Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include "Math/VectorUtil.h"
9 const std::vector<int>& combination,
196 return top(dec1).mass() -
202 return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(
216 return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(
230 return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::Angle(
365 return jet.bDiscriminator(
367 return jet.bDiscriminator(
369 return jet.bDiscriminator(
371 return jet.bDiscriminator(
373 return jet.bDiscriminator(
375 return jet.bDiscriminator(
377 return jet.bDiscriminator(
379 return jet.bDiscriminator(
381 return jet.bDiscriminator(
383 return jet.bDiscriminator(
385 return jet.bDiscriminator(
default destructor
double relativePtHadronicTop() const
double combinedBTags(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const
combined b-tag values of the two b candidates
double compareTopLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the lepton candidate
math::XYZTLorentzVector lepton_
lepton 4-vector
supported comparison types
double compareTopNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the neutrino candidate
double compareWNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the neutrino candidate
double compareTopW(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the W candidate
double wBosonVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
W boson candidate variable.
Analysis-level calorimeter jet class.
const math::XYZTLorentzVector & wBoson(JetComb::DecayType decay) const
return leptonic or hadronic W candidate depending on argument
operators for combining variables
double compareBLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the b and the lepton candidate
double combinedBTagsForLightQuarks(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const
combined b-tag values of the two light quark candidates
double topVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
top quark candidate variable
double lightQVar(bool qbar, JetComb::VarType var) const
light quark candidate variable
const pat::Jet & bQuark(JetComb::DecayType decay) const
return leptonic or hadronic b candidate depending on argument
const pat::Jet & lightQ(bool qbar=false) const
return lightQ or lightQBar candidate depending on argument
double compareLightQuarks(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the lightQ and the lightQBar candidate
pat::Jet hadBJet_
hadronic b jet
double compareTopB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the b candidate
const LorentzVector & p4() const final
four-momentum Lorentz vector
Analysis-level MET class.
double neutrinoVar(JetComb::VarType var) const
neutrino candidate variable
math::XYZTLorentzVector hadTop_
hadronic top 4-vector
math::XYZTLorentzVector hadW_
hadronic W 4-vector
double compareWLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the lepton candidate
void deduceMothers()
reconstruct mother candidates from final state candidates
double compareWB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the b candidate
pat::Jet hadQBarJet_
lightQBar jet
double bOverLightQPt() const
XYZTLorentzVectorD XYZTLorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cylindrical internal representation using pseudorapidity.
const math::XYZTLorentzVector & top(JetComb::DecayType decay) const
return leptonic or hadronic top candidate depending on argument
pat::Jet hadQJet_
lightQ jet
double bTag(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::BTagAlgo algo) const
b-tag value of a b candidate
double bQuarkVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
b quark candidate variable
supported std single variable types
b-tagging algorithms
double compareHadTopLepTop(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two top candidates
math::XYZTLorentzVector lepTop_
leptonic top 4-vector
pat::MET neutrino_
neutrino candidate
pat::Jet lepBJet_
leptonic b jet
double compareHadWLepW(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two W candidates
emtpy constructor
double leptonVar(JetComb::VarType var) const
lepton candidate variable
math::XYZTLorentzVector lepW_
leptonic W 4-vector
double compareBNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the b and the neutrino candidate
double compareLeptonNeutrino(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the lepton and the neutrino candidate
double compareHadBLepB(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two b candidates