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Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm. More...
#include <PileUpPFCandidate.h>
Public Member Functions | |
PileUpPFCandidate * | clone () const override |
return a clone More... | |
PileUpPFCandidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
PileUpPFCandidate (const PFCandidatePtr &candidatePtr, const VertexRef &vertexRef) | |
const VertexRef & | vertexRef () const |
return reference to the associated vertex More... | |
~PileUpPFCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
void | addElementInBlock (const reco::PFBlockRef &blockref, unsigned elementIndex) |
add an element to the current PFCandidate More... | |
const reco::Muon::MuonTrackType | bestMuonTrackType () const |
get the Best Muon Track Ref More... | |
const reco::Track * | bestTrack () const override |
reco::ConversionRef | conversionRef () const |
return a reference to the original conversion More... | |
double | deltaP () const |
uncertainty on 3-momentum More... | |
reco::PFDisplacedVertexRef | displacedVertexRef (Flags type) const |
float | dnn_e_bkgNonIsolated () const |
float | dnn_e_bkgPhoton () const |
float | dnn_e_bkgTau () const |
float | dnn_e_sigIsolated () const |
float | dnn_e_sigNonIsolated () const |
float | dnn_gamma () const |
float | dxyError () const override |
uncertainty on dxy More... | |
float | dzError () const override |
uncertainty on dz More... | |
double | ecalEnergy () const |
return corrected Ecal energy More... | |
reco::PFCandidateEGammaExtraRef | egammaExtraRef () const |
return a reference to the EGamma extra More... | |
reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraRef | electronExtraRef () const |
return a reference to the electron extra More... | |
const ElementsInBlocks & | elementsInBlocks () const |
bool | flag (Flags theFlag) const |
return a given flag More... | |
reco::GsfElectronRef | gsfElectronRef () const |
return a reference to the corresponding GsfElectron if any More... | |
reco::GsfTrackRef | gsfTrackRef () const |
float | hcalDepthEnergyFraction (unsigned int depth) const |
fraction of hcal energy at a given depth (depth = 1 .. 7) More... | |
const std::array< float, 7 > & | hcalDepthEnergyFractions () const |
fraction of hcal energy at a given depth (index 0..6 for depth 1..7) More... | |
double | hcalEnergy () const |
return corrected Hcal energy More... | |
double | hoEnergy () const |
return corrected Hcal energy More... | |
bool | isTimeValid () const |
do we have a valid time information More... | |
reco::MuonRef | muonRef () const |
float | mva_e_mu () const |
mva for electron-muon discrimination More... | |
float | mva_e_pi () const |
mva for electron-pion discrimination More... | |
float | mva_gamma_nh () const |
mva for neutral hadron - gamma discrimination More... | |
float | mva_Isolated () const |
float | mva_nothing_gamma () const |
mva for gamma detection More... | |
float | mva_nothing_nh () const |
mva for neutral hadron detection More... | |
float | mva_pi_mu () const |
mva for pi-muon discrimination More... | |
size_t | numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const override |
PFCandidate & | operator= (PFCandidate const &) |
virtual ParticleType | particleId () const |
PFCandidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
PFCandidate (const PFCandidatePtr &sourcePtr) | |
constructor from a reference (keeps track of source relationship) More... | |
PFCandidate (Charge q, const LorentzVector &p4, ParticleType particleId) | |
PFCandidate (const PFCandidate &) | |
copy constructor More... | |
reco::PFCandidatePhotonExtraRef | photonExtraRef () const |
return a reference to the photon extra More... | |
reco::PhotonRef | photonRef () const |
return a reference to the corresponding Photon if any More... | |
const math::XYZPointF & | positionAtECALEntrance () const |
double | pS1Energy () const |
return corrected PS1 energy More... | |
double | pS2Energy () const |
return corrected PS2 energy More... | |
double | rawEcalEnergy () const |
return corrected Ecal energy More... | |
double | rawHcalEnergy () const |
return raw Hcal energy More... | |
double | rawHoEnergy () const |
return raw Hcal energy More... | |
void | rescaleMomentum (double rescaleFactor) |
particle momentum *= rescaleFactor More... | |
void | set_dnn_e_bkgNonIsolated (float mva) |
void | set_dnn_e_bkgPhoton (float mva) |
void | set_dnn_e_bkgTau (float mva) |
void | set_dnn_e_sigIsolated (float mva) |
void | set_dnn_e_sigNonIsolated (float mva) |
void | set_dnn_gamma (float mva) |
void | set_mva_e_mu (float mva) |
set mva for electron-muon discrimination More... | |
void | set_mva_e_pi (float mvaNI) |
void | set_mva_gamma_nh (float mva) |
set mva for neutral hadron - gamma discrimination More... | |
void | set_mva_Isolated (float mvaI) |
void | set_mva_nothing_gamma (float mva) |
set mva for gamma detection More... | |
void | set_mva_nothing_nh (float mva) |
set mva for neutral hadron detection More... | |
void | set_mva_pi_mu (float mva) |
set mva for pi-muon discrimination More... | |
void | setConversionRef (const reco::ConversionRef &ref) |
set ref to original reco conversion More... | |
void | setDeltaP (double dp) |
set uncertainty on momentum More... | |
void | setDisplacedVertexRef (const reco::PFDisplacedVertexRef &ref, Flags flag) |
set displaced vertex reference More... | |
void | setEcalEnergy (float eeRaw, float eeCorr) |
set corrected Ecal energy More... | |
void | setFlag (Flags theFlag, bool value) |
set a given flag More... | |
void | setGsfElectronRef (const reco::GsfElectronRef &ref) |
set GsfElectronRef More... | |
void | setGsfTrackRef (const reco::GsfTrackRef &ref) |
set gsftrack reference More... | |
void | setHcalDepthEnergyFractions (const std::array< float, 7 > &fracs) |
set the fraction of hcal energy as function of depth (index 0..6 for depth 1..7) More... | |
void | setHcalEnergy (float ehRaw, float ehCorr) |
set corrected Hcal energy More... | |
void | setHoEnergy (float eoRaw, float eoCorr) |
set corrected Hcal energy More... | |
void | setMuonRef (const reco::MuonRef &ref) |
set muon reference More... | |
void | setMuonTrackType (const reco::Muon::MuonTrackType &type) |
set the Best Muon Track Ref More... | |
void | setParticleType (ParticleType type) |
set Particle Type More... | |
void | setPFEGammaExtraRef (const reco::PFCandidateEGammaExtraRef &ref) |
set the PF EGamma Extra Ref More... | |
void | setPFElectronExtraRef (const reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraRef &ref) |
set the PF Electron Extra Ref More... | |
void | setPFPhotonExtraRef (const reco::PFCandidatePhotonExtraRef &ref) |
set the PF Photon Extra Ref More... | |
void | setPhotonRef (const reco::PhotonRef &phRef) |
set ref to the corresponding reco::Photon if any More... | |
void | setPositionAtECALEntrance (const math::XYZPointF &pos) |
set position at ECAL entrance More... | |
void | setPs1Energy (float e1) |
set corrected PS1 energy More... | |
void | setPs2Energy (float e2) |
set corrected PS2 energy More... | |
void | setSourceCandidatePtr (const PFCandidatePtr &ptr) |
void | setSuperClusterRef (const reco::SuperClusterRef &scRef) |
void | setTime (float time, float timeError=0.f) |
the timing information More... | |
void | setTrackRef (const reco::TrackRef &ref) |
set track reference More... | |
void | setV0Ref (const reco::VertexCompositeCandidateRef &ref) |
set ref to original reco conversion More... | |
CandidatePtr | sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const override |
reco::SuperClusterRef | superClusterRef () const |
return a reference to the corresponding SuperCluster if any More... | |
float | time () const |
float | timeError () const |
reco::TrackRef | trackRef () const |
ParticleType | translatePdgIdToType (int pdgid) const |
int | translateTypeToPdgId (ParticleType type) const |
reco::VertexCompositeCandidateRef | v0Ref () const |
return a reference to the original conversion More... | |
const Point & | vertex () const override |
vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More... | |
double | vx () const override |
x coordinate of vertex position More... | |
double | vy () const override |
y coordinate of vertex position More... | |
double | vz () const override |
z coordinate of vertex position More... | |
~PFCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
void | addDaughter (const Candidate &, const std::string &s="") |
add a clone of the passed candidate as daughter More... | |
void | addDaughter (std::unique_ptr< Candidate >, const std::string &s="") |
add a clone of the passed candidate as daughter More... | |
void | applyRoles () |
void | clearDaughters () |
clear daughters More... | |
void | clearRoles () |
CompositeCandidate (std::string name="") | |
default constructor More... | |
template<typename P4 > | |
CompositeCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0, bool integerCharge=true, std::string name="") | |
constructor from values More... | |
CompositeCandidate (const Candidate &p, const std::string &name="") | |
constructor from values More... | |
CompositeCandidate (const Candidate &p, const std::string &name, role_collection const &roles) | |
constructor from values More... | |
const Candidate * | daughter (size_type) const override |
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (size_type) override |
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
const Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) const override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
const Candidate * | mother (size_type i=0) const override |
return pointer to mother More... | |
std::string | name () const |
get the name of the candidate More... | |
size_type | numberOfDaughters () const override |
number of daughters More... | |
size_type | numberOfMothers () const override |
number of mothers (zero or one in most of but not all the cases) More... | |
role_collection const & | roles () const |
get the roles More... | |
void | setName (std::string name) |
set the name of the candidate More... | |
void | setRoles (const role_collection &roles) |
set the roles More... | |
~CompositeCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
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Vector | boostToCM () const final |
int | charge () const final |
electric charge More... | |
void | construct (int qx3, float pt, float eta, float phi, float mass, const Point &vtx, int pdgId, int status) |
const Candidate * | daughter (size_type) const override |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (size_type) override |
return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
const Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) const override |
return daughter with a specified role name More... | |
double | energy () const final |
energy More... | |
double | et () const final |
transverse energy More... | |
double | et2 () const final |
transverse energy squared (use this for cut!) More... | |
double | eta () const final |
momentum pseudorapidity More... | |
void | fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const override |
fill SMatrix More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
bool | hasMasterClone () const override |
bool | hasMasterClonePtr () const override |
bool | isCaloMuon () const override |
bool | isConvertedPhoton () const override |
bool | isElectron () const override |
bool | isGlobalMuon () const override |
bool | isJet () const override |
bool | isMuon () const override |
bool | isPhoton () const override |
bool | isStandAloneMuon () const override |
bool | isTrackerMuon () const override |
LeafCandidate () | |
LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c) | |
template<typename... Args> | |
LeafCandidate (Args &&...args) | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &rh) | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &&)=default | |
LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate const &)=default | |
bool | longLived () const final |
is long lived? More... | |
double | mass () const final |
mass More... | |
bool | massConstraint () const final |
do mass constraint? More... | |
double | massSqr () const final |
mass squared More... | |
const CandidateBaseRef & | masterClone () const override |
const CandidatePtr & | masterClonePtr () const override |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
Vector | momentum () const final |
spatial momentum vector More... | |
const Candidate * | mother (size_type) const override |
return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More... | |
double | mt () const final |
transverse mass More... | |
double | mtSqr () const final |
transverse mass squared More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
size_t | numberOfDaughters () const override |
number of daughters More... | |
size_t | numberOfMothers () const override |
number of mothers More... | |
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate &&)=default |
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate const &)=default |
double | p () const final |
magnitude of momentum vector More... | |
const LorentzVector & | p4 () const final |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
int | pdgId () const final |
PDG identifier. More... | |
double | phi () const final |
momentum azimuthal angle More... | |
const PolarLorentzVector & | polarP4 () const final |
four-momentum Lorentz vector More... | |
double | pt () const final |
transverse momentum More... | |
double | px () const final |
x coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | py () const final |
y coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | pz () const final |
z coordinate of momentum vector More... | |
double | rapidity () const final |
rapidity More... | |
void | setCharge (Charge q) final |
set electric charge More... | |
void | setLongLived () final |
void | setMass (double m) final |
set particle mass More... | |
void | setMassConstraint () final |
void | setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) final |
set 4-momentum More... | |
void | setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) final |
set 4-momentum More... | |
void | setPdgId (int pdgId) final |
void | setPz (double pz) final |
void | setStatus (int status) final |
set status word More... | |
void | setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) final |
set electric charge More... | |
void | setVertex (const Point &vertex) override |
set vertex More... | |
int | status () const final |
status word More... | |
double | theta () const final |
momentum polar angle More... | |
int | threeCharge () const final |
electric charge More... | |
double | vertexChi2 () const override |
chi-squares More... | |
double | vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const override |
(i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More... | |
CovarianceMatrix | vertexCovariance () const final |
return SMatrix More... | |
double | vertexNdof () const override |
double | vertexNormalizedChi2 () const override |
chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More... | |
double | y () const final |
rapidity More... | |
~LeafCandidate () override | |
destructor More... | |
![]() | |
const_iterator | begin () const |
first daughter const_iterator More... | |
iterator | begin () |
first daughter iterator More... | |
Candidate () | |
default constructor More... | |
const_iterator | end () const |
last daughter const_iterator More... | |
iterator | end () |
last daughter iterator More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get () const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
T | get (size_type i) const |
get a component More... | |
template<typename Ref > | |
Ref | masterRef () const |
cast master clone reference to a concrete type More... | |
template<typename T > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
template<typename T , typename Tag > | |
size_type | numberOf () const |
number of components More... | |
virtual void | setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr) |
Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More... | |
virtual | ~Candidate () |
destructor More... | |
Private Attributes | |
VertexRef | vertexRef_ |
Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm.
Definition at line 17 of file PileUpPFCandidate.h.
PileUpPFCandidate::PileUpPFCandidate | ( | ) |
PileUpPFCandidate::PileUpPFCandidate | ( | const PFCandidatePtr & | candidatePtr, |
const VertexRef & | vertexRef | ||
) |
Definition at line 8 of file PileUpPFCandidate.cc.
override |
overridevirtual |
return a clone
Reimplemented from reco::PFCandidate.
Definition at line 11 of file PileUpPFCandidate.cc.
References PileUpPFCandidate().
inline |
return reference to the associated vertex
Definition at line 31 of file PileUpPFCandidate.h.
References vertexRef_.
private |
Definition at line 34 of file PileUpPFCandidate.h.
Referenced by vertexRef().