Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef Geometry_GEMGeometry_ME0GeometryBuilder_H
2 #define Geometry_GEMGeometry_ME0GeometryBuilder_H
15 #include "DD4hep/DD4hepUnits.h"
44 std::map<ME0DetId, std::vector<ME0DetId>>
static constexpr double k_ScaleFromDD4Hep
Compact representation of the geometrical detector hierarchy.
ME0Chamber * buildChamber(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId) const
ReferenceCountingPointer< BoundPlane > ME0BoundPlane
ME0Geometry * build(const DDCompactView *cview, const MuonGeometryConstants &muonConstants)
ME0EtaPartition * buildEtaPartition(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId) const
ME0Layer * buildLayer(DDFilteredView &fv, ME0DetId detId) const
ME0Geometry * buildGeometry(DDFilteredView &fview, const MuonGeometryConstants &muonConstants)
ME0BoundPlane boundPlane(const DDFilteredView &fv, Bounds *bounds, bool isOddChamber) const
std::map< ME0DetId, std::vector< ME0DetId > > chids
Namespace of DDCMS conversion namespace.