162 _nShots = tfserv->
"Number of Shots per event", 200, -0.5, 199.5);
163 _nShots->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
164 _nShots->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
165 _nShots->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
167 _whichAPV = tfserv->make<TH1F>(
"APV with shots", 6, -0.5, 5.5);
168 _whichAPV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
169 _whichAPV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
171 _stripMult = tfserv->make<TH1F>(
"Shot Strip Multiplicity", 129, -0.5, 128.5);
172 _stripMult->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Number of Strips");
173 _stripMult->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
175 _median = tfserv->make<TH1F>(
"APV Shot charge median", 256, -0.5, 255.5);
176 _median->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Charge [ADC]");
177 _median->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
179 _subDetector = tfserv->make<TH1F>(
"SubDetector Shot distribution", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
180 _subDetector->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
182 _nShotsbxcycle = tfserv->make<TProfile>(
"Number of shots vs APV cycle bin", 70, -0.5, 69.5);
183 _nShotsbxcycle->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Event BX mod(70)");
184 _nShotsbxcycle->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
186 _nShotsdbx = tfserv->make<TProfile>(
"Number of shots vs #Delta(BX)", 1000, -0.5, 999.5);
187 _nShotsdbx->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Event #Delta(BX)");
188 _nShotsdbx->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
191 tfserv->make<TProfile>(
"Number of shots vs #Delta(BX) w.r.t. APV cycle", 1000, -0.5, 999.5);
192 _nShotsdbxincycle->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Event #Delta(BX) w.r.t. APV cycle");
193 _nShotsdbxincycle->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
196 tfserv->make<TProfile>(
"Number of shots vs APV cycle bin of previous L1A", 70, -0.5, 69.5);
197 _nShotsbxcycleprev->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Previous L1A BX mod(70)");
198 _nShotsbxcycleprev->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
201 tfserv->make<TProfile>(
"Number of shots vs #Delta(BX) of previous L1A", 1000, -0.5, 999.5);
202 _nShotsdbxprev->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Previous L1A #Delta(BX)");
203 _nShotsdbxprev->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
205 _nShotsdbxincycleprev = tfserv->make<TProfile>(
206 "nShotsDBXincycleprev",
"Number of shots vs #Delta(BX) w.r.t. APV cycle of previous L1A", 1000, -0.5, 999.5);
207 _nShotsdbxincycleprev->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Previous L1A #Delta(BX) w.r.t. APV cycle");
208 _nShotsdbxincycleprev->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"APV shots");
210 _nShotsrun =
"Number of Shots per event", 200, -0.5, 199.5);
212 _rhm.makeTProfile(
"Mean number of shots vs orbit number", 4 * 500, 0, 500 * 262144);
213 _whichAPVrun =
"APV with shots", 6, -0.5, 5.5);
214 _stripMultrun =
"Shot Strip Multiplicity", 129, -0.5, 128.5);
215 _medianrun =
"APV Shot charge median", 256, -0.5, 255.5);
216 _subDetectorrun =
"SubDetector Shot distribution", 10, -0.5, 9.5);
219 _fed = tfserv->make<TH1F>(
"FED Shot distribution", 440, 50, 490);
220 _fed->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
221 _fedrun =
"FED Shot distribution", 440, 50, 490);
224 tfserv->make<TH2F>(
"Channel vs FED Shot distribution", 440, 50, 490, 97, -0.5, 96.5);
225 _channelvsfed->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
226 _channelvsfed->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
229 tfserv->make<TH2F>(
"Number of Shots per event vs fedid", 440, 50, 490, 200, -0.5, 199.5);
230 _nShotsVsFED->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
231 _nShots->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
232 _nShots->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
233 _nShotsVsFED->StatOverflows(kTRUE);
235 _medianVsFED = tfserv->make<TH2F>(
"APV Shot charge median vs fedid", 440, 50, 490, 256, -0.5, 255.5);
236 _medianVsFED->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
237 _medianVsFED->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Charge [ADC]");
238 _median->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(
T * make(const Args &...args) const
make new ROOT object
_suffix(iConfig.getParameter< std::string >("mapSuffix"))
_zs(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter< bool >("zeroSuppressed", true))