void accumulate(edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
virtual CLHEP::HepRandomEngine & getEngine(StreamID const &)=0
Use this engine in event methods.
std::string digiCollection()
void finalizeEvent(edm::Event &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
HGCDigiProducer(edm::ParameterSet const &pset, edm::ProducesCollector, edm::ConsumesCollector &iC)
void accumulate_forPreMix(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *hre)
void initializeEvent(edm::Event const &, edm::EventSetup const &) override
void accumulate(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *hre)
handle SimHit accumulation
HGCDigitizer theDigitizer_
void finalizeEvent(edm::Event &e, edm::EventSetup const &c, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine *hre)
ProductRegistryHelper::BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > produces()
void initializeEvent(edm::Event const &e, edm::EventSetup const &c)
actions at the start/end of event
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * randomEngine_