21 fHFRecHits_ =
26 fHORecHits_ =
31 fHBHERecHits_ =
39 const double innerR) {
48 const DetId &detid = rechit.
49 const GlobalPoint &hitpoint = geometry_->getPosition(detid);
50 double eta = hitpoint.
54 if (dR2 < innerR * innerR)
57 if (dR2 < (x * x * 0.01)) {
58 double et = rechit.
energy() / cosh(eta);
71 const double innerR) {
76 double SClusterEta = cluster->eta();
81 const DetId &detid = rechit.
82 const GlobalPoint &hitpoint = geometry_->getPosition(detid);
83 double eta = hitpoint.
84 double dEta = fabs(eta - SClusterEta);
87 double et = rechit.
energy() / cosh(eta);
94 double Rx = getHcalRechitIso(cluster, x, threshold, innerR);
95 double CRx = (Rx - TotalEt * (0.01 * x * x - innerR * innerR) / (2 * 2 * 0.1 * x)) * (1 / (1 - x / 40.));
constexpr float energy() const
HcalRechitIsoCalculator(const CaloGeometry *geometry, const edm::Handle< HBHERecHitCollection > hbhe, const edm::Handle< HFRecHitCollection > hfLabel, const edm::Handle< HORecHitCollection > hoLabel)
double getHcalRechitIso(const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, const double i, const double threshold, const double innerR=0.0)
Return the hcal rechit energy in a cone around the SC.
constexpr HcalDetId id() const
get the id
constexpr auto deltaR2(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2) -> decltype(t1.eta())
T const * product() const
double getBkgSubHcalRechitIso(const reco::SuperClusterRef clus, const double i, const double threshold, const double innerR=0.0)
Return the background-subtracted hcal rechit energy in a cone around the SC.