44 : DumpLevel(
45 CaloJetAlg(
46 DebugLevel(
47 ShowECal(
"ShowECal")) {}
51 cout <<
"Dump of Jets" << endl;
54 cout <<
"Dump of Jets and constituent CaloTowers" << endl;
57 cout <<
"Dump of Jets, constituent CaloTowers, and constituent RecHits" << endl;
60 cout <<
"Dump of Jets, constituent CaloTowers, constituent RecHits and associated Digis" << endl;
89 cout <<
"Getting caloJets" << endl;
96 cout <<
"Getting recHits" << endl;
108 cout <<
"# of digis gotten - HBHE: " << HBHEDigis->
size() << endl;
110 evt.
"ebDigis", EBDigis);
111 evt.
"eeDigis", EEDigis);
117 cout <<
" *********************************************************" << endl;
123 std::vector<CaloTowerPtr>
towers =
125 cout <<
" Jet: " << jetInd <<
", eta=" <<
jet->eta() <<
", phi=" <<
jet->phi() <<
", pt=" <<
126 <<
",E=" <<
jet->energy() <<
", EB E=" <<
jet->emEnergyInEB() <<
" ,HB E=" <<
127 <<
", HO E=" <<
jet->hadEnergyInHO() <<
" ,EE E=" <<
jet->emEnergyInEE() <<
", HE E=" <<
128 <<
", HF E=" <<
jet->hadEnergyInHF() +
jet->emEnergyInHF() <<
", Num Towers=" <<
nConstituents << endl;
130 cout <<
" =====================================================" << endl;
131 float sumTowerE = 0.0;
137 cerr <<
"Bug? Can't find the tower" << endl;
140 int ietaTower =
141 int iphiTower =
142 sumTowerE += theTower->energy();
143 size_t numRecHits = theTower->constituentsSize();
144 cout <<
" Tower " <<
i <<
": ieta=" << ietaTower <<
", eta=" << theTower->eta() <<
", iphi=" << iphiTower
145 <<
", phi=" << theTower->phi() <<
", energy=" << theTower->energy() <<
", EM=" << theTower->emEnergy()
146 <<
", HAD=" << theTower->hadEnergy() <<
", HO=" << theTower->outerEnergy()
147 <<
", Num Rec Hits =" << numRecHits << endl;
149 cout <<
" ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
150 float sumRecHitE = 0.0;
152 for (
size_t j = 0;
j < numRecHits;
j++) {
153 DetId RecHitDetID = theTower->constituent(
161 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
163 cout <<
" RecHit: " <<
j <<
": HB, ieta=" << HcalID.
ieta() <<
", iphi=" << HcalID.
164 <<
", depth=" << HcalID.
depth() <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy()
165 <<
", time=" << theRecHit->time() <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()
166 <<
", presamples =" << theDigis->presamples() << endl;
172 float SumDigiCharge = 0.0;
173 float EstimatedPedestal = 0.0;
174 int SamplesToAdd = 4;
176 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
178 for (
int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
180 if (
k >= theDigis->presamples() &&
k < theDigis->presamples() + SamplesToAdd)
183 EstimatedPedestal += QIE.
nominal_fC() * SamplesToAdd / (theDigis->presamples() - 1);
184 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
", cap ID = " << QIE.
185 <<
": ADC Counts = " << QIE.
adc() <<
", nominal fC = " << QIE.
nominal_fC() << endl;
188 cout <<
" 4 Digi fC =" << SumDigiCharge <<
", est. ped. fC=" << EstimatedPedestal
189 <<
", est. GeV/fc=" << theRecHit->energy() / (SumDigiCharge - EstimatedPedestal) << endl;
191 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
195 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy() / 2;
197 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
200 cout <<
" RecHit: " <<
j <<
": HE, ieta=" << HcalID.
ieta() <<
", iphi=" << HcalID.
201 <<
", depth=" << HcalID.
depth() <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy()
202 <<
", time=" << theRecHit->time() <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()
203 <<
", presamples =" << theDigis->presamples() << endl;
204 float SumDigiCharge = 0.0;
205 float EstimatedPedestal = 0.0;
206 int SamplesToAdd = 4;
208 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
210 for (
int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
212 if (
k >= theDigis->presamples() &&
k < theDigis->presamples() + SamplesToAdd)
215 EstimatedPedestal += QIE.
nominal_fC() * SamplesToAdd / (theDigis->presamples() - 1);
216 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
", cap ID = " << QIE.
217 <<
": ADC Counts = " << QIE.
adc() <<
", nominal fC = " << QIE.
nominal_fC() << endl;
220 cout <<
" 4 Digi fC =" << SumDigiCharge <<
", est. ped. fC=" << EstimatedPedestal
221 <<
", est. GeV/fc=" << theRecHit->energy() / (SumDigiCharge - EstimatedPedestal) << endl;
223 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
226 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
228 cout <<
" RecHit: " <<
j <<
": HO, ieta=" << HcalID.
ieta() <<
", iphi=" << HcalID.
229 <<
", depth=" << HcalID.
depth() <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy()
230 <<
", time=" << theRecHit->time() <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()
231 <<
", presamples =" << theDigis->presamples() << endl;
232 float SumDigiCharge = 0.0;
233 float EstimatedPedestal = 0.0;
234 int SamplesToAdd = 4;
236 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
238 for (
int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
240 if (
k >= theDigis->presamples() &&
k < theDigis->presamples() + SamplesToAdd)
243 EstimatedPedestal += QIE.
nominal_fC() * SamplesToAdd / (theDigis->presamples() - 1);
244 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
", cap ID = " << QIE.
245 <<
": ADC Counts = " << QIE.
adc() <<
", nominal fC = " << QIE.
nominal_fC() << endl;
248 cout <<
" 4 Digi fC =" << SumDigiCharge <<
", est. ped. fC=" << EstimatedPedestal
249 <<
", est. GeV/fc=" << theRecHit->energy() / (SumDigiCharge - EstimatedPedestal) << endl;
251 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
254 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
256 cout <<
" RecHit: " <<
j <<
": HF, ieta=" << HcalID.
ieta() <<
", iphi=" << HcalID.
257 <<
", depth=" << HcalID.
depth() <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy()
258 <<
", time=" << theRecHit->time() <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size()
259 <<
", presamples =" << theDigis->presamples() << endl;
260 float SumDigiCharge = 0.0;
261 float EstimatedPedestal = 0.0;
262 int SamplesToAdd = 1;
264 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
266 for (
int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
268 if (
k >= theDigis->presamples() &&
k < theDigis->presamples() + SamplesToAdd)
271 EstimatedPedestal += QIE.
nominal_fC() * SamplesToAdd / (theDigis->presamples() - 1);
272 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
", cap ID = " << QIE.
273 <<
": ADC Counts = " << QIE.
adc() <<
", nominal fC = " << QIE.
nominal_fC() << endl;
276 cout <<
" 1 Digi fC =" << SumDigiCharge <<
", est. ped. fC=" << EstimatedPedestal
277 <<
", est. GeV/fc=" << theRecHit->energy() / (SumDigiCharge - EstimatedPedestal) << endl;
279 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
283 int EcalNum = RecHitDetID.
288 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
289 cout <<
" RecHit " <<
j <<
": EB, ieta=" << EcalID.
ieta() <<
", iphi=" << EcalID.
290 <<
", SM=" << EcalID.
ism() <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy()
291 <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << endl;
293 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
295 for (
unsigned int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
298 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
": ADC Sample = " << MGPA.
299 <<
", Gain ID = " << MGPA.
gainId() << endl;
302 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
303 }
else if (EcalNum == 2) {
307 sumRecHitE += theRecHit->energy();
308 cout <<
" RecHit " <<
j <<
": EE, ix=" << EcalID.
ix() <<
", iy=" << EcalID.
309 <<
", energy=" << theRecHit->energy() <<
", All Digis=" << theDigis->size() << endl;
311 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
313 for (
unsigned int k = 0;
k < theDigis->size();
k++) {
316 cout <<
" Digi: " <<
k <<
": ADC Sample = " << MGPA.
317 <<
", Gain ID = " << MGPA.
gainId() << endl;
320 cout <<
" ......................................" << endl;
325 if (
abs(ietaTower) == 28 ||
abs(ietaTower) == 29) {
326 cout <<
" Splitted Sum of RecHit Energies=" << sumRecHitE
327 <<
", CaloTower energy=" << theTower->energy() << endl;
329 cout <<
" Sum of RecHit Energies=" << sumRecHitE <<
", CaloTower energy=" << theTower->energy()
334 cout <<
" ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
337 cout <<
" Sum of tower energies=" << sumTowerE <<
", CaloJet energy=" <<
jet->energy() << endl;
340 cout <<
" =====================================================" << endl;
344 cout <<
" *********************************************************" << endl;