| HLTDoublet (const edm::ParameterSet &) |
bool | hltFilter (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &filterproduct) const override |
| ~HLTDoublet () override |
| HLTFilter (const edm::ParameterSet &config) |
int | module (edm::Event const &) const |
const std::string * | moduleLabel () const |
int | path (edm::Event const &) const |
const std::string * | pathName (edm::Event const &) const |
std::pair< int, int > | pmid (edm::Event const &) const |
bool | saveTags () const |
| ~HLTFilter () override |
| EDFilter ()=default |
| EDFilter (const EDFilter &)=delete |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final |
const EDFilter & | operator= (const EDFilter &)=delete |
bool | wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsGlobalRuns () const final |
bool | wantsInputProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsStreamRuns () const final |
| EDFilterBase () |
ModuleDescription const & | moduleDescription () const |
| ~EDFilterBase () override |
void | callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func) |
< edm::ProductResolverIndex >
const & | indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const |
| ProducerBase () |
< edm::ProductResolverIndex >
const & | putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const |
void | registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &) |
std::function< void(BranchDescription
const &)> | registrationCallback () const |
| used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void | resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel) |
| ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override |
std::vector< ConsumesInfo > | consumesInfo () const |
void | convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName) |
| Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
| EDConsumerBase () |
| EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete |
| EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default |
ESProxyIndex const * | esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
std::vector< ESProxyIndex > const & | esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
std::vector< ESRecordIndex >
const & | esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit | indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const |
void | itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const |
void | itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const |
< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit >
const & | itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const |
void | labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const |
void | modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const |
EDConsumerBase const & | operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete |
EDConsumerBase & | operator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default |
bool | registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const |
bool | registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const |
void | selectInputProcessBlocks (ProductRegistry const &productRegistry, ProcessBlockHelperBase const &processBlockHelperBase) |
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit | uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const |
void | updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet) |
void | updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &) |
virtual | ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false) |
typedef EDFilterBase | ModuleType |
using | ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex >> |
ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList | TypeLabelList |
typedef ProductLabels | Labels |
ProducesCollector | producesCollector () |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< B > | consumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept |
EDGetToken | consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> |
EDGetToken | consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
ConsumesCollector | consumesCollector () |
| Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
void | consumesMany () |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<BranchType B> |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes () |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag) |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
constexpr auto | esConsumes () noexcept |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag tag) noexcept |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
ESGetTokenGeneric | esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey) |
| Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
void | resetItemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) |
template<typename T1, typename T2>
class HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >
See header file for documentation
- Author
- Martin Grunewald
This class is an HLTFilter (-> EDFilter) implementing a basic HLT trigger for pairs of object, evaluating all pairs with the first object from collection 1, and the second object from collection 2, cutting on variables relating to their 4-momentum representations. The object collections are assumed to be outputs of HLTSinglet single-object-type filters so that the access is thorugh RefToBases and polymorphic.
- Author
- Martin Grunewald
Definition at line 34 of file HLTDoublet.h.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Definition at line 29 of file HLTDoublet.cc.
References HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::cutdelr_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::cutdeta_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::cutdphi_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::cutminv_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::cutpt_, edm::InputTag::encode(), HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::inputTag1_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::inputTag2_, LogDebug, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::max_DelR_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::max_Deta_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::max_Dphi_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::max_Minv_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::max_Pt_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_DelR_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_Deta_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_Dphi_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_Minv_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_N_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::min_Pt_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::same_, HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::triggerType1_, and HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::triggerType2_.
31 originTag1_(iConfig.template getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag>>(
32 originTag2_(iConfig.template getParameter<std::vector<edm::InputTag>>(
33 inputTag1_(iConfig.template getParameter<edm::InputTag>(
34 inputTag2_(iConfig.template getParameter<edm::InputTag>(
37 triggerType1_(iConfig.template getParameter<int>(
38 triggerType2_(iConfig.template getParameter<int>(
39 min_Dphi_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
40 max_Dphi_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
41 min_Deta_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
42 max_Deta_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
43 min_Minv_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
44 max_Minv_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
45 min_DelR_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
46 max_DelR_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
47 min_Pt_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
48 max_Pt_(iConfig.template getParameter<double>(
49 min_N_(iConfig.template getParameter<int>(
const edm::InputTag inputTag2_
const edm::InputTag inputTag1_
const edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs > inputToken1_
HLTFilter(const edm::ParameterSet &config)
const edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs > inputToken2_
const std::vector< edm::InputTag > originTag2_
const std::vector< edm::InputTag > originTag1_
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
Implements HLTFilter.
Definition at line 101 of file HLTDoublet.cc.
References funct::abs(), accept(), trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs::addCollectionTag(), trigger::TriggerRefsCollections::addObject(), edm::Event::getByToken(), edm::Event::getStableProvenance(), Exhume::I, mps_fire::i, HLT_FULL_cff::InputTag, instance, label, M_PI, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, fireworks::p1, fireworks::p2, LaserDQM_cfg::process, diffTwoXMLs::r1, diffTwoXMLs::r2, dt_dqm_sourceclient_common_cff::reco, CommPDSkim_cfg::saveTags, and mathSSE::sqrt().
106 using namespace reco;
107 using namespace trigger;
117 std::vector<T1Ref> coll1;
118 std::vector<T2Ref> coll2;
139 const string&
140 const string&
141 const string&
143 if (tagOld.
encode() != tagNew.encode()) {
158 const string&
159 const string&
160 const string&
162 if (tagOld.
encode() != tagNew.encode()) {
174 for (
unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 != n1; i1++) {
181 for (
unsigned int i2 =
I; i2 != n2; i2++) {
185 double Dphi(
std::abs(p1.phi() - p2.phi()));
187 Dphi = 2.0 *
M_PI - Dphi;
189 double Deta(
std::abs(p1.eta() - p2.eta()));
195 double DelR(
sqrt(Dphi * Dphi + Deta * Deta));
Log< level::Info, true > LogVerbatim
static PFTauRenderPlugin instance
bool getByToken(EDGetToken token, Handle< PROD > &result) const
edm::Ref< T2Collection > T2Ref
const edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs > inputToken1_
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
void addObject(int id, const reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef &ref)
setters for L3 collections: (id=physics type, and Ref<C>)
edm::Ref< T1Collection > T1Ref
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
const std::complex< double > I
const std::string * moduleLabel() const
const edm::EDGetTokenT< trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs > inputToken2_
void addCollectionTag(const edm::InputTag &collectionTag)
const std::vector< edm::InputTag > originTag2_
const std::vector< edm::InputTag > originTag1_
StableProvenance const & getStableProvenance(BranchID const &theID) const
math::PtEtaPhiELorentzVectorF LorentzVector