1 #ifndef DTNoiseComputation_H
2 #define DTNoiseComputation_H
115 std::map<std::pair<int, int>, TH1F*>
DTNoiseComputation(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
int getMaxNumBins(const DTChamberId &chId) const
double getYMaximum(const DTSuperLayerId &slId) const
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometry > dtGeom
std::map< DTLayerId, std::vector< TH2F * > > theEvtMap
std::string getChamberName(const DTLayerId &lId) const
Get the name of the chamber.
std::map< DTWireId, TH1F * > theHistoEvtDistancePerWire
std::map< DTWireId, bool > toDel
void endJob() override
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, TH1F * > noisyC
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override
std::map< DTWireId, double > theAverageNoise
~DTNoiseComputation() override
std::map< DTChamberId, TH1F * > AvNoisePerChamber
std::map< DTSuperLayerId, TH1F * > AvNoiseIntegratedPerSuperLayer
std::string getLayerName(const DTLayerId &lId) const
Get the name of the layer.
std::map< std::pair< int, int >, TH1F * > someHowNoisyC
void beginJob() override
std::map< DTSuperLayerId, TH1F * > AvNoisePerSuperLayer
std::string getSuperLayerName(const DTSuperLayerId &slId) const
Get the name of the superLayer.
std::map< DTLayerId, bool > toComputeNoiseAverage
std::map< DTWireId, double > theTimeConstant
void beginRun(const edm::Run &, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override
const edm::ESGetToken< DTGeometry, MuonGeometryRecord > dtGeomToken_
std::map< DTChamberId, TH1F * > AvNoiseIntegratedPerChamber