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1 /*
3 ##########################
4 # Hydjet2 #
5 # version: 2.2.0 patch1 #
6 ##########################
8  Interface to the HYDJET++ generator, produces HepMC events
10  Author: Andrey Belyaev (
12  Hydjet2Hadronizer is the modified InitialStateHydjet
14  HYDJET++
15  version 2.2:
16  InitialStateHydjet is the modified InitialStateBjorken
17  The high-pt part related with PYTHIA-PYQUEN is included
18  InitialStateBjorken (FASTMC) was used.
21  InitialStateBjorken
22  version 2.0:
23  Ludmila Malinina, SINP MSU/Moscow and JINR/Dubna
24  Ionut Arsene, Oslo University
25  June 2007
27  version 1.0:
28  Nikolai Amelin, Ludmila Malinina, Timur Pocheptsov (C) JINR/Dubna
30  November. 2, 2005
31 */
33 //expanding localy equilibated fireball with volume hadron radiation
34 //thermal part: Blast wave model, Bjorken-like parametrization
35 //high-pt: PYTHIA + jet quenching model PYQUEN
37 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
38 #include <TVector3.h>
39 #include <TMath.h>
52 #include <iostream>
53 #include <fstream>
54 #include <cmath>
66 #include "HepMC/PythiaWrapper6_4.h"
67 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
68 #include "HepMC/HeavyIon.h"
69 #include "HepMC/SimpleVector.h"
78 CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* hjRandomEngine;
80 extern "C" void hyevnt_();
81 extern "C" void myini_();
83 extern HYIPARCommon HYIPAR;
84 extern HYFPARCommon HYFPAR;
85 extern HYJPARCommon HYJPAR;
86 extern HYPARTCommon HYPART;
88 using namespace edm;
89 using namespace std;
90 using namespace gen;
94 // definition of the static member fLastIndex
96 bool ev = false;
97 namespace {
98  int convertStatusForComponents(int sta, int typ) {
99  if (sta == 1 && typ == 0)
100  return 6;
101  if (sta == 1 && typ == 1)
102  return 7;
103  if (sta == 2 && typ == 0)
104  return 16;
105  if (sta == 2 && typ == 1)
106  return 17;
108  else
109  return sta;
110  }
112  int convertStatus(int st) {
113  if (st <= 0)
114  return 0;
115  if (st <= 10)
116  return 1;
117  if (st <= 20)
118  return 2;
119  if (st <= 30)
120  return 3;
122  else
123  return st;
124  }
125 } // namespace
127 const std::vector<std::string> Hydjet2Hadronizer::theSharedResources = {edm::SharedResourceNames::kPythia6,
130 //____________________________________________________________________________________________
131 Hydjet2Hadronizer::Hydjet2Hadronizer(const edm::ParameterSet& pset)
132  : BaseHadronizer(pset),
133  fSqrtS(pset.getParameter<double>("fSqrtS")), // C.m.s. energy per nucleon pair
134  fAw(pset.getParameter<double>("fAw")), // Atomic weigth of nuclei, fAw
135  fIfb(pset.getParameter<int>(
136  "fIfb")), // Flag of type of centrality generation, fBfix (=0 is fixed by fBfix, >0 distributed [fBfmin, fBmax])
137  fBmin(pset.getParameter<double>("fBmin")), // Minimum impact parameter in units of nuclear radius, fBmin
138  fBmax(pset.getParameter<double>("fBmax")), // Maximum impact parameter in units of nuclear radius, fBmax
139  fBfix(pset.getParameter<double>("fBfix")), // Fixed impact parameter in units of nuclear radius, fBfix
140  fT(pset.getParameter<double>("fT")), // Temperature at chemical freeze-out, fT [GeV]
141  fMuB(pset.getParameter<double>("fMuB")), // Chemical baryon potential per unit charge, fMuB [GeV]
142  fMuS(pset.getParameter<double>("fMuS")), // Chemical strangeness potential per unit charge, fMuS [GeV]
143  fMuC(pset.getParameter<double>(
144  "fMuC")), // Chemical charm potential per unit charge, fMuC [GeV] (used if charm production is turned on)
145  fMuI3(pset.getParameter<double>("fMuI3")), // Chemical isospin potential per unit charge, fMuI3 [GeV]
146  fThFO(pset.getParameter<double>("fThFO")), // Temperature at thermal freeze-out, fThFO [GeV]
147  fMu_th_pip(pset.getParameter<double>(
148  "fMu_th_pip")), // Chemical potential of pi+ at thermal freeze-out, fMu_th_pip [GeV]
149  fTau(pset.getParameter<double>(
150  "fTau")), // Proper time proper at thermal freeze-out for central collisions, fTau [fm/c]
151  fSigmaTau(pset.getParameter<double>(
152  "fSigmaTau")), // Duration of emission at thermal freeze-out for central collisions, fSigmaTau [fm/c]
153  fR(pset.getParameter<double>(
154  "fR")), // Maximal transverse radius at thermal freeze-out for central collisions, fR [fm]
155  fYlmax(pset.getParameter<double>("fYlmax")), // Maximal longitudinal flow rapidity at thermal freeze-out, fYlmax
156  fUmax(pset.getParameter<double>(
157  "fUmax")), // Maximal transverse flow rapidity at thermal freeze-out for central collisions, fUmax
158  fDelta(pset.getParameter<double>(
159  "fDelta")), // Momentum azimuthal anizotropy parameter at thermal freeze-out, fDelta
160  fEpsilon(pset.getParameter<double>(
161  "fEpsilon")), // Spatial azimuthal anisotropy parameter at thermal freeze-out, fEpsilon
162  fIfDeltaEpsilon(pset.getParameter<double>(
163  "fIfDeltaEpsilon")), // Flag to specify fDelta and fEpsilon values, fIfDeltaEpsilon (=0 user's ones, >=1 calculated)
164  fDecay(pset.getParameter<int>(
165  "fDecay")), // Flag to switch on/off hadron decays, fDecay (=0 decays off, >=1 decays on)
166  fWeakDecay(pset.getParameter<double>(
167  "fWeakDecay")), // Low decay width threshold fWeakDecay[GeV]: width<fWeakDecay decay off, width>=fDecayWidth decay on; can be used to switch off weak decays
168  fEtaType(pset.getParameter<double>(
169  "fEtaType")), // Flag to choose longitudinal flow rapidity distribution, fEtaType (=0 uniform, >0 Gaussian with the dispersion Ylmax)
170  fTMuType(pset.getParameter<double>(
171  "fTMuType")), // Flag to use calculated T_ch, mu_B and mu_S as a function of fSqrtS, fTMuType (=0 user's ones, >0 calculated)
172  fCorrS(pset.getParameter<double>(
173  "fCorrS")), // Strangeness supression factor gamma_s with fCorrS value (0<fCorrS <=1, if fCorrS <= 0 then it is calculated)
174  fCharmProd(pset.getParameter<int>(
175  "fCharmProd")), // Flag to include thermal charm production, fCharmProd (=0 no charm production, >=1 charm production)
176  fCorrC(pset.getParameter<double>(
177  "fCorrC")), // Charmness enhancement factor gamma_c with fCorrC value (fCorrC >0, if fCorrC<0 then it is calculated)
178  fNhsel(pset.getParameter<int>(
179  "fNhsel")), //Flag to include jet (J)/jet quenching (JQ) and hydro (H) state production, fNhsel (0 H on & J off, 1 H/J on & JQ off, 2 H/J/HQ on, 3 J on & H/JQ off, 4 H off & J/JQ on)
180  fPyhist(pset.getParameter<int>(
181  "fPyhist")), // Flag to suppress the output of particle history from PYTHIA, fPyhist (=1 only final state particles; =0 full particle history from PYTHIA)
182  fIshad(pset.getParameter<int>(
183  "fIshad")), // Flag to switch on/off nuclear shadowing, fIshad (0 shadowing off, 1 shadowing on)
184  fPtmin(pset.getParameter<double>(
185  "fPtmin")), // Minimal pt of parton-parton scattering in PYTHIA event, fPtmin [GeV/c]
186  fT0(pset.getParameter<double>(
187  "fT0")), // Initial QGP temperature for central Pb+Pb collisions in mid-rapidity, fT0 [GeV]
188  fTau0(pset.getParameter<double>("fTau0")), // Proper QGP formation time in fm/c, fTau0 (0.01<fTau0<10)
189  fNf(pset.getParameter<int>("fNf")), // Number of active quark flavours in QGP, fNf (0, 1, 2 or 3)
190  fIenglu(pset.getParameter<int>(
191  "fIenglu")), // Flag to fix type of partonic energy loss, fIenglu (0 radiative and collisional loss, 1 radiative loss only, 2 collisional loss only)
192  fIanglu(pset.getParameter<int>(
193  "fIanglu")), // Flag to fix type of angular distribution of in-medium emitted gluons, fIanglu (0 small-angular, 1 wide-angular, 2 collinear).
195  embedding_(pset.getParameter<bool>("embeddingMode")),
196  rotate_(pset.getParameter<bool>("rotateEventPlane")),
197  evt(nullptr),
198  nsub_(0),
199  nhard_(0),
200  nsoft_(0),
201  phi0_(0.),
202  sinphi0_(0.),
203  cosphi0_(1.),
204  pythia6Service_(new Pythia6Service(pset))
206 {
207  // constructor
208  // PYLIST Verbosity Level
209  // Valid PYLIST arguments are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13
210  pythiaPylistVerbosity_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("pythiaPylistVerbosity", 0);
211  LogDebug("PYLISTverbosity") << "Pythia PYLIST verbosity level = " << pythiaPylistVerbosity_;
212  //Max number of events printed on verbosity level
213  maxEventsToPrint_ = pset.getUntrackedParameter<int>("maxEventsToPrint", 0);
214  LogDebug("Events2Print") << "Number of events to be printed = " << maxEventsToPrint_;
215  if (embedding_)
216  src_ = pset.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("backgroundLabel");
217 }
219 //__________________________________________________________________________________________
221  // destructor
222  call_pystat(1);
223  delete pythia6Service_;
224 }
226 //_____________________________________________________________________
227 void Hydjet2Hadronizer::doSetRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* v) {
229  hjRandomEngine = v;
230 }
232 //______________________________________________________________________________________________________
237  SERVICE.iseed_fromC = hjRandomEngine->CLHEP::HepRandomEngine::getSeed();
238  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|GenSeed") << "Seed for random number generation: "
239  << hjRandomEngine->CLHEP::HepRandomEngine::getSeed();
241  fNPartTypes = 0; //counter of hadron species
243  return kTRUE;
244 }
246 //______________________________________________________________________________________________________
250  // the input impact parameter (bxx_) is in [fm]; transform in [fm/RA] for hydjet usage
251  const float ra = nuclear_radius();
252  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|RAScaling") << "Nuclear radius(RA) = " << ra;
253  fBmin /= ra;
254  fBmax /= ra;
255  fBfix /= ra;
257  //check and redefine input parameters
258  if (fTMuType > 0 && fSqrtS > 2.24) {
259  if (fSqrtS < 2.24) {
260  LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer|sqrtS") << "SqrtS<2.24 not allowed with fTMuType>0";
261  return false;
262  }
264  //sqrt(s) = 2.24 ==> T_kin = 0.8 GeV
265  //see J. Cleymans, H. Oeschler, K. Redlich,S. Wheaton, Phys Rev. C73 034905 (2006)
266  fMuB = 1.308 / (1. + fSqrtS * 0.273);
267  fT = 0.166 - 0.139 * fMuB * fMuB - 0.053 * fMuB * fMuB * fMuB * fMuB;
268  fMuI3 = 0.;
269  fMuS = 0.;
271  //create strange potential object and set strangeness density 0
273  psp->SetBaryonPotential(fMuB);
274  psp->SetTemperature(fT);
276  //compute strangeness potential
277  if (fMuB > 0.01)
279  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Strange") << "fMuS = " << fMuS;
281  //if user choose fYlmax larger then allowed by kinematics at the specified beam energy sqrt(s)
282  if (fYlmax > TMath::Log(fSqrtS / 0.94)) {
283  LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Ylmax") << "fYlmax more then TMath::Log(fSqrtS vs 0.94)!!! ";
284  return false;
285  }
287  if (fCorrS <= 0.) {
288  //see F. Becattini, J. Mannien, M. Gazdzicki, Phys Rev. C73 044905 (2006)
289  fCorrS = 1. - 0.386 * TMath::Exp(-1.23 * fT / fMuB);
290  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Strange")
291  << "The phenomenological f-la F. Becattini et al. PRC73 044905 (2006) for CorrS was used." << endl
292  << "Strangeness suppression parameter = " << fCorrS;
293  }
294  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Strange")
295  << "The phenomenological f-la J. Cleymans et al. PRC73 034905 (2006) for Tch mu_B was used." << endl
296  << "The simulation will be done with the calculated parameters:" << endl
297  << "Baryon chemical potential = " << fMuB << " [GeV]" << endl
298  << "Strangeness chemical potential = " << fMuS << " [GeV]" << endl
299  << "Isospin chemical potential = " << fMuI3 << " [GeV]" << endl
300  << "Strangeness suppression parameter = " << fCorrS << endl
301  << "Eta_max = " << fYlmax;
302  }
304  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << "Used eta_max = " << fYlmax << endl
305  << "maximal allowed eta_max TMath::Log(fSqrtS/0.94)= "
306  << TMath::Log(fSqrtS / 0.94);
308  //initialisation of high-pt part
309  HYJPAR.nhsel = fNhsel;
310  HYJPAR.ptmin = fPtmin;
311  HYJPAR.ishad = fIshad;
312  HYJPAR.iPyhist = fPyhist;
313  HYIPAR.bminh = fBmin;
314  HYIPAR.bmaxh = fBmax;
315  HYIPAR.AW = fAw;
317  HYPYIN.ifb = fIfb;
318  HYPYIN.bfix = fBfix;
319  HYPYIN.ene = fSqrtS;
321  PYQPAR.T0 = fT0;
322  PYQPAR.tau0 = fTau0;
323 = fNf;
324  PYQPAR.ienglu = fIenglu;
325  PYQPAR.ianglu = fIanglu;
326  myini_();
328  // calculation of multiplicities of different particle species
329  // according to the grand canonical approach
330  GrandCanonical gc(15, fT, fMuB, fMuS, fMuI3, fMuC);
331  GrandCanonical gc_ch(15, fT, fMuB, fMuS, fMuI3, fMuC);
332  GrandCanonical gc_pi_th(15, fThFO, 0., 0., fMu_th_pip, fMuC);
333  GrandCanonical gc_th_0(15, fThFO, 0., 0., 0., 0.);
335  // std::ofstream outMult("densities.txt");
336  // outMult<<"encoding particle density chemical potential "<<std::endl;
338  double Nocth = 0; //open charm
339  double NJPsith = 0; //JPsi
341  //effective volume for central
342  double dYl = 2 * fYlmax; //uniform distr. [-Ylmax; Ylmax]
343  if (fEtaType > 0)
344  dYl = TMath::Sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi()) * fYlmax; //Gaussian distr.
345  fVolEff = 2 * TMath::Pi() * fTau * dYl * (fR * fR) / TMath::Power((fUmax), 2) *
346  ((fUmax)*TMath::SinH((fUmax)) - TMath::CosH((fUmax)) + 1);
347  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << "central Effective volume = " << fVolEff << " [fm^3]";
349  double particleDensity_pi_ch = 0;
350  double particleDensity_pi_th = 0;
351  // double particleDensity_th_0=0;
353  if (fThFO != fT && fThFO > 0) {
354  GrandCanonical gc_ch(15, fT, fMuB, fMuS, fMuI3, fMuC);
355  GrandCanonical gc_pi_th(15, fThFO, 0., 0., fMu_th_pip, fMuC);
356  GrandCanonical gc_th_0(15, fThFO, 0., 0., 0., 0.);
357  particleDensity_pi_ch = gc_ch.ParticleNumberDensity(fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(211));
358  particleDensity_pi_th = gc_pi_th.ParticleNumberDensity(fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(211));
359  }
361  for (int particleIndex = 0; particleIndex < fDatabase->GetNParticles(); particleIndex++) {
362  ParticlePDG* currParticle = fDatabase->GetPDGParticleByIndex(particleIndex);
363  int encoding = currParticle->GetPDG();
365  //strangeness supression
366  double gammaS = 1;
367  int S = int(currParticle->GetStrangeness());
368  if (encoding == 333)
369  S = 2;
370  if (fCorrS < 1. && S != 0)
371  gammaS = TMath::Power(fCorrS, -TMath::Abs(S));
373  //average densities
374  double particleDensity = gc.ParticleNumberDensity(currParticle) / gammaS;
376  //compute chemical potential for single f.o. mu==mu_ch
377  double mu = fMuB * int(currParticle->GetBaryonNumber()) + fMuS * int(currParticle->GetStrangeness()) +
378  fMuI3 * int(currParticle->GetElectricCharge()) + fMuC * int(currParticle->GetCharmness());
380  //thermal f.o.
381  if (fThFO != fT && fThFO > 0) {
382  double particleDensity_ch = gc_ch.ParticleNumberDensity(currParticle);
383  double particleDensity_th_0 = gc_th_0.ParticleNumberDensity(currParticle);
384  double numb_dens_bolt = particleDensity_pi_th * particleDensity_ch / particleDensity_pi_ch;
385  mu = fThFO * TMath::Log(numb_dens_bolt / particleDensity_th_0);
386  if (abs(encoding) == 211 || encoding == 111)
387  mu = fMu_th_pip;
388  particleDensity = numb_dens_bolt;
389  }
391  // set particle densities to zero for some particle codes
392  // pythia quark codes
393  if (abs(encoding) <= 9) {
394  particleDensity = 0;
395  }
396  // leptons
397  if (abs(encoding) > 10 && abs(encoding) < 19) {
398  particleDensity = 0;
399  }
400  // exchange bosons
401  if (abs(encoding) > 20 && abs(encoding) < 30) {
402  particleDensity = 0;
403  }
404  // pythia special codes (e.g. strings, clusters ...)
405  if (abs(encoding) > 80 && abs(encoding) < 100) {
406  particleDensity = 0;
407  }
408  // pythia di-quark codes
409  // Note: in PYTHIA all diquark codes have the tens digits equal to zero
410  if (abs(encoding) > 1000 && abs(encoding) < 6000) {
411  int tens = ((abs(encoding) - (abs(encoding) % 10)) / 10) % 10;
412  if (tens == 0) { // its a diquark;
413  particleDensity = 0;
414  }
415  }
416  // K0S and K0L
417  if (abs(encoding) == 130 || abs(encoding) == 310) {
418  particleDensity = 0;
419  }
420  // charmed particles
422  if (encoding == 443)
423  NJPsith = particleDensity * fVolEff / dYl;
425  // We generate thermo-statistically only J/psi(443), D_+(411), D_-(-411), D_0(421),
426  //Dbar_0(-421), D1_+(413), D1_-(-413), D1_0(423), D1bar_0(-423)
427  //Dcs(431) Lambdac(4122)
428  if (currParticle->GetCharmQNumber() != 0 || currParticle->GetCharmAQNumber() != 0) {
429  //ml if(abs(encoding)!=443 &&
430  //ml abs(encoding)!=411 && abs(encoding)!=421 &&
431  //ml abs(encoding)!=413 && abs(encoding)!=423 && abs(encoding)!=4122 && abs(encoding)!=431) {
432  //ml particleDensity=0; }
434  if (abs(encoding) == 441 || abs(encoding) == 10441 || abs(encoding) == 10443 || abs(encoding) == 20443 ||
435  abs(encoding) == 445 || abs(encoding) == 4232 || abs(encoding) == 4322 || abs(encoding) == 4132 ||
436  abs(encoding) == 4312 || abs(encoding) == 4324 || abs(encoding) == 4314 || abs(encoding) == 4332 ||
437  abs(encoding) == 4334) {
438  particleDensity = 0;
439  } else {
440  if (abs(encoding) != 443) { //only open charm
441  Nocth = Nocth + particleDensity * fVolEff / dYl;
442  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Charam") << encoding << " Nochth " << Nocth;
443  // particleDensity=particleDensity*fCorrC;
444  // if(abs(encoding)==443)particleDensity=particleDensity*fCorrC;
445  }
446  }
447  }
449  // bottom mesons
450  if ((abs(encoding) > 500 && abs(encoding) < 600) || (abs(encoding) > 10500 && abs(encoding) < 10600) ||
451  (abs(encoding) > 20500 && abs(encoding) < 20600) || (abs(encoding) > 100500 && abs(encoding) < 100600)) {
452  particleDensity = 0;
453  }
454  // bottom baryons
455  if (abs(encoding) > 5000 && abs(encoding) < 6000) {
456  particleDensity = 0;
457  }
460  if (particleDensity > 0.) {
461  fPartEnc[fNPartTypes] = encoding;
462  fPartMult[2 * fNPartTypes] = particleDensity;
463  fPartMu[2 * fNPartTypes] = mu;
464  ++fNPartTypes;
465  if (fNPartTypes > 1000)
466  LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer") << "fNPartTypes is too large" << fNPartTypes;
468  //outMult<<encoding<<" "<<particleDensity*fVolEff/dYl <<" "<<mu<<std::endl;
469  }
470  }
472  //put open charm number and cc number in Params
473  fNocth = Nocth;
474  fNccth = NJPsith;
476  return kTRUE;
477 }
479 //__________________________________________________________________________________________
483  // Initialize the static "last index variable"
486  //----- high-pt part------------------------------
487  TLorentzVector partJMom, partJPos, zeroVec;
489  // generate single event
490  if (embedding_) {
491  fIfb = 0;
492  const edm::Event& e = getEDMEvent();
494  e.getByLabel(src_, input);
495  const HepMC::GenEvent* inev = input->GetEvent();
496  const HepMC::HeavyIon* hi = inev->heavy_ion();
497  if (hi) {
498  fBfix = hi->impact_parameter();
499  phi0_ = hi->event_plane_angle();
500  sinphi0_ = sin(phi0_);
501  cosphi0_ = cos(phi0_);
502  } else {
503  LogWarning("EventEmbedding") << "Background event does not have heavy ion record!";
504  }
505  } else if (rotate_)
506  rotateEvtPlane();
508  nsoft_ = 0;
509  nhard_ = 0;
510  /*
511  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2mode") << "##### HYDJET2 fNhsel = " << fNhsel;
512  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2fpart") << "##### HYDJET2 fpart = " << hyflow.fpart;??
513  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2tf") << "##### HYDJET2 hadron freez-out temp, Tf = " << hyflow.Tf;??
514  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2tf") << "##### HYDJET2 hadron freez-out temp, Tf = " << hyflow.Tf;??
515  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2inTemp") << "##### HYDJET2: QGP init temperature, fT0 ="<<fT0;
516  edm::LogInfo("HYDJET2inTau") << "##### HYDJET2: QGP formation time, fTau0 ="<<fTau0;
517  */
518  // generate a HYDJET event
519  int ntry = 0;
520  while (nsoft_ == 0 && nhard_ == 0) {
521  if (ntry > 100) {
522  LogError("Hydjet2EmptyEvent") << "##### HYDJET2: No Particles generated, Number of tries =" << ntry;
523  // Throw an exception. Use the EventCorruption exception since it maps onto SkipEvent
524  // which is what we want to do here.
525  std::ostringstream sstr;
526  sstr << "Hydjet2HadronizerProducer: No particles generated after " << ntry << " tries.\n";
527  edm::Exception except(edm::errors::EventCorruption, sstr.str());
528  throw except;
529  } else {
530  //generate non-equilibrated part event
531  hyevnt_();
534  if (fNhsel != 0) {
535  //get number of particles in jets
536  int numbJetPart = HYPART.njp;
538  for (int i = 0; i < numbJetPart; ++i) {
539  int pythiaStatus = int(HYPART.ppart[i][0]); // PYTHIA status code
540  int pdg = int(HYPART.ppart[i][1]); // PYTHIA species code
541  double px = HYPART.ppart[i][2]; // px
542  double py = HYPART.ppart[i][3]; // py
543  double pz = HYPART.ppart[i][4]; // pz
544  double e = HYPART.ppart[i][5]; // E
545  double vx = HYPART.ppart[i][6]; // x
546  double vy = HYPART.ppart[i][7]; // y
547  double vz = HYPART.ppart[i][8]; // z
548  double vt = HYPART.ppart[i][9]; // t
549  // particle line number in pythia are 1 based while we use a 0 based numbering
550  int mother_index = int(HYPART.ppart[i][10]) - 1; //line number of parent particle
551  int daughter_index1 = int(HYPART.ppart[i][11]) - 1; //line number of first daughter
552  int daughter_index2 = int(HYPART.ppart[i][12]) - 1; //line number of last daughter
554  // For status codes 3, 13, 14 the first and last daughter indexes have a different meaning
555  // used for color flow in PYTHIA. So these indexes will be reset to zero.
556  if (TMath::Abs(daughter_index1) > numbJetPart || TMath::Abs(daughter_index2) > numbJetPart ||
557  TMath::Abs(daughter_index1) > TMath::Abs(daughter_index2)) {
558  daughter_index1 = -1;
559  daughter_index2 = -1;
560  }
562  ParticlePDG* partDef = fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(pdg);
564  int type = 1; //from jet
565  if (partDef) {
566  int motherPdg = int(HYPART.ppart[mother_index][1]);
567  if (motherPdg == 0)
568  motherPdg = -1;
569  partJMom.SetXYZT(px, py, pz, e);
570  partJPos.SetXYZT(vx, vy, vz, vt);
571  Particle particle(partDef, partJPos, partJMom, 0, 0, type, motherPdg, zeroVec, zeroVec);
572  int index = particle.SetIndex();
573  if (index != i) {
574  // LogWarning("Hydjet2Hadronizer") << " Allocated Hydjet2 index is not synchronized with the PYTHIA index !" << endl
575  // << " Collision history information is destroyed! It happens when a PYTHIA code is not" << endl
576  // << " implemented in Hydjet2 particle list! Check it out!";
577  }
578  particle.SetPythiaStatusCode(pythiaStatus);
579  particle.SetMother(mother_index);
580  particle.SetFirstDaughterIndex(daughter_index1);
581  particle.SetLastDaughterIndex(daughter_index2);
582  if (pythiaStatus != 1)
583  particle.SetDecayed();
584  allocator.AddParticle(particle, source);
585  } else {
586  LogWarning("Hydjet2Hadronizer")
587  << " PYTHIA particle of specie " << pdg << " is not in Hydjet2 particle list" << endl
588  << " Please define it in, otherwise the history information will be de-synchronized and "
589  "lost!";
590  }
591  }
592  } //nhsel !=0 not only hydro!
594  //----------HYDRO part--------------------------------------
596  // get impact parameter
597  double impactParameter = HYFPAR.bgen;
599  // Sergey psiforv3
600  psiforv3 = 0.; //AS-ML Nov2012 epsilon3 //
601  double e3 = (0.2 / 5.5) * TMath::Power(impactParameter, 1. / 3.);
602  psiforv3 = TMath::TwoPi() * (-0.5 + CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine)) / 3.;
603  SERVICEEV.psiv3 = -psiforv3;
605  if (fNhsel < 3) {
606  const double weightMax = 2 * TMath::CosH(fUmax);
607  const int nBins = 100;
608  double probList[nBins];
609  RandArrayFunction arrayFunctDistE(nBins);
610  RandArrayFunction arrayFunctDistR(nBins);
611  TLorentzVector partPos, partMom, n1, p0;
612  TVector3 vec3;
613  const TLorentzVector zeroVec;
614  //set maximal hadron energy
615  const double eMax = 5.;
616  //-------------------------------------
617  // get impact parameter
619  double Delta = fDelta;
620  double Epsilon = fEpsilon;
622  if (fIfDeltaEpsilon > 0) {
623  double Epsilon0 = 0.5 * impactParameter; //e0=b/2Ra
624  double coeff = (HYIPAR.RA / fR) / 12.; //phenomenological coefficient
625  Epsilon = Epsilon0 * coeff;
626  double C = 5.6;
627  double A = C * Epsilon * (1 - Epsilon * Epsilon);
628  if (TMath::Abs(Epsilon) < 0.0001 || TMath::Abs(A) < 0.0001)
629  Delta = 0.0;
630  if (TMath::Abs(Epsilon) > 0.0001 && TMath::Abs(A) > 0.0001)
631  Delta = 0.5 * (TMath::Sqrt(1 + 4 * A * (Epsilon + A)) - 1) / A;
632  }
634  //effective volume for central
635  double dYl = 2 * fYlmax; //uniform distr. [-Ylmax; Ylmax]
636  if (fEtaType > 0)
637  dYl = TMath::Sqrt(2 * TMath::Pi()) * fYlmax; //Gaussian distr.
639  double VolEffcent = 2 * TMath::Pi() * fTau * dYl * (fR * fR) / TMath::Power((fUmax), 2) *
640  ((fUmax)*TMath::SinH((fUmax)) - TMath::CosH((fUmax)) + 1);
642  //effective volume for non-central Simpson2
643  double VolEffnoncent = fTau * dYl * SimpsonIntegrator2(0., 2. * TMath::Pi(), Epsilon, Delta);
645  fVolEff = VolEffcent * HYFPAR.npart / HYFPAR.npart0;
647  double coeff_RB = TMath::Sqrt(VolEffcent * HYFPAR.npart / HYFPAR.npart0 / VolEffnoncent);
648  double coeff_R1 = HYFPAR.npart / HYFPAR.npart0;
649  coeff_R1 = TMath::Power(coeff_R1, 0.333333);
651  double Veff = fVolEff;
652  //------------------------------------
653  //cycle on particles types
655  double Nbcol = HYFPAR.nbcol;
656  double NccNN = SERVICE.charm;
657  double Ncc = Nbcol * NccNN / dYl;
658  double Nocth = fNocth;
659  double NJPsith = fNccth;
661  double gammaC = 1.0;
662  if (fCorrC <= 0) {
663  gammaC = CharmEnhancementFactor(Ncc, Nocth, NJPsith, 0.001);
664  } else {
665  gammaC = fCorrC;
666  }
668  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << " gammaC = " << gammaC;
670  for (int i = 0; i < fNPartTypes; ++i) {
671  double Mparam = fPartMult[2 * i] * Veff;
672  const int encoding = fPartEnc[i];
674  //ml if(abs(encoding)==443)Mparam = Mparam * gammaC * gammaC;
675  //ml if(abs(encoding)==411 || abs(encoding)==421 ||abs(encoding)==413 || abs(encoding)==423
676  //ml || abs(encoding)==4122 || abs(encoding)==431)
678  ParticlePDG* partDef0 = fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(encoding);
680  if (partDef0->GetCharmQNumber() != 0 || partDef0->GetCharmAQNumber() != 0)
681  Mparam = Mparam * gammaC;
682  if (abs(encoding) == 443)
683  Mparam = Mparam * gammaC;
685  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << encoding << " " << Mparam / dYl;
687  int multiplicity = CLHEP::RandPoisson::shoot(hjRandomEngine, Mparam);
689  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param")
690  << "specie: " << encoding << "; average mult: = " << Mparam << "; multiplicity = " << multiplicity;
692  if (multiplicity > 0) {
693  ParticlePDG* partDef = fDatabase->GetPDGParticle(encoding);
694  if (!partDef) {
695  LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer") << "No particle with encoding " << encoding;
696  continue;
697  }
699  if (fCharmProd <= 0 && (partDef->GetCharmQNumber() != 0 || partDef->GetCharmAQNumber() != 0)) {
700  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << "statistical charmed particle not allowed ! " << encoding;
701  continue;
702  }
703  if (partDef->GetCharmQNumber() != 0 || partDef->GetCharmAQNumber() != 0)
704  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << " charm pdg generated " << encoding;
706  //compute chemical potential for single f.o. mu==mu_ch
707  //compute chemical potential for thermal f.o.
708  double mu = fPartMu[2 * i];
710  //choose Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics
711  const double d = !(int(2 * partDef->GetSpin()) & 1) ? -1 : 1;
712  const double mass = partDef->GetMass();
714  //prepare histogram to sample hadron energy:
715  double h = (eMax - mass) / nBins;
716  double x = mass + 0.5 * h;
717  int i;
718  for (i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) {
719  if (x >= mu && fThFO > 0)
720  probList[i] = x * TMath::Sqrt(x * x - mass * mass) / (TMath::Exp((x - mu) / (fThFO)) + d);
721  if (x >= mu && fThFO <= 0)
722  probList[i] = x * TMath::Sqrt(x * x - mass * mass) / (TMath::Exp((x - mu) / (fT)) + d);
723  if (x < mu)
724  probList[i] = 0.;
725  x += h;
726  }
727  arrayFunctDistE.PrepareTable(probList);
729  //prepare histogram to sample hadron transverse radius:
730  h = (fR) / nBins;
731  x = 0.5 * h;
732  double param = (fUmax) / (fR);
733  for (i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) {
734  probList[i] = x * TMath::CosH(param * x);
735  x += h;
736  }
737  arrayFunctDistR.PrepareTable(probList);
739  //loop over hadrons, assign hadron coordinates and momenta
740  double weight = 0., yy = 0., px0 = 0., py0 = 0., pz0 = 0.;
741  double e = 0., x0 = 0., y0 = 0., z0 = 0., t0 = 0., etaF = 0.;
742  double r, RB, phiF;
744  RB = fR * coeff_RB * coeff_R1 * TMath::Sqrt((1 + e3) / (1 - e3));
746  for (int j = 0; j < multiplicity; ++j) {
747  do {
748  fEtaType <= 0 ? etaF = fYlmax * (2. * CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine) - 1.)
749  : etaF = (fYlmax) * (CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(hjRandomEngine));
750  n1.SetXYZT(0., 0., TMath::SinH(etaF), TMath::CosH(etaF));
752  if (TMath::Abs(etaF) > 5.)
753  continue;
755  //old
756  //double RBold = fR * TMath::Sqrt(1-fEpsilon);
758  //RB = fR * coeff_RB * coeff_R1;
760  //double impactParameter =HYFPAR.bgen;
761  //double e0 = 0.5*impactParameter;
762  //double RBold1 = fR * TMath::Sqrt(1-e0);
764  double rho = TMath::Sqrt(CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine));
765  double phi = TMath::TwoPi() * CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine);
766  double Rx = TMath::Sqrt(1 - Epsilon) * RB;
767  double Ry = TMath::Sqrt(1 + Epsilon) * RB;
769  x0 = Rx * rho * TMath::Cos(phi);
770  y0 = Ry * rho * TMath::Sin(phi);
771  r = TMath::Sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0);
772  phiF = TMath::Abs(TMath::ATan(y0 / x0));
774  if (x0 < 0 && y0 > 0)
775  phiF = TMath::Pi() - phiF;
776  if (x0 < 0 && y0 < 0)
777  phiF = TMath::Pi() + phiF;
778  if (x0 > 0 && y0 < 0)
779  phiF = 2. * TMath::Pi() - phiF;
781  //new Nov2012 AS-ML
782  if (r > RB * (1 + e3 * TMath::Cos(3 * (phiF + psiforv3))) / (1 + e3))
783  continue;
785  //proper time with emission duration
786  double tau =
787  coeff_R1 * fTau + sqrt(2.) * fSigmaTau * coeff_R1 * (CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(hjRandomEngine));
788  z0 = tau * TMath::SinH(etaF);
789  t0 = tau * TMath::CosH(etaF);
790  double rhou = fUmax * r / RB;
791  double rhou3 = 0.063 * TMath::Sqrt((0.5 * impactParameter) / 0.67);
792  double rhou4 = 0.023 * ((0.5 * impactParameter) / 0.67);
793  double rrcoeff = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(1. + Delta * TMath::Cos(2 * phiF));
794  //AS-ML Nov.2012
795  rhou3 = 0.; //rhou4=0.;
796  rhou = rhou * (1 + rrcoeff * rhou3 * TMath::Cos(3 * (phiF + psiforv3)) +
797  rrcoeff * rhou4 * TMath::Cos(4 * phiF)); //ML new suggestion of AS mar2012
798  double delta1 = 0.;
799  Delta = Delta * (1.0 + delta1 * TMath::Cos(phiF) - delta1 * TMath::Cos(3 * phiF));
801  double uxf = TMath::SinH(rhou) * TMath::Sqrt(1 + Delta) * TMath::Cos(phiF);
802  double uyf = TMath::SinH(rhou) * TMath::Sqrt(1 - Delta) * TMath::Sin(phiF);
803  double utf = TMath::CosH(etaF) * TMath::CosH(rhou) *
804  TMath::Sqrt(1 + Delta * TMath::Cos(2 * phiF) * TMath::TanH(rhou) * TMath::TanH(rhou));
805  double uzf = TMath::SinH(etaF) * TMath::CosH(rhou) *
806  TMath::Sqrt(1 + Delta * TMath::Cos(2 * phiF) * TMath::TanH(rhou) * TMath::TanH(rhou));
808  vec3.SetXYZ(uxf / utf, uyf / utf, uzf / utf);
809  n1.Boost(-vec3);
811  yy = weightMax * CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine);
813  double php0 = TMath::TwoPi() * CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine);
814  double ctp0 = 2. * CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(hjRandomEngine) - 1.;
815  double stp0 = TMath::Sqrt(1. - ctp0 * ctp0);
816  e = mass + (eMax - mass) * arrayFunctDistE();
817  double pp0 = TMath::Sqrt(e * e - mass * mass);
818  px0 = pp0 * stp0 * TMath::Sin(php0);
819  py0 = pp0 * stp0 * TMath::Cos(php0);
820  pz0 = pp0 * ctp0;
821  p0.SetXYZT(px0, py0, pz0, e);
823  //weight for rdr
824  weight = (n1 * p0) / e; // weight for rdr gammar: weight = (n1 * p0) / n1[3] / e;
826  } while (yy >= weight);
828  if (abs(z0) > 1000 || abs(x0) > 1000)
829  LogInfo("Hydjet2Hadronizer|Param") << " etaF = " << etaF << std::endl;
831  partMom.SetXYZT(px0, py0, pz0, e);
832  partPos.SetXYZT(x0, y0, z0, t0);
833  partMom.Boost(vec3);
835  int type = 0; //hydro
836  Particle particle(partDef, partPos, partMom, 0., 0, type, -1, zeroVec, zeroVec);
837  particle.SetIndex();
838  allocator.AddParticle(particle, source);
839  } //nhsel==4 , no hydro part
840  }
841  }
842  }
846  Npart = (int)HYFPAR.npart;
847  Bgen = HYFPAR.bgen;
848  Njet = (int)HYJPAR.njet;
849  Nbcol = (int)HYFPAR.nbcol;
851  //if(source.empty()) {
852  // LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer") << "Source is not initialized!! Trying again...";
853  //return ;
854  //}
855  //Run the decays
856  if (RunDecays())
859  LPIT_t it;
860  LPIT_t e;
862  //Fill the decayed arrays
863  Ntot = 0;
864  Nhyd = 0;
865  Npyt = 0;
866  for (it = source.begin(), e = source.end(); it != e; ++it) {
867  TVector3 pos(it->Pos().Vect());
868  TVector3 mom(it->Mom().Vect());
869  float m1 = it->TableMass();
870  pdg[Ntot] = it->Encoding();
871  Mpdg[Ntot] = it->GetLastMotherPdg();
872  Px[Ntot] = mom[0];
873  Py[Ntot] = mom[1];
874  Pz[Ntot] = mom[2];
875  E[Ntot] = TMath::Sqrt(mom.Mag2() + m1 * m1);
876  X[Ntot] = pos[0];
877  Y[Ntot] = pos[1];
878  Z[Ntot] = pos[2];
879  T[Ntot] = it->T();
880  type[Ntot] = it->GetType();
881  pythiaStatus[Ntot] = convertStatus(it->GetPythiaStatusCode());
882  Index[Ntot] = it->GetIndex();
883  MotherIndex[Ntot] = it->GetMother();
884  NDaughters[Ntot] = it->GetNDaughters();
885  FirstDaughterIndex[Ntot] = -1;
886  LastDaughterIndex[Ntot] = -1;
887  //index of first daughter
888  FirstDaughterIndex[Ntot] = it->GetFirstDaughterIndex();
889  //index of last daughter
890  LastDaughterIndex[Ntot] = it->GetLastDaughterIndex();
891  if (type[Ntot] == 1) { // jets
892  if (pythiaStatus[Ntot] == 1 && NDaughters[Ntot] == 0) { // code for final state particle in pythia
893  final[Ntot] = 1;
894  } else {
895  final[Ntot] = pythiaStatus[Ntot];
896  }
897  }
898  if (type[Ntot] == 0) { // hydro
899  if (NDaughters[Ntot] == 0)
900  final[Ntot] = 1;
901  else
902  final[Ntot] = 2;
903  }
905  if (type[Ntot] == 0)
906  Nhyd++;
907  if (type[Ntot] == 1)
908  Npyt++;
910  Ntot++;
911  if (Ntot > kMax)
912  LogError("Hydjet2Hadronizer") << "Ntot is too large" << Ntot;
913  }
915  nsoft_ = Nhyd;
916  nsub_ = Njet;
917  nhard_ = Npyt;
919  //100 trys
921  ++ntry;
922  }
923  }
925  if (ev == 0) {
926  Sigin = HYJPAR.sigin;
927  Sigjet = HYJPAR.sigjet;
928  }
929  ev = 1;
931  if (fNhsel < 3)
932  nsub_++;
934  // event information
936  if (nhard_ > 0 || nsoft_ > 0)
937  get_particles(evt);
939  evt->set_signal_process_id(pypars.msti[0]); // type of the process
940  evt->set_event_scale(pypars.pari[16]); // Q^2
941  add_heavy_ion_rec(evt);
943  event().reset(evt);
947  return kTRUE;
948 }
950 //________________________________________________________________
951 bool Hydjet2Hadronizer::declareStableParticles(const std::vector<int>& _pdg) {
952  std::vector<int> pdg = _pdg;
953  for (size_t i = 0; i < pdg.size(); i++) {
954  int pyCode = pycomp_(pdg[i]);
955  std::ostringstream pyCard;
956  pyCard << "MDCY(" << pyCode << ",1)=0";
957  std::cout << pyCard.str() << std::endl;
958  call_pygive(pyCard.str());
959  }
960  return true;
961 }
962 //________________________________________________________________
963 bool Hydjet2Hadronizer::hadronize() { return false; }
964 bool Hydjet2Hadronizer::decay() { return true; }
965 bool Hydjet2Hadronizer::residualDecay() { return true; }
968 const char* Hydjet2Hadronizer::classname() const { return "gen::Hydjet2Hadronizer"; }
970 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
972 //______________________________________________________________________________________________
973 //f2=f(phi,r)
974 double Hydjet2Hadronizer::f2(double x, double y, double Delta) {
975  LogDebug("f2") << "in f2: "
976  << "delta" << Delta;
977  double RsB = fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB
978  double rhou = fUmax * y / RsB;
979  double ff =
980  y * TMath::CosH(rhou) * TMath::Sqrt(1 + Delta * TMath::Cos(2 * x) * TMath::TanH(rhou) * TMath::TanH(rhou));
981  //n_mu u^mu f-la 20
982  return ff;
983 }
985 //____________________________________________________________________________________________
986 double Hydjet2Hadronizer::SimpsonIntegrator(double a, double b, double phi, double Delta) {
987  LogDebug("SimpsonIntegrator") << "in SimpsonIntegrator"
988  << "delta - " << Delta;
989  int nsubIntervals = 100;
990  double h = (b - a) / nsubIntervals;
991  double s = f2(phi, a + 0.5 * h, Delta);
992  double t = 0.5 * (f2(phi, a, Delta) + f2(phi, b, Delta));
993  double x = a;
994  double y = a + 0.5 * h;
995  for (int i = 1; i < nsubIntervals; i++) {
996  x += h;
997  y += h;
998  s += f2(phi, y, Delta);
999  t += f2(phi, x, Delta);
1000  }
1001  t += 2.0 * s;
1002  return t * h / 3.0;
1003 }
1005 //______________________________________________________________________________________________
1006 double Hydjet2Hadronizer::SimpsonIntegrator2(double a, double b, double Epsilon, double Delta) {
1007  LogInfo("SimpsonIntegrator2") << "in SimpsonIntegrator2: epsilon - " << Epsilon << " delta - " << Delta;
1008  int nsubIntervals = 10000;
1009  double h = (b - a) / nsubIntervals; //-1-pi, phi
1010  double s = 0;
1011  // double h2 = (fR)/nsubIntervals; //0-R maximal RB ?
1013  double x = 0; //phi
1014  for (int j = 1; j < nsubIntervals; j++) {
1015  x += h; // phi
1016  double e = Epsilon;
1017  double RsB = fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB
1018  double RB = RsB * (TMath::Sqrt(1 - e * e) / TMath::Sqrt(1 + e * TMath::Cos(2 * x))); //f-la7 RB
1019  double sr = SimpsonIntegrator(0, RB, x, Delta);
1020  s += sr;
1021  }
1022  return s * h;
1023 }
1025 //___________________________________________________________________________________________________
1026 double Hydjet2Hadronizer::MidpointIntegrator2(double a, double b, double Delta, double Epsilon) {
1027  int nsubIntervals = 2000;
1028  int nsubIntervals2 = 1;
1029  double h = (b - a) / nsubIntervals; //0-pi , phi
1030  double h2 = (fR) / nsubIntervals; //0-R maximal RB ?
1032  double x = a + 0.5 * h;
1033  double y = 0;
1035  double t = f2(x, y, Delta);
1037  double e = Epsilon;
1039  for (int j = 1; j < nsubIntervals; j++) {
1040  x += h; // integr phi
1042  double RsB = fR; //test: podstavit' *coefff_RB
1043  double RB = RsB * (TMath::Sqrt(1 - e * e) / TMath::Sqrt(1 + e * TMath::Cos(2 * x))); //f-la7 RB
1045  nsubIntervals2 = int(RB / h2) + 1;
1046  // integr R
1047  y = 0;
1048  for (int i = 1; i < nsubIntervals2; i++)
1049  t += f2(x, (y += h2), Delta);
1050  }
1051  return t * h * h2;
1052 }
1054 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1055 double Hydjet2Hadronizer::CharmEnhancementFactor(double Ncc, double Ndth, double NJPsith, double Epsilon) {
1056  double gammaC = 100.;
1057  double x1 = gammaC * Ndth;
1058  double var1 = Ncc - 0.5 * gammaC * Ndth * TMath::BesselI1(x1) / TMath::BesselI0(x1) - gammaC * gammaC * NJPsith;
1059  LogInfo("Charam") << "gammaC 20"
1060  << " var " << var1 << endl;
1061  gammaC = 1.;
1062  double x0 = gammaC * Ndth;
1063  double var0 = Ncc - 0.5 * gammaC * Ndth * TMath::BesselI1(x0) / TMath::BesselI0(x0) - gammaC * gammaC * NJPsith;
1064  LogInfo("Charam") << "gammaC 1"
1065  << " var " << var0;
1067  for (int i = 1; i < 1000; i++) {
1068  if (var1 * var0 < 0) {
1069  gammaC = gammaC + 0.01 * i;
1070  double x = gammaC * Ndth;
1071  var0 = Ncc - 0.5 * gammaC * Ndth * TMath::BesselI1(x) / TMath::BesselI0(x) - gammaC * gammaC * NJPsith;
1072  } else {
1073  LogInfo("Charam") << "gammaC " << gammaC << " var0 " << var0;
1074  return gammaC;
1075  }
1076  }
1077  LogInfo("Charam") << "gammaC not found ? " << gammaC << " var0 " << var0;
1078  return -100;
1079 }
1080 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1082 //_____________________________________________________________________
1084 //________________________________________________________________
1086  const double pi = 3.14159265358979;
1087  phi0_ = 2. * pi * gen::pyr_(nullptr) - pi;
1088  sinphi0_ = sin(phi0_);
1089  cosphi0_ = cos(phi0_);
1090 }
1092 //_____________________________________________________________________
1094  // Hard particles. The first nhard_ lines from hyjets array.
1095  // Pythia/Pyquen sub-events (sub-collisions) for a given event
1096  // Return T/F if success/failure
1097  // Create particles from lujet entries, assign them into vertices and
1098  // put the vertices in the GenEvent, for each SubEvent
1099  // The SubEvent information is kept by storing indeces of main vertices
1100  // of subevents as a vector in GenHIEvent.
1101  LogDebug("SubEvent") << "Number of sub events " << nsub_;
1102  LogDebug("Hydjet2") << "Number of hard events " << Njet;
1103  LogDebug("Hydjet2") << "Number of hard particles " << nhard_;
1104  LogDebug("Hydjet2") << "Number of soft particles " << nsoft_;
1106  vector<HepMC::GenVertex*> sub_vertices(nsub_);
1108  int ihy = 0;
1109  for (int isub = 0; isub < nsub_; isub++) {
1110  LogDebug("SubEvent") << "Sub Event ID : " << isub;
1112  int sub_up = (isub + 1) * 150000; // Upper limit in mother index, determining the range of Sub-Event
1113  vector<HepMC::GenParticle*> particles;
1114  vector<int> mother_ids;
1115  vector<HepMC::GenVertex*> prods;
1117  sub_vertices[isub] = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(0, 0, 0, 0), isub);
1118  evt->add_vertex(sub_vertices[isub]);
1120  if (!evt->signal_process_vertex())
1121  evt->set_signal_process_vertex(sub_vertices[isub]);
1123  while (ihy < nhard_ + nsoft_ && (MotherIndex[ihy] < sub_up || ihy > nhard_)) {
1124  particles.push_back(build_hyjet2(ihy, ihy + 1));
1125  prods.push_back(build_hyjet2_vertex(ihy, isub));
1126  mother_ids.push_back(MotherIndex[ihy]);
1127  LogDebug("DecayChain") << "Mother index : " << MotherIndex[ihy];
1128  ihy++;
1129  }
1130  //Produce Vertices and add them to the GenEvent. Remember that GenParticles are adopted by
1131  //GenVertex and GenVertex is adopted by GenEvent.
1132  LogDebug("Hydjet2") << "Number of particles in vector " << particles.size();
1134  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
1135  HepMC::GenParticle* part = particles[i];
1136  //The Fortran code is modified to preserve mother id info, by seperating the beginning
1137  //mother indices of successive subevents by 5000
1138  int mid = mother_ids[i] - isub * 150000 - 1;
1139  LogDebug("DecayChain") << "Particle " << i;
1140  LogDebug("DecayChain") << "Mother's ID " << mid;
1141  LogDebug("DecayChain") << "Particle's PDG ID " << part->pdg_id();
1143  if (mid <= 0) {
1144  sub_vertices[isub]->add_particle_out(part);
1145  continue;
1146  }
1148  if (mid > 0) {
1149  HepMC::GenParticle* mother = particles[mid];
1150  LogDebug("DecayChain") << "Mother's PDG ID " << mother->pdg_id();
1151  HepMC::GenVertex* prod_vertex = mother->end_vertex();
1152  if (!prod_vertex) {
1153  prod_vertex = prods[i];
1154  prod_vertex->add_particle_in(mother);
1155  evt->add_vertex(prod_vertex);
1156  prods[i] = nullptr; // mark to protect deletion
1157  }
1159  prod_vertex->add_particle_out(part);
1160  }
1161  }
1163  // cleanup vertices not assigned to evt
1164  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prods.size(); i++) {
1165  if (prods[i])
1166  delete prods[i];
1167  }
1168  }
1170  return kTRUE;
1171 }
1173 //___________________________________________________________________
1175  // Build particle object corresponding to index in hyjets (soft+hard)
1177  double px0 = Px[index];
1178  double py0 = Py[index];
1180  double px = px0 * cosphi0_ - py0 * sinphi0_;
1181  double py = py0 * cosphi0_ + px0 * sinphi0_;
1182  // cout<< "status: "<<convertStatus(final[index], type[index])<<endl;
1183  HepMC::GenParticle* p = new HepMC::GenParticle(HepMC::FourVector(px, // px
1184  py, // py
1185  Pz[index], // pz
1186  E[index]), // E
1187  pdg[index], // id
1188  convertStatusForComponents(final[index], type[index]) // status
1190  );
1192  p->suggest_barcode(barcode);
1193  return p;
1194 }
1196 //___________________________________________________________________
1197 HepMC::GenVertex* Hydjet2Hadronizer::build_hyjet2_vertex(int i, int id) {
1198  // build verteces for the hyjets stored events
1200  double x0 = X[i];
1201  double y0 = Y[i];
1202  double x = x0 * cosphi0_ - y0 * sinphi0_;
1203  double y = y0 * cosphi0_ + x0 * sinphi0_;
1204  double z = Z[i];
1205  double t = T[i];
1207  HepMC::GenVertex* vertex = new HepMC::GenVertex(HepMC::FourVector(x, y, z, t), id);
1208  return vertex;
1209 }
1211 //_____________________________________________________________________
1213  // heavy ion record in the final CMSSW Event
1214  double npart = Npart;
1215  int nproj = static_cast<int>(npart / 2);
1216  int ntarg = static_cast<int>(npart - nproj);
1218  HepMC::HeavyIon* hi = new HepMC::HeavyIon(nsub_, // Ncoll_hard/N of SubEvents
1219  nproj, // Npart_proj
1220  ntarg, // Npart_targ
1221  Nbcol, // Ncoll
1222  0, // spectator_neutrons
1223  0, // spectator_protons
1224  0, // N_Nwounded_collisions
1225  0, // Nwounded_N_collisions
1226  0, // Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions
1227  Bgen * nuclear_radius(), // impact_parameter in [fm]
1228  phi0_, // event_plane_angle
1229  0, // eccentricity
1230  Sigin // sigma_inel_NN
1231  );
1233  evt->set_heavy_ion(*hi);
1234  delete hi;
1235 }
const double TwoPi
const double Pi
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
void SetBaryonPotential(double value)
bool declareStableParticles(const std::vector< int > &)
ParticlePDG * GetPDGParticle(int pdg)
#define HYPYIN
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:84
int GetNParticles(bool all=kFALSE)
double ParticleNumberDensity(ParticlePDG *particle)
ParticleAllocator allocator
#define HYJPAR
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:69
#define PYQPAR
TString RunInputHYDJETstr
int GetPDG()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:69
void add_heavy_ion_rec(HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
double pyr_(int *idummy)
#define HYPART
unsigned int pythiaPylistVerbosity_
double SimpsonIntegrator2(double, double, double, double)
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
double BesselI0(double x)
bool call_pygive(const std::string &line)
double CalculateStrangePotential()
double npart
Definition: HydjetWrapper.h:46
bool ev
double MidpointIntegrator2(double, double, double, double)
double SimpsonIntegrator(double, double, double, double)
Log< level::Error, false > LogError
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:52
double f2(double, double, double)
double v[5][pyjets_maxn]
double GetCharmAQNumber()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:81
static std::string const input
double nuclear_radius() const
#define HYFPAR
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:99
const Double_t pi
static const std::string kPythia6
HepMC::GenVertex * build_hyjet2_vertex(int i, int id)
tuple d
double GetSpin()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:73
void PrepareTable(const double *aProbFunc)
Pythia6Service * pythia6Service_
double p[5][pyjets_maxn]
ParticlePDG * GetPDGParticleByIndex(int index)
std::vector< vec2 > vec3
Definition: HCALResponse.h:17
double GetCharmness()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:88
void FreeList(List_t &list)
bool get_particles(HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
void hyevnt_()
double GetElectricCharge()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:89
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
if(conf_.getParameter< bool >("UseStripCablingDB"))
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
T Abs(T a)
Definition: MathUtil.h:49
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
double CharmEnhancementFactor(double, double, double, double)
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
double GetBaryonNumber()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:82
void doSetRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v) override
std::unique_ptr< HepMC::GenEvent > & event()
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:500
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * hjRandomEngine
double GetStrangeness()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:87
#define HYIPAR
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:26
virtual void Evolve(List_t &secondaries, ParticleAllocator &allocator, double weakDecayLimit)
static int fLastIndex
Definition: Particle.h:38
static void InitIndexing()
Definition: Particle.h:140
#define SERVICE
Definition: HYJET_COMMONS.h:38
const char * classname() const
Log< level::Info, false > LogInfo
static const std::string kFortranInstance
int pycomp_(int &)
#define pypars
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:303
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:118
void myini_()
HepMC::GenParticle * build_hyjet2(int index, int barcode)
void setRandomEngine(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *v)
bool RunDecays() override
double GetCharmQNumber()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:80
DatabasePDG * fDatabase
Definition: InitialState.h:16
double GetWeakDecayLimit() override
void SetTemperature(double value)
double GetMass()
Definition: ParticlePDG.h:70
double BesselI1(double x)
double a
Definition: hdecay.h:119
double ppart[150000][20]
#define kMax
void AddParticle(const Particle &particle, List_t &list)
tuple cout
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
int weight
std::list< Particle >::iterator LPIT_t
Definition: Particle.h:175
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
long double T
edm::Event & getEDMEvent() const
#define LogDebug(id)