=== This is the base class for the linearised chi-squared track fit algorithms.
| chosenRofZ_ (50.0) |
| houghMinPt_ (2.0) |
| kalmanAddBeamConstr_ (false) |
| kalmanChi2RphiScale_ (8) |
| kalmanDebugLevel_ (0) |
| kalmanHOalpha_ (1) |
| kalmanHOfw_ (false) |
| kalmanHOhelixExp_ (true) |
| kalmanHOprojZcorr_ (1) |
| kalmanHOtilted_ (true) |
| kalmanMaxNumStubs_ (6) |
| kalmanMaxSkipLayersEasy_ (2) |
| kalmanMaxSkipLayersHard_ (1) |
| kalmanMaxStubsEasy_ (10) |
| kalmanMaxStubsPerLayer_ (4) |
| kalmanMinNumStubs_ (4) |
| kalmanMultiScattTerm_ (0.00075) |
| kalmanRemove2PScut_ (true) |
| kfLayerVsChiSq4_ ({999., 999., 10., 30., 80., 120., 160.}) |
| kfLayerVsChiSq5_ ({999., 999., 10., 30., 80., 120., 160.}) |
| kfLayerVsD0Cut5_ ({999., 999., 999., 10., 10., 10., 10.}) |
| kfLayerVsPtToler_ ({999., 999., 0.1, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05}) |
| kfLayerVsZ0Cut4_ ({999., 999., 15., 15., 15., 15., 15.}) |
| kfLayerVsZ0Cut5_ ({999., 999., 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5, 25.5}) |
| kfUseMaybeLayers_ (true) |
| minFracMatchStubsOnReco_ (-99) |
| minFracMatchStubsOnTP_ (-99) |
| minNumMatchLayers_ (4) |
| minNumMatchPSLayers_ (0) |
| minPtToReduceLayers_ (99999.) |
| minStubLayers_ (4) |
static bool | pair_compare (std::pair< const Stub *, float > a, std::pair< const Stub *, float > b) |
| reduceLayerID_ (true) |
| stubMatchStrict_ (false) |
=== This is the base class for the linearised chi-squared track fit algorithms.
=== This is the base class for all the track fit algorithms
=== Create requested track fitter
=== This is the simple linear regression with 4 helix parameters (qOverPt, phiT, z0, tanLambda) track fit algorithm.
=== Written by: Sioni Summers and Alexander D. Morton.
Kill duplicate fitted tracks.
Currently this is intended to run only on tracks found within a single (eta,phi) sector.
=== Represents helix state & last associated stub. === All variable names & equations come from Fruhwirth KF paper === http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002%2887%2990887-4
=== This is the base class for the Kalman Combinatorial Filter track fit algorithm. === All variable names & equations come from Fruhwirth KF paper === http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002%2887%2990887-4
=== This is the Kalman Combinatorial Filter for 4 & 5 helix parameters track fit algorithm. === All variable names & equations come from Fruhwirth KF paper === http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0168-9002%2887%2990887-4
Multiplex the tracks found by several HT onto a single output optical link. (where throughout this class, the word "link" corresponds to a pair of links in the hardware). so that tracks that can't be sent down the link within the time-multiplexed period are killed.
This class replaces the 2D track collection in the r-phi HTs with the subset of the tracks that can be output within the TM period.
If you wish to change the multiplexing algorithm, then edit this class ...
=== Written by: Davide Cieri (david.nosp@m.e.ci.nosp@m.eri@s.nosp@m.tfc..nosp@m.ac.uk)
=== Written by: Alexander D. Morton and Sioni Summers
=== Written by: Sioni Summers and Alexander D. Morton