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1 //HepMC Headers
2 #include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
3 #include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
4 #include "HepMC/GenParticle.h"
6 //Framework Headers
9 //CMSSW Data Formats
13 //FAMOS Headers
24 using namespace HepPDT;
26 // system include
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <iomanip>
29 #include <map>
30 #include <string>
33  : nSimTracks(0), nSimVertices(0), nGenParticles(0), nChargedParticleTracks(0), initialSize(5000) {
34  // Initialize the vectors of particles and vertices
35  theGenParticles = new std::vector<HepMC::GenParticle*>();
36  theSimTracks = new std::vector<FSimTrack>;
37  theSimVertices = new std::vector<FSimVertex>;
38  theChargedTracks = new std::vector<unsigned>();
41  // Reserve some size to avoid mutiple copies
42  /* */
43  theSimTracks->resize(initialSize);
44  theSimVertices->resize(initialSize);
47  theFSimVerticesType->resize(initialSize);
52  /* */
54  // Initialize the Particle filter
55  myFilter = new KineParticleFilter(kine);
57  // Initialize the distance from (0,0,0) after which *generated* particles are
58  // no longer considered - because the mother could have interacted before.
59  // unit : cm x cm
60  lateVertexPosition = 2.5 * 2.5;
61 }
64  // Clear the vectors
65  theGenParticles->clear();
66  theSimTracks->clear();
67  theSimVertices->clear();
68  theChargedTracks->clear();
69  theFSimVerticesType->clear();
71  // Delete
72  delete theGenParticles;
73  delete theSimTracks;
74  delete theSimVertices;
75  delete theChargedTracks;
76  delete theFSimVerticesType;
77  delete myFilter;
78 }
82 void FBaseSimEvent::fill(const HepMC::GenEvent& myGenEvent) {
83  // Clear old vectors
84  clear();
86  // Add the particles in the FSimEvent
87  addParticles(myGenEvent);
88 }
90 void FBaseSimEvent::fill(const std::vector<SimTrack>& simTracks, const std::vector<SimVertex>& simVertices) {
91  // Watch out there ! A SimVertex is in mm (stupid),
92  // while a FSimVertex is in cm (clever).
94  clear();
96  unsigned nVtx = simVertices.size();
97  unsigned nTks = simTracks.size();
99  // Empty event, do nothin'
100  if (nVtx == 0)
101  return;
103  // Two arrays for internal use.
104  std::vector<int> myVertices(nVtx, -1);
105  std::vector<int> myTracks(nTks, -1);
107  // create a map associating geant particle id and position in the
108  // event SimTrack vector
110  std::map<unsigned, unsigned> geantToIndex;
111  for (unsigned it = 0; it < simTracks.size(); ++it) {
112  geantToIndex[simTracks[it].trackId()] = it;
113  }
115  // Create also a map associating a SimTrack with its endVertex
116  /*
117  std::map<unsigned, unsigned> endVertex;
118  for ( unsigned iv=0; iv<simVertices.size(); ++iv ) {
119  endVertex[ simVertices[iv].parentIndex() ] = iv;
120  }
121  */
123  // Set the main vertex for the kine particle filter
124  // SimVertices were in mm until 110_pre2
125  // HepLorentzVector primaryVertex = simVertices[0].position()/10.;
126  // SImVertices are now in cm
127  // Also : position is copied until SimVertex switches to Mathcore.
128  // XYZTLorentzVector primaryVertex = simVertices[0].position();
129  // The next 5 lines to be then replaced by the previous line
130  XYZTLorentzVector primaryVertex(simVertices[0].position().x(),
131  simVertices[0].position().y(),
132  simVertices[0].position().z(),
133  simVertices[0].position().t());
134  //
135  //myFilter->setMainVertex(primaryVertex);
136  // Add the main vertex to the list.
137  addSimVertex(/*myFilter->vertex()*/ primaryVertex, -1, FSimVertexType::PRIMARY_VERTEX);
138  myVertices[0] = 0;
140  for (unsigned trackId = 0; trackId < nTks; ++trackId) {
141  // The track
142  const SimTrack& track = simTracks[trackId];
143  // std::cout << std::endl << "SimTrack " << trackId << " " << track << std::endl;
145  // The origin vertex
146  int vertexId = track.vertIndex();
147  const SimVertex& vertex = simVertices[vertexId];
148  //std::cout << "Origin vertex " << vertexId << " " << vertex << std::endl;
150  // The mother track
151  int motherId = -1;
152  if (!vertex.noParent()) { // there is a parent to this vertex
153  // geant id of the mother
154  unsigned motherGeantId = vertex.parentIndex();
155  std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator association = geantToIndex.find(motherGeantId);
156  if (association != geantToIndex.end())
157  motherId = association->second;
158  }
159  int originId = motherId == -1 ? -1 : myTracks[motherId];
160  //std::cout << "Origin id " << originId << std::endl;
162  /*
163  if ( endVertex.find(trackId) != endVertex.end() )
164  std::cout << "End vertex id = " << endVertex[trackId] << std::endl;
165  else
166  std::cout << "No endVertex !!! " << std::endl;
167  std::cout << "Tracker surface position " << track.trackerSurfacePosition() << std::endl;
168  */
170  // Add the vertex (if it does not already exist!)
172  vertex.position().px(), vertex.position().py(), vertex.position().pz(), vertex.position().e());
173  if (myVertices[vertexId] == -1)
174  // Momentum and position are copied until SimTrack and SimVertex
175  // switch to Mathcore.
176  // myVertices[vertexId] = addSimVertex(vertex.position(),originId);
177  // The next line to be then replaced by the previous line
178  myVertices[vertexId] = addSimVertex(position, originId);
180  // Add the track (with protection for brem'ing electrons and muons)
181  int motherType = motherId == -1 ? 0 : simTracks[motherId].type();
183  bool notBremInDetector = (abs(motherType) != 11 && std::abs(motherType) != 13) || motherType != track.type() ||
184  position.Perp2() < lateVertexPosition;
186  if (notBremInDetector) {
187  // Momentum and position are copied until SimTrack and SimVertex
188  // switch to Mathcore.
189  // RawParticle part(track.momentum(), vertex.position());
190  // The next 3 lines to be then replaced by the previous line
191  XYZTLorentzVector momentum(
192  track.momentum().px(), track.momentum().py(), track.momentum().pz(), track.momentum().e());
193  RawParticle part = makeParticle(theTable(), track.type(), momentum, position);
194  //
195  //std::cout << "Ctau = " << part.PDGcTau() << std::endl;
196  // Don't save tracks that have decayed immediately but for which no daughters
197  // were saved (probably due to cuts on E, pT and eta)
198  // if ( part.PDGcTau() > 0.1 || endVertex.find(trackId) != endVertex.end() )
199  myTracks[trackId] = addSimTrack(&part, myVertices[vertexId], track.genpartIndex());
200  if (myTracks[trackId] >= 0) {
201  (*theSimTracks)[myTracks[trackId]].setTkPosition(track.trackerSurfacePosition());
202  (*theSimTracks)[myTracks[trackId]].setTkMomentum(track.trackerSurfaceMomentum());
203  }
204  } else {
205  myTracks[trackId] = myTracks[motherId];
206  if (myTracks[trackId] >= 0) {
207  (*theSimTracks)[myTracks[trackId]].setTkPosition(track.trackerSurfacePosition());
208  (*theSimTracks)[myTracks[trackId]].setTkMomentum(track.trackerSurfaceMomentum());
209  }
210  }
211  }
213  // Now loop over the remaining end vertices !
214  for (unsigned vertexId = 0; vertexId < nVtx; ++vertexId) {
215  // if the vertex is already saved, just ignore.
216  if (myVertices[vertexId] != -1)
217  continue;
219  // The yet unused vertex
220  const SimVertex& vertex = simVertices[vertexId];
222  // The mother track
223  int motherId = -1;
224  if (!vertex.noParent()) { // there is a parent to this vertex
226  // geant id of the mother
227  unsigned motherGeantId = vertex.parentIndex();
228  std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator association = geantToIndex.find(motherGeantId);
229  if (association != geantToIndex.end())
230  motherId = association->second;
231  }
232  int originId = motherId == -1 ? -1 : myTracks[motherId];
234  // Add the vertex
235  // Momentum and position are copied until SimTrack and SimVertex
236  // switch to Mathcore.
237  // myVertices[vertexId] = addSimVertex(vertex.position(),originId);
238  // The next 3 lines to be then replaced by the previous line
240  vertex.position().px(), vertex.position().py(), vertex.position().pz(), vertex.position().e());
241  myVertices[vertexId] = addSimVertex(position, originId);
242  }
244  // Finally, propagate all particles to the calorimeters
245  BaseParticlePropagator myPart;
246  XYZTLorentzVector mom;
247  XYZTLorentzVector pos;
249  // Loop over the tracks
250  for (int fsimi = 0; fsimi < (int)nTracks(); ++fsimi) {
251  FSimTrack& myTrack = track(fsimi);
252  double trackerSurfaceTime =
253  myTrack.vertex().position().t() + myTrack.momentum().e() / myTrack.momentum().pz() *
254  (myTrack.trackerSurfacePosition().z() - myTrack.vertex().position().z());
255  pos = XYZTLorentzVector(myTrack.trackerSurfacePosition().x(),
256  myTrack.trackerSurfacePosition().y(),
257  myTrack.trackerSurfacePosition().z(),
258  trackerSurfaceTime);
259  mom = XYZTLorentzVector(myTrack.trackerSurfaceMomentum().x(),
260  myTrack.trackerSurfaceMomentum().y(),
261  myTrack.trackerSurfaceMomentum().z(),
262  myTrack.trackerSurfaceMomentum().t());
264  if (mom.T() > 0.) {
265  // The particle to be propagated
266  myPart = BaseParticlePropagator(RawParticle(mom, pos, myTrack.charge()), 0., 0., 4.);
268  // Propagate to Preshower layer 1
269  myPart.propagateToPreshowerLayer1(false);
270  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()) && myPart.getSuccess() > 0)
271  myTrack.setLayer1(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
273  // Propagate to Preshower Layer 2
274  myPart.propagateToPreshowerLayer2(false);
275  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()) && myPart.getSuccess() > 0)
276  myTrack.setLayer2(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
278  // Propagate to Ecal Endcap
279  myPart.propagateToEcalEntrance(false);
280  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()))
281  myTrack.setEcal(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
283  // Propagate to HCAL entrance
284  myPart.propagateToHcalEntrance(false);
285  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()))
286  myTrack.setHcal(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
288  // Attempt propagation to HF for low pt and high eta
289  if (myPart.particle().cos2ThetaV() > 0.8 || mom.T() < 3.) {
290  // Propagate to VFCAL entrance
291  myPart.propagateToVFcalEntrance(false);
292  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()))
293  myTrack.setVFcal(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
295  // Otherwise propagate to the HCAL exit and HO.
296  } else {
297  // Propagate to HCAL exit
298  myPart.propagateToHcalExit(false);
299  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()))
300  myTrack.setHcalExit(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
301  // Propagate to HOLayer entrance
302  myPart.setMagneticField(0);
303  myPart.propagateToHOLayer(false);
304  if (myTrack.notYetToEndVertex(myPart.particle().vertex()))
305  myTrack.setHO(myPart.particle(), myPart.getSuccess());
306  }
307  }
308  }
309 }
313  int genEventSize = myGenEvent.particles_size();
314  std::vector<int> myGenVertices(genEventSize, static_cast<int>(0));
316  // If no particles, no work to be done !
317  if (myGenEvent.particles_empty())
318  return;
320  // Are there particles in the FSimEvent already ?
321  int offset = nGenParts();
323  // Primary vertex
324  HepMC::GenVertex* primaryVertex = *(myGenEvent.vertices_begin());
326  // unit transformation (needs review)
327  XYZTLorentzVector primaryVertexPosition(primaryVertex->position().x() / 10.,
328  primaryVertex->position().y() / 10.,
329  primaryVertex->position().z() / 10.,
330  primaryVertex->position().t() / 10.);
332  // This is the main vertex index
333  int mainVertex = addSimVertex(primaryVertexPosition, -1, FSimVertexType::PRIMARY_VERTEX);
335  int initialBarcode = 0;
336  if (myGenEvent.particles_begin() != myGenEvent.particles_end()) {
337  initialBarcode = (*myGenEvent.particles_begin())->barcode();
338  }
340  // Loop on the particles of the generated event
341  for (auto piter = myGenEvent.particles_begin(); piter != myGenEvent.particles_end(); ++piter) {
342  // This is the generated particle pointer - for the signal event only
343  HepMC::GenParticle* p = *piter;
345  if (!offset) {
346  (*theGenParticles)[nGenParticles++] = p;
348  theGenSize *= 2;
349  theGenParticles->resize(theGenSize);
350  }
351  }
353  // Reject particles with late origin vertex (i.e., coming from late decays)
354  // This should not happen, but one never knows what users may be up to!
355  // For example exotic particles might decay late - keep the decay products in the case.
356  XYZTLorentzVector productionVertexPosition(0., 0., 0., 0.);
357  HepMC::GenVertex* productionVertex = p->production_vertex();
358  if (productionVertex) {
359  unsigned productionMother = productionVertex->particles_in_size();
360  if (productionMother) {
361  unsigned motherId = (*(productionVertex->particles_in_const_begin()))->pdg_id();
362  if (motherId < 1000000)
363  productionVertexPosition = XYZTLorentzVector(productionVertex->position().x() / 10.,
364  productionVertex->position().y() / 10.,
365  productionVertex->position().z() / 10.,
366  productionVertex->position().t() / 10.);
367  }
368  }
369  if (!myFilter->acceptVertex(productionVertexPosition))
370  continue;
372  int abspdgId = std::abs(p->pdg_id());
373  HepMC::GenVertex* endVertex = p->end_vertex();
375  // Keep only:
376  // 1) Stable particles (watch out! New status code = 1001!)
377  bool testStable = p->status() % 1000 == 1;
378  // Declare stable standard particles that decay after a macroscopic path length
379  // (except if exotic)
380  if (p->status() == 2 && abspdgId < 1000000) {
381  if (endVertex) {
382  XYZTLorentzVector decayPosition = XYZTLorentzVector(endVertex->position().x() / 10.,
383  endVertex->position().y() / 10.,
384  endVertex->position().z() / 10.,
385  endVertex->position().t() / 10.);
386  // If the particle flew enough to be beyond the beam pipe enveloppe, just declare it stable
387  if (decayPosition.Perp2() > lateVertexPosition)
388  testStable = true;
389  }
390  }
392  // 2) or particles with stable daughters (watch out! New status code = 1001!)
393  bool testDaugh = false;
394  if (!testStable && p->status() == 2 && endVertex && endVertex->particles_out_size()) {
395  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator firstDaughterIt = endVertex->particles_out_const_begin();
396  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator lastDaughterIt = endVertex->particles_out_const_end();
397  for (; firstDaughterIt != lastDaughterIt; ++firstDaughterIt) {
398  HepMC::GenParticle* daugh = *firstDaughterIt;
399  if (daugh->status() % 1000 == 1) {
400  // Check that it is not a "prompt electron or muon brem":
401  if (abspdgId == 11 || abspdgId == 13) {
402  if (endVertex) {
403  XYZTLorentzVector endVertexPosition = XYZTLorentzVector(endVertex->position().x() / 10.,
404  endVertex->position().y() / 10.,
405  endVertex->position().z() / 10.,
406  endVertex->position().t() / 10.);
407  // If the particle flew enough to be beyond the beam pipe enveloppe, just declare it stable
408  if (endVertexPosition.Perp2() < lateVertexPosition) {
409  break;
410  }
411  }
412  }
413  testDaugh = true;
414  break;
415  }
416  }
417  }
419  // 3) or particles that fly more than one micron.
420  double dist = 0.;
421  if (!testStable && !testDaugh && p->production_vertex()) {
422  XYZTLorentzVector productionVertexPosition(p->production_vertex()->position().x() / 10.,
423  p->production_vertex()->position().y() / 10.,
424  p->production_vertex()->position().z() / 10.,
425  p->production_vertex()->position().t() / 10.);
426  dist = (primaryVertexPosition - productionVertexPosition).Vect().Mag2();
427  }
428  bool testDecay = (dist > 1e-8) ? true : false;
430  // Save the corresponding particle and vertices
431  if (testStable || testDaugh || testDecay) {
432  /*
433  const HepMC::GenParticle* mother = p->production_vertex() ?
434  *(p->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_begin()) : 0;
435  */
437  int motherBarcode = p->production_vertex() && p->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_begin() !=
438  p->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_end()
439  ? (*(p->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_begin()))->barcode()
440  : 0;
442  int originVertex = motherBarcode && myGenVertices[motherBarcode - initialBarcode]
443  ? myGenVertices[motherBarcode - initialBarcode]
444  : mainVertex;
446  XYZTLorentzVector momentum(p->momentum().px(), p->momentum().py(), p->momentum().pz(), p->momentum().e());
447  RawParticle part = makeParticle(theTable(), p->pdg_id(), momentum, vertex(originVertex).position());
449  // Add the particle to the event and to the various lists
451  int theTrack = testStable && p->end_vertex() ?
452  // The particle is scheduled to decay
453  addSimTrack(&part, originVertex, nGenParts() - offset, p->end_vertex())
454  :
455  // The particle is not scheduled to decay
456  addSimTrack(&part, originVertex, nGenParts() - offset);
458  if (
459  // This one deals with particles with no end vertex
460  !p->end_vertex() ||
461  // This one deals with particles that have a pre-defined
462  // decay proper time, but have not decayed yet
463  (testStable && p->end_vertex() && !p->end_vertex()->particles_out_size())
464  // In both case, just don't add a end vertex in the FSimEvent
465  )
466  continue;
468  // Add the vertex to the event and to the various lists
469  XYZTLorentzVector decayVertex = XYZTLorentzVector(p->end_vertex()->position().x() / 10.,
470  p->end_vertex()->position().y() / 10.,
471  p->end_vertex()->position().z() / 10.,
472  p->end_vertex()->position().t() / 10.);
473  // vertex(mainVertex).position();
474  int theVertex = addSimVertex(decayVertex, theTrack, FSimVertexType::DECAY_VERTEX);
476  if (theVertex != -1)
477  myGenVertices[p->barcode() - initialBarcode] = theVertex;
479  // There we are !
480  }
481  }
482 }
484 int FBaseSimEvent::addSimTrack(const RawParticle* p, int iv, int ig, const HepMC::GenVertex* ev) {
485  // Check that the particle is in the Famos "acceptance"
486  // Keep all primaries of pile-up events, though
487  if (!myFilter->acceptParticle(*p) && ig >= -1)
488  return -1;
490  // The new track index
491  int trackId = nSimTracks++;
493  theTrackSize *= 2;
494  theSimTracks->resize(theTrackSize);
495  }
497  // Attach the particle to the origin vertex, and to the mother
498  vertex(iv).addDaughter(trackId);
499  if (!vertex(iv).noParent()) {
500  track(vertex(iv).parent().id()).addDaughter(trackId);
502  if (ig == -1) {
503  int motherId = track(vertex(iv).parent().id()).genpartIndex();
504  if (motherId < -1)
505  ig = motherId;
506  }
507  }
509  // Some transient information for FAMOS internal use
510  (*theSimTracks)[trackId] =
511  ev ?
512  // A proper decay time is scheduled
513  FSimTrack(p,
514  iv,
515  ig,
516  trackId,
517  this,
518  ev->position().t() / 10. * pdg::mass(p->pid(), theTable()) / std::sqrt(p->momentum().Vect().Mag2()))
519  :
520  // No proper decay time is scheduled
521  FSimTrack(p, iv, ig, trackId, this);
523  return trackId;
524 }
527  // Check that the vertex is in the Famos "acceptance"
528  if (!myFilter->acceptVertex(v))
529  return -1;
531  // The number of vertices
532  int vertexId = nSimVertices++;
534  theVertexSize *= 2;
535  theSimVertices->resize(theVertexSize);
537  }
539  // Attach the end vertex to the particle (if accepted)
540  if (im != -1)
541  track(im).setEndVertex(vertexId);
543  // Some transient information for FAMOS internal use
544  (*theSimVertices)[vertexId] = FSimVertex(v, im, vertexId, this);
546  (*theFSimVerticesType)[vertexId] = FSimVertexType(type);
548  return vertexId;
549 }
552  std::cout << "Id Gen Name eta phi pT E Vtx1 "
553  << " x y z "
554  << "Moth Vtx2 eta phi R Z Da1 Da2 Ecal?" << std::endl;
556  for (HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator piter = myGenEvent.particles_begin();
557  piter != myGenEvent.particles_end();
558  ++piter) {
559  HepMC::GenParticle* p = *piter;
560  /* */
561  int partId = p->pdg_id();
564  if (pdt->particle(ParticleID(partId)) != nullptr) {
565  name = (pdt->particle(ParticleID(partId)))->name();
566  } else {
567  name = "none";
568  }
570  XYZTLorentzVector momentum1(p->momentum().px(), p->momentum().py(), p->momentum().pz(), p->momentum().e());
572  int vertexId1 = 0;
574  if (!p->production_vertex())
575  continue;
577  XYZVector vertex1(p->production_vertex()->position().x() / 10.,
578  p->production_vertex()->position().y() / 10.,
579  p->production_vertex()->position().z() / 10.);
580  vertexId1 = p->production_vertex()->barcode();
582  std::cout.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
583  std::cout.setf(std::ios::right, std::ios::adjustfield);
585  std::cout << std::setw(4) << p->barcode() << " " << name;
587  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 11 - name.length() && k < 12; k++)
588  std::cout << " ";
590  double eta = momentum1.eta();
591  if (eta > +10.)
592  eta = +10.;
593  if (eta < -10.)
594  eta = -10.;
595  std::cout << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << eta << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2)
596  << momentum1.phi() << " " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << << " " << std::setw(7)
597  << std::setprecision(2) << momentum1.e() << " " << std::setw(4) << vertexId1 << " " << std::setw(6)
598  << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.x() << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.y()
599  << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex1.z() << " ";
601  const HepMC::GenParticle* mother = *(p->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_begin());
603  if (mother)
604  std::cout << std::setw(4) << mother->barcode() << " ";
605  else
606  std::cout << " ";
608  if (p->end_vertex()) {
609  XYZTLorentzVector vertex2(p->end_vertex()->position().x() / 10.,
610  p->end_vertex()->position().y() / 10.,
611  p->end_vertex()->position().z() / 10.,
612  p->end_vertex()->position().t() / 10.);
613  int vertexId2 = p->end_vertex()->barcode();
615  std::vector<const HepMC::GenParticle*> children;
616  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator firstDaughterIt = p->end_vertex()->particles_out_const_begin();
617  HepMC::GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator lastDaughterIt = p->end_vertex()->particles_out_const_end();
618  for (; firstDaughterIt != lastDaughterIt; ++firstDaughterIt) {
619  children.push_back(*firstDaughterIt);
620  }
622  std::cout << std::setw(4) << vertexId2 << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << vertex2.eta() << " "
623  << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << vertex2.phi() << " " << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(1)
624  << << " " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(1) << vertex2.z() << " ";
625  for (unsigned id = 0; id < children.size(); ++id)
626  std::cout << std::setw(4) << children[id]->barcode() << " ";
627  }
628  std::cout << std::endl;
629  }
630 }
632 void FBaseSimEvent::print() const {
633  std::cout << " Id Gen Name eta phi pT E Vtx1 "
634  << " x y z "
635  << "Moth Vtx2 eta phi R Z Daughters Ecal?" << std::endl;
637  for (int i = 0; i < (int)nTracks(); i++)
638  std::cout << track(i) << std::endl;
640  for (int i = 0; i < (int)nVertices(); i++)
641  std::cout << "i = " << i << " " << vertexType(i) << std::endl;
642 }
645  nSimTracks = 0;
646  nSimVertices = 0;
647  nGenParticles = 0;
649 }
652  (*theChargedTracks)[nChargedParticleTracks++] = id;
654  theChargedSize *= 2;
656  }
657 }
659 int FBaseSimEvent::chargedTrack(int id) const {
660  if (id >= 0 && id < (int)nChargedParticleTracks)
661  return (*theChargedTracks)[id];
662  else
663  return -1;
664 }
const ParticleDataTable * pdt
double lateVertexPosition
const math::XYZVectorD & trackerSurfacePosition() const
Definition: SimTrack.h:40
int addSimVertex(const XYZTLorentzVector &decayVertex, int im=-1, FSimVertexType::VertexType type=FSimVertexType::ANY)
Add a new vertex to the Event and to the various lists.
float charge() const
Definition: FSimTrack.h:56
bool acceptParticle(const RawParticle &p) const
bool propagateToPreshowerLayer1(bool first=true)
const HepMC::GenParticle * embdGenpart(int i) const
return MC track with a given id
int32_t *__restrict__ iv
uint16_t *__restrict__ id
HepPDT::ParticleDataTable ParticleDataTable
std::vector< FSimTrack > * theSimTracks
std::vector< unsigned > * theChargedTracks
FBaseSimEvent(const edm::ParameterSet &kine)
Default constructor.
const XYZTLorentzVector & momentum() const
Temporary (until move of SimTrack to Mathcore) - No! Actually very useful.
Definition: FSimTrack.h:209
unsigned int theTrackSize
unsigned int theVertexSize
KineParticleFilter * myFilter
The particle filter.
int addSimTrack(const RawParticle *p, int iv, int ig=-1, const HepMC::GenVertex *ev=nullptr)
Add a new track to the Event and to the various lists.
const HepPDT::ParticleDataTable * theTable() const
Get the pointer to the particle data table.
Definition: FBaseSimEvent.h:54
void setEcal(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the ecal variables.
int getSuccess() const
Has propagation been performed and was barrel or endcap reached ?
void addParticles(const HepMC::GenEvent &hev)
Add the particles and their vertices to the list.
int pid() const
get the HEP particle ID number
Definition: RawParticle.h:277
void setLayer2(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the preshower layer2 variables.
void clear()
clear the FBaseSimEvent content before the next event
bool ev
void setMagneticField(double b)
Set the magnetic field.
unsigned int nSimTracks
RawParticle const & particle() const
The particle being propagated.
unsigned int theGenSize
bool acceptVertex(const math::XYZTLorentzVector &p) const
bool notYetToEndVertex(const XYZTLorentzVector &pos) const
Compare the end vertex position with another position.
FSimVertex & vertex(int id) const
Return vertex with given Id.
unsigned int nVertices() const
Number of vertices.
Definition: FBaseSimEvent.h:81
RawParticle makeParticle(HepPDT::ParticleDataTable const *, int id, const math::XYZTLorentzVector &p)
FSimVertexType & vertexType(int id) const
Return vertex with given Id.
bool propagateToVFcalEntrance(bool first=true)
void setLayer1(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the preshower layer1 variables.
const XYZTLorentzVector & momentum() const
the momentum fourvector
Definition: RawParticle.h:321
double t() const
vertex time
Definition: RawParticle.h:285
std::tuple< layerClusterToCaloParticle, caloParticleToLayerCluster > association
int parentIndex() const
Definition: SimVertex.h:29
usual virtual destructor
const math::XYZTLorentzVector & position() const
Temporary (until CMSSW moves to Mathcore) - No ! Actually very useful.
Definition: FSimVertex.h:48
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:19
unsigned int nTracks() const
Number of tracks.
Definition: FBaseSimEvent.h:78
bool propagateToHcalExit(bool first=true)
unsigned int nSimVertices
int genpartIndex() const
index of the corresponding Generator particle in the Event container (-1 if no Genpart) ...
Definition: SimTrack.h:37
double cos2ThetaV() const
Definition: RawParticle.h:281
A FSimVertexType hold the information on the vertex origine.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD & position() const
Definition: CoreSimVertex.h:21
std::vector< FSimVertexType > FSimVertexTypeCollection
collection of FSimVertexType objects
unsigned int nGenParticles
unsigned int initialSize
std::vector< FSimVertex > * theSimVertices
bool propagateToEcalEntrance(bool first=true)
void fill(const HepMC::GenEvent &hev)
fill the FBaseSimEvent from the current HepMC::GenEvent
int vertIndex() const
index of the vertex in the Event container (-1 if no vertex)
Definition: SimTrack.h:33
const XYZTLorentzVector & vertex() const
the vertex fourvector
Definition: RawParticle.h:320
unsigned int theChargedSize
Definition: HCALResponse.h:20
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD & trackerSurfaceMomentum() const
Definition: SimTrack.h:42
void addChargedTrack(int id)
Add an id in the vector of charged tracks id&#39;s.
void setHcalExit(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the hcal exit variables.
unsigned int nChargedParticleTracks
int type() const
particle type (HEP PDT convension)
Definition: CoreSimTrack.h:22
bool propagateToHcalEntrance(bool first=true)
void initializePdt(const HepPDT::ParticleDataTable *aPdt)
Initialize the particle data table.
void setEndVertex(int endv)
Set the end vertex.
Definition: FSimTrack.h:167
unsigned int nGenParts() const
Number of generator particles.
Definition: FBaseSimEvent.h:84
const math::XYZTLorentzVectorD & momentum() const
Definition: CoreSimTrack.h:19
static int position[264][3]
double mass(int pdgID, const HepPDT::ParticleDataTable *pdt)
void addDaughter(int i)
Add a RecHit for a track on a layer.
Definition: FSimTrack.h:200
void setHO(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the ho variables.
int chargedTrack(int id) const
return &quot;reconstructed&quot; charged tracks index.
void setVFcal(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the hcal variables.
tuple cout
void addDaughter(int i)
Definition: FSimVertex.h:45
void setHcal(const RawParticle &pp, int success)
Set the hcal variables.
const FSimVertex vertex() const
Origin vertex.
bool noParent() const
Definition: SimVertex.h:30
void printMCTruth(const HepMC::GenEvent &hev)
print the original MCTruth event
std::vector< HepMC::GenParticle * > * theGenParticles
math::XYZVector XYZVector
Definition: RawParticle.h:26
bool propagateToHOLayer(bool first=true)
bool propagateToPreshowerLayer2(bool first=true)
math::XYZTLorentzVector XYZTLorentzVector
Definition: RawParticle.h:25
void print() const
print the FBaseSimEvent in an intelligible way
FSimTrack & track(int id) const
Return track with given Id.
FSimVertexTypeCollection * theFSimVerticesType