: SiStripFEDCheckPlugin
5 //
10 //
11 // Original Author: Nicholas Cripps
12 // Created: 2008/09/16
13 //
14 //
15 #include <memory>
45 #include "DQM/SiStripMonitorHardware/interface/FEDErrors.hh"
49 //
50 // Class declaration
51 //
54 public:
56  ~SiStripFEDCheckPlugin() override;
57  static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
59 private:
60  void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
61  void dqmEndRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
63  void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker&, edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
65  bool hasFatalError(const FEDRawData& fedData, unsigned int fedId) const;
66  bool hasNonFatalError(const FEDRawData& fedData, unsigned int fedId) const;
67  void updateCabling(const SiStripFedCablingRcd& cablingRcd);
69  inline void fillPresent(unsigned int fedId, bool present);
70  inline void fillFatalError(unsigned int fedId, bool fatalError);
71  inline void fillNonFatalError(unsigned int fedId, float nonFatalError);
73  void doUpdateIfNeeded();
74  void updateHistograms();
81  //Histograms
91  //For histogram cache
92  unsigned int
93  updateFrequency_; //Update histograms with cached values every n events. If zero then fill normally every event
94  //cache values
95  std::vector<unsigned int> fedsPresentBinContents_;
96  std::vector<unsigned int> fedFatalErrorBinContents_;
97  std::vector<unsigned int> fedNonFatalErrorBinContents_;
98  unsigned int eventCount_; //incremented by doUpdateIfNeeded()
100  //Fine grained control of tests
103  //Cabling
110  unsigned int siStripFedIdMin_;
111  unsigned int siStripFedIdMax_;
114 };
116 //
117 // Constructors and destructor
118 //
121  : rawDataTag_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("RawDataTag")),
122  dirName_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("DirName", "SiStrip/FEDIntegrity/")),
123  printDebug_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PrintDebugMessages", false)),
124  doPLOTfedsPresent_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPLOTfedsPresent")),
125  doPLOTfedFatalErrors_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPLOTfedFatalErrors")),
126  doPLOTfedNonFatalErrors_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPLOTfedNonFatalErrors")),
127  doPLOTnFEDinVsLS_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPLOTnFEDinVsLS")),
128  doPLOTnFEDinWdataVsLS_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("doPLOTnFEDinWdataVsLS")),
129  fedsPresent_(nullptr),
130  fedFatalErrors_(nullptr),
131  fedNonFatalErrors_(nullptr),
132  nFEDinVsLS_(nullptr),
133  nFEDinWdataVsLS_(nullptr),
134  updateFrequency_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<unsigned int>("HistogramUpdateFrequency", 0)),
135  fedsPresentBinContents_(FEDNumbering::MAXSiStripFEDID + 1, 0),
136  fedFatalErrorBinContents_(FEDNumbering::MAXSiStripFEDID + 1, 0),
137  fedNonFatalErrorBinContents_(FEDNumbering::MAXSiStripFEDID + 1, 0),
138  eventCount_(0),
139  doPayloadChecks_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DoPayloadChecks", true)),
140  checkChannelLengths_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CheckChannelLengths", true)),
141  checkPacketCodes_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CheckChannelPacketCodes", true)),
142  checkFELengths_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CheckFELengths", true)),
143  checkChannelStatusBits_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("CheckChannelStatus", true)),
144  verbose_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false)),
145  fedCablingWatcher_(this, &SiStripFEDCheckPlugin::updateCabling),
146  fedCablingToken_(esConsumes<>()),
147  tTopoToken_(esConsumes<>()) {
148  rawDataToken_ = consumes<FEDRawDataCollection>(rawDataTag_);
150  std::stringstream ss;
151  ss << "Payload checks are disabled but individual payload checks have been enabled. The following payload checks "
152  "will be skipped: ";
154  ss << "Channel length check, ";
155  if (checkPacketCodes_)
156  ss << "Channel packet code check, ";
158  ss << "Cabled channel status bits checks, ";
159  if (checkFELengths_)
160  ss << "FE Unit legnth check";
161  edm::LogWarning("SiStripFEDCheck") << ss.str();
162  }
167  conf_ = iConfig;
168 }
172 //
173 // Member functions
174 //
176 // ------------ method called to for each event ------------
178  const auto tTopo = &iSetup.getData(tTopoToken_);
179  fedCablingWatcher_.check(iSetup);
181  //get raw data
182  edm::Handle<FEDRawDataCollection> rawDataCollectionHandle;
183  const bool gotData = iEvent.getByToken(rawDataToken_, rawDataCollectionHandle);
184  if (verbose_)
185  std::cout << "[SiStripFEDCheckPlugin::analyze] gotData ? " << (gotData ? "YES" : "NOPE") << std::endl;
186  if (!gotData) {
187  //module is required to silently do nothing when data is not present
188  return;
189  }
190  const FEDRawDataCollection& rawDataCollection = *rawDataCollectionHandle;
192  //FED errors
193  FEDErrors lFedErrors;
195  //loop over siStrip FED IDs
196  size_t nFEDin = 0;
197  size_t nFEDinWdata = 0;
198  for (unsigned int fedId = siStripFedIdMin_; fedId <= siStripFedIdMax_; fedId++) {
199  const FEDRawData& fedData = rawDataCollection.FEDData(fedId);
201  //create an object to fill all errors
202  //third param to false:save time by not initialising anything not used here
203  lFedErrors.initialiseFED(fedId, cabling_, tTopo, false);
205  //check data exists
206  if (!fedData.size() || ! {
207  fillPresent(fedId, false);
208  continue;
209  }
210  if (verbose_)
211  std::cout << "FED " << fedId;
212  if (verbose_)
213  std::cout << " fedData.size(): " << fedData.size();
214  if (verbose_)
215  std::cout << " " << << std::endl;
216  if (fedData.size())
217  nFEDin++;
218  if (fedData.size() &&
219  nFEDinWdata++;
221  //fill buffer present histogram
222  fillPresent(fedId, true);
224  //check for fatal errors
225  //no need for debug output
226  bool hasFatalErrors = false;
227  float rateNonFatal = 0;
229  std::unique_ptr<const sistrip::FEDBuffer> buffer;
231  if (!lFedErrors.fillFatalFEDErrors(fedData, 0)) {
232  hasFatalErrors = true;
233  } else {
234  //need to construct full object to go any further
236  const auto st_buffer = sistrip::preconstructCheckFEDBuffer(fedData, true);
237  if (sistrip::FEDBufferStatusCode::SUCCESS != st_buffer) {
238  throw cms::Exception("FEDBuffer") << st_buffer << " (check debug output for more details)";
239  }
240  auto tmp_buffer = std::make_unique<sistrip::FEDBuffer>(fedData, true);
241  tmp_buffer->findChannels();
242  buffer = std::move(tmp_buffer); // const now
243  if (doPayloadChecks_) {
244  bool channelLengthsOK = checkChannelLengths_ ? buffer->checkChannelLengthsMatchBufferLength() : true;
245  bool channelPacketCodesOK = checkPacketCodes_ ? buffer->checkChannelPacketCodes() : true;
246  bool feLengthsOK = checkFELengths_ ? buffer->checkFEUnitLengths() : true;
247  if (!channelLengthsOK || !channelPacketCodesOK || !feLengthsOK) {
248  hasFatalErrors = true;
249  }
250  }
252  rateNonFatal = lFedErrors.fillNonFatalFEDErrors(buffer.get(), cabling_);
253  }
254  }
256  if (hasFatalErrors) {
257  fillFatalError(fedId, true);
258  if (printDebug_) {
259  if (!buffer.get()) {
260  const auto st_buffer = sistrip::preconstructCheckFEDBuffer(fedData, true);
261  if (sistrip::FEDBufferStatusCode::SUCCESS != st_buffer) {
262  throw cms::Exception("FEDBuffer") << st_buffer << " (check debug output for more details)";
263  }
264  auto tmp_buffer = std::make_unique<sistrip::FEDBuffer>(fedData, true);
265  tmp_buffer->findChannels();
266  buffer = std::move(tmp_buffer); // const now
267  }
268  edm::LogInfo("SiStripFEDCheck") << "Fatal error with FED ID " << fedId << ". Check summary: " << std::endl
269  << buffer->checkSummary() << std::endl;
270  std::stringstream ss;
271  buffer->dump(ss);
272  edm::LogInfo("SiStripFEDCheck") << ss.str();
273  }
274  } else {
275  fillFatalError(fedId, false);
276  //fill non-fatal errors histogram if there were no fatal errors
277  fillNonFatalError(fedId, rateNonFatal);
278  if (printDebug_ && rateNonFatal > 0) {
279  if (!buffer.get()) {
280  const auto st_buffer = sistrip::preconstructCheckFEDBuffer(fedData, true);
281  if (sistrip::FEDBufferStatusCode::SUCCESS != st_buffer) {
282  throw cms::Exception("FEDBuffer") << st_buffer << " (check debug output for more details)";
283  }
284  auto tmp_buffer = std::make_unique<sistrip::FEDBuffer>(fedData, true);
285  tmp_buffer->findChannels();
286  buffer = std::move(tmp_buffer); // const now
287  }
288  edm::LogInfo("SiStripFEDCheck") << "Non-fatal error with FED ID " << fedId << " for " << rateNonFatal
289  << " of the channels. Check summary: " << std::endl
290  << buffer->checkSummary() << std::endl;
291  std::stringstream ss;
292  buffer->dump(ss);
293  edm::LogInfo("SiStripFEDCheck") << ss.str();
294  }
295  }
296  } //loop over FED IDs
297  if (verbose_)
298  std::cout << "nFEDin: " << nFEDin << " nFEDinWdata: " << nFEDinWdata << std::endl;
299  if (doPLOTnFEDinVsLS_)
300  nFEDinVsLS_->Fill(static_cast<double>(, nFEDin);
302  nFEDinWdataVsLS_->Fill(static_cast<double>(, nFEDinWdata);
304  //update histograms if needed
306 }
308 // ------------ method called once each job just before starting event loop ------------
310  const edm::Run& run,
311  const edm::EventSetup& eSetup) {
312  size_t nFED = siStripFedIdMax_ - siStripFedIdMin_ + 1;
313  double xFEDmin = siStripFedIdMin_ - 0.5;
314  double xFEDmax = siStripFedIdMax_ + 0.5;
316  //get DQM store
317  ibooker.setCurrentFolder(dirName_);
318  //book histograms
319  if (doPLOTfedsPresent_) {
320  fedsPresent_ =
321  ibooker.book1D("FEDEntries", "Number of times FED buffer is present in data", nFED, xFEDmin, xFEDmax);
322  fedsPresent_->setAxisTitle("FED-ID", 1);
323  }
325  if (doPLOTfedFatalErrors_) {
326  fedFatalErrors_ = ibooker.book1D("FEDFatal", "Number of fatal errors in FED buffer", nFED, xFEDmin, xFEDmax);
327  fedFatalErrors_->setAxisTitle("FED-ID", 1);
328  }
332  ibooker.book1D("FEDNonFatal", "Number of non fatal errors in FED buffer", nFED, xFEDmin, xFEDmax);
333  fedNonFatalErrors_->setAxisTitle("FED-ID", 1);
334  }
336  int LSBin = conf_.getParameter<int>("LSBin");
337  double LSMin = conf_.getParameter<double>("LSMin");
338  double LSMax = conf_.getParameter<double>("LSMax");
340  if (doPLOTnFEDinVsLS_) {
341  nFEDinVsLS_ =
342  ibooker.bookProfile("nFEDinVsLS", "number of FED in Vs LS", LSBin, LSMin, LSMax, nFED, xFEDmin, xFEDmax);
343  nFEDinVsLS_->setAxisTitle("LS", 1);
344  nFEDinVsLS_->setAxisTitle("FED-ID", 2);
345  }
348  nFEDinWdataVsLS_ = ibooker.bookProfile(
349  "nFEDinWdataVsLS", "number of FED in (with data) Vs LS", LSBin, LSMin, LSMax, nFED, xFEDmin, xFEDmax);
350  nFEDinWdataVsLS_->setAxisTitle("LS", 1);
351  nFEDinWdataVsLS_->setAxisTitle("FED-ID", 2);
352  }
353 }
355 // ------------ method called once each run just after ending the event loop ------------
359  cabling_ = &cablingRcd.get(fedCablingToken_);
360 }
362 void SiStripFEDCheckPlugin::fillPresent(unsigned int fedId, bool present) {
363  if (present) {
364  if (updateFrequency_)
366  else if (doPLOTfedsPresent_)
367  fedsPresent_->Fill(fedId);
368  }
369 }
371 void SiStripFEDCheckPlugin::fillFatalError(unsigned int fedId, bool fatalError) {
372  if (updateFrequency_) {
373  if (fatalError)
375  } else {
376  //fedFatalErrors_->Fill( fatalError ? 1 : 0 );
377  if (fatalError)
379  fedFatalErrors_->Fill(fedId);
380  }
381 }
383 void SiStripFEDCheckPlugin::fillNonFatalError(unsigned int fedId, float nonFatalError) {
384  if (updateFrequency_) {
385  if (nonFatalError > 0)
386  fedNonFatalErrorBinContents_[fedId]++; //nonFatalError;
387  } else {
388  if (nonFatalError > 0)
390  fedNonFatalErrors_->Fill(fedId);
391  }
392 }
395  eventCount_++;
398  }
399 }
402  //if the cache is not being used then do nothing
403  if (!updateFrequency_)
404  return;
405  unsigned int entriesFedsPresent = 0;
406  unsigned int entriesFatalErrors = 0;
407  unsigned int entriesNonFatalErrors = 0;
408  for (unsigned int fedId = siStripFedIdMin_, bin = 1; fedId < siStripFedIdMax_ + 1; fedId++, bin++) {
409  unsigned int fedsPresentBin = fedsPresentBinContents_[fedId];
410  if (doPLOTfedsPresent_)
411  fedsPresent_->getTH1()->SetBinContent(bin, fedsPresentBin);
412  entriesFedsPresent += fedsPresentBin;
413  unsigned int fedFatalErrorsBin = fedFatalErrorBinContents_[fedId];
415  fedFatalErrors_->getTH1()->SetBinContent(bin, fedFatalErrorsBin);
416  entriesFatalErrors += fedFatalErrorsBin;
417  unsigned int fedNonFatalErrorsBin = fedNonFatalErrorBinContents_[fedId];
419  fedNonFatalErrors_->getTH1()->SetBinContent(bin, fedNonFatalErrorsBin);
420  entriesNonFatalErrors += fedNonFatalErrorsBin;
421  }
422  if (doPLOTfedsPresent_)
423  fedsPresent_->getTH1()->SetEntries(entriesFedsPresent);
425  fedFatalErrors_->getTH1()->SetEntries(entriesFatalErrors);
427  fedNonFatalErrors_->getTH1()->SetEntries(entriesNonFatalErrors);
428 }
432  // Directory to book histograms in
433  desc.addUntracked<std::string>("DirName", "SiStrip/FEDIntegrity/");
434  // Raw data collection
435  desc.add<edm::InputTag>("RawDataTag", edm::InputTag("source"));
436  // Number of events to cache info before updating histograms
437  // (set to zero to disable cache)
438  // HistogramUpdateFrequency = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
439  desc.addUntracked<unsigned int>("HistogramUpdateFrequency", 1000);
440  // Print info about errors buffer dumps to LogInfo(SiStripFEDCheck)
441  desc.addUntracked<bool>("PrintDebugMessages", false);
442  desc.add<bool>("doPLOTfedsPresent", true);
443  desc.add<bool>("doPLOTfedFatalErrors", true);
444  desc.add<bool>("doPLOTfedNonFatalErrors", true);
445  desc.add<bool>("doPLOTnFEDinVsLS", false);
446  desc.add<bool>("doPLOTnFEDinWdataVsLS", false);
447  // Write the DQM store to a file (DQMStore.root) at the end of the run
448  desc.addUntracked<bool>("WriteDQMStore", false);
449  // Use to disable all payload (non-fatal) checks
450  desc.addUntracked<bool>("DoPayloadChecks", true);
451  // Use to disable check on channel lengths
452  desc.addUntracked<bool>("CheckChannelLengths", true);
453  // Use to disable check on channel packet codes
454  desc.addUntracked<bool>("CheckChannelPacketCodes", true);
455  // Use to disable check on FE unit lengths in full debug header
456  desc.addUntracked<bool>("CheckFELengths", true);
457  // Use to disable check on channel status bits
458  desc.addUntracked<bool>("CheckChannelStatus", true);
459  desc.add<int>("LSBin", 5000);
460  desc.add<double>("LSMin", 0.5);
461  desc.add<double>("LSMax", 5000.5);
463  descriptions.addDefault(desc);
464 }
466 //
467 // Define as a plug-in
468 //
void dqmEndRun(edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
MonitorElement * nFEDinWdataVsLS_
ParameterDescriptionBase * addUntracked(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
example_stream int eventCount_
void fillFatalError(unsigned int fedId, bool fatalError)
virtual void setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)
edm::ESGetToken< TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd > tTopoToken_
edm::EDGetTokenT< FEDRawDataCollection > rawDataToken_
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:539
const SiStripFedCabling * cabling_
edm::ESGetToken< SiStripFedCabling, SiStripFedCablingRcd > fedCablingToken_
#define DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(type)
Definition: MakerMacros.h:16
bool hasNonFatalError(const FEDRawData &fedData, unsigned int fedId) const
MonitorElement * fedNonFatalErrors_
LuminosityBlockNumber_t luminosityBlock() const
Definition: EventID.h:39
size_t size() const
Lenght of the data buffer in bytes.
Definition: FEDRawData.h:45
PRODUCT const & get(ESGetToken< PRODUCT, T > const &iToken) const
void Fill(long long x)
bool getData(T &iHolder) const
Definition: EventSetup.h:128
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
int iEvent
edm::ESWatcher< SiStripFedCablingRcd > fedCablingWatcher_
const FEDRawData & FEDData(int fedid) const
retrieve data for fed
void addDefault(ParameterSetDescription const &psetDescription)
MonitorElement * bookProfile(TString const &name, TString const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s", FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:322
void updateCabling(const SiStripFedCablingRcd &cablingRcd)
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
def move
ParameterDescriptionBase * add(U const &iLabel, T const &value)
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
std::vector< unsigned int > fedFatalErrorBinContents_
std::vector< unsigned int > fedsPresentBinContents_
Constants and enumerated types for FED/FEC systems.
MonitorElement * nFEDinVsLS_
bool hasFatalError(const FEDRawData &fedData, unsigned int fedId) const
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
Contains cabling info at the device level, including DetId, APV pair numbers, hardware addresses...
bool check(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
Definition: ESWatcher.h:57
edm::EventID id() const
Definition: EventBase.h:59
SiStripFEDCheckPlugin(const edm::ParameterSet &)
const unsigned char * data() const
Return a const pointer to the beginning of the data buffer.
FEDBufferStatusCode preconstructCheckFEDBuffer(const FEDRawData &fedBuffer, bool allowBadBuffer=false)
MonitorElement * fedFatalErrors_
tuple cout
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
MonitorElement * book1D(TString const &name, TString const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX, FUNC onbooking=NOOP())
Definition: DQMStore.h:98
MonitorElement * fedsPresent_
void fillNonFatalError(unsigned int fedId, float nonFatalError)
std::vector< unsigned int > fedNonFatalErrorBinContents_
ESGetTokenH3DDVariant esConsumes(std::string const &Reccord, edm::ConsumesCollector &)
Definition: Run.h:45
void bookHistograms(DQMStore::IBooker &, edm::Run const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void fillPresent(unsigned int fedId, bool present)
virtual void setAxisTitle(const std::string &title, int axis=1)
set x-, y- or z-axis title (axis=1, 2, 3 respectively)