Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef L1TMuonEndCap_ConditionHelper_h
2 #define L1TMuonEndCap_ConditionHelper_h
10 class ConsumesCollector;
T const * product() const
edm::ESGetToken< L1TMuonEndCapParams, L1TMuonEndCapParamsRcd > paramsToken_
edm::ESHandle< L1TMuonEndCapForest > forest_
unsigned int get_pc_lut_version_unchecked() const
edm::ESGetToken< L1TMuonEndCapForest, L1TMuonEndCapForestRcd > forestToken_
unsigned int get_fw_version() const
unsigned long long params_cache_id_
const L1TMuonEndCapParams * getParams() const
unsigned int get_pc_lut_version() const
edm::ESHandle< L1TMuonEndCapParams > params_
void checkAndUpdateConditions(const edm::EventSetup &iSetup)
unsigned long long forest_cache_id_
const L1TMuonEndCapForest * getForest() const
unsigned int get_pt_lut_version() const