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BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "CUDADataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHit2DHeterogeneous.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/cudaCheck.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/cuda_assert.h"
#include "RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/interface/pixelCPEforGPU.h"
#include "RecoPixelVertexing/PixelTrackFitting/interface/BrokenLine.h"
#include "HelixFitOnGPU.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


using HitsOnGPU = TrackingRecHit2DSOAView
using OutputSoA = pixelTrack::TrackSoA
using tindex_type = caConstants::tindex_type
using Tuples = pixelTrack::HitContainer


template<int N>
 __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void kernel_BLFastFit(Tuples const *__restrict__ foundNtuplets
 assert (hitsInFit<=nHitsL)
 assert (nHitsL<=nHitsH)
 assert (hhp)
 assert (phits)
 assert (pfast_fit)
 assert (foundNtuplets)
 assert (tupleMultiplicity)
 assert (totTK<=int(tupleMultiplicity->size()))
 assert (totTK >=0)
 for (int local_idx=local_start, nt=riemannFit::maxNumberOfConcurrentFits;local_idx< nt;local_idx+=gridDim.x *blockDim.x)


const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__ 
constexpr auto invalidTkId = std::numeric_limits<tindex_type>::max()
auto local_start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ float
*__restrict__ double
*__restrict__ uint32_t
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ float
*__restrict__ double
*__restrict__ uint32_t 
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ float
*__restrict__ double
*__restrict__ uint32_t
uint32_t int32_t 
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ float
*__restrict__ double
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ 
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__
double *__restrict__ float
const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU
const *__restrict__
tindex_type *__restrict__ 
int totTK = tupleMultiplicity->end(nHitsH) - tupleMultiplicity->begin(nHitsL)
const *__restrict__ 

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 19 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Definition at line 21 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Definition at line 22 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Definition at line 20 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Function Documentation

template<int N>
__attribute__ ( (always_inline)  ) const
assert ( hitsInFit<=  nHitsL)
assert ( nHitsL<=  nHitsH)
assert ( hhp  )
assert ( phits  )
assert ( pfast_fit  )
assert ( foundNtuplets  )
assert ( tupleMultiplicity  )
assert ( totTK<=  inttupleMultiplicity->size())
assert ( totTK >=  0)
for ( int  local_idx = local_start)

Definition at line 61 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

References cms::cudacompat::__syncthreads(), funct::abs(), cms::cuda::assert(), cms::cudacompat::atomicAdd(), newFWLiteAna::bin, fileCollector::done, remoteMonitoring_LASER_era2018_cfg::dump, PVValHelper::dx, PVValHelper::dy, PVValHelper::dz, validate-o2o-wbm::f, brokenline::fastFit(), mps_fire::i, invalidTkId, dqmiolumiharvest::j, CPEFastParametrisation::kGenErrorQBins, CPEFastParametrisation::kNumErrorBins, SiStripPI::max, dqmiodumpmetadata::n, nHits, hltrates_dqm_sourceclient-live_cfg::offset, phase1PixelTopology::pixelPitchY, gpuVertexFinder::printf(), and mps_update::status.

62  {
63  int tuple_idx = local_idx + offset;
64  if (tuple_idx >= totTK) {
65  ptkids[local_idx] = invalidTkId;
66  break;
67  }
68  // get it from the ntuple container (one to one to helix)
69  auto tkid = *(tupleMultiplicity->begin(nHitsL) + tuple_idx);
70  assert(tkid < foundNtuplets->nOnes());
72  ptkids[local_idx] = tkid;
74  auto nHits = foundNtuplets->size(tkid);
76  assert(nHits >= nHitsL);
77  assert(nHits <= nHitsH);
79  riemannFit::Map3xNd<N> hits(phits + local_idx);
80  riemannFit::Map4d fast_fit(pfast_fit + local_idx);
81  riemannFit::Map6xNf<N> hits_ge(phits_ge + local_idx);
83 #ifdef BL_DUMP_HITS
84  __shared__ int done;
85  done = 0;
86  __syncthreads();
87  bool dump = (foundNtuplets->size(tkid) == 5 && 0 == atomicAdd(&done, 1));
88 #endif
90  // Prepare data structure
91  auto const *hitId = foundNtuplets->begin(tkid);
93  // #define YERR_FROM_DC
94 #ifdef YERR_FROM_DC
95  // try to compute more precise error in y
96  auto dx = hhp->xGlobal(hitId[hitsInFit - 1]) - hhp->xGlobal(hitId[0]);
97  auto dy = hhp->yGlobal(hitId[hitsInFit - 1]) - hhp->yGlobal(hitId[0]);
98  auto dz = hhp->zGlobal(hitId[hitsInFit - 1]) - hhp->zGlobal(hitId[0]);
99  float ux, uy, uz;
100 #endif
102  float incr = std::max(1.f, float(nHits) / float(hitsInFit));
103  float n = 0;
104  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hitsInFit; ++i) {
105  int j = int(n + 0.5f); // round
106  if (hitsInFit - 1 == i)
107  j = nHits - 1; // force last hit to ensure max lever arm.
108  assert(j < int(nHits));
109  n += incr;
110  auto hit = hitId[j];
111  float ge[6];
113 #ifdef YERR_FROM_DC
114  auto const &dp = hhp->cpeParams().detParams(hhp->detectorIndex(hit));
115  auto status = hhp->status(hit);
116  int qbin = CPEFastParametrisation::kGenErrorQBins - 1 - status.qBin;
117  assert(qbin >= 0 && qbin < 5);
118  bool nok = (status.isBigY | status.isOneY);
119  // compute cotanbeta and use it to recompute error
120  dp.frame.rotation().multiply(dx, dy, dz, ux, uy, uz);
121  auto cb = std::abs(uy / uz);
122  int bin =
123  int(cb * (float(phase1PixelTopology::pixelThickess) / float(phase1PixelTopology::pixelPitchY)) * 8.f) - 4;
124  int low_value = 0;
125  int high_value = CPEFastParametrisation::kNumErrorBins - 1;
126  // return estimated bin value truncated to [0, 15]
127  bin = std::clamp(bin, low_value, high_value);
128  float yerr = dp.sigmay[bin] * 1.e-4f; // toCM
129  yerr *= dp.yfact[qbin]; // inflate
130  yerr *= yerr;
131  yerr += dp.apeYY;
132  yerr = nok ? hhp->yerrLocal(hit) : yerr;
133  dp.frame.toGlobal(hhp->xerrLocal(hit), 0, yerr, ge);
134 #else
135  hhp->cpeParams()
136  .detParams(hhp->detectorIndex(hit))
137  .frame.toGlobal(hhp->xerrLocal(hit), 0, hhp->yerrLocal(hit), ge);
138 #endif
140 #ifdef BL_DUMP_HITS
141  bool dump = foundNtuplets->size(tkid) == 5;
142  if (dump) {
143  printf("Track id %d %d Hit %d on %d\nGlobal: hits.col(%d) << %f,%f,%f\n",
144  local_idx,
145  tkid,
146  hit,
147  hhp->detectorIndex(hit),
148  i,
149  hhp->xGlobal(hit),
150  hhp->yGlobal(hit),
151  hhp->zGlobal(hit));
152  printf("Error: hits_ge.col(%d) << %e,%e,%e,%e,%e,%e\n", i, ge[0], ge[1], ge[2], ge[3], ge[4], ge[5]);
153  }
154 #endif
156  hits.col(i) << hhp->xGlobal(hit), hhp->yGlobal(hit), hhp->zGlobal(hit);
157  hits_ge.col(i) << ge[0], ge[1], ge[2], ge[3], ge[4], ge[5];
158  }
159  brokenline::fastFit(hits, fast_fit);
161  // no NaN here....
162  assert(fast_fit(0) == fast_fit(0));
163  assert(fast_fit(1) == fast_fit(1));
164  assert(fast_fit(2) == fast_fit(2));
165  assert(fast_fit(3) == fast_fit(3));
166  }
constexpr uint16_t pixelPitchY
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ ptkids
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ float *__restrict__ phits_ge
auto const & foundNtuplets
list status
constexpr int kGenErrorQBins
assert(be >=bs)
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ float *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ uint32_t nHitsL
Eigen::Map< Matrix3xNd< N >, 0, Eigen::Stride< 3 *stride, stride > > Map3xNd
Definition: HelixFitOnGPU.h:23
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ tupleMultiplicity
printf("params %d %f %f %f\n", minT, eps, errmax, chi2max)
__host__ __device__ void fastFit(const M3xN &hits, V4 &result)
A very fast helix fit.
Definition: BrokenLine.h:258
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
Eigen::Map< Matrix6xNf< N >, 0, Eigen::Stride< 6 *stride, stride > > Map6xNf
Definition: HelixFitOnGPU.h:28
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ float *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ pfast_fit
int totTK
constexpr auto invalidTkId
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ hhp
Eigen::Map< Vector4d, 0, Eigen::InnerStride< stride > > Map4d
Definition: HelixFitOnGPU.h:30
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernelsGPU::HitToTuple const cms::cuda::AtomicPairCounter GPUCACell const *__restrict__ uint32_t const *__restrict__ gpuPixelDoublets::CellNeighborsVector const gpuPixelDoublets::CellTracksVector const GPUCACell::OuterHitOfCell const int32_t nHits
void __syncthreads()
Definition: cudaCompat.h:108
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ float *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ uint32_t uint32_t nHitsH
T1 atomicAdd(T1 *a, T2 b)
Definition: cudaCompat.h:61
constexpr int kNumErrorBins
tuple dump
OutputFilePath = cms.string(&#39;/tmp/zhokin/&#39;), OutputFileExt = cms.string(&#39;&#39;),.
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const *__restrict__ HitsOnGPU const *__restrict__ tindex_type *__restrict__ double *__restrict__ phits

Variable Documentation

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ hhp

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

constexpr auto invalidTkId = std::numeric_limits<tindex_type>::max()

Definition at line 23 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Referenced by for().

auto local_start = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x

Definition at line 49 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ float* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ uint32_t uint32_t nHitsH

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ float* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ uint32_t nHitsL

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ float* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ uint32_t uint32_t int32_t offset
Initial value:
constexpr uint32_t hitsInFit = N
#define N

Definition at line 37 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ float* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ pfast_fit

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ phits
caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ double* __restrict__ float* __restrict__ phits_ge

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

caConstants::TupleMultiplicity const* __restrict__ HitsOnGPU const* __restrict__ tindex_type* __restrict__ ptkids

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

int totTK = tupleMultiplicity->end(nHitsH) - tupleMultiplicity->begin(nHitsL)

Definition at line 50 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Quality const *__restrict__ caConstants::TupleMultiplicity * tupleMultiplicity
Initial value:
auto first = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
const dim3 threadIdx
Definition: cudaCompat.h:29
const dim3 blockDim
Definition: cudaCompat.h:30
const dim3 blockIdx
Definition: cudaCompat.h:32

Definition at line 29 of file BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h.

Referenced by HelixFitOnGPU::allocateOnGPU().