![]() |
![]() |
#include <Calibration/IsolatedParticles/plugins/IsolatedTracksNxN.cc>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | fillDescriptions (edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) |
![]() | |
static const std::string & | baseType () |
static void | fillDescriptions (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) |
static void | prevalidate (ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) |
Private Member Functions | |
void | analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override |
void | beginJob () override |
void | bookHistograms () |
void | clearTreeVectors () |
void | endJob () override |
void | printTrack (const reco::Track *pTrack) |
Private Attributes | |
const bool | debugL1Info_ |
const int | debugTrks_ |
const bool | doMC_ |
double | genPartEtaBins [NEtaBins+1] |
double | genPartPBins [NPBins+1] |
TH1I * | h_L1AlgoNames |
TH1F * | h_maxNearP15x15 [NPBins][NEtaBins] |
TH1F * | h_maxNearP21x21 [NPBins][NEtaBins] |
TH1F * | h_maxNearP25x25 [NPBins][NEtaBins] |
TH1F * | h_maxNearP31x31 [NPBins][NEtaBins] |
TH1F * | h_nTracks |
TH1F * | h_PVTracksWt |
TH1F * | h_recEta_0 |
TH1F * | h_recEta_1 |
TH1F * | h_recEta_2 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaP_0 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaP_1 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaP_2 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaPt_0 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaPt_1 |
TH2F * | h_recEtaPt_2 |
TH1F * | h_recP_0 |
TH1F * | h_recP_1 |
TH1F * | h_recP_2 |
TH1F * | h_recPhi_0 |
TH1F * | h_recPhi_1 |
TH1F * | h_recPhi_2 |
TH1F * | h_recPt_0 |
TH1F * | h_recPt_1 |
TH1F * | h_recPt_2 |
bool | initL1_ |
std::map< std::pair< unsigned int, std::string >, int > | l1AlgoMap_ |
const bool | L1TriggerAlgoInfo_ |
std::unique_ptr< L1GtUtils > | m_l1GtUtils |
std::vector< unsigned int > | m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig |
const double | maxTrackEta_ |
const double | minTrackP_ |
const int | myverbose_ |
int | nbad_ |
int | nEventProc_ |
const bool | printTrkHitPattern_ |
const double | pvTracksPtMin_ |
int | t_Bunch |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11 |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11_10Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11_15Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11_20Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11_25Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e11x11_30Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15 |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15_10Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15_15Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15_20Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15_25Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e15x15_30Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7 |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7_10Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7_15Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7_20Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7_25Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e7x7_30Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9 |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9_10Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9_15Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9_20Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9_25Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_e9x9_30Sig |
std::vector< int > * | t_ecalSpike11x11 |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11 |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim11x11Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15 |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim15x15Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7 |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim7x7Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9 |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_esim9x9Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_esimPdgId |
int | t_EvtNo |
std::vector< double > * | t_h3x3 |
std::vector< double > * | t_h3x3Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_h5x5 |
std::vector< double > * | t_h5x5Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_h7x7 |
std::vector< double > * | t_h7x7Sig |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3 |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim3x3Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5 |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim5x5Rest |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7 |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7CharHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7Matched |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7NeutHad |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7Photon |
std::vector< double > * | t_hsim7x7Rest |
std::vector< int > * | t_infoHcal |
std::vector< double > * | t_jetEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_jetPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_jetPt |
std::vector< std::string > * | t_L1AlgoNames |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1CenJetEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1CenJetPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1CenJetPt |
int | t_L1Decision [128] |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1FwdJetEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1FwdJetPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1FwdJetPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1IsoEMEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1IsoEMPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1IsoEMPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1METEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1METPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1METPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1MuonEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1MuonPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1MuonPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1NonIsoEMEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1NonIsoEMPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1NonIsoEMPt |
std::vector< int > * | t_L1PreScale |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1TauJetEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1TauJetPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_L1TauJetPt |
int | t_Lumi |
std::vector< double > * | t_maxNearHcalP3x3 |
std::vector< double > * | t_maxNearHcalP5x5 |
std::vector< double > * | t_maxNearHcalP7x7 |
std::vector< double > * | t_maxNearP21x21 |
std::vector< double > * | t_maxNearP31x31 |
std::vector< int > * | t_NLayersCrossed |
int | t_nTracks |
std::vector< double > * | t_nTrksJetCalo |
std::vector< double > * | t_nTrksJetVtx |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVisValid |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVndof |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVNTracks |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVNTracksHP |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVNTracksHPWt |
std::vector< int > * | t_PVNTracksWt |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVTracksSumPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVTracksSumPtHP |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVTracksSumPtWt |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVx |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVy |
std::vector< double > * | t_PVz |
int | t_RunNo |
std::vector< double > * | t_simTrackP |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackChiSq |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackChiSqAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDxy |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDxyAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDxyBS |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDxyPV |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDxyPVAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDz |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDzAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDzBS |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDzPV |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackDzPVAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackEcalEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackEcalPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackEtaAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackHcalEta |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackHcalPhi |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMeasTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMeasTIB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMeasTID |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMeasTOB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMissTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMissTIB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMissTIBTID |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMissTID |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitInMissTOB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMeasTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMeasTIB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMeasTID |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMeasTOB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMissTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMissTIB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMissTID |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMissTOB |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitsTEC |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackHitsTOB |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackL |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackNOuterHits |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackOutPosOutHitDr |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackP |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPdgIdAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPhi |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPhiAll |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPt |
std::vector< double > * | t_trackPtAll |
std::vector< int > * | t_trackPVIdx |
std::vector< double > * | t_trkEcalEne |
std::vector< double > * | t_trkHcalEne |
const double | tMaxE_ |
const double | tMaxH_ |
const double | tMinE_ |
const double | tMinH_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::BeamSpot > | tok_bs_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::PCaloHitContainer > | tok_caloEB_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::PCaloHitContainer > | tok_caloEE_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::PCaloHitContainer > | tok_caloHH_ |
edm::ESGetToken< CaloTopology, CaloTopologyRecord > | tok_caloTopology_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< EcalRecHitCollection > | tok_EB_ |
edm::ESGetToken< EcalChannelStatus, EcalChannelStatusRcd > | tok_ecalChStatus_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< EcalRecHitCollection > | tok_EE_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TrackCollection > | tok_genTrack_ |
edm::ESGetToken< CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord > | tok_geom_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< HBHERecHitCollection > | tok_hbhe_ |
edm::ESGetToken< EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap, IdealGeometryRecord > | tok_htmap_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::CaloJetCollection > | tok_jets_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > | tok_L1extCenJet_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > | tok_L1extFwdJet_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > | tok_L1extIsoEm_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1MuonParticleCollection > | tok_L1extMu_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1EmParticleCollection > | tok_L1extNoIsoEm_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< l1extra::L1JetParticleCollection > | tok_L1extTauJet_ |
edm::ESGetToken< MagneticField, IdealMagneticFieldRecord > | tok_magField_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::VertexCollection > | tok_recVtx_ |
edm::ESGetToken< EcalSeverityLevelAlgo, EcalSeverityLevelAlgoRcd > | tok_sevlv_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::SimTrackContainer > | tok_simTk_ |
edm::EDGetTokenT< edm::SimVertexContainer > | tok_simVtx_ |
edm::ESGetToken< HcalTopology, HcalRecNumberingRecord > | tok_topo_ |
TrackerHitAssociator::Config | trackerHitAssociatorConfig_ |
TTree * | tree_ |
const bool | writeAllTracks_ |
Static Private Attributes | |
static constexpr size_t | NEtaBins = 3 |
static constexpr size_t | nL1BitsMax = 128 |
static constexpr size_t | NPBins = 15 |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef EDAnalyzerBase | ModuleType |
![]() | |
typedef ProductLabels | Labels |
![]() | |
EDGetToken | consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B = InEvent> | |
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< B > | consumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept |
template<BranchType B> | |
EDGetToken | consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
ConsumesCollector | consumesCollector () |
Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More... | |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
void | consumesMany () |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<BranchType B> | |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> | |
auto | esConsumes () |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> | |
constexpr auto | esConsumes () noexcept |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> | |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag) |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> | |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag tag) noexcept |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> | |
ESGetTokenGeneric | esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey) |
Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More... | |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> | |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> | |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 142 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
explicit |
Definition at line 307 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References edm::EDConsumerBase::consumesCollector(), debugL1Info_, doMC_, L1GtUtils::Event, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), TFileService::kSharedResource, L1TriggerAlgoInfo_, m_l1GtUtils, maxTrackEta_, minTrackP_, myverbose_, tMaxE_, tMaxH_, tMinE_, tMinH_, tok_bs_, tok_caloEB_, tok_caloEE_, tok_caloHH_, tok_caloTopology_, tok_EB_, tok_ecalChStatus_, tok_EE_, tok_genTrack_, tok_geom_, tok_hbhe_, tok_htmap_, tok_jets_, tok_L1extCenJet_, tok_L1extFwdJet_, tok_L1extIsoEm_, tok_L1extMu_, tok_L1extNoIsoEm_, tok_L1extTauJet_, tok_magField_, tok_recVtx_, tok_sevlv_, tok_simTk_, tok_simVtx_, tok_topo_, and useL1GtTriggerMenuLite().
override |
Definition at line 558 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References t_e11x11, t_e11x11_10Sig, t_e11x11_15Sig, t_e11x11_20Sig, t_e11x11_25Sig, t_e11x11_30Sig, t_e15x15, t_e15x15_10Sig, t_e15x15_15Sig, t_e15x15_20Sig, t_e15x15_25Sig, t_e15x15_30Sig, t_e7x7, t_e7x7_10Sig, t_e7x7_15Sig, t_e7x7_20Sig, t_e7x7_25Sig, t_e7x7_30Sig, t_e9x9, t_e9x9_10Sig, t_e9x9_15Sig, t_e9x9_20Sig, t_e9x9_25Sig, t_e9x9_30Sig, t_ecalSpike11x11, t_esim11x11, t_esim11x11CharHad, t_esim11x11Matched, t_esim11x11NeutHad, t_esim11x11Photon, t_esim11x11Rest, t_esim15x15, t_esim15x15CharHad, t_esim15x15Matched, t_esim15x15NeutHad, t_esim15x15Photon, t_esim15x15Rest, t_esim7x7, t_esim7x7CharHad, t_esim7x7Matched, t_esim7x7NeutHad, t_esim7x7Photon, t_esim7x7Rest, t_esim9x9, t_esim9x9CharHad, t_esim9x9Matched, t_esim9x9NeutHad, t_esim9x9Photon, t_esim9x9Rest, t_esimPdgId, t_h3x3, t_h3x3Sig, t_h5x5, t_h5x5Sig, t_h7x7, t_h7x7Sig, t_hsim3x3, t_hsim3x3CharHad, t_hsim3x3Matched, t_hsim3x3NeutHad, t_hsim3x3Photon, t_hsim3x3Rest, t_hsim5x5, t_hsim5x5CharHad, t_hsim5x5Matched, t_hsim5x5NeutHad, t_hsim5x5Photon, t_hsim5x5Rest, t_hsim7x7, t_hsim7x7CharHad, t_hsim7x7Matched, t_hsim7x7NeutHad, t_hsim7x7Photon, t_hsim7x7Rest, t_infoHcal, t_jetEta, t_jetPhi, t_jetPt, t_L1AlgoNames, t_L1CenJetEta, t_L1CenJetPhi, t_L1CenJetPt, t_L1FwdJetEta, t_L1FwdJetPhi, t_L1FwdJetPt, t_L1IsoEMEta, t_L1IsoEMPhi, t_L1IsoEMPt, t_L1METEta, t_L1METPhi, t_L1METPt, t_L1MuonEta, t_L1MuonPhi, t_L1MuonPt, t_L1NonIsoEMEta, t_L1NonIsoEMPhi, t_L1NonIsoEMPt, t_L1PreScale, t_L1TauJetEta, t_L1TauJetPhi, t_L1TauJetPt, t_maxNearHcalP3x3, t_maxNearHcalP5x5, t_maxNearHcalP7x7, t_maxNearP21x21, t_maxNearP31x31, t_NLayersCrossed, t_nTrksJetCalo, t_nTrksJetVtx, t_PVisValid, t_PVndof, t_PVNTracks, t_PVNTracksHP, t_PVNTracksHPWt, t_PVNTracksWt, t_PVTracksSumPt, t_PVTracksSumPtHP, t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt, t_PVTracksSumPtWt, t_PVx, t_PVy, t_PVz, t_simTrackP, t_trackChiSq, t_trackChiSqAll, t_trackDxy, t_trackDxyAll, t_trackDxyBS, t_trackDxyPV, t_trackDxyPVAll, t_trackDz, t_trackDzAll, t_trackDzBS, t_trackDzPV, t_trackDzPVAll, t_trackEcalEta, t_trackEcalPhi, t_trackEta, t_trackEtaAll, t_trackHcalEta, t_trackHcalPhi, t_trackHitInMeasTEC, t_trackHitInMeasTIB, t_trackHitInMeasTID, t_trackHitInMeasTOB, t_trackHitInMissTEC, t_trackHitInMissTIB, t_trackHitInMissTIBTID, t_trackHitInMissTID, t_trackHitInMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMeasTEC, t_trackHitOutMeasTIB, t_trackHitOutMeasTID, t_trackHitOutMeasTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTEC, t_trackHitOutMissTIB, t_trackHitOutMissTID, t_trackHitOutMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC, t_trackHitsTEC, t_trackHitsTOB, t_trackL, t_trackNOuterHits, t_trackOutPosOutHitDr, t_trackP, t_trackPAll, t_trackPdgIdAll, t_trackPhi, t_trackPhiAll, t_trackPt, t_trackPtAll, t_trackPVIdx, t_trkEcalEne, and t_trkHcalEne.
overrideprivatevirtual |
Implements edm::one::EDAnalyzerBase.
Definition at line 766 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References funct::abs(), Calorimetry_cff::bField, spr::chargeIsolationEcal(), spr::chargeIsolationHcal(), clearTreeVectors(), debugL1Info_, debugTrks_, TauDecayModes::dec, reco::deltaR(), change_name::diff, doMC_, reco::TrackBase::dxy(), reco::TrackBase::dz(), EcalBarrel, spr::eCaloSimInfo(), spr::caloSimInfo::eChargedHad, spr::eECALmatrix(), spr::eECALSimInfo(), spr::caloSimInfo::eGamma, spr::eHCALmatrix(), spr::eHCALmatrixCell(), spr::eHCALSimInfo(), spr::caloSimInfo::eMatched, spr::caloSimInfo::eNeutralHad, spr::caloSimInfo::eRest, PVValHelper::eta, reco::TrackBase::eta(), HLT_FULL_cff::eta1, spr::caloSimInfo::eTotal, first, genPartEtaBins, genPartPBins, edm::RefToBase< T >::get(), edm::EventSetup::getData(), L1GtTriggerMenu::gtAlgorithmMap(), L1GtTriggerMenu::gtTriggerMenuName(), h_L1AlgoNames, h_maxNearP15x15, h_maxNearP21x21, h_maxNearP25x25, h_maxNearP31x31, h_nTracks, h_PVTracksWt, h_recEta_0, h_recEta_1, h_recEta_2, h_recEtaP_0, h_recEtaP_1, h_recEtaP_2, h_recEtaPt_0, h_recEtaPt_1, h_recEtaPt_2, h_recP_0, h_recP_1, h_recP_2, h_recPhi_0, h_recPhi_1, h_recPhi_2, h_recPt_0, h_recPt_1, h_recPt_2, photonIsolationHIProducer_cfi::hbhe, reco::TrackBase::hitPattern(), mps_fire::i, LEDCalibrationChannels::ieta, iEvent, cuy::ii, initL1_, sistrip::SpyUtilities::isValid(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), gpuVertexFinder::iv, singleTopDQM_cfi::jets, l1AlgoMap_, L1TriggerAlgoInfo_, m_l1GtUtils, spr::matchedSimTrack(), maxTrackEta_, minTrackP_, reco::HitPattern::MISSING_INNER_HITS, reco::HitPattern::MISSING_OUTER_HITS, reco::TrackBase::momentum(), myverbose_, nbad_, ndof, NEtaBins, nEventProc_, reco::TrackBase::normalizedChi2(), NPBins, BeamSpotPI::nTracks, reco::Track::outerPosition(), reco::TrackBase::p(), p1, spr::caloSimInfo::pdgMatched, phi, reco::BeamSpot::position(), spr::propagateCALO(), spr::propagateTrackerEnd(), DiDispStaMuonMonitor_cfi::pt, reco::TrackBase::pt(), HLT_FULL_cff::pt1, pvTracksPtMin_, reco::TrackBase::quality(), reco::TrackBase::qualityByName(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, reco::HitPattern::stripTECLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTECLayersWithoutMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTIBLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTIBLayersWithoutMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTIDLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTIDLayersWithoutMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTOBLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern::stripTOBLayersWithoutMeasurement(), t_Bunch, t_e11x11, t_e11x11_10Sig, t_e11x11_15Sig, t_e11x11_20Sig, t_e11x11_25Sig, t_e11x11_30Sig, t_e15x15, t_e15x15_10Sig, t_e15x15_15Sig, t_e15x15_20Sig, t_e15x15_25Sig, t_e15x15_30Sig, t_e7x7, t_e7x7_10Sig, t_e7x7_15Sig, t_e7x7_20Sig, t_e7x7_25Sig, t_e7x7_30Sig, t_e9x9, t_e9x9_10Sig, t_e9x9_15Sig, t_e9x9_20Sig, t_e9x9_25Sig, t_e9x9_30Sig, t_ecalSpike11x11, t_esim11x11, t_esim11x11CharHad, t_esim11x11Matched, t_esim11x11NeutHad, t_esim11x11Photon, t_esim11x11Rest, t_esim15x15, t_esim15x15CharHad, t_esim15x15Matched, t_esim15x15NeutHad, t_esim15x15Photon, t_esim15x15Rest, t_esim7x7, t_esim7x7CharHad, t_esim7x7Matched, t_esim7x7NeutHad, t_esim7x7Photon, t_esim7x7Rest, t_esim9x9, t_esim9x9CharHad, t_esim9x9Matched, t_esim9x9NeutHad, t_esim9x9Photon, t_esim9x9Rest, t_esimPdgId, t_EvtNo, t_h3x3, t_h3x3Sig, t_h5x5, t_h5x5Sig, t_h7x7, t_h7x7Sig, t_hsim3x3, t_hsim3x3CharHad, t_hsim3x3Matched, t_hsim3x3NeutHad, t_hsim3x3Photon, t_hsim3x3Rest, t_hsim5x5, t_hsim5x5CharHad, t_hsim5x5Matched, t_hsim5x5NeutHad, t_hsim5x5Photon, t_hsim5x5Rest, t_hsim7x7, t_hsim7x7CharHad, t_hsim7x7Matched, t_hsim7x7NeutHad, t_hsim7x7Photon, t_hsim7x7Rest, t_infoHcal, t_jetEta, t_jetPhi, t_jetPt, t_L1AlgoNames, t_L1CenJetEta, t_L1CenJetPhi, t_L1CenJetPt, t_L1Decision, t_L1FwdJetEta, t_L1FwdJetPhi, t_L1FwdJetPt, t_L1IsoEMEta, t_L1IsoEMPhi, t_L1IsoEMPt, t_L1MuonEta, t_L1MuonPhi, t_L1MuonPt, t_L1NonIsoEMEta, t_L1NonIsoEMPhi, t_L1NonIsoEMPt, t_L1PreScale, t_L1TauJetEta, t_L1TauJetPhi, t_L1TauJetPt, t_Lumi, t_maxNearHcalP3x3, t_maxNearHcalP5x5, t_maxNearHcalP7x7, t_maxNearP21x21, t_maxNearP31x31, t_NLayersCrossed, t_nTracks, t_nTrksJetCalo, t_nTrksJetVtx, t_PVisValid, t_PVndof, t_PVNTracks, t_PVNTracksHP, t_PVNTracksHPWt, t_PVNTracksWt, t_PVTracksSumPt, t_PVTracksSumPtHP, t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt, t_PVTracksSumPtWt, t_PVx, t_PVy, t_PVz, t_RunNo, t_simTrackP, t_trackChiSq, t_trackChiSqAll, t_trackDxy, t_trackDxyAll, t_trackDxyBS, t_trackDxyPV, t_trackDxyPVAll, t_trackDz, t_trackDzAll, t_trackDzBS, t_trackDzPV, t_trackDzPVAll, t_trackEcalEta, t_trackEcalPhi, t_trackEta, t_trackEtaAll, t_trackHcalEta, t_trackHcalPhi, t_trackHitInMeasTEC, t_trackHitInMeasTIB, t_trackHitInMeasTID, t_trackHitInMeasTOB, t_trackHitInMissTEC, t_trackHitInMissTIB, t_trackHitInMissTIBTID, t_trackHitInMissTID, t_trackHitInMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMeasTEC, t_trackHitOutMeasTIB, t_trackHitOutMeasTID, t_trackHitOutMeasTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTEC, t_trackHitOutMissTIB, t_trackHitOutMissTID, t_trackHitOutMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC, t_trackHitsTEC, t_trackHitsTOB, t_trackL, t_trackNOuterHits, t_trackOutPosOutHitDr, t_trackP, t_trackPAll, t_trackPdgIdAll, t_trackPhi, t_trackPhiAll, t_trackPt, t_trackPtAll, t_trackPVIdx, t_trkEcalEne, t_trkHcalEne, tMaxE_, tMaxH_, tMinE_, tMinH_, tok_bs_, tok_caloEB_, tok_caloEE_, tok_caloHH_, tok_caloTopology_, tok_EB_, tok_ecalChStatus_, tok_EE_, tok_genTrack_, tok_geom_, tok_hbhe_, tok_htmap_, tok_jets_, tok_L1extCenJet_, tok_L1extFwdJet_, tok_L1extIsoEm_, tok_L1extMu_, tok_L1extNoIsoEm_, tok_L1extTauJet_, tok_magField_, tok_recVtx_, tok_sevlv_, tok_simTk_, tok_simVtx_, tok_topo_, trackerHitAssociatorConfig_, reco::HitPattern::trackerLayersWithMeasurement(), tree_, useL1EventSetup(), useL1GtTriggerMenuLite(), writeAllTracks_, x, y, and z.
overrideprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from edm::one::EDAnalyzerBase.
Definition at line 2022 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References bookHistograms(), genPartEtaBins, genPartPBins, mps_fire::i, initL1_, nbad_, NEtaBins, nEventProc_, and NPBins.
private |
Definition at line 2260 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References DeadROC_duringRun::dir, doMC_, genPartEtaBins, genPartPBins, h_L1AlgoNames, h_maxNearP15x15, h_maxNearP21x21, h_maxNearP25x25, h_maxNearP31x31, h_nTracks, h_PVTracksWt, h_recEta_0, h_recEta_1, h_recEta_2, h_recEtaP_0, h_recEtaP_1, h_recEtaP_2, h_recEtaPt_0, h_recEtaPt_1, h_recEtaPt_2, h_recP_0, h_recP_1, h_recP_2, h_recPhi_0, h_recPhi_1, h_recPhi_2, h_recPt_0, h_recPt_1, h_recPt_2, mps_fire::i, LEDCalibrationChannels::ieta, TFileService::make(), TFileService::mkdir(), NEtaBins, NPBins, t_Bunch, t_e11x11, t_e11x11_10Sig, t_e11x11_15Sig, t_e11x11_20Sig, t_e11x11_25Sig, t_e11x11_30Sig, t_e15x15, t_e15x15_10Sig, t_e15x15_15Sig, t_e15x15_20Sig, t_e15x15_25Sig, t_e15x15_30Sig, t_e7x7, t_e7x7_10Sig, t_e7x7_15Sig, t_e7x7_20Sig, t_e7x7_25Sig, t_e7x7_30Sig, t_e9x9, t_e9x9_10Sig, t_e9x9_15Sig, t_e9x9_20Sig, t_e9x9_25Sig, t_e9x9_30Sig, t_ecalSpike11x11, t_esim11x11, t_esim11x11CharHad, t_esim11x11Matched, t_esim11x11NeutHad, t_esim11x11Photon, t_esim11x11Rest, t_esim15x15, t_esim15x15CharHad, t_esim15x15Matched, t_esim15x15NeutHad, t_esim15x15Photon, t_esim15x15Rest, t_esim7x7, t_esim7x7CharHad, t_esim7x7Matched, t_esim7x7NeutHad, t_esim7x7Photon, t_esim7x7Rest, t_esim9x9, t_esim9x9CharHad, t_esim9x9Matched, t_esim9x9NeutHad, t_esim9x9Photon, t_esim9x9Rest, t_esimPdgId, t_EvtNo, t_h3x3, t_h3x3Sig, t_h5x5, t_h5x5Sig, t_h7x7, t_h7x7Sig, t_hsim3x3, t_hsim3x3CharHad, t_hsim3x3Matched, t_hsim3x3NeutHad, t_hsim3x3Photon, t_hsim3x3Rest, t_hsim5x5, t_hsim5x5CharHad, t_hsim5x5Matched, t_hsim5x5NeutHad, t_hsim5x5Photon, t_hsim5x5Rest, t_hsim7x7, t_hsim7x7CharHad, t_hsim7x7Matched, t_hsim7x7NeutHad, t_hsim7x7Photon, t_hsim7x7Rest, t_infoHcal, t_jetEta, t_jetPhi, t_jetPt, t_L1AlgoNames, t_L1CenJetEta, t_L1CenJetPhi, t_L1CenJetPt, t_L1Decision, t_L1FwdJetEta, t_L1FwdJetPhi, t_L1FwdJetPt, t_L1IsoEMEta, t_L1IsoEMPhi, t_L1IsoEMPt, t_L1METEta, t_L1METPhi, t_L1METPt, t_L1MuonEta, t_L1MuonPhi, t_L1MuonPt, t_L1NonIsoEMEta, t_L1NonIsoEMPhi, t_L1NonIsoEMPt, t_L1PreScale, t_L1TauJetEta, t_L1TauJetPhi, t_L1TauJetPt, t_Lumi, t_maxNearHcalP3x3, t_maxNearHcalP5x5, t_maxNearHcalP7x7, t_maxNearP21x21, t_maxNearP31x31, t_NLayersCrossed, t_nTracks, t_nTrksJetCalo, t_nTrksJetVtx, t_PVisValid, t_PVndof, t_PVNTracks, t_PVNTracksHP, t_PVNTracksHPWt, t_PVNTracksWt, t_PVTracksSumPt, t_PVTracksSumPtHP, t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt, t_PVTracksSumPtWt, t_PVx, t_PVy, t_PVz, t_RunNo, t_simTrackP, t_trackChiSq, t_trackChiSqAll, t_trackDxy, t_trackDxyAll, t_trackDxyBS, t_trackDxyPV, t_trackDxyPVAll, t_trackDz, t_trackDzAll, t_trackDzBS, t_trackDzPV, t_trackDzPVAll, t_trackEcalEta, t_trackEcalPhi, t_trackEta, t_trackEtaAll, t_trackHcalEta, t_trackHcalPhi, t_trackHitInMeasTEC, t_trackHitInMeasTIB, t_trackHitInMeasTID, t_trackHitInMeasTOB, t_trackHitInMissTEC, t_trackHitInMissTIB, t_trackHitInMissTIBTID, t_trackHitInMissTID, t_trackHitInMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMeasTEC, t_trackHitOutMeasTIB, t_trackHitOutMeasTID, t_trackHitOutMeasTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTEC, t_trackHitOutMissTIB, t_trackHitOutMissTID, t_trackHitOutMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC, t_trackHitsTEC, t_trackHitsTOB, t_trackL, t_trackNOuterHits, t_trackOutPosOutHitDr, t_trackP, t_trackPAll, t_trackPdgIdAll, t_trackPhi, t_trackPhiAll, t_trackPt, t_trackPtAll, t_trackPVIdx, t_trkEcalEne, t_trkHcalEne, and tree_.
Referenced by beginJob().
private |
Definition at line 2057 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References doMC_, mps_fire::i, t_e11x11, t_e11x11_10Sig, t_e11x11_15Sig, t_e11x11_20Sig, t_e11x11_25Sig, t_e11x11_30Sig, t_e15x15, t_e15x15_10Sig, t_e15x15_15Sig, t_e15x15_20Sig, t_e15x15_25Sig, t_e15x15_30Sig, t_e7x7, t_e7x7_10Sig, t_e7x7_15Sig, t_e7x7_20Sig, t_e7x7_25Sig, t_e7x7_30Sig, t_e9x9, t_e9x9_10Sig, t_e9x9_15Sig, t_e9x9_20Sig, t_e9x9_25Sig, t_e9x9_30Sig, t_ecalSpike11x11, t_esim11x11, t_esim11x11CharHad, t_esim11x11Matched, t_esim11x11NeutHad, t_esim11x11Photon, t_esim11x11Rest, t_esim15x15, t_esim15x15CharHad, t_esim15x15Matched, t_esim15x15NeutHad, t_esim15x15Photon, t_esim15x15Rest, t_esim7x7, t_esim7x7CharHad, t_esim7x7Matched, t_esim7x7NeutHad, t_esim7x7Photon, t_esim7x7Rest, t_esim9x9, t_esim9x9CharHad, t_esim9x9Matched, t_esim9x9NeutHad, t_esim9x9Photon, t_esim9x9Rest, t_esimPdgId, t_h3x3, t_h3x3Sig, t_h5x5, t_h5x5Sig, t_h7x7, t_h7x7Sig, t_hsim3x3, t_hsim3x3CharHad, t_hsim3x3Matched, t_hsim3x3NeutHad, t_hsim3x3Photon, t_hsim3x3Rest, t_hsim5x5, t_hsim5x5CharHad, t_hsim5x5Matched, t_hsim5x5NeutHad, t_hsim5x5Photon, t_hsim5x5Rest, t_hsim7x7, t_hsim7x7CharHad, t_hsim7x7Matched, t_hsim7x7NeutHad, t_hsim7x7Photon, t_hsim7x7Rest, t_infoHcal, t_jetEta, t_jetPhi, t_jetPt, t_L1AlgoNames, t_L1CenJetEta, t_L1CenJetPhi, t_L1CenJetPt, t_L1Decision, t_L1FwdJetEta, t_L1FwdJetPhi, t_L1FwdJetPt, t_L1IsoEMEta, t_L1IsoEMPhi, t_L1IsoEMPt, t_L1METEta, t_L1METPhi, t_L1METPt, t_L1MuonEta, t_L1MuonPhi, t_L1MuonPt, t_L1NonIsoEMEta, t_L1NonIsoEMPhi, t_L1NonIsoEMPt, t_L1PreScale, t_L1TauJetEta, t_L1TauJetPhi, t_L1TauJetPt, t_maxNearHcalP3x3, t_maxNearHcalP5x5, t_maxNearHcalP7x7, t_maxNearP21x21, t_maxNearP31x31, t_NLayersCrossed, t_nTrksJetCalo, t_nTrksJetVtx, t_PVisValid, t_PVndof, t_PVNTracks, t_PVNTracksHP, t_PVNTracksHPWt, t_PVNTracksWt, t_PVTracksSumPt, t_PVTracksSumPtHP, t_PVTracksSumPtHPWt, t_PVTracksSumPtWt, t_PVx, t_PVy, t_PVz, t_simTrackP, t_trackChiSq, t_trackChiSqAll, t_trackDxy, t_trackDxyAll, t_trackDxyBS, t_trackDxyPV, t_trackDxyPVAll, t_trackDz, t_trackDzAll, t_trackDzBS, t_trackDzPV, t_trackDzPVAll, t_trackEcalEta, t_trackEcalPhi, t_trackEta, t_trackEtaAll, t_trackHcalEta, t_trackHcalPhi, t_trackHitInMeasTEC, t_trackHitInMeasTIB, t_trackHitInMeasTID, t_trackHitInMeasTOB, t_trackHitInMissTEC, t_trackHitInMissTIB, t_trackHitInMissTIBTID, t_trackHitInMissTID, t_trackHitInMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMeasTEC, t_trackHitOutMeasTIB, t_trackHitOutMeasTID, t_trackHitOutMeasTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTEC, t_trackHitOutMissTIB, t_trackHitOutMissTID, t_trackHitOutMissTOB, t_trackHitOutMissTOBTEC, t_trackHitsTEC, t_trackHitsTOB, t_trackL, t_trackNOuterHits, t_trackOutPosOutHitDr, t_trackP, t_trackPAll, t_trackPdgIdAll, t_trackPhi, t_trackPhiAll, t_trackPt, t_trackPtAll, t_trackPVIdx, t_trkEcalEne, and t_trkHcalEne.
Referenced by analyze().
overrideprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from edm::one::EDAnalyzerBase.
Definition at line 2041 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References first, h_L1AlgoNames, l1AlgoMap_, L1TriggerAlgoInfo_, Skims_PA_cff::name, and nEventProc_.
Referenced by o2olib.O2ORunMgr::executeJob().
static |
Definition at line 735 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References edm::ConfigurationDescriptions::add(), submitPVResolutionJobs::desc, and HLT_FULL_cff::InputTag.
private |
Definition at line 2747 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
References reco::TrackBase::charge(), gather_cfg::cout, reco::TrackBase::d0(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), reco::TrackBase::hitPattern(), mps_fire::i, reco::HitPattern::MISSING_INNER_HITS, reco::HitPattern::MISSING_OUTER_HITS, reco::TrackBase::momentum(), reco::TrackBase::normalizedChi2(), reco::TrackBase::numberOfLostHits(), reco::TrackBase::numberOfValidHits(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::p, reco::TrackBase::p(), reco::TrackBase::phi(), printTrkHitPattern_, reco::TrackBase::pt(), reco::TrackBase::qoverp(), reco::TrackBase::qoverpError(), reco::TrackBase::quality(), reco::TrackBase::qualityByName(), reco::TrackBase::qualityName(), reco::TrackBase::referencePoint(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and reco::HitPattern::TRACK_HITS.
Referenced by ntuplePrintersDiff.TrackPrinter::diff(), and ntuplePrintersDiff.TrackPrinter::printTrackAndMatchedTrackingParticles().
private |
Definition at line 175 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 172 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
private |
Definition at line 169 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 212 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 212 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 216 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and endJob().
Definition at line 214 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
Definition at line 214 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
Definition at line 214 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
Definition at line 214 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 218 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 217 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 220 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 222 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 224 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 220 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 222 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 224 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 219 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 177 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
private |
Definition at line 166 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
private |
Definition at line 175 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 161 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 167 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
private |
Definition at line 174 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 174 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 170 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 178 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and beginJob().
staticconstexprprivate |
Definition at line 211 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 178 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and endJob().
staticconstexprprivate |
Definition at line 162 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
staticconstexprprivate |
Definition at line 210 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 173 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by printTrack().
private |
Definition at line 171 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
private |
Definition at line 229 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 278 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 279 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 278 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 279 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 278 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 279 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 275 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 276 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 277 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 278 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 279 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 280 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 273 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 288 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 284 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 288 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 284 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 288 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 284 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 283 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 288 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 284 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 287 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 286 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 285 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 282 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 229 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 291 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 292 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 291 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 292 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 291 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 292 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 296 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 301 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 297 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 300 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 299 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 298 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 296 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 301 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 297 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 300 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 299 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 298 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 296 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 301 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 297 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 300 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 299 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 298 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 293 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 247 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 247 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 247 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 230 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 234 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 234 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 234 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 232 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), and clearTreeVectors().
private |
Definition at line 235 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 235 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 235 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 238 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 238 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 238 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 240 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 240 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 240 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 237 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 237 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 237 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 239 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 239 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 239 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 231 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 236 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 236 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 236 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 229 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 290 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 290 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 290 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 272 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 271 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 261 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 228 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 248 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 248 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 244 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 244 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 244 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 245 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 245 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 244 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 242 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 243 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 243 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 243 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 242 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 242 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 242 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 229 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 282 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 258 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 256 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 256 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 257 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 256 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 256 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 257 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 255 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 255 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 250 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 255 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 255 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 267 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 267 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 267 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 267 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 263 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 268 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 268 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 268 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 268 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 265 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 265 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 265 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 265 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 265 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 262 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 262 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 269 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 261 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 269 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 250 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 250 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 250 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 251 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 259 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 282 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 295 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), bookHistograms(), clearTreeVectors(), and ~IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 176 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 193 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 199 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 200 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 201 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 204 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 195 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 207 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 196 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 191 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 203 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 189 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 209 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 188 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 181 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 182 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 185 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 184 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 186 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 180 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 206 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 192 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 208 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 197 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 198 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 205 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and IsolatedTracksNxN().
private |
Definition at line 163 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze().
private |
Definition at line 226 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze(), and bookHistograms().
private |
Definition at line 169 of file IsolatedTracksNxN.cc.
Referenced by analyze().