Go to the documentation of this file.
275 myCout <<
"\n L1TcsWord::print \n" << std::endl;
279 myCout <<
"\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
281 myCout <<
" Board Id: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
282 <<
" " << std::setw(4) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
m_boardId << std::setfill(
' ') <<
285 myCout <<
" BxNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
286 <<
" " << std::setw(3) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
m_bxNr << std::setfill(
' ') <<
287 <<
" dec: " <<
m_bxNr << std::endl;
289 myCout <<
" DaqNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
292 myCout <<
" TriggerType: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
295 myCout <<
" Status: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
298 myCout <<
" LuminositySegmentNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
303 myCout <<
"\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
305 myCout <<
" PartRunNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
306 <<
" " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
m_partRunNr << std::setfill(
' ') <<
309 myCout <<
" AssignedPartitions: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
314 myCout <<
"\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
316 myCout <<
" PartTrigNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
320 myCout <<
" EventNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
321 <<
" " << std::setw(8) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
m_eventNr << std::setfill(
' ') <<
325 myCout <<
"\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
327 myCout <<
" OrbitNr: " << std::hex <<
" hex: "
328 <<
"" << std::setw(12) << std::setfill(
'0') <<
m_orbitNr << std::setfill(
' ') <<
332 myCout <<
"\n Word " << iWord << std::endl;
334 myCout <<
" Empty word " << std::endl;
340 LogDebug(
"L1GtTcsWord") <<
"\nUnpacking TCS block.\n" << std::endl;
360 for (
int iWord = 0; iWord <
BlockSize; ++iWord) {
361 LogTrace(
"L1GtTcsWord") << std::setw(4) << iWord <<
" " << std::hex << std::setfill(
'0') << std::setw(16)
unsigned int cms_uint32_t
void setAssignedPartitions(const cms_uint32_t assignedPartitionsValue)
void setStatusWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
cms_uint64_t m_orbitNr
orbit number since start of run (48 bits, in fact)
void setLuminositySegmentNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
cms_uint16_t m_luminositySegmentNr
luminosity segment number
static const cms_uint64_t OrbitNrMask
static const cms_uint64_t StatusMask
void setLuminositySegmentNr(const cms_uint16_t luminositySegmentNrValue)
cms_uint32_t m_partTrigNr
void setEventNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const cms_uint64_t LuminositySegmentNrMask
void unpack(const unsigned char *tcsPtr)
void print(std::ostream &myCout) const
pretty print the content of a L1TcsWord
void setOrbitNrFrom(const cms_uint64_t &word64)
set the OrbitNr value from a 64-bits word
cms_uint16_t m_triggerType
trigger type, identical with event type in CMS header (event type)
cms_uint16_t m_status
0000 = normal rate; 1000 = low rate = warning
void setPartTrigNr(const cms_uint32_t partTrigNrValue)
void reset()
reset the content of a L1TcsWord
static const cms_uint64_t DaqNrMask
cms_uint32_t m_partRunNr
partition run number
static const int DaqNrShift
static const int OrbitNrShift
void setOrbitNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
void setStatus(const cms_uint16_t statusValue)
void setTriggerTypeWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
virtual ~L1TcsWord()
void setTriggerType(const cms_uint16_t triggerTypeValue)
void setPartTrigNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
cms_uint16_t m_bxNr
bunch cross number as counted in the TCS chip
static const cms_uint64_t BoardIdMask
static const int BxNrWord
static const int StatusShift
static const cms_uint64_t TriggerTypeMask
static const cms_uint64_t PartTrigNrMask
cms_uint32_t m_assignedPartitions
void setAssignedPartitionsWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int StatusWord
static const int AssignedPartitionsWord
static const int PartTrigNrShift
static const int LuminositySegmentNrShift
bool operator!=(const L1TcsWord &) const
unequal operator
static const int BxNrShift
static const int BoardIdWord
void setDaqNr(const cms_uint16_t daqNrValue)
void setDaqNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int TriggerTypeWord
static const int BlockSize
static const cms_uint64_t BxNrMask
void setEventNr(const cms_uint32_t eventNrValue)
static const int EventNrWord
cms_uint16_t m_daqNr
number of DAQ partition to which the L1A has been sent
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
unsigned short cms_uint16_t
static const int EventNrShift
cms_uint16_t m_boardId
board identifier
static const cms_uint64_t AssignedPartitionsMask
bool operator==(const L1TcsWord &) const
equal operator
static const int PartRunNrShift
static const int DaqNrWord
static const int BoardIdShift
void setBxNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const cms_uint64_t PartRunNrMask
cms_uint32_t m_eventNr
event number since last L1 reset generated in TCS chip
void setBoardIdWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int PartTrigNrWord
static const cms_uint64_t EventNrMask
void setPartRunNrWord64(cms_uint64_t &word64, int iWord)
static const int TriggerTypeShift
static const int AssignedPartitionsShift
static const int PartRunNrWord
void setPartRunNr(const cms_uint32_t partRunNrValue)
void setBoardId(const cms_uint16_t boardIdValue)
set BoardId from a BoardId value
void setBxNr(const cms_uint16_t bxNrValue)
static const int OrbitNrWord
static const int LuminositySegmentNrWord