Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef HLTReco_TriggerEventWithRefs_h
2 #define HLTReco_TriggerEventWithRefs_h
239 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
245 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
251 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
257 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
263 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
269 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
275 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
281 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
287 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
293 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
299 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
305 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
311 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
317 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
323 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
329 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
335 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
340 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
345 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
352 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
357 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
362 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
367 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
372 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
377 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
382 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
388 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
394 return std::pair<size_type, size_type>(begin,
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1ttkele &l1ttkele) const
l1t::EGammaVectorRef VRl1tegamma
const VRl1em & l1emRefs() const
std::string usedProcessName_
data members
const Vids & l1muonIds() const
const Vids & pftauIds() const
const VRpfmet & pfmetRefs() const
const Vids & photonIds() const
l1t::TkElectronVectorRef VRl1ttkele
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tpftauSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tpfjet &l1tpfjet) const
const Vids & l1ttkmuonIds() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tmuonSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRpixtrack &pixtracks) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1ttkmuonSlice(size_type filter) const
std::vector< reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef > VRphoton
const Vids & l1tpfjetIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tpfjet &l1tpfjet) const
const VRpfjet & pfjetRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRbasemet &basemets) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > jetSlice(size_type filter) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1etmissSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tetsum &l1tetsum) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRmuon &muons) const
const VRl1tpftrack & l1tpftrackRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tpftrack &l1tpftrack) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRmuon &muons) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1ttkmuon &l1ttkmuon) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tpftrack &l1tpftrack) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1ttkeleSlice(size_type filter) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > photonSlice(size_type filter) const
slices of objects for a specific filter: [begin,end[
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRcomposite &composites) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRcomposite &composites) const
const VRl1ttkmuon & l1ttkmuonRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tmuon &l1tmuon) const
const VRl1ttau & l1ttauRefs() const
const Vids & compositeIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRphoton &photons) const
extract Ref<C>s for a specific filter and of specific physics type
U second(std::pair< T, U > const &p)
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRpfjet &pfjets) const
std::vector< reco::METRef > VRbasemet
Helper class: trigger objects firing a single filter.
const Vids & l1hfringsIds() const
std::vector< l1extra::L1HFRingsRef > VRl1hfrings
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1thpspftau &l1thpspftau) const
const VRl1tegamma & l1tegammaRefs() const
const std::string & usedProcessName() const
getters - for user access
std::vector< reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateRef > VRpixtrack
const VRelectron & electronRefs() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1thpspftauSlice(size_type filter) const
l1t::TkMuonVectorRef VRl1ttkmuon
const VRl1etmiss & l1etmissRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRbasemet &basemets) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tjet &l1tjet) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1hfrings &l1hfrings) const
void getObjects(Vids &ids, VRphoton &refs) const
various physics-level getters:
const VRl1tjet & l1tjetRefs() const
const VRphoton & photonRefs() const
const Vids & electronIds() const
l1t::PFTauVectorRef VRl1tpftau
const VRjet & jetRefs() const
const Vids & jetIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1em &l1em) const
l1t::JetVectorRef VRl1tjet
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRpixtrack &pixtracks) const
const Vids & l1tmuonIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRcalomet &calomets) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > pixtrackSlice(size_type filter) const
const VRl1ttkele & l1ttkeleRefs() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > pftauSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRpfmet &pfmets) const
const VRcomposite & compositeRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRphoton &photons) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1ttkem &l1ttkem) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > calometSlice(size_type filter) const
l1t::PFTrackVectorRef VRl1tpftrack
const edm::InputTag filterTag(size_type filterIndex) const
tag from index
const Vids & l1jetIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tmuon &l1tmuon) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tpftrackSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRpfjet &pfjets) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1jetSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1ttkele &l1ttkele) const
const VRl1jet & l1jetRefs() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tjetSlice(size_type filter) const
std::vector< l1extra::L1EtMissParticleRef > VRl1etmiss
const VRl1ttkem & l1ttkemRefs() const
l1t::TkEmVectorRef VRl1ttkem
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tegammaSlice(size_type filter) const
const VRl1hfrings & l1hfringsRefs() const
std::vector< l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef > VRl1muon
TriggerFilterObject(const edm::InputTag &filterTag, size_type np, size_type ne, size_type nm, size_type nj, size_type nc, size_type nB, size_type nC, size_type nt, size_type l1em, size_type l1muon, size_type l1jet, size_type l1etmiss, size_type l1hfrings, size_type pfjets, size_type pftaus, size_type pfmets, size_type l1tmuon, size_type l1tegamma, size_type l1tjet, size_type l1ttkmuon, size_type l1ttkele, size_type l1ttkem, size_type l1tpfjet, size_type l1tpftau, size_type l1thpspftau, size_type l1tpftrack, size_type l1ttau, size_type l1tetsum)
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tpfjetSlice(size_type filter) const
const Vids & l1ttkeleIds() const
size_type filterIndex(const edm::InputTag &filterTag) const
index from tag
const VRl1thpspftau & l1thpspftauRefs() const
const Vids & pfmetIds() const
std::vector< TriggerFilterObject > filterObjects_
the filters recorded here
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRcalomet &calomets) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > muonSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1muon &l1muon) const
size_type addObjects(const Vids &ids, const VRphoton &refs)
std::pair< size_type, size_type > pfjetSlice(size_type filter) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > electronSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRpftau &pftaus) const
l1t::HPSPFTauVectorRef VRl1thpspftau
const Vids & l1tegammaIds() const
std::vector< reco::PFJetRef > VRpfjet
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRelectron &electrons) const
TriggerEventWithRefs(const std::string &usedProcessName, size_type n)
const Vids & calometIds() const
std::vector< l1extra::L1EmParticleRef > VRl1em
const Vids & pixtrackIds() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > pfmetSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tetsum &l1tetsum) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1ttkemSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1etmiss &l1etmiss) const
const Vids & l1etmissIds() const
std::string filterTag_
encoded InputTag of filter product
const Vids & muonIds() const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1hfringsSlice(size_type filter) const
const VRl1muon & l1muonRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRjet &jets) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1emSlice(size_type filter) const
const Vids & l1tjetIds() const
const Vids & l1ttauIds() const
std::vector< reco::ElectronRef > VRelectron
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1muon &l1muon) const
size_type size() const
number of filters
const VRpixtrack & pixtrackRefs() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1ttau &l1ttau) const
const VRmuon & muonRefs() const
std::vector< reco::CaloJetRef > VRjet
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tegamma &l1tegamma) const
const VRl1tmuon & l1tmuonRefs() const
l1t::PFJetVectorRef VRl1tpfjet
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tjet &l1tjet) const
std::vector< reco::CaloMETRef > VRcalomet
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tegamma &l1tegamma) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > basemetSlice(size_type filter) const
const VRbasemet & basemetRefs() const
l1t::TauVectorRef VRl1ttau
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1ttauSlice(size_type filter) const
const VRl1tpfjet & l1tpfjetRefs() const
std::vector< reco::CompositeCandidateRef > VRcomposite
std::vector< l1extra::L1JetParticleRef > VRl1jet
std::vector< reco::RecoChargedCandidateRef > VRmuon
std::vector< reco::PFMETRef > VRpfmet
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1muonSlice(size_type filter) const
l1t::MuonVectorRef VRl1tmuon
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1tpftau &l1tpftau) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1tpftau &l1tpftau) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1ttau &l1ttau) const
const Vids & basemetIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRelectron &electrons) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1hfrings &l1hfrings) const
const Vids & l1thpspftauIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRpftau &pftaus) const
const Vids & l1tpftrackIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1ttkmuon &l1ttkmuon) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > compositeSlice(size_type filter) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1thpspftau &l1thpspftau) const
std::vector< reco::PFTauRef > VRpftau
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1em &l1em) const
const Vids & l1ttkemIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1jet &l1jet) const
std::pair< size_type, size_type > l1tetsumSlice(size_type filter) const
void addFilterObject(const edm::InputTag &filterTag, const TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs &tfowr)
setters - to build EDProduct
const Vids & l1tetsumIds() const
const Vids & pfjetIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1jet &l1jet) const
const VRl1tetsum & l1tetsumRefs() const
const Vids & l1emIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRpfmet &pfmets) const
void getObjects(size_type filter, Vids &ids, VRl1etmiss &l1etmiss) const
const VRpftau & pftauRefs() const
l1t::EtSumVectorRef VRl1tetsum
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRl1ttkem &l1ttkem) const
const Vids & l1tpftauIds() const
void getObjects(size_type filter, int id, VRjet &jets) const
const VRcalomet & calometRefs() const
const VRl1tpftau & l1tpftauRefs() const