Go to the documentation of this file.
128 myStr <<
"\nL1 GT Stable Parameters \n" << std::endl;
142 myStr <<
"\n Number of muons received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1Mu << std::endl;
145 myStr <<
" Number of e/gamma objects received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1NoIsoEG << std::endl;
146 myStr <<
" Number of isolated e/gamma objects received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1IsoEG << std::endl;
149 myStr <<
"\n Number of central jets received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1CenJet << std::endl;
150 myStr <<
" Number of forward jets received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1ForJet << std::endl;
151 myStr <<
" Number of tau jets received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1TauJet << std::endl;
154 myStr <<
"\n Number of jet counts received by L1 GT = " <<
m_numberL1JetCounts << std::endl;
166 myStr <<
" Order of condition chips for GTL algorithm word = {";
175 myStr <<
"}" << std::endl;
181 myStr <<
"\n Number of bits for eta of calorimeter objects = " <<
m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits << std::endl;
184 myStr <<
"\n Number of bits for eta of muon objects = " <<
m_ifMuEtaNumberBits << std::endl;
187 myStr <<
"\n Word length (bits) for GT records = " <<
m_wordLength << std::endl;
190 myStr <<
" Unit length (bits) for GT records = " <<
m_unitLength << std::endl;
192 myStr <<
"\n" << std::endl;
unsigned int m_numberPhysTriggersExtended
additional number of physics trigger algorithms
void setGtIfCaloEtaNumberBits(const unsigned int &)
void setGtNumberL1IsoEG(const unsigned int &)
int m_numberPsbBoards
number of PSB boards in GT
virtual ~L1GtStableParameters()
unsigned int m_numberL1IsoEG
void setGtNumberL1Mu(const unsigned int &)
int m_unitLength
one unit in the word is UnitLength bits
void setGtOrderConditionChip(const std::vector< int > &)
unsigned int m_numberL1Mu
trigger objects
unsigned int m_numberL1TauJet
unsigned int m_numberConditionChips
void setGtNumberL1JetCounts(const unsigned int &)
void print(std::ostream &) const
print all the L1 GT stable parameters
unsigned int m_numberL1CenJet
central, forward and tau jets
void setGtUnitLength(const int &)
unsigned int m_numberPhysTriggers
trigger decision
unsigned int m_ifMuEtaNumberBits
number of bits for eta of muon objects
void setGtWordLength(const int &)
void setGtNumberPhysTriggers(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_numberTechnicalTriggers
number of technical triggers
void setGtNumberTechnicalTriggers(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_numberL1JetCounts
jet counts
void setGtNumberL1NoIsoEG(const unsigned int &)
int m_wordLength
GT DAQ record organized in words of WordLength bits.
void setGtNumberConditionChips(const unsigned int &)
void setGtNumberL1CenJet(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_pinsOnConditionChip
number of pins on the GTL condition chips
void setGtNumberL1ForJet(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_numberL1NoIsoEG
e/gamma and isolated e/gamma objects
void setGtIfMuEtaNumberBits(const unsigned int &)
void setGtPinsOnConditionChip(const unsigned int &)
void setGtNumberL1TauJet(const unsigned int &)
void setGtNumberPsbBoards(const int &)
std::vector< int > m_orderConditionChip
void setGtNumberPhysTriggersExtended(const unsigned int &)
unsigned int m_ifCaloEtaNumberBits
number of bits for eta of calorimeter objects
unsigned int m_numberL1ForJet