Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef L1RCTProducer_h
2 #define L1RCTProducer_h
66 std::unique_ptr<L1RCT>
void beginRun(edm::Run const &r, const edm::EventSetup &c) final
void printUpdatedFedMask()
static constexpr int minBarrel
static constexpr int maxHF
unsigned int queryIntervalInLS
const edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTParameters, L1RCTParametersRcd > rctParamsToken_
edm::ESGetToken< RunInfo, RunInfoRcd > omdsRunInfoToken_
edm::ESGetToken< RunInfo, RunInfoRcd > beginLumiRunInfoToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloEtScale, L1EmEtScaleRcd > emScaleToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< RunInfo, RunInfoRcd > beginRunRunInfoToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTNoisyChannelMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMaskRcd > beginRunHotChannelMaskToken_
edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTChannelMask, L1RCTChannelMaskRcd > beginLumiChannelMaskToken_
static constexpr int minHF
static constexpr int maxEndcap
const std::vector< int > getFedVectorFromOmds(const edm::EventSetup &) const
void beginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const &lumiSeg, const edm::EventSetup &context) final
L1RCTProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &ps)
std::unique_ptr< L1RCT > rct
void produce(edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &c) final
const edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloEcalScale, L1CaloEcalScaleRcd > ecalScaleToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< L1CaloHcalScale, L1CaloHcalScaleRcd > hcalScaleToken_
const edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTChannelMask, L1RCTChannelMaskRcd > beginRunChannelMaskToken_
void updateFedVector(const L1RCTChannelMask &, const L1RCTNoisyChannelMask &, const std::vector< int > &Feds)
std::vector< edm::InputTag > hcalDigis
const std::vector< int > getFedVectorFromRunInfo(const edm::ESGetToken< RunInfo, RunInfoRcd > &, const edm::EventSetup &) const
void printFedVector(const std::vector< int > &)
edm::ESGetToken< L1RCTNoisyChannelMask, L1RCTNoisyChannelMaskRcd > beginLumiHotChannelMaskToken_
std::vector< int > bunchCrossings
unsigned int queryDelayInLS
static constexpr int minEndcap
std::unique_ptr< L1RCTChannelMask > fedUpdatedMask
std::string conditionsLabel
void updateConfiguration(const edm::EventSetup &)
static constexpr int maxBarrel
void printUpdatedFedMaskVerbose()
std::vector< edm::InputTag > ecalDigis
std::unique_ptr< L1RCTLookupTables > rctLookupTables