◆ L1TAddDebugOutput()
def customiseUtils.L1TAddDebugOutput |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 106 of file customiseUtils.py.
107 print(
"L1T INFO: sending debugging ouput to file l1tdebug.log")
108 print(
"L1T INFO: add <flags CXXFLAGS=\"-g -D=EDM_ML_DEBUG\"/> in BuildFile.xml of any package you want to debug...")
109 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service(
111 destinations = cms.untracked.vstring(
112 l1tdebug = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string(
114 cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string(
115 debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring(
References print().
◆ L1TAddInfoOutput()
def customiseUtils.L1TAddInfoOutput |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 96 of file customiseUtils.py.
97 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service(
99 destinations = cms.untracked.vstring(
100 cout = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string(
101 cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(threshold = cms.untracked.string(
◆ L1TDumpEventData()
def customiseUtils.L1TDumpEventData |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 118 of file customiseUtils.py.
119 print(
"L1T INFO: adding EventContentAnalyzer to process schedule")
120 process.dumpED = cms.EDAnalyzer(
121 process.l1tdumpevent = cms.Path(process.dumpED)
122 process.schedule.append(process.l1tdumpevent)
References print().
◆ L1TDumpEventSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TDumpEventSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 125 of file customiseUtils.py.
126 process.dumpES = cms.EDAnalyzer(
127 process.l1tdumpeventsetup = cms.Path(process.dumpES)
128 process.schedule.append(process.l1tdumpeventsetup)
◆ L1TGlobalDigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalDigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 64 of file customiseUtils.py.
65 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked L1T Global output to screen.")
66 process.l1tGlobalSummary = cms.EDAnalyzer(
68 AlgInputTag = cms.InputTag(
69 ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag(
70 DumpTrigResults = cms.bool(
71 DumpTrigSummary = cms.bool(
73 process.l1tglobalsummary = cms.Path(process.l1tGlobalSummary)
74 process.schedule.append(process.l1tglobalsummary)
References print().
◆ L1TGlobalMenuXML()
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalMenuXML |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 77 of file customiseUtils.py.
78 process.load(
79 process.load(
80 process.TriggerMenu.L1TriggerMenuFile = cms.string(
◆ L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 83 of file customiseUtils.py.
84 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated L1T Global output to screen.")
85 process.l1tSimGlobalSummary = cms.EDAnalyzer(
87 AlgInputTag = cms.InputTag(
88 ExtInputTag = cms.InputTag(
89 DumpTrigResults = cms.bool(
90 DumpTrigSummary = cms.bool(
92 process.l1tsimglobalsummary = cms.Path(process.l1tSimGlobalSummary)
93 process.schedule.append(process.l1tsimglobalsummary)
References print().
◆ L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU()
def customiseUtils.L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 139 of file customiseUtils.py.
140 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a comparison of unpacked vs emulated GT Stage2 content to screen.")
141 process.load(
142 process.l1tgtstage2comparison = cms.Path(process.l1tComparisonGtStage2RAWvsEMU)
143 process.schedule.append(process.l1tgtstage2comparison)
References print().
◆ L1TStage1DigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage1DigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 36 of file customiseUtils.py.
37 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked Stage1 content to screen.")
38 process.load(
39 process.l1tstage1summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage1Digis)
40 process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage1summary)
References print().
◆ L1TStage1SimDigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage1SimDigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 50 of file customiseUtils.py.
51 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated Stage1 content to screen.")
52 process.load(
53 process.l1tsimstage1summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage1SimDigis)
54 process.schedule.append(process.l1tsimstage1summary)
References print().
◆ L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 131 of file customiseUtils.py.
132 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a comparison of unpacked vs emulated Stage2 content to screen.")
133 process.load(
134 process.l1tstage2comparison = cms.Path(process.l1tComparisonStage2RAWvsEMU)
135 process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage2comparison)
References print().
◆ L1TStage2DigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2DigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 43 of file customiseUtils.py.
44 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of unpacked Stage2 content to screen.")
45 process.load(
46 process.l1tstage2summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage2Digis)
47 process.schedule.append(process.l1tstage2summary)
References print().
◆ L1TStage2SetPrefireVetoBit()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2SetPrefireVetoBit |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 146 of file customiseUtils.py.
147 process.load(
148 process.l1tstage2gtext = cms.Path(process.simGtExtUnprefireable)
149 process.schedule.insert(0,process.l1tstage2gtext)
◆ L1TStage2SimDigisSummary()
def customiseUtils.L1TStage2SimDigisSummary |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 57 of file customiseUtils.py.
58 print(
"L1T INFO: will dump a summary of simulated Stage2 content to screen.")
59 process.load(
60 process.l1tsimstage2summary = cms.Path(process.l1tSummaryStage2SimDigis)
61 process.schedule.append(process.l1tsimstage2summary)
References print().
◆ L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation()
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation |
( |
process | ) |
customisations for L1T utilities
customisations which add utilities features such as debugging of L1T, summary module, etc.
Definition at line 16 of file customiseUtils.py.
17 cutlist=[
19 process.SimL1Emulator.remove(getattr(process,b))
◆ L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt()
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 23 of file customiseUtils.py.
24 cutlist=[
26 process.L1TRawToDigi.remove(getattr(process,b))
◆ L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo()
def customiseUtils.L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo |
( |
process | ) |
Definition at line 30 of file customiseUtils.py.
31 cutlist=[
33 process.L1TRawToDigi.remove(getattr(process,b))
def L1TStage2SimDigisSummary(process)
def L1TGlobalDigisSummary(process)
def L1TGlobalSimDigisSummary(process)
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtGmtAndCalo(process)
def L1TStage2SetPrefireVetoBit(process)
def L1TStage2DigisSummary(process)
def L1TGlobalMenuXML(process)
void print(TMatrixD &m, const char *label=nullptr, bool mathematicaFormat=false)
def L1TDumpEventData(process)
def L1TStage1DigisSummary(process)
def L1TAddDebugOutput(process)
def L1TStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU(process)
def L1TGtStage2ComparisonRAWvsEMU(process)
def L1TAddInfoOutput(process)
def L1TTurnOffGtAndGmtEmulation(process)
customisations for L1T utilities
def L1TTurnOffUnpackStage2GtAndGmt(process)
def L1TDumpEventSummary(process)
def L1TStage1SimDigisSummary(process)