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outInSeedsFromStandaloneMuons_cfi Namespace Reference


tuple hitCollectorForOutInMuonSeeds
tuple outInSeedsFromStandaloneMuons

Variable Documentation

tuple outInSeedsFromStandaloneMuons_cfi.hitCollectorForOutInMuonSeeds
Initial value:
1 = TrackingTools.KalmanUpdators.Chi2MeasurementEstimator_cfi.Chi2MeasurementEstimator.clone(
2  ComponentName = 'hitCollectorForOutInMuonSeeds',
3  MaxChi2 = 100.0, ## was 30 ## TO BE TUNED
4  nSigma = 4., ## was 3 ## TO BE TUNED
5 )

Definition at line 4 of file

tuple outInSeedsFromStandaloneMuons_cfi.outInSeedsFromStandaloneMuons
Initial value:
1 = cms.EDProducer('OutsideInMuonSeeder',
2  ## Input collection of muons, and selection. outerTrack.isNonnull is implicit.
3  src = cms.InputTag('muons'),
4  cut = cms.string('pt > 10 && outerTrack.hitPattern.muonStationsWithValidHits >= 2'),
5  layersToTry = cms.int32(3), # try up to 3 layers where at least one seed is found
6  hitsToTry = cms.int32(3), # use at most 3 hits from the same layer
7  ## Use as state the muon updated ad vertex (True) or the innermost state of the standalone track (False)
8  fromVertex = cms.bool(True),
9  ## Propagator to go from muon state to TOB/TEC.
10  muonPropagator = cms.string('SteppingHelixPropagatorAlong'),
11  ## Propagator used searching for hits..
12  trackerPropagator = cms.string('PropagatorWithMaterial'),
13  ## How much to rescale the standalone muon uncertainties beforehand
14  errorRescaleFactor = cms.double(2.0),
15  ## Chi2MeasurementEstimator used to select hits
16  hitCollector = cms.string('hitCollectorForOutInMuonSeeds'),
17  ## Eta ranges to search for TOB and TEC
18  maxEtaForTOB = cms.double(1.8),
19  minEtaForTEC = cms.double(0.7),
20  #### Turn on verbose debugging (to be removed at the end)
21  debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
22 )

Definition at line 10 of file