![]() |
![]() |
#include <TEcnaHistos.h>
Public Member Functions | |
TVirtualPad * | ActivePad (const TString &, const TString &) |
TPaveText * | ActivePavTxt (const TString &, const TString &) |
TString | AsciiFileName () |
void | CorrelationsBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
void | CovariancesBetweenSamples (const Int_t &) |
TCanvas * | CreateCanvas (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, UInt_t, UInt_t) |
void | DeeSCNumbering (const Int_t &) |
void | DoCanvasClosed () |
void | EEDataSectors (const Float_t &, const Float_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | EEGridAxis (const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | EvSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | EvSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | FileParameters (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | FileParameters (TEcnaRead *) |
void | FillHisto (TH1D *, const TVectorD &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | GeneralTitle (const TString &) |
TCanvas * | GetCurrentCanvas () |
TCanvas * | GetCurrentCanvas (const TString &, const TString &) |
TString | GetCurrentCanvasName () |
Int_t | GetDSOffset (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TString | GetEtaPhiAxisTitle (const TString &) |
Int_t | GetHistoNumberOfBins (const TString &, const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetHistoryRunListParameters (const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetHistoSize (const TString &, const TString &) |
TVectorD | GetHistoValues (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, TEcnaRead *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, Int_t &) |
Axis_t | GetHistoXinf (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
Axis_t | GetHistoXsup (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
TString | GetHocoVecoAxisTitle (const TString &) |
TString | GetIXIYAxisTitle (const TString &) |
Int_t | GetListFileNumber (const TString &) |
TString | GetMemoFlag (const TString &) |
TString | GetMemoFlag (const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetNbBinsFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex (const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetNotCompleteSCForConsFromIndex (const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex (const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetNotConnectedSCForConsFromIndex (const Int_t &) |
Bool_t | GetOkViewHisto (TEcnaRead *, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
Color_t | GetSCColor (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetSCOffset (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Color_t | GetViewHistoColor (const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetXCrysInStex (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Double_t | GetXinfValueFromMemo () |
Double_t | GetXinfValueFromMemo (const TString &) |
Int_t | GetXSampInStin (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetXStinInStas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Double_t | GetXsupValueFromMemo () |
Double_t | GetXsupValueFromMemo (const TString &) |
TString | GetXVarFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &) |
Int_t | GetYCrysInStex (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Double_t | GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue (TGraph *, const Double_t) |
Double_t | GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue (TH1D *, const Double_t) |
Double_t | GetYmaxValueFromMemo (const TString &) |
Double_t | GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue (TGraph *, const Double_t) |
Double_t | GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue (TH1D *, const Double_t) |
Double_t | GetYminValueFromMemo (const TString &) |
Int_t | GetYSampInStin (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
Int_t | GetYStinInStas (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TString | GetYVarFromMemo (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | HistimePlot (TGraph *, Axis_t, Axis_t, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | HistoPlot (TH1D *, const Int_t &, const Axis_t &, const Axis_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | Init () |
void | InitSpecParBeforeFileReading () |
Int_t | ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | NewCanvas (const TString &) |
Double_t | NotCompleteSCH1DBin (const Int_t &) |
Double_t | NotConnectedSCH1DBin (const Int_t &) |
void | NumberOfEvents (const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas () |
void | PlotDetector (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotDetector (const TVectorD &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotHistory (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | PlotHistory (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | PlotMatrix (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | ReInitCanvas (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | RunType (const TString &) |
void | SCCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewHisto (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewHisto (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewMatrix (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewStas () |
void | SetAllPavesViewStex (const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewStex (const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewStin (const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues () |
TString | SetCanvasName (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetEcalSubDetector (const TString &) |
Int_t | SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo (TGraph *, const TString &) |
void | SetGraphPresentation (TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetHistoColorPalette (const TString &) |
Int_t | SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo (TH1D *, const TString &) |
void | SetHistoMax () |
void | SetHistoMax (const Double_t &) |
void | SetHistoMin () |
void | SetHistoMin (const Double_t &) |
void | SetHistoPresentation (TH1D *, const TString &) |
void | SetHistoPresentation (TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetHistoScaleX (const TString &) |
void | SetHistoScaleY (const TString &) |
TString | SetHistoXAxisTitle (const TString &) |
TString | SetHistoYAxisTitle (const TString &) |
void | SetNbBinsMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetParametersCanvas (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetParametersPavTxt (const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetRunNumberFromList (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetViewGraphColors (TGraph *, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetViewHistoColors (TH1D *, const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &) |
void | SetXinfMemoFromValue (const Double_t &) |
void | SetXinfMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &) |
void | SetXsupMemoFromValue (const Double_t &) |
void | SetXsupMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &) |
void | SetXVarMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo (const TString &) |
void | SetYmaxMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &) |
void | SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo (const TString &) |
void | SetYminMemoFromValue (const TString &, const Double_t &) |
void | SetYVarMemo (const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | SigmaSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | SigmaSamplesXtals (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | SMTowerNumbering (const Int_t &) |
void | SqrtContourLevels (const Int_t &, Double_t *) |
void | StartStopDate (const TString &, const TString &) |
Bool_t | StatusDataExist () |
Bool_t | StatusFileFound () |
void | StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc (const TString &) |
TString | StexNumberToString (const Int_t &) |
void | StexStinNumbering (const Int_t &) |
void | StinCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
TEcnaHistos () | |
TEcnaHistos (TEcnaObject *, const TString &) | |
void | TopAxisForHistos (TH1D *, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | TowerCrystalNumbering (const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | ViewDeeGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewDeeSCNumberingPad (const Int_t &) |
void | ViewEBGrid () |
void | ViewEEGrid (const Int_t &) |
void | ViewHistime (const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | ViewHisto (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | ViewMatrix (const TMatrixD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &, const TString &, const TString &) |
void | ViewSCGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewSMGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewSMTowerNumberingPad (const Int_t &) |
void | ViewStas (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewStasGrid (const Int_t &) |
void | ViewStex (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewStexGrid (const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewStexStinNumberingPad (const Int_t &) |
void | ViewStin (const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewStinGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | ViewTowerGrid (const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | WriteHistoAscii (const TString &, const Int_t &, const TVectorD &) |
void | WriteMatrixAscii (const TString &, const TString &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TMatrixD &) |
void | XtalSamplesEv (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | XtalSamplesEv (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
void | XtalSamplesSigma (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &) |
void | XtalSamplesSigma (const TVectorD &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const Int_t &, const TString &) |
~TEcnaHistos () override | |
Static Private Attributes | |
constexpr static int | charArrLen = 512 |
TEcnaHistos.h Update: 05/10/2012 Author: B.Fabbro (berna) DSM/IRFU/SPP CEA-Saclay Copyright: Those valid for CEA sofware rd.f abbro @cea .fr
ECNA web page: http://cms-fabbro.web.cern.ch/cms-fabbro/
==============> INTRODUCTION
This class provides methods for displaying plots of various types: 1D, 2D and 3D histograms for different quantities (pedestals, noises, correlations, .etc..). The data are read from files which has been previously written by using the class TEcnaRun (.root result files). The reading is performed by appropriate methods of the class TEcnaRead. *** I N S T R U C T I O N S F O R U S E ***
PS: examples of programs using TEcnaHistos are situated in directory test (.cc files)
// (A) --> Object declarations:
TEcnaHistos* MyHistosEB = new TEcnaHistos("EB"); TEcnaHistos* MyHistosEE = new TEcnaHistos("EE");
// (B) --> Specification of the file which has to be read. // This file is a .root result file which has previously been written by means of // the class TEcnaRun (see documentation of this class)
// 1) specify the parameter values of the file name:
TString AnalysisName = "StdPed12"; (AnalysisName -> explanation in TEcnaRun documentation) Int_t NbOfSamples = 10; Int_t RunNumber = 112206; Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber = 100; | (numbering starting from 1) Int_t LastReqEvtNumber = 300; | => treats 150 evts between evt#100 and evt#300 (included) Int_t ReqNbOfEvts = 150; | Int_t SMNumber = 2;
// 2) call method "FileParameters" to say that the file to be read is the file // which name parameters are those specified above:
MyHistosEB->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, SMNumber);
// Now, the class TEcnaHistos knowns that it has to work // with the file StdPed12_S1_10_R112206_1_150_150_SM2.root
// (C) --> E X A M P L E S O F U S E
//--> Plot correlation matrices between samples // for channel 21 (electronic channel number in Tower) // and for the two towers 10 and 33
Int_t SMTow = 14; // (Tower number in SM) Int_t TowEcha = 21; // (Electronic channel number in tower) MyHistosEB->PlotMatrix("Cor", "Mss", SMTow, TowEcha, "SURF1Z"); // correlations between samples
// - - - - - - SYNTAX FOR ARGUMENTS CODES ("Cor", "Mss", ...):
Multi-syntax codes are available, for example:
"Cor", "correl", "correlations", "Correlations"
"Mss", "ss", "samp", "Samp", "BetweenSamples", "Between samples", "between samples", "Samples","samples"
If a wrong code is used a message "code not found" is displayed and information on available codes is given.
// (D) --> O T H E R E X A M P L E S
//--> Plot Pedestals as a function of SC number for Dee 4
TString AnalysisName = "StdPed12"; (AnalysisName -> explanation in TEcnaRun documentation) Int_t NbOfSamples = 10; Int_t RunNumber = 132440; Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber = 1; | Int_t LastReqEvtNumber = 0; | => treats 150 evts from evt#1 until EOF if necessary Int_t ReqNbOfEvts = 150; |
Int_t DeeNumber = 4; MyHistosEE->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, DeeNumber);
MyHistoEE->PlotDetector("Ped", "Dee"); // 2D Histo: Z = pedestal, detector = Dee MyHistoEE->Plot1DHisto("Tow", "TNo", "EE"); // 1D Histo: X = tower#, Y = Total noise, detector = EE
//--> Plot total noise history for channel 12 of tower 38 // (electronic channel number in tower)
MyHistosEB->FileParameters(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, SMNumber); Int_t SMTower = 38; Int_t TowEcha = 12; TString list_of_run_file_name = "HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii"; MyHistoEB->PlotHistory("Time", "MeanCorss", list_of_run_file_name, SMTower, TowEcha);
// the .ascii file "HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii" must contain a list of // the run numbers according to the following syntax:
//.......... SYNTAX OF THE FILE "HistoryRunList_SM6.ascii" ("runlist history plot" file):
HistoryRunList_132440_132665.ascii <- 1rst line: comment (name of the file, for example)
132440 <- other lines: run numbers 132442 <- (empty lines can be used) 132561 132562 112584
......................................... end of exammples ...........................................
PS: it is also possible to use the methods PlotMatrix, PlotDetector and Plot1DHisto after reading file with TEcnaRead. Then, pointers to the read arrays have to be used as arguments (see examples in directory test)
----------------------------------------— LIST OF METHODS ---------------------------------------—
//================================================================================================== // method to set the result file name parameters (from values in argument) // FileParameters(AnaType, NbOfSamples, Run#, // FirstRequestedEvt#, LastRequestedEvt#, ReqNbOfEvts#, SM# or Dee#) // RunNumber = 0 => history plots, SM or Dee number = 0 => Plots for EB or EE //==================================================================================================
void FileParameters(const TString& Analysis, const Int_t& NbOfSamples, const Int_t& Run#, // RunNumber = 0 => history plots const Int_t& FirstRequestedEvt#, const Int_t& LastRequestedEvt#, const Int_t& ReqNbOfEvts#, const Int_t& SMOrDee#); // SM or Dee number = 0 => Plots for EB or EE
In the following:
TowOrSC# = Tower number in case of EB or SC number FOR CONSTRUCTION in case of EE
//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying the correlations and covariances matrices // PlotOption = ROOT DrawOption ("SAME", "LEGO", "COLZ", etc...) // + option "ASCII": write histo in ASCII file //================================================================================================== //..................... Corcc[for 1 Stex] (big matrix) void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); read_matrix_corcc, UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, [PlotOption]
void PlotMatrix (const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, [PlotOption]
//..................... Corcc[for 1 Stin], Corss[for 1 Echa], Covss[for 1 Echa] void PlotMatrix (const TMatrixD&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); read_matrix, UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, [PlotOption]
void PlotMatrix (const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); UserCorOrCov, UserBetweenWhat, arg_n1, arg_n2, [PlotOption]
//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying the 2D views of the detector // // Detector = SM,Dee,EB,EE // //================================================================================================== void PlotDetector(const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&); read_histo, UserHistoCode, Detector,
void PlotDetector(const TString&, const TString&); UserHistoCode, Detector
//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying 1D histos // // PlotOption: optional argument ("ONLYONE", "SAME","SAME n" or "ASCII") // // "ONLYONE" : display only one histo (default; same as without argument) // "SAME" : Same as Draw Option "SAME" in ROOT: superimpose on previous picture in the same pad // 1D histos of only one quantity // "SAME n" : Same as Draw Option "SAME" in ROOT: superimpose on previous picture in the same pad // 1D histos of possibly several quantities // "ASCII" : write histo contents in ASCII file // //==================================================================================================
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, Detector, [PlotOption]
void Plot1DHisto (const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, Detector, [PlotOption])
void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, [PlotOption] void Plot1DHisto (const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, [PlotOption] void Plot1DHisto (const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, n1Sample, [PlotOption] void Plot1DHisto (const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, i0StinEcha, n1Sample, [PlotOption] void Plot1DHisto(const TVectorD&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); InputHisto, User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, n1StexStin, [PlotOption]
//================================================================================================== // method for displaying 1D history plots //==================================================================================================
void PlotHistory (const TString&, const TString&, const TString&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, [const TString&]); User_X_Quantity, User_Y_Quantity, list_of_run_file_name, StexStin_A, i0StinEcha, [PlotOption]
//================================================================================================== // methods for displaying Tower, SC, crystal numbering //==================================================================================================
void SMTowerNumbering(const Int_t& SM#); void DeeSCNumbering (const Int_t& Dee#);
void TowerCrystalNumbering(const Int_t& SM#, const Int_t& Tow#); void SCCrystalNumbering (const Int_t& Dee#, const Int_t& SC#); // (SC# for construction)
//================================================================================================== // General title //================================================================================================== void GeneralTitle(const TString& Title);
//================================================================================================== // Lin:Log scale (SCALE = "LIN" or "LOG") //================================================================================================== void SetHistoScaleX(const TString& SCALE); void SetHistoScaleY(const TString& SCALE);
//================================================================================================== // ColorPalette (OPTION = "ECNAColor" or "Rainbow") //================================================================================================== void SetHistoColorPalette(const TString& OPTION);
//================================================================================================== // histo ymin, ymax management //==================================================================================================
// These methods must be called before calls to the display methods
//...................... 1D histo (ymin,ymax) forced to (YminValue,YmaxValue) values void SetHistoMin(const Double_t& YminValue); void SetHistoMax(const Double_t& YmaxValue);
//...................... 1D histo (ymin,ymax) calculated from histo values void SetHistoMin(); void SetHistoMax();
if SetHistoMin and SetHistoMax are not called, default values are applied. These default values are in methods GetYminDefaultValue(...) and GetYmaxDefaultValue(...) of class TEcnaParHistos
ECNA web page:
http://cms-fabbro.web.cern.ch/cms-fabbro/ cna_new/Correlated_Noise_Analysis/ECNA_main_page.htm
For questions or comments, please send e-mail to: berna rd.f abbro @cea .fr
Definition at line 343 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
TEcnaHistos::TEcnaHistos | ( | ) |
Definition at line 97 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References Init().
TEcnaHistos::TEcnaHistos | ( | TEcnaObject * | pObjectManager, |
const TString & | SubDet | ||
) |
Definition at line 105 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParCout, fCnaParHistos, fCnaParPaths, fCnaWrite, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fMyRootFile, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), TEcnaParPaths::HistoryRunListFilePath(), Init(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaObject::RegisterPointer(), TEcnaParPaths::ResultsRootFilePath(), SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetEcalSubDetector(), and ntupleEnum::SubDet.
override |
Definition at line 47 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fT1DRunNumber, and fTTBELL.
TVirtualPad * TEcnaHistos::ActivePad | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 16277 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvNb, fClosedD_HFN_ChDs, fClosedD_HFN_ChNb, fClosedD_LFN_ChDs, fClosedD_LFN_ChNb, fClosedD_MCs_ChDs, fClosedD_MCs_ChNb, fClosedD_MSp_SpDs, fClosedD_MSp_SpNb, fClosedD_NOE_ChDs, fClosedD_NOE_ChNb, fClosedD_Ped_ChDs, fClosedD_Ped_ChNb, fClosedD_SCs_ChDs, fClosedD_SCs_ChNb, fClosedD_SSp_SpDs, fClosedD_SSp_SpNb, fClosedD_TNo_ChDs, fClosedD_TNo_ChNb, fClosedH1SamePlus, fClosedH_HFN_Date, fClosedH_HFN_RuDs, fClosedH_LFN_Date, fClosedH_LFN_RuDs, fClosedH_MCs_Date, fClosedH_MCs_RuDs, fClosedH_Ped_Date, fClosedH_Ped_RuDs, fClosedH_SCs_Date, fClosedH_SCs_RuDs, fClosedH_TNo_Date, fClosedH_TNo_RuDs, fCurrentHistoCode, fCurrentOptPlot, fOnlyOnePlot, fPadD_Adc_EvDs, fPadD_Adc_EvNb, fPadD_HFN_ChDs, fPadD_HFN_ChNb, fPadD_LFN_ChDs, fPadD_LFN_ChNb, fPadD_MCs_ChDs, fPadD_MCs_ChNb, fPadD_MSp_SpDs, fPadD_MSp_SpNb, fPadD_NOE_ChDs, fPadD_NOE_ChNb, fPadD_Ped_ChDs, fPadD_Ped_ChNb, fPadD_SCs_ChDs, fPadD_SCs_ChNb, fPadD_SSp_SpDs, fPadD_SSp_SpNb, fPadD_TNo_ChDs, fPadD_TNo_ChNb, fPadH1SamePlus, fPadH_HFN_Date, fPadH_HFN_RuDs, fPadH_LFN_Date, fPadH_LFN_RuDs, fPadH_MCs_Date, fPadH_MCs_RuDs, fPadH_Ped_Date, fPadH_Ped_RuDs, fPadH_SCs_Date, fPadH_SCs_RuDs, fPadH_TNo_Date, fPadH_TNo_RuDs, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
TPaveText * TEcnaHistos::ActivePavTxt | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 16744 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fOnlyOnePlot, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb, fPavTxtH1SamePlus, fPavTxtH_HFN_Date, fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_LFN_Date, fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_MCs_Date, fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_Ped_Date, fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs, fPavTxtH_SCs_Date, fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_TNo_Date, fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
TString TEcnaHistos::AsciiFileName | ( | ) |
Definition at line 18033 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fAsciiFileName.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().
void TEcnaHistos::CorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | StinNumber | ) |
Definition at line 2158 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCorrelationMatrix, and ViewStin().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples().
void TEcnaHistos::CovariancesBetweenSamples | ( | const Int_t & | StinNumber | ) |
Definition at line 2163 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCovarianceMatrix, and ViewStin().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::CreateCanvas | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const TString & | canvas_name, | ||
UInt_t | canv_w, | ||
UInt_t | canv_h | ||
) |
Definition at line 15626 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fCnewRoot, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::DeeSCNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber | ) |
Definition at line 4542 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, fCdeleteRoot, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexType, fPavComCxyz, fPavComStex, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeType(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIXInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIYInDee(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetHistoPresentation(), and ViewDeeSCNumberingPad().
Referenced by StexStinNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::DoCanvasClosed | ( | ) |
Definition at line 16527 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fClosedD_Adc_EvDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvNb, fClosedD_HFN_ChDs, fClosedD_HFN_ChNb, fClosedD_LFN_ChDs, fClosedD_LFN_ChNb, fClosedD_MCs_ChDs, fClosedD_MCs_ChNb, fClosedD_MSp_SpDs, fClosedD_MSp_SpNb, fClosedD_NOE_ChDs, fClosedD_NOE_ChNb, fClosedD_Ped_ChDs, fClosedD_Ped_ChNb, fClosedD_SCs_ChDs, fClosedD_SCs_ChNb, fClosedD_SSp_SpDs, fClosedD_SSp_SpNb, fClosedD_TNo_ChDs, fClosedD_TNo_ChNb, fClosedH1SamePlus, fClosedH_HFN_Date, fClosedH_HFN_RuDs, fClosedH_LFN_Date, fClosedH_LFN_RuDs, fClosedH_MCs_Date, fClosedH_MCs_RuDs, fClosedH_Ped_Date, fClosedH_Ped_RuDs, fClosedH_SCs_Date, fClosedH_SCs_RuDs, fClosedH_TNo_Date, fClosedH_TNo_RuDs, fCurrentHistoCode, fCurrentOptPlot, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
void TEcnaHistos::EEDataSectors | ( | const Float_t & | coefcc_x, |
const Float_t & | coefcc_y, | ||
const Int_t & | DeeNumber, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 5942 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), TEcnaParHistos::DeeNameOffsetX(), TEcnaParHistos::DeeNumberOffsetX(), TEcnaParHistos::DeeOffsetX(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInDee().
Referenced by ViewDeeGrid(), and ViewEEGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::EEGridAxis | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const TString & | c_option | ||
) |
Definition at line 6375 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTickSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleSize(), TEcnaParHistos::DeeOffsetX(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, TEcnaNumbering::GetIIXMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIIXMin(), GetIXIYAxisTitle(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJIYMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJIYMin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIXInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIYInDee().
Referenced by ViewDeeGrid(), and ViewEEGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::EvSamplesXtals | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | PlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 6790 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fReadHistoDummy, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(), and ViewHisto().
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), and Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::FileParameters | ( | const TString & | xArgAnaType, |
const Int_t & | xArgNbOfSamples, | ||
const Int_t & | xArgRunNumber, | ||
const Int_t & | xArgFirstReqEvtNumber, | ||
const Int_t & | xArgLastReqEvtNumber, | ||
const Int_t & | xArgReqNbOfEvts, | ||
const Int_t & | xArgStexNumber | ||
) |
Definition at line 763 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, and InitSpecParBeforeFileReading().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().
void TEcnaHistos::FileParameters | ( | TEcnaRead * | MyRootFile | ) |
Definition at line 783 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fRunType, fStartDate, fStopDate, TEcnaRead::GetAnalysisName(), TEcnaRead::GetFirstReqEvtNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetLastReqEvtNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetNbOfSamples(), TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetReqNbOfEvts(), TEcnaRead::GetRunNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStexNumber(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), and InitSpecParBeforeFileReading().
void TEcnaHistos::FillHisto | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const TVectorD & | read_histo, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const Int_t & | HisSize | ||
) |
Definition at line 13584 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References mps_fire::i, and protons_cff::xi.
Referenced by ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::GeneralTitle | ( | const TString & | title | ) |
Definition at line 813 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagGeneralTitle, and runGCPTkAlMap::title.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexStinNumbering(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCrystalNumbering().
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvas | ( | ) |
Definition at line 16258 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCurrentCanvas.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
TCanvas * TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvas | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 16149 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
TString TEcnaHistos::GetCurrentCanvasName | ( | ) |
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetDSOffset | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const Int_t & | DataSector | ||
) |
Definition at line 8144 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, TEcnaNumbering::GetMaxSCInDS(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC().
Referenced by HistoPlot(), NotCompleteSCH1DBin(), NotConnectedSCH1DBin(), and ViewHisto().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetEtaPhiAxisTitle | ( | const TString & | chcode | ) |
Definition at line 5140 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Referenced by GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(), ViewSMGrid(), and ViewTowerGrid().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoNumberOfBins | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | HisSize | ||
) |
Definition at line 13572 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, fNbBinsProj, and TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType().
Referenced by ViewHisto().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoryRunListParameters | ( | const TString & | list_of_run_file_name, |
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 9630 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnew, fFapFileRuns, fFapMaxNbOfRuns, fFapNbOfRuns, fFcin_f, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs, fT1DRunNumber, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::MaxNbOfRunsInLists(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.
Referenced by ViewHistime().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoSize | ( | const TString & | chqcode, |
const TString & | opt_plot_read | ||
) |
Definition at line 12957 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fNbBinsProj, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysForConsInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCForConsInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEB(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowInSM().
Referenced by ViewHisto().
TVectorD TEcnaHistos::GetHistoValues | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
TEcnaRead * | aMyRootFile, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const Int_t & | HisSizePlot, | ||
const Int_t & | HisSizeRead, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
Int_t & | i_data_exist | ||
) |
Definition at line 13017 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fStatusDataExist, fTTBELL, mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValues(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(), TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise().
Referenced by ViewHisto().
Axis_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoXinf | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | HisSize, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 13356 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvNbYmin, fD_HFN_ChNbYmin, fD_LFN_ChNbYmin, fD_MCs_ChNbYmin, fD_MSp_SpNbYmin, fD_NOE_ChNbYmin, fD_Ped_ChNbYmin, fD_SCs_ChNbYmin, fD_SSp_SpNbYmin, fD_TNo_ChNbYmin, fH_HFN_RuDsYmin, fH_LFN_RuDsYmin, fH_MCs_RuDsYmin, fH_Ped_RuDsYmin, fH_SCs_RuDsYmin, and fH_TNo_RuDsYmin.
Referenced by ViewHisto().
Axis_t TEcnaHistos::GetHistoXsup | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | HisSize, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 13464 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvNbYmax, fD_HFN_ChNbYmax, fD_LFN_ChNbYmax, fD_MCs_ChNbYmax, fD_MSp_SpNbYmax, fD_NOE_ChNbYmax, fD_Ped_ChNbYmax, fD_SCs_ChNbYmax, fD_SSp_SpNbYmax, fD_TNo_ChNbYmax, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fH_HFN_RuDsYmax, fH_LFN_RuDsYmax, fH_MCs_RuDsYmax, fH_Ped_RuDsYmax, fH_SCs_RuDsYmax, and fH_TNo_RuDsYmax.
Referenced by ViewHisto().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetHocoVecoAxisTitle | ( | const TString & | chcode | ) |
Definition at line 5127 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(), and GetIXIYAxisTitle().
Referenced by ViewEBGrid(), and ViewSMGrid().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetIXIYAxisTitle | ( | const TString & | chcode | ) |
Definition at line 5178 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Referenced by EEGridAxis(), GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(), and ViewSCGrid().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetListFileNumber | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 9830 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs, and contentValuesFiles::number.
Referenced by ViewHistime().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetMemoFlag | ( | const TString & | opt_plot | ) |
Definition at line 15478 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetMemoFlag | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 15504 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date, fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date, fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNbBinsFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 15370 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by ViewHisto().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotCompleteSCForConsFromIndex | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Definition at line 11650 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetNotConnectedSCForConsFromIndex | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Definition at line 11548 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::GetOkViewHisto | ( | TEcnaRead * | aMyRootFile, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 9916 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCnaParHistos, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName, fFlagSubDet, fStatusDataExist, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers().
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Color_t TEcnaHistos::GetSCColor | ( | const TString & | DeeEndcap, |
const TString & | DeeDir, | ||
const TString & | QuadType | ||
) |
Definition at line 17511 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), and fCnaParHistos.
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), and ViewDeeSCNumberingPad().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetSCOffset | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const Int_t & | DataSector, | ||
const Int_t & | SC_in_DS | ||
) |
Definition at line 8216 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC().
Referenced by NotCompleteSCH1DBin(), NotConnectedSCH1DBin(), and ViewHisto().
Color_t TEcnaHistos::GetViewHistoColor | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 17402 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), TEcnaParHistos::ColorTab(), fCnaParHistos, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_Date, fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_LFN_Date, fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_MCs_Date, fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_Ped_Date, fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoColorH_SCs_Date, fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_TNo_Date, fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXCrysInStex | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 3924 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIXCrysInDee(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysHocoInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysVecoInStex().
Referenced by ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), and ViewStex().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXinfValueFromMemo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 13934 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fH1SameOnePlotXinf.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXinfValueFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 13832 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsXinf, fD_Adc_EvNbXinf, fD_HFN_ChDsXinf, fD_HFN_ChNbXinf, fD_LFN_ChDsXinf, fD_LFN_ChNbXinf, fD_MCs_ChDsXinf, fD_MCs_ChNbXinf, fD_NOE_ChDsXinf, fD_NOE_ChNbXinf, fD_Ped_ChDsXinf, fD_Ped_ChNbXinf, fD_SCs_ChDsXinf, fD_SCs_ChNbXinf, fD_TNo_ChDsXinf, fD_TNo_ChNbXinf, fH_HFN_DateXinf, fH_HFN_RuDsXinf, fH_LFN_DateXinf, fH_LFN_RuDsXinf, fH_MCs_DateXinf, fH_MCs_RuDsXinf, fH_Ped_DateXinf, fH_Ped_RuDsXinf, fH_SCs_DateXinf, fH_SCs_RuDsXinf, fH_TNo_DateXinf, and fH_TNo_RuDsXinf.
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXSampInStin | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i_samp | ||
) |
Definition at line 2846 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References CalibrationSummaryClient_cfi::btype, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIXCrysInSC(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStinLvrbType(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysHocoInStin(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC().
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), and ViewStin().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetXStinInStas | ( | const Int_t & | iStasStex, |
const Int_t & | StexStinEcna, | ||
const Int_t & | vertic_empty_strip_1 | ||
) |
Definition at line 5656 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::DeeOffsetX(), fCnaParHistos, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStasMinus(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinHocoInStex(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinVecoInStex().
Referenced by ViewStas().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXsupValueFromMemo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 14038 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fH1SameOnePlotXsup.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetXsupValueFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 13936 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsXsup, fD_Adc_EvNbXsup, fD_HFN_ChDsXsup, fD_HFN_ChNbXsup, fD_LFN_ChDsXsup, fD_LFN_ChNbXsup, fD_MCs_ChDsXsup, fD_MCs_ChNbXsup, fD_NOE_ChDsXsup, fD_NOE_ChNbXsup, fD_Ped_ChDsXsup, fD_Ped_ChNbXsup, fD_SCs_ChDsXsup, fD_SCs_ChNbXsup, fD_TNo_ChDsXsup, fD_TNo_ChNbXsup, fH_HFN_DateXsup, fH_HFN_RuDsXsup, fH_LFN_DateXsup, fH_LFN_RuDsXsup, fH_MCs_DateXsup, fH_MCs_RuDsXsup, fH_Ped_DateXsup, fH_Ped_RuDsXsup, fH_SCs_DateXsup, fH_SCs_RuDsXsup, fH_TNo_DateXsup, and fH_TNo_RuDsXsup.
TString TEcnaHistos::GetXVarFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 14944 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fXMemoH1SamePlus, fXMemoH_HFN_Date, fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_LFN_Date, fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_MCs_Date, fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_Ped_Date, fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fXMemoH_SCs_Date, fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_TNo_Date, and fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYCrysInStex | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | j0StinEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 3953 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJYCrysInDee(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysVecoInStex().
Referenced by ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), and ViewStex().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue | ( | TGraph * | g_graph0, |
const Double_t | margin_factor | ||
) |
Definition at line 10356 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References mps_fire::i.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and ViewHistime().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const Double_t | margin_factor | ||
) |
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYmaxValueFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 14506 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_HFN_ChNbYmax, fD_LFN_ChNbYmax, fD_MCs_ChNbYmax, fD_NOE_ChNbYmax, fD_Ped_ChNbYmax, fD_SCs_ChNbYmax, fD_TNo_ChNbYmax, fH2CorccInStinsYmax, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax, fH_HFN_DateYmax, fH_HFN_RuDsYmax, fH_LFN_DateYmax, fH_LFN_RuDsYmax, fH_MCs_DateYmax, fH_MCs_RuDsYmax, fH_Ped_DateYmax, fH_Ped_RuDsYmax, fH_SCs_DateYmax, fH_SCs_RuDsYmax, fH_TNo_DateYmax, and fH_TNo_RuDsYmax.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue | ( | TGraph * | g_graph0, |
const Double_t | margin_factor | ||
) |
Definition at line 10337 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References mps_fire::i.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and ViewHistime().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const Double_t | margin_factor | ||
) |
Double_t TEcnaHistos::GetYminValueFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 14394 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_HFN_ChNbYmin, fD_LFN_ChNbYmin, fD_MCs_ChNbYmin, fD_NOE_ChNbYmin, fD_Ped_ChNbYmin, fD_SCs_ChNbYmin, fD_TNo_ChNbYmin, fH2CorccInStinsYmin, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin, fH_HFN_DateYmin, fH_HFN_RuDsYmin, fH_LFN_DateYmin, fH_LFN_RuDsYmin, fH_MCs_DateYmin, fH_MCs_RuDsYmin, fH_Ped_DateYmin, fH_Ped_RuDsYmin, fH_SCs_DateYmin, fH_SCs_RuDsYmin, fH_TNo_DateYmin, and fH_TNo_RuDsYmin.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYSampInStin | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | j_samp | ||
) |
Definition at line 2881 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References CalibrationSummaryClient_cfi::btype, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::GetJYCrysInSC(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStinLvrbType(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysVecoInStin(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC().
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), and ViewStin().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::GetYStinInStas | ( | const Int_t & | iStasStex, |
const Int_t & | StexStinEcna | ||
) |
Definition at line 5697 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinHocoInStex(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinVecoInStex().
Referenced by ViewStas().
TString TEcnaHistos::GetYVarFromMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 15157 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fYMemoH1SamePlus, fYMemoH_HFN_Date, fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_LFN_Date, fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_MCs_Date, fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_Ped_Date, fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fYMemoH_SCs_Date, fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_TNo_Date, and fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::HistimePlot | ( | TGraph * | g_graph0, |
Axis_t | xinf, | ||
Axis_t | xsup, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | HistoType, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const Int_t & | opt_scale_x, | ||
const Int_t & | opt_scale_y, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | xFlagAutoYsupMargin | ||
) |
Definition at line 11714 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References ActivePad(), ActivePavTxt(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), gather_cfg::cout, CreateCanvas(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fCurrentPad, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapEchaName, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName, fFapXtalName, fFlagSubDet, fOnlyOnePlot, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogy, fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna, fPavComEvolRuns, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComSeveralChanging, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fPavComXtal, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fT1DRunNumber, fTextBorderSize, fTextPaveAlign, fTextPaveFont, fTextPaveSize, fTTBELL, fXinf, fXsup, fYinf, fYsup, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), GetCurrentCanvas(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaParHistos::GetMarginAutoMinMax(), GetMemoFlag(), TEcnaParHistos::GetNbOfRunsDisplayed(), TEcnaParHistos::GetQuantityName(), GetViewHistoColor(), GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), ReInitCanvas(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::SetCanvasHeight(), SetCanvasName(), TEcnaParHistos::SetCanvasWidth(), SetGraphPresentation(), SetHistoXAxisTitle(), SetHistoYAxisTitle(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetParametersPavTxt(), SetViewGraphColors(), StexNumberToString(), and groupFilesInBlocks::tt.
Referenced by ViewHistime().
void TEcnaHistos::HistoPlot | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const Int_t & | HisSize, | ||
const Axis_t & | xinf_his, | ||
const Axis_t & | xsup_his, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | HistoType, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const Int_t & | opt_scale_x, | ||
const Int_t & | opt_scale_y, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | xFlagAutoYsupMargin | ||
) |
Definition at line 10377 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References ActivePad(), ActivePavTxt(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), gather_cfg::cout, CreateCanvas(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fCurrentPad, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapEchaName, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName, fFapXtalName, fFlagSubDet, fOnlyOnePlot, fOptScaleLinx, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogx, fOptScaleLogy, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna, fPavComEvolRuns, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fPavComXtal, fRunType, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fTextBorderSize, fTextPaveAlign, fTextPaveFont, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), GetCurrentCanvas(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), GetDSOffset(), TEcnaNumbering::GetMaxSCInDS(), GetMemoFlag(), GetNotCompleteDSSCFromIndex(), GetNotConnectedDSSCFromIndex(), TEcnaParHistos::GetQuantityName(), GetViewHistoColor(), mps_fire::i, hcaldqm::quantity::max_value, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCForConsInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), hcaldqm::quantity::min_value, NotCompleteSCH1DBin(), NotConnectedSCH1DBin(), TEcnaParEcal::NumberOfNotCompleteSCs(), TEcnaParEcal::NumberOfNotConnectedSCs(), ReInitCanvas(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::SetCanvasHeight(), SetCanvasName(), TEcnaParHistos::SetCanvasWidth(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetHistoXAxisTitle(), SetHistoYAxisTitle(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetParametersPavTxt(), SetViewHistoColors(), StexNumberToString(), TopAxisForHistos(), and groupFilesInBlocks::tt.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Init | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 194 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fAlreadyRead, fAsciiFileName, fBetweenSamples, fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvSameH1SamePlus, fCanvSameH_HFN_Date, fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_LFN_Date, fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_MCs_Date, fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_Ped_Date, fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvSameH_SCs_Date, fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_TNo_Date, fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fClosedD_Adc_EvDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvNb, fClosedD_HFN_ChDs, fClosedD_HFN_ChNb, fClosedD_LFN_ChDs, fClosedD_LFN_ChNb, fClosedD_MCs_ChDs, fClosedD_MCs_ChNb, fClosedD_MSp_SpDs, fClosedD_MSp_SpNb, fClosedD_NOE_ChDs, fClosedD_NOE_ChNb, fClosedD_Ped_ChDs, fClosedD_Ped_ChNb, fClosedD_SCs_ChDs, fClosedD_SCs_ChNb, fClosedD_SSp_SpDs, fClosedD_SSp_SpNb, fClosedD_TNo_ChDs, fClosedD_TNo_ChNb, fClosedH1SamePlus, fClosedH_HFN_Date, fClosedH_HFN_RuDs, fClosedH_LFN_Date, fClosedH_LFN_RuDs, fClosedH_MCs_Date, fClosedH_MCs_RuDs, fClosedH_Ped_Date, fClosedH_Ped_RuDs, fClosedH_SCs_Date, fClosedH_SCs_RuDs, fClosedH_TNo_Date, fClosedH_TNo_RuDs, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fCorrelationMatrix, fCovarianceMatrix, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fCurrentPad, fFapAnaType, fFapFileRuns, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapMaxNbOfRuns, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfRuns, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fFlagColPal, fFlagGeneralTitle, fFlagScaleX, fFlagScaleY, fHFBetweenChannels, fHFBetweenStins, fImpD_Adc_EvDs, fImpD_Adc_EvNb, fImpD_HFN_ChDs, fImpD_HFN_ChNb, fImpD_LFN_ChDs, fImpD_LFN_ChNb, fImpD_MCs_ChDs, fImpD_MCs_ChNb, fImpD_MSp_SpDs, fImpD_MSp_SpNb, fImpD_NOE_ChDs, fImpD_NOE_ChNb, fImpD_Ped_ChDs, fImpD_Ped_ChNb, fImpD_SCs_ChDs, fImpD_SCs_ChNb, fImpD_SSp_SpDs, fImpD_SSp_SpNb, fImpD_TNo_ChDs, fImpD_TNo_ChNb, fImpH1SamePlus, fImpH_HFN_Date, fImpH_HFN_RuDs, fImpH_LFN_Date, fImpH_LFN_RuDs, fImpH_MCs_Date, fImpH_MCs_RuDs, fImpH_Ped_Date, fImpH_Ped_RuDs, fImpH_SCs_Date, fImpH_SCs_RuDs, fImpH_TNo_Date, fImpH_TNo_RuDs, fLFBetweenChannels, fLFBetweenStins, fMemoAlreadyRead, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_Date, fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_LFN_Date, fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_MCs_Date, fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_Ped_Date, fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoColorH_SCs_Date, fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_TNo_Date, fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date, fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date, fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs, fMyRootFileName, fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs, fNbBinsProj, fNbOfExistingRuns, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs, fOptScaleLinx, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogx, fOptScaleLogy, fOptVisLine, fOptVisPolm, fPadD_Adc_EvDs, fPadD_Adc_EvNb, fPadD_HFN_ChDs, fPadD_HFN_ChNb, fPadD_LFN_ChDs, fPadD_LFN_ChNb, fPadD_MCs_ChDs, fPadD_MCs_ChNb, fPadD_MSp_SpDs, fPadD_MSp_SpNb, fPadD_NOE_ChDs, fPadD_NOE_ChNb, fPadD_Ped_ChDs, fPadD_Ped_ChNb, fPadD_SCs_ChDs, fPadD_SCs_ChNb, fPadD_SSp_SpDs, fPadD_SSp_SpNb, fPadD_TNo_ChDs, fPadD_TNo_ChNb, fPadH1SamePlus, fPadH_HFN_Date, fPadH_HFN_RuDs, fPadH_LFN_Date, fPadH_LFN_RuDs, fPadH_MCs_Date, fPadH_MCs_RuDs, fPadH_Ped_Date, fPadH_Ped_RuDs, fPadH_SCs_Date, fPadH_SCs_RuDs, fPadH_TNo_Date, fPadH_TNo_RuDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb, fPavTxtH1SamePlus, fPavTxtH_HFN_Date, fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_LFN_Date, fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_MCs_Date, fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_Ped_Date, fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs, fPavTxtH_SCs_Date, fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_TNo_Date, fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs, fReadHistoDummy, fReadMatrixDummy, fRunType, fStartEvolDate, fStartEvolRun, fStartEvolTime, fStopEvolDate, fStopEvolRun, fStopEvolTime, fT1DRunNumber, fTextBorderSize, fTextPaveAlign, fTextPaveFont, fTextPaveSize, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fUnev, fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fXMemoH1SamePlus, fXMemoH_HFN_Date, fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_LFN_Date, fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_MCs_Date, fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_Ped_Date, fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fXMemoH_SCs_Date, fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_TNo_Date, fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs, fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fYMemoH1SamePlus, fYMemoH_HFN_Date, fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_LFN_Date, fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_MCs_Date, fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_Ped_Date, fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fYMemoH_SCs_Date, fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_TNo_Date, fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs, and fZerv.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos().
void TEcnaHistos::InitSpecParBeforeFileReading | ( | ) |
Definition at line 9893 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fRunType, fStartDate, fStartTime, fStopDate, and fStopTime.
Referenced by FileParameters(), and SetRunNumberFromList().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs | ( | const Int_t & | n1DeeNumber, |
const Int_t & | nSCCons, | ||
const Int_t & | SC_in_DS, | ||
const Int_t & | n1DeeSCEcna, | ||
const Int_t & | n1SCEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 8237 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC().
Referenced by ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::NewCanvas | ( | const TString & | opt_plot | ) |
Definition at line 17583 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvSameH1SamePlus, fClosedH1SamePlus, fImpH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fPadH1SamePlus, fPavTxtH1SamePlus, fSameOnePlot, and fTTBELL.
Double_t TEcnaHistos::NotCompleteSCH1DBin | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Definition at line 11512 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References GetDSOffset(), and GetSCOffset().
Referenced by HistoPlot().
Double_t TEcnaHistos::NotConnectedSCH1DBin | ( | const Int_t & | index | ) |
Definition at line 11455 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References GetDSOffset(), and GetSCOffset().
Referenced by HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::NumberOfEvents | ( | const Int_t & | nb_of_evts | ) |
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 1296 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | n1Sample | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | n1Sample, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1385 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1303 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, EvSamplesXtals(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), ViewHisto(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | UserDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 1188 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | UserDetector, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1194 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardDetectorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFapStexNumber, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin | ||
) |
Definition at line 1229 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | n1Sample | ||
) |
Definition at line 1341 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | n1Sample, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1350 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1256 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, EvSamplesXtals(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), ViewHisto(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1236 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), fCnaParHistos, and Plot1DHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | UserDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 1146 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().
void TEcnaHistos::Plot1DHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | InputHisto, |
const TString & | User_X_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | UserDetector, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1153 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardDetectorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFapStexNumber, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas | ( | ) |
Definition at line 16261 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCurrentCanvas, and fTTBELL.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::DoButtonClone().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector | ( | const TString & | UserHistoCode, |
const TString & | UserDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 1077 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardDetectorCode(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadHistoDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), ViewStas(), and ViewStex().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotDetector | ( | const TVectorD & | read_histo, |
const TString & | UserHistoCode, | ||
const TString & | UserDetector | ||
) |
Definition at line 1108 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardDetectorCode(), gather_cfg::cout, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), ViewStas(), and ViewStex().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), and TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotHistory | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | list_of_run_file_name, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 1415 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotHistory | ( | const TString & | User_X_Quantity, |
const TString & | User_Y_Quantity, | ||
const TString & | list_of_run_file_name, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1423 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeX(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandard1DHistoCodeY(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, TEcnaParHistos::GetTechHistoCode(), and ViewHistime().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TMatrixD & | read_matrix_corcc, |
const TString & | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat | ||
) |
Definition at line 902 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
Referenced by PlotMatrix(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TMatrixD & | read_matrix, |
const TString & | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n1, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 970 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References PlotMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TMatrixD & | read_matrix, |
const TString & | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n1, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n2, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 978 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TMatrixD & | read_matrix_corcc, |
const TString & | UserCorOrCov, | ||
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 908 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fAlreadyRead, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fTTBELL, fZerv, StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TString & | UserCorOrCov, |
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat | ||
) |
Definition at line 937 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References PlotMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TString & | UserCorOrCov, |
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n1, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 1015 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References PlotMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TString & | UserCorOrCov, |
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n1, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_n2, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1022 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadMatrixDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::PlotMatrix | ( | const TString & | UserCorOrCov, |
const TString & | UserBetweenWhat, | ||
const TString & | UserPlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 941 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardBetweenWhatCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardCovOrCorCode(), TEcnaParHistos::BuildStandardPlotOption(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fReadMatrixDummy, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::ReInitCanvas | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 17603 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvSameH1SamePlus, fCanvSameH_HFN_Date, fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_LFN_Date, fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_MCs_Date, fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_Ped_Date, fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvSameH_SCs_Date, fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_TNo_Date, fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvNb, fClosedD_HFN_ChDs, fClosedD_HFN_ChNb, fClosedD_LFN_ChDs, fClosedD_LFN_ChNb, fClosedD_MCs_ChDs, fClosedD_MCs_ChNb, fClosedD_MSp_SpDs, fClosedD_MSp_SpNb, fClosedD_NOE_ChDs, fClosedD_NOE_ChNb, fClosedD_Ped_ChDs, fClosedD_Ped_ChNb, fClosedD_SCs_ChDs, fClosedD_SCs_ChNb, fClosedD_SSp_SpDs, fClosedD_SSp_SpNb, fClosedD_TNo_ChDs, fClosedD_TNo_ChNb, fClosedH1SamePlus, fClosedH_HFN_Date, fClosedH_HFN_RuDs, fClosedH_LFN_Date, fClosedH_LFN_RuDs, fClosedH_MCs_Date, fClosedH_MCs_RuDs, fClosedH_Ped_Date, fClosedH_Ped_RuDs, fClosedH_SCs_Date, fClosedH_SCs_RuDs, fClosedH_TNo_Date, fClosedH_TNo_RuDs, fImpD_Adc_EvDs, fImpD_Adc_EvNb, fImpD_HFN_ChDs, fImpD_HFN_ChNb, fImpD_LFN_ChDs, fImpD_LFN_ChNb, fImpD_MCs_ChDs, fImpD_MCs_ChNb, fImpD_MSp_SpDs, fImpD_MSp_SpNb, fImpD_NOE_ChDs, fImpD_NOE_ChNb, fImpD_Ped_ChDs, fImpD_Ped_ChNb, fImpD_SCs_ChDs, fImpD_SCs_ChNb, fImpD_SSp_SpDs, fImpD_SSp_SpNb, fImpD_TNo_ChDs, fImpD_TNo_ChNb, fImpH1SamePlus, fImpH_HFN_Date, fImpH_HFN_RuDs, fImpH_LFN_Date, fImpH_LFN_RuDs, fImpH_MCs_Date, fImpH_MCs_RuDs, fImpH_Ped_Date, fImpH_Ped_RuDs, fImpH_SCs_Date, fImpH_SCs_RuDs, fImpH_TNo_Date, fImpH_TNo_RuDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_Date, fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_LFN_Date, fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_MCs_Date, fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_Ped_Date, fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoColorH_SCs_Date, fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_TNo_Date, fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date, fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date, fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_HFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_Date, fNbOfListFileH_LFN_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_MCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_Date, fNbOfListFileH_Ped_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_Date, fNbOfListFileH_SCs_RuDs, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_Date, fNbOfListFileH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fPadD_Adc_EvDs, fPadD_Adc_EvNb, fPadD_HFN_ChDs, fPadD_HFN_ChNb, fPadD_LFN_ChDs, fPadD_LFN_ChNb, fPadD_MCs_ChDs, fPadD_MCs_ChNb, fPadD_MSp_SpDs, fPadD_MSp_SpNb, fPadD_NOE_ChDs, fPadD_NOE_ChNb, fPadD_Ped_ChDs, fPadD_Ped_ChNb, fPadD_SCs_ChDs, fPadD_SCs_ChNb, fPadD_SSp_SpDs, fPadD_SSp_SpNb, fPadD_TNo_ChDs, fPadD_TNo_ChNb, fPadH1SamePlus, fPadH_HFN_Date, fPadH_HFN_RuDs, fPadH_LFN_Date, fPadH_LFN_RuDs, fPadH_MCs_Date, fPadH_MCs_RuDs, fPadH_Ped_Date, fPadH_Ped_RuDs, fPadH_SCs_Date, fPadH_SCs_RuDs, fPadH_TNo_Date, fPadH_TNo_RuDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb, fPavTxtH1SamePlus, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::RunType | ( | const TString & | run_type | ) |
void TEcnaHistos::SCCrystalNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1DeeSCCons | ||
) |
Definition at line 2701 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), gather_cfg::cout, fCdeleteRoot, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexName, fFapStexType, fFapStinName, fFapStinQuadType, fPavComCxyz, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeEndcap(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeType(), GetSCColor(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(), GetXSampInStin(), GetYSampInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxDeeInEE(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), SetHistoPresentation(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoOffsets(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle(), and ViewStinGrid().
Referenced by StinCrystalNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewHisto | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewHisto | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead | ||
) |
Definition at line 12424 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCnaParHistos, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fFlagGeneralTitle, fOnlyOnePlot, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComEvolNbOfEvtsAna, fPavComEvolRuns, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComSeveralChanging, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fPavComXtal, fPlotAllXtalsInStin, fRunType, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fStartDate, fStartEvolDate, fStartEvolRun, fStopDate, fStopEvolDate, fStopEvolRun, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType(), GetMemoFlag(), TEcnaParHistos::SetOptionSamePaveBorder(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveAnalysisRun(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveCrystal(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveCrystalSample(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveEvolNbOfEvtsAna(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveEvolRuns(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveGeneralComment(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveNbOfEvts(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewMatrix | ( | const TString & | BetweenWhat, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_B, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
Definition at line 12310 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fBetweenSamples, fCnaParHistos, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fFlagGeneralTitle, fFlagSubDet, fHFBetweenChannels, fLFBetweenChannels, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fPavComXtal, fRunType, fStartDate, fStopDate, TEcnaNumbering::Get1StexCrysFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveAnalysisRun(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveCrystal(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveGeneralComment(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveNbOfEvts(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStin(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStinsXY().
Referenced by ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStas | ( | ) |
Definition at line 12404 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCnaParHistos, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber, fFlagGeneralTitle, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStas, fRunType, fStartDate, fStopDate, TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveAnalysisRun(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveGeneralComment(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveNbOfEvts(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStas().
Referenced by ViewStas().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStex | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber | ) |
Definition at line 12383 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCnaParHistos, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFlagGeneralTitle, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fRunType, fStartDate, fStopDate, TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveAnalysisRun(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveGeneralComment(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveNbOfEvts(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStex | ( | const TString & | chopt, |
const Int_t & | StexNumber | ||
) |
Definition at line 12369 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCnaParHistos, fFlagSubDet, fPavComCxyz, fPavComStex, TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveCxyz(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle().
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and ViewStex().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStin | ( | const Int_t & | StexStin_A | ) |
Definition at line 12342 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fFlagGeneralTitle, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fRunType, fStartDate, fStopDate, TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveAnalysisRun(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveGeneralComment(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveNbOfEvts(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStin().
Referenced by ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A | ||
) |
Definition at line 12355 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, fFlagSubDet, fPavComCxyz, fPavComLVRB, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveCxyz(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveLVRB(), TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStex(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetPaveStin().
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), and TowerCrystalNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues | ( | ) |
Definition at line 14057 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos().
TString TEcnaHistos::SetCanvasName | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | opt_scale_x, | ||
const Int_t & | opt_scale_y, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample | ||
) |
Definition at line 12515 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvSameD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvSameD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvSameD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvSameD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvSameD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvSameD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvSameD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvSameH1SamePlus, fCanvSameH_HFN_Date, fCanvSameH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_LFN_Date, fCanvSameH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvSameH_MCs_Date, fCanvSameH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_Ped_Date, fCanvSameH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvSameH_SCs_Date, fCanvSameH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvSameH_TNo_Date, fCanvSameH_TNo_RuDs, fCnaParHistos, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName, fOnlyOnePlot, fOptScaleLinx, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogx, fOptScaleLogy, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, and TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType().
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetEcalSubDetector | ( | const TString & | SubDet | ) |
Definition at line 705 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCnaParHistos, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapEchaName, fFapStexBarrel, fFapStexDir, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStexType, fFapStinName, fFapStinQuadType, fFapXtalName, fFlagSubDet, fOnlyOnePlot, fPlotAllXtalsInStin, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, TEcnaParHistos::GetCodeAllXtalsInStinPlot(), TEcnaParHistos::GetCodeOnlyOnePlot(), TEcnaParHistos::GetCodePlotAllXtalsInStin(), TEcnaParHistos::GetCodeSameOnePlot(), TEcnaParHistos::GetCodeSeveralPlot(), TEcnaParEcal::GetEcalSubDetector(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeType(), and TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel().
Referenced by TEcnaHistos().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo | ( | TGraph * | g_graph0, |
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 10264 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fH_HFN_DateYmax, fH_HFN_DateYmin, fH_LFN_DateYmax, fH_LFN_DateYmin, fH_MCs_DateYmax, fH_MCs_DateYmin, fH_Ped_DateYmax, fH_Ped_DateYmin, fH_SCs_DateYmax, fH_SCs_DateYmin, fH_TNo_DateYmax, and fH_TNo_DateYmin.
Referenced by ViewHistime().
void TEcnaHistos::SetGraphPresentation | ( | TGraph * | graph, |
const TString & | HistoType, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 17564 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, TEcnaParHistos::SetViewGraphOffsets(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoPadMargins(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle().
Referenced by HistimePlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoColorPalette | ( | const TString & | option_palette | ) |
Definition at line 826 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagColPal.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().
Int_t TEcnaHistos::SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 10018 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsYmax, fD_Adc_EvDsYmin, fD_Adc_EvNbYmax, fD_Adc_EvNbYmin, fD_HFN_ChDsYmax, fD_HFN_ChDsYmin, fD_HFN_ChNbYmax, fD_HFN_ChNbYmin, fD_LFN_ChDsYmax, fD_LFN_ChDsYmin, fD_LFN_ChNbYmax, fD_LFN_ChNbYmin, fD_MCs_ChDsYmax, fD_MCs_ChDsYmin, fD_MCs_ChNbYmax, fD_MCs_ChNbYmin, fD_MSp_SpDsYmax, fD_MSp_SpDsYmin, fD_MSp_SpNbYmax, fD_MSp_SpNbYmin, fD_NOE_ChDsYmax, fD_NOE_ChDsYmin, fD_NOE_ChNbYmax, fD_NOE_ChNbYmin, fD_Ped_ChDsYmax, fD_Ped_ChDsYmin, fD_Ped_ChNbYmax, fD_Ped_ChNbYmin, fD_SCs_ChDsYmax, fD_SCs_ChDsYmin, fD_SCs_ChNbYmax, fD_SCs_ChNbYmin, fD_SSp_SpDsYmax, fD_SSp_SpDsYmin, fD_SSp_SpNbYmax, fD_SSp_SpNbYmin, fD_TNo_ChDsYmax, fD_TNo_ChDsYmin, fD_TNo_ChNbYmax, fD_TNo_ChNbYmin, fH2CorccInStinsYmax, fH2CorccInStinsYmin, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin, fH_HFN_RuDsYmax, fH_HFN_RuDsYmin, fH_LFN_RuDsYmax, fH_LFN_RuDsYmin, fH_MCs_RuDsYmax, fH_MCs_RuDsYmin, fH_Ped_RuDsYmax, fH_Ped_RuDsYmin, fH_SCs_RuDsYmax, fH_SCs_RuDsYmin, fH_TNo_RuDsYmax, and fH_TNo_RuDsYmin.
Referenced by StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax | ( | ) |
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMax | ( | const Double_t & | value | ) |
Definition at line 14049 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMax, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin | ( | ) |
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoMin | ( | const Double_t & | value | ) |
Definition at line 14045 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagUserHistoMin, fUserHistoMin, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCorrelationSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixCovarianceSamples(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaGui::ViewMatrixLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewSorSTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexHighFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStexLowFrequencyCorcc(), TEcnaGui::ViewStinCorrelationSamples(), and TEcnaGui::ViewStinCovarianceSamples().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoPresentation | ( | TH1D * | histo, |
const TString & | HistoType | ||
) |
Definition at line 17547 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, timingPdfMaker::histo, TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoOffsets(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoPadMargins(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStats(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle().
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), HistoPlot(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoPresentation | ( | TH1D * | histo, |
const TString & | HistoType, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 17555 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fCnaParHistos, timingPdfMaker::histo, TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoOffsets(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoPadMargins(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStats(), and TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleX | ( | const TString & | option_scale | ) |
Definition at line 814 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagScaleX.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().
void TEcnaHistos::SetHistoScaleY | ( | const TString & | option_scale | ) |
Definition at line 820 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagScaleY.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalHighFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalLowFrequencyNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalMeanCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalPedestalsRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorss(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalSigmaOfCorssRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoise(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistimeCrystalTotalNoiseRuns(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeans(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleMeansDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmas(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleSigmasDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoCrystalSampleValues(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSampleEventDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSHighFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSLowFrequencyNoiseOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSMeanCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSNumberOfEventsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSPedestalsOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssDistribution(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSSigmaOfCorssOfCrystals(), TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseDistribution(), and TEcnaGui::ViewHistoSorSTotalNoiseOfCrystals().
TString TEcnaHistos::SetHistoXAxisTitle | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 13177 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFapStexNumber, and fFlagSubDet.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
TString TEcnaHistos::SetHistoYAxisTitle | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 13268 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFapStexNumber, and fFlagSubDet.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetNbBinsMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | nb_bins | ||
) |
Definition at line 15265 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fNbBinsMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fNbBinsMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fNbBinsMemoH1SamePlus, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_Date, fNbBinsMemoH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::SetParametersCanvas | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 15807 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), fCanvD_Adc_EvDs, fCanvD_Adc_EvNb, fCanvD_HFN_ChDs, fCanvD_HFN_ChNb, fCanvD_LFN_ChDs, fCanvD_LFN_ChNb, fCanvD_MCs_ChDs, fCanvD_MCs_ChNb, fCanvD_MSp_SpDs, fCanvD_MSp_SpNb, fCanvD_NOE_ChDs, fCanvD_NOE_ChNb, fCanvD_Ped_ChDs, fCanvD_Ped_ChNb, fCanvD_SCs_ChDs, fCanvD_SCs_ChNb, fCanvD_SSp_SpDs, fCanvD_SSp_SpNb, fCanvD_TNo_ChDs, fCanvD_TNo_ChNb, fCanvH1SamePlus, fCanvH_HFN_Date, fCanvH_HFN_RuDs, fCanvH_LFN_Date, fCanvH_LFN_RuDs, fCanvH_MCs_Date, fCanvH_MCs_RuDs, fCanvH_Ped_Date, fCanvH_Ped_RuDs, fCanvH_SCs_Date, fCanvH_SCs_RuDs, fCanvH_TNo_Date, fCanvH_TNo_RuDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvDs, fClosedD_Adc_EvNb, fClosedD_HFN_ChDs, fClosedD_HFN_ChNb, fClosedD_LFN_ChDs, fClosedD_LFN_ChNb, fClosedD_MCs_ChDs, fClosedD_MCs_ChNb, fClosedD_MSp_SpDs, fClosedD_MSp_SpNb, fClosedD_NOE_ChDs, fClosedD_NOE_ChNb, fClosedD_Ped_ChDs, fClosedD_Ped_ChNb, fClosedD_SCs_ChDs, fClosedD_SCs_ChNb, fClosedD_SSp_SpDs, fClosedD_SSp_SpNb, fClosedD_TNo_ChDs, fClosedD_TNo_ChNb, fClosedH1SamePlus, fClosedH_HFN_Date, fClosedH_HFN_RuDs, fClosedH_LFN_Date, fClosedH_LFN_RuDs, fClosedH_MCs_Date, fClosedH_MCs_RuDs, fClosedH_Ped_Date, fClosedH_Ped_RuDs, fClosedH_SCs_Date, fClosedH_SCs_RuDs, fClosedH_TNo_Date, fClosedH_TNo_RuDs, fCnaParHistos, fImpD_Adc_EvDs, fImpD_Adc_EvNb, fImpD_HFN_ChDs, fImpD_HFN_ChNb, fImpD_LFN_ChDs, fImpD_LFN_ChNb, fImpD_MCs_ChDs, fImpD_MCs_ChNb, fImpD_MSp_SpDs, fImpD_MSp_SpNb, fImpD_NOE_ChDs, fImpD_NOE_ChNb, fImpD_Ped_ChDs, fImpD_Ped_ChNb, fImpD_SCs_ChDs, fImpD_SCs_ChNb, fImpD_SSp_SpDs, fImpD_SSp_SpNb, fImpD_TNo_ChDs, fImpD_TNo_ChNb, fImpH1SamePlus, fImpH_HFN_Date, fImpH_HFN_RuDs, fImpH_LFN_Date, fImpH_LFN_RuDs, fImpH_MCs_Date, fImpH_MCs_RuDs, fImpH_Ped_Date, fImpH_Ped_RuDs, fImpH_SCs_Date, fImpH_SCs_RuDs, fImpH_TNo_Date, fImpH_TNo_RuDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_Date, fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_LFN_Date, fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_MCs_Date, fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_Ped_Date, fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoColorH_SCs_Date, fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_TNo_Date, fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoPlotD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoPlotD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoPlotD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoPlotH1SamePlus, fMemoPlotH_HFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_LFN_Date, fMemoPlotH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_MCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_Ped_Date, fMemoPlotH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_SCs_Date, fMemoPlotH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoPlotH_TNo_Date, fMemoPlotH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fPadD_Adc_EvDs, fPadD_Adc_EvNb, fPadD_HFN_ChDs, fPadD_HFN_ChNb, fPadD_LFN_ChDs, fPadD_LFN_ChNb, fPadD_MCs_ChDs, fPadD_MCs_ChNb, fPadD_MSp_SpDs, fPadD_MSp_SpNb, fPadD_NOE_ChDs, fPadD_NOE_ChNb, fPadD_Ped_ChDs, fPadD_Ped_ChNb, fPadD_SCs_ChDs, fPadD_SCs_ChNb, fPadD_SSp_SpDs, fPadD_SSp_SpNb, fPadD_TNo_ChDs, fPadD_TNo_ChNb, fPadH1SamePlus, fPadH_HFN_Date, fPadH_HFN_RuDs, fPadH_LFN_Date, fPadH_LFN_RuDs, fPadH_MCs_Date, fPadH_MCs_RuDs, fPadH_Ped_Date, fPadH_Ped_RuDs, fPadH_SCs_Date, fPadH_SCs_RuDs, fPadH_TNo_Date, fPadH_TNo_RuDs, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetParametersPavTxt | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 16636 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fOnlyOnePlot, fPavComSeveralChanging, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvDs, fPavTxtD_Adc_EvNb, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_HFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChDs, fPavTxtD_LFN_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_MCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_MSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChDs, fPavTxtD_NOE_ChNb, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChDs, fPavTxtD_Ped_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChDs, fPavTxtD_SCs_ChNb, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpDs, fPavTxtD_SSp_SpNb, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChDs, fPavTxtD_TNo_ChNb, fPavTxtH1SamePlus, fPavTxtH_HFN_Date, fPavTxtH_HFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_LFN_Date, fPavTxtH_LFN_RuDs, fPavTxtH_MCs_Date, fPavTxtH_MCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_Ped_Date, fPavTxtH_Ped_RuDs, fPavTxtH_SCs_Date, fPavTxtH_SCs_RuDs, fPavTxtH_TNo_Date, fPavTxtH_TNo_RuDs, fSameOnePlot, and fSeveralPlot.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetRunNumberFromList | ( | const Int_t & | xArgIndexRun, |
const Int_t & | MaxNbOfRuns | ||
) |
Definition at line 9875 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fFapRunNumber, fT1DRunNumber, and InitSpecParBeforeFileReading().
Referenced by ViewHistime().
void TEcnaHistos::SetViewGraphColors | ( | TGraph * | g_graph0, |
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot | ||
) |
Definition at line 17292 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), TEcnaParHistos::ColorTab(), fCnaParHistos, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_Date, fMemoColorH_LFN_Date, fMemoColorH_MCs_Date, fMemoColorH_Ped_Date, fMemoColorH_SCs_Date, fMemoColorH_TNo_Date, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, and TEcnaParHistos::GetMaxNbOfColors().
Referenced by HistimePlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetViewHistoColors | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead | ||
) |
Definition at line 16880 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), TEcnaParHistos::ColorTab(), fCnaParHistos, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvDs, fMemoColorD_Adc_EvNb, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_HFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChDs, fMemoColorD_LFN_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_MCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_MSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChDs, fMemoColorD_NOE_ChNb, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChDs, fMemoColorD_Ped_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChDs, fMemoColorD_SCs_ChNb, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpDs, fMemoColorD_SSp_SpNb, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChDs, fMemoColorD_TNo_ChNb, fMemoColorH1SamePlus, fMemoColorH_HFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_LFN_RuDs, fMemoColorH_MCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_Ped_RuDs, fMemoColorH_SCs_RuDs, fMemoColorH_TNo_RuDs, fOnlyOnePlot, fPlotAllXtalsInStin, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType(), and TEcnaParHistos::GetMaxNbOfColors().
Referenced by HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::SetXinfMemoFromValue | ( | const Double_t & | value | ) |
Definition at line 13729 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fH1SameOnePlotXinf, and relativeConstraints::value.
void TEcnaHistos::SetXinfMemoFromValue | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Double_t & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 13630 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsXinf, fD_HFN_ChDsXinf, fD_HFN_ChNbXinf, fD_LFN_ChDsXinf, fD_LFN_ChNbXinf, fD_MCs_ChDsXinf, fD_MCs_ChNbXinf, fD_NOE_ChDsXinf, fD_NOE_ChNbXinf, fD_Ped_ChDsXinf, fD_Ped_ChNbXinf, fD_SCs_ChDsXinf, fD_SCs_ChNbXinf, fD_TNo_ChDsXinf, fD_TNo_ChNbXinf, fH_HFN_DateXinf, fH_HFN_RuDsXinf, fH_LFN_DateXinf, fH_LFN_RuDsXinf, fH_MCs_DateXinf, fH_MCs_RuDsXinf, fH_Ped_DateXinf, fH_Ped_RuDsXinf, fH_SCs_DateXinf, fH_SCs_RuDsXinf, fH_TNo_DateXinf, fH_TNo_RuDsXinf, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::SetXsupMemoFromValue | ( | const Double_t & | value | ) |
Definition at line 13830 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fH1SameOnePlotXsup, and relativeConstraints::value.
void TEcnaHistos::SetXsupMemoFromValue | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Double_t & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 13731 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsXsup, fD_HFN_ChDsXsup, fD_HFN_ChNbXsup, fD_LFN_ChDsXsup, fD_LFN_ChNbXsup, fD_MCs_ChDsXsup, fD_MCs_ChNbXsup, fD_NOE_ChDsXsup, fD_NOE_ChNbXsup, fD_Ped_ChDsXsup, fD_Ped_ChNbXsup, fD_SCs_ChDsXsup, fD_SCs_ChNbXsup, fD_TNo_ChDsXsup, fD_TNo_ChNbXsup, fH_HFN_DateXsup, fH_HFN_RuDsXsup, fH_LFN_DateXsup, fH_LFN_RuDsXsup, fH_MCs_DateXsup, fH_MCs_RuDsXsup, fH_Ped_DateXsup, fH_Ped_RuDsXsup, fH_SCs_DateXsup, fH_SCs_RuDsXsup, fH_TNo_DateXsup, fH_TNo_RuDsXsup, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::SetXVarMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const TString & | xvar | ||
) |
Definition at line 14839 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fXMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fXMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fXMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fXMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fXMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fXMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fXMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fXMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fXMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fXMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fXMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fXMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fXMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fXMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fXMemoH1SamePlus, fXMemoH_HFN_Date, fXMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_LFN_Date, fXMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fXMemoH_MCs_Date, fXMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_Ped_Date, fXMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fXMemoH_SCs_Date, fXMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fXMemoH_TNo_Date, and fXMemoH_TNo_RuDs.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 14728 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsYmax, fD_Adc_EvNbYmax, fD_HFN_ChDsYmax, fD_HFN_ChNbYmax, fD_LFN_ChDsYmax, fD_LFN_ChNbYmax, fD_MCs_ChDsYmax, fD_MCs_ChNbYmax, fD_MSp_SpDsYmax, fD_MSp_SpNbYmax, fD_NOE_ChDsYmax, fD_NOE_ChNbYmax, fD_Ped_ChDsYmax, fD_Ped_ChNbYmax, fD_SCs_ChDsYmax, fD_SCs_ChNbYmax, fD_SSp_SpDsYmax, fD_SSp_SpNbYmax, fD_TNo_ChDsYmax, fD_TNo_ChNbYmax, fH2CorccInStinsYmax, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax, fH_HFN_DateYmax, fH_HFN_RuDsYmax, fH_LFN_DateYmax, fH_LFN_RuDsYmax, fH_MCs_DateYmax, fH_MCs_RuDsYmax, fH_Ped_DateYmax, fH_Ped_RuDsYmax, fH_SCs_DateYmax, fH_SCs_RuDsYmax, fH_TNo_DateYmax, fH_TNo_RuDsYmax, and GetYmaxValueFromMemo().
Referenced by ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::SetYmaxMemoFromValue | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Double_t & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 14286 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_HFN_ChDsYmax, fD_HFN_ChNbYmax, fD_LFN_ChDsYmax, fD_LFN_ChNbYmax, fD_MCs_ChDsYmax, fD_MCs_ChNbYmax, fD_NOE_ChDsYmax, fD_NOE_ChNbYmax, fD_Ped_ChDsYmax, fD_Ped_ChNbYmax, fD_SCs_ChDsYmax, fD_SCs_ChNbYmax, fD_TNo_ChDsYmax, fD_TNo_ChNbYmax, fH2CorccInStinsYmax, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmax, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmax, fH_HFN_DateYmax, fH_HFN_RuDsYmax, fH_LFN_DateYmax, fH_LFN_RuDsYmax, fH_MCs_DateYmax, fH_MCs_RuDsYmax, fH_Ped_DateYmax, fH_Ped_RuDsYmax, fH_SCs_DateYmax, fH_SCs_RuDsYmax, fH_TNo_DateYmax, fH_TNo_RuDsYmax, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode | ) |
Definition at line 14618 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsYmin, fD_Adc_EvNbYmin, fD_HFN_ChDsYmin, fD_HFN_ChNbYmin, fD_LFN_ChDsYmin, fD_LFN_ChNbYmin, fD_MCs_ChDsYmin, fD_MCs_ChNbYmin, fD_MSp_SpDsYmin, fD_MSp_SpNbYmin, fD_NOE_ChDsYmin, fD_NOE_ChNbYmin, fD_Ped_ChDsYmin, fD_Ped_ChNbYmin, fD_SCs_ChDsYmin, fD_SCs_ChNbYmin, fD_SSp_SpDsYmin, fD_SSp_SpNbYmin, fD_TNo_ChDsYmin, fD_TNo_ChNbYmin, fH2CorccInStinsYmin, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin, fH_HFN_DateYmin, fH_HFN_RuDsYmin, fH_LFN_DateYmin, fH_LFN_RuDsYmin, fH_MCs_DateYmin, fH_MCs_RuDsYmin, fH_Ped_DateYmin, fH_Ped_RuDsYmin, fH_SCs_DateYmin, fH_SCs_RuDsYmin, fH_TNo_DateYmin, fH_TNo_RuDsYmin, and GetYminValueFromMemo().
Referenced by ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), and ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::SetYminMemoFromValue | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Double_t & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 14178 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fD_Adc_EvDsYmin, fD_HFN_ChDsYmin, fD_HFN_ChNbYmin, fD_LFN_ChDsYmin, fD_LFN_ChNbYmin, fD_MCs_ChDsYmin, fD_MCs_ChNbYmin, fD_NOE_ChDsYmin, fD_NOE_ChNbYmin, fD_Ped_ChDsYmin, fD_Ped_ChNbYmin, fD_SCs_ChDsYmin, fD_SCs_ChNbYmin, fD_TNo_ChDsYmin, fD_TNo_ChNbYmin, fH2CorccInStinsYmin, fH2HFccMosMatrixYmin, fH2LFccMosMatrixYmin, fH_HFN_DateYmin, fH_HFN_RuDsYmin, fH_LFN_DateYmin, fH_LFN_RuDsYmin, fH_MCs_DateYmin, fH_MCs_RuDsYmin, fH_Ped_DateYmin, fH_Ped_RuDsYmin, fH_SCs_DateYmin, fH_SCs_RuDsYmin, fH_TNo_DateYmin, fH_TNo_RuDsYmin, and relativeConstraints::value.
Referenced by SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::SetYVarMemo | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const TString & | yvar | ||
) |
Definition at line 15052 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fYMemoD_Adc_EvDs, fYMemoD_Adc_EvNb, fYMemoD_HFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_HFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_LFN_ChDs, fYMemoD_LFN_ChNb, fYMemoD_MCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_MCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_MSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_MSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_NOE_ChDs, fYMemoD_NOE_ChNb, fYMemoD_Ped_ChDs, fYMemoD_Ped_ChNb, fYMemoD_SCs_ChDs, fYMemoD_SCs_ChNb, fYMemoD_SSp_SpDs, fYMemoD_SSp_SpNb, fYMemoD_TNo_ChDs, fYMemoD_TNo_ChNb, fYMemoH1SamePlus, fYMemoH_HFN_Date, fYMemoH_HFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_LFN_Date, fYMemoH_LFN_RuDs, fYMemoH_MCs_Date, fYMemoH_MCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_Ped_Date, fYMemoH_Ped_RuDs, fYMemoH_SCs_Date, fYMemoH_SCs_RuDs, fYMemoH_TNo_Date, and fYMemoH_TNo_RuDs.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::SigmaSamplesXtals | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | PlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 6976 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fReadHistoDummy, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(), and ViewHisto().
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), and SigmaSamplesXtals().
void TEcnaHistos::SMTowerNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | SMNumber | ) |
Definition at line 4034 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, fCdeleteRoot, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexBarrel, fPavComStex, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEtaInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysPhiInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEB(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMPhiInEB(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowEtaInSM(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowPhiInSM(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetHistoPresentation(), and ViewSMTowerNumberingPad().
Referenced by StexStinNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::SqrtContourLevels | ( | const Int_t & | nb_niv, |
Double_t * | cont_niv | ||
) |
Definition at line 5097 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and fTTBELL.
void TEcnaHistos::StartStopDate | ( | const TString & | start_date, |
const TString & | stop_date | ||
) |
Definition at line 835 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fStartDate, and fStopDate.
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::StatusDataExist | ( | ) |
Definition at line 843 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fStatusDataExist.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().
Bool_t TEcnaHistos::StatusFileFound | ( | ) |
Definition at line 842 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fStatusFileFound.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::MessageCnaCommandReplyB().
void TEcnaHistos::StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc | ( | const TString & | Freq | ) |
Definition at line 3654 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexBarrel, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fRunType, fStartDate, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaNumbering::GetStexHalfStas(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinHocoInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinVecoInStex(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), and ViewStexGrid().
Referenced by PlotMatrix().
TString TEcnaHistos::StexNumberToString | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber | ) |
Definition at line 11282 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::StexStinNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber | ) |
Definition at line 3983 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References DeeSCNumbering(), fFlagSubDet, and SMTowerNumbering().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStexStinNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::StinCrystalNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | cStexStin | ||
) |
Definition at line 2473 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, SCCrystalNumbering(), and TowerCrystalNumbering().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::ViewStinCrystalNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::TopAxisForHistos | ( | TH1D * | h_his0, |
const TString & | opt_plot, | ||
const Int_t & | xMemoPlotSame, | ||
const Int_t & | min_value, | ||
const Int_t & | max_value, | ||
const Int_t & | xFlagAutoYsupMargin, | ||
const Int_t & | HisSize | ||
) |
Definition at line 12169 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, fCnewRoot, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fOnlyOnePlot, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, hcaldqm::quantity::max_value, hcaldqm::quantity::min_value, and runTheMatrix::opt.
Referenced by HistoPlot().
void TEcnaHistos::TowerCrystalNumbering | ( | const Int_t & | SMNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1SMTow | ||
) |
Definition at line 2492 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, fCdeleteRoot, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapStexBarrel, fFapStexName, fFapStinName, fPavComLVRB, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fTTBELL, TEcnaNumbering::Get0SMEchaFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::Get1SMCrysFrom1SMTowAnd0TowEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEta(), TEcnaNumbering::GetHashedNumberFromIEtaAndIPhi(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhi(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel(), TEcnaNumbering::GetTowerLvrbType(), GetXSampInStin(), GetYSampInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEtaInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysPhiInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMInEB(), VtxSmearedParameters_cfi::Phi, SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), TEcnaParHistos::SetColorsForNumbers(), SetHistoPresentation(), TEcnaParHistos::SetViewHistoStyle(), and ViewStinGrid().
Referenced by StinCrystalNumbering().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewDeeGrid | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const TString & | c_option | ||
) |
Definition at line 4936 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References EEDataSectors(), EEGridAxis(), fCnewRoot, fEcal, mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIXInDee(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCIYInDee().
Referenced by ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), and ViewStexGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewDeeSCNumberingPad | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber | ) |
Definition at line 4644 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeEndcap(), GetSCColor(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(), GetXCrysInStex(), GetYCrysInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCEcnaInDee(), and ViewDeeGrid().
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), and ViewStexStinNumberingPad().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewEBGrid | ( | ) |
Definition at line 5738 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTickSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleSize(), charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), egammaIdentification::eta_max, egammaIdentification::eta_min, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(), TEcnaNumbering::GetXDirectionEB(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMEtaInEB(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSMPhiInEB(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowEtaInSM(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowPhiInSM().
Referenced by ViewStasGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewEEGrid | ( | const Int_t & | vertic_empty_strips | ) |
Definition at line 5887 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References EEDataSectors(), EEGridAxis(), fCnewRoot, fEcal, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIXInSC(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysIYInDee().
Referenced by ViewStasGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewHistime | ( | const TString & | list_of_run_file_name, |
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot_arg | ||
) |
Definition at line 8941 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References ActivePad(), gather_cfg::cout, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fCfgHistoryRunListFilePath, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagColPal, fFlagScaleX, fFlagScaleY, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fHistoCodeFirst, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fNbBinsProj, fNbOfExistingRuns, fOnlyOnePlot, fOptScaleLinx, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogx, fOptScaleLogy, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fStartEvolDate, fStartEvolRun, fStartEvolTime, fStatusFileFound, fStopEvolDate, fStopEvolRun, fStopEvolTime, fT1DRunNumber, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), GetHistoryRunListParameters(), TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType(), GetListFileNumber(), TEcnaParHistos::GetMarginAutoMinMax(), GetMemoFlag(), GetOkViewHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::GetQuantityName(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStartTime(), GetXinfValueFromMemo(), GetXsupValueFromMemo(), GetXVarFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetXVarHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), GetYmaxFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), GetYminFromGraphFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), GetYVarFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYVarHisto(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise(), ReInitCanvas(), TEcnaParHistos::SetColorPalette(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetRunNumberFromList(), SetXinfMemoFromValue(), SetXsupMemoFromValue(), SetXVarMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), SetYVarMemo(), L1TOccupancyClient_cfi::ymax, and L1TOccupancyClient_cfi::ymin.
Referenced by PlotHistory().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewHisto | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode, | ||
const TString & | opt_plot_arg | ||
) |
Definition at line 7077 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References ActivePad(), gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagColPal, fFlagScaleX, fFlagScaleY, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fHistoCodeFirst, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), FillHisto(), fMyRootFile, fOnlyOnePlot, fOptScaleLinx, fOptScaleLiny, fOptScaleLogx, fOptScaleLogy, fPlotAllXtalsInStin, fRunType, fSameOnePlot, fSeveralPlot, fStartDate, fStartTime, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fStopTime, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaNumbering::Get1SCEchaFrom0DeeEcha(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeDirViewedFromIP(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDSFrom1DeeSCEcna(), GetDSOffset(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDSSCFrom1DeeSCEcna(), GetHistoNumberOfBins(), GetHistoSize(), TEcnaParHistos::GetHistoType(), GetHistoValues(), GetHistoXinf(), GetHistoXsup(), TEcnaParHistos::GetMarginAutoMinMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetMaxSCInDS(), GetMemoFlag(), GetNbBinsFromMemo(), TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), GetOkViewHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::GetQuantityName(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), GetSCOffset(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSCType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStartTime(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStopTime(), GetXinfValueFromMemo(), GetXsupValueFromMemo(), GetXVarFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetXVarHisto(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), GetYmaxFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), GetYminFromHistoFrameAndMarginValue(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), GetYVarFromMemo(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYVarHisto(), HistoPlot(), mps_fire::i, ecalpyutils::ism(), TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInSC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCEcnaInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSCForConsInDee(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise(), ReInitCanvas(), TEcnaParHistos::SetColorPalette(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetNbBinsMemo(), SetXinfMemoFromValue(), SetXsupMemoFromValue(), SetXVarMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), SetYVarMemo(), WriteHistoAscii(), L1TOccupancyClient_cfi::ymax, and L1TOccupancyClient_cfi::ymin.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), Plot1DHisto(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewMatrix | ( | const TMatrixD & | arg_read_matrix, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_A, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStin_B, | ||
const Int_t & | MatrixBinIndex, | ||
const TString & | CorOrCov, | ||
const TString & | BetweenWhat, | ||
const TString & | PlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 1490 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fBetweenSamples, fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCorrelationMatrix, fCovarianceMatrix, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexBarrel, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStexType, fFapStinName, fFapStinQuadType, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, fHFBetweenChannels, fHFBetweenStins, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fLFBetweenChannels, fLFBetweenStins, fMyRootFile, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fPavComXtal, fRunType, fStartDate, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaNumbering::GetEEDeeType(), TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSCQuadFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinInStex(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), WriteMatrixAscii(), and protons_cff::xi.
Referenced by PlotMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSCGrid | ( | const Int_t & | DeeNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1DeeSCEcna, | ||
const Int_t & | MatSize, | ||
const Int_t & | size_IX, | ||
const Int_t & | size_IY, | ||
const TString & | chopt | ||
) |
Definition at line 3125 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTickSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleSize(), fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcalNumbering, TEcnaNumbering::GetIIXMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIIXMin(), GetIXIYAxisTitle(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJIYMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJIYMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJYDirectionEE(), TEcnaNumbering::GetXDirectionEE(), mps_fire::i, and dqmiolumiharvest::j.
Referenced by ViewStinGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSMGrid | ( | const Int_t & | SMNumber, |
const TString & | c_option | ||
) |
Definition at line 4279 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTickSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleSize(), charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), egammaIdentification::eta_max, egammaIdentification::eta_min, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(), GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIEtaMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIEtaMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJPhiMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJPhiMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJYDirectionEB(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhiMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhiMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel(), TEcnaNumbering::GetXDirectionEB(), TEcnaNumbering::GetYDirectionEB(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEtaInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysPhiInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowEtaInSM(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowPhiInSM().
Referenced by ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), and ViewStexGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewSMTowerNumberingPad | ( | const Int_t & | SMNumber | ) |
Definition at line 4132 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References charArrLen, TEcnaParHistos::ColorDefinition(), fCdeleteRoot, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, TEcnaNumbering::GetEta(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhi(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhiMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetSMHalfBarrel(), TEcnaNumbering::GetTowerLvrbType(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEtaInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysPhiInTow(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowEtaInSM(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowInSM(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxTowPhiInSM(), TEcnaParHistos::SetColorsForNumbers(), and ViewSMGrid().
Referenced by SMTowerNumbering(), and ViewStexStinNumberingPad().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStas | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 5227 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCdelete, fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnew, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStas, fRunType, fStartDate, fStartTime, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fStopTime, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStartTime(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStopTime(), GetXStinInStas(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), GetYStinInStas(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinHocoInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinVecoInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::ReadAveragePedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadAverageTotalNoise(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), and ViewStasGrid().
Referenced by PlotDetector().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStasGrid | ( | const Int_t & | vertic_empty_strips | ) |
Definition at line 5726 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, ViewEBGrid(), and ViewEEGrid().
Referenced by ViewStas().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStex | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const TString & | HistoCode | ||
) |
Definition at line 3305 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxBottomY(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxRightX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fRunType, fStartDate, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStexStinFromIndex(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), GetXCrysInStex(), GetYCrysInStex(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysHocoInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysVecoInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinHocoInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinVecoInStex(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadHighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadLowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaRead::ReadMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::ReadPedestals(), TEcnaRead::ReadSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadTotalNoise(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), and ViewStexGrid().
Referenced by PlotDetector().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStexGrid | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const TString & | c_option | ||
) |
Definition at line 4019 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, ViewDeeGrid(), and ViewSMGrid().
Referenced by StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), and ViewStex().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStexStinNumberingPad | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber | ) |
Definition at line 4001 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), and ViewSMTowerNumberingPad().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStin | ( | const Int_t & | cStexStin, |
const TString & | CorOrCov | ||
) |
Definition at line 2177 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::BoxLeftX(), TEcnaParHistos::BoxTopY(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatH(), TEcnaParHistos::CanvasFormatW(), charArrLen, gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCdeleteRoot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fCorrelationMatrix, fCovarianceMatrix, fCurrentCanvas, fCurrentCanvasName, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfEvts, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFapStinName, fFlagSubDet, fFlagUserHistoMax, fFlagUserHistoMin, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fPavComAnaRun, fPavComGeneralTitle, fPavComNbOfEvts, fPavComStex, fPavComStin, fRunType, fStartDate, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fStopDate, fTTBELL, fUserHistoMax, fUserHistoMin, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), TEcnaNumbering::GetDeeSCConsFrom1DeeSCEcna(), TEcnaRead::GetNumberOfEvents(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetRunType(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), GetXSampInStin(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYmaxDefaultValue(), TEcnaParHistos::GetYminDefaultValue(), GetYSampInStin(), mps_fire::i, dqmiolumiharvest::j, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysHocoInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysVecoInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadCovariancesBetweenSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetYmaxMemoFromValue(), SetYminMemoFromValue(), and ViewStinGrid().
Referenced by CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and CovariancesBetweenSamples().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewStinGrid | ( | const Int_t & | StexNumber, |
const Int_t & | StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | MatSize, | ||
const Int_t & | size_Hoco, | ||
const Int_t & | size_Veco, | ||
const TString & | chopt | ||
) |
Definition at line 2945 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fFlagSubDet, ViewSCGrid(), and ViewTowerGrid().
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), and ViewStin().
void TEcnaHistos::ViewTowerGrid | ( | const Int_t & | SMNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1SMTow, | ||
const Int_t & | MatSize, | ||
const Int_t & | size_eta, | ||
const Int_t & | size_phi, | ||
const TString & | chopt | ||
) |
Definition at line 2968 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisLabelSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTickSize(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleOffset(), TEcnaParHistos::AxisTitleSize(), gather_cfg::cout, egammaIdentification::eta_max, egammaIdentification::eta_min, fCnaParHistos, fCnewRoot, fEcalNumbering, fTTBELL, GetEtaPhiAxisTitle(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIEtaMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetIEtaMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJPhiMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJPhiMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetJYDirectionEB(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhiMax(), TEcnaNumbering::GetPhiMin(), TEcnaNumbering::GetXDirectionEB(), TEcnaNumbering::GetYDirectionEB(), mps_fire::i, and dqmiolumiharvest::j.
Referenced by ViewStinGrid().
void TEcnaHistos::WriteHistoAscii | ( | const TString & | HistoCode, |
const Int_t & | HisSize, | ||
const TVectorD & | read_histo | ||
) |
Definition at line 18014 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fAsciiFileName, fCnaWrite, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fStartDate, fStartTime, fStopDate, fStopTime, TEcnaWrite::GetAsciiFileName(), TEcnaWrite::RegisterFileParameters(), and TEcnaWrite::WriteAsciiHisto().
Referenced by ViewHisto().
void TEcnaHistos::WriteMatrixAscii | ( | const TString & | BetweenWhat, |
const TString & | CorOrCov, | ||
const Int_t & | StexStinEcna, | ||
const Int_t & | MatrixBinIndex, | ||
const Int_t & | MatSize, | ||
const TMatrixD & | read_matrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 17981 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References fAsciiFileName, fBetweenSamples, fCnaWrite, fCorrelationMatrix, fCovarianceMatrix, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexNumber, fStartDate, fStartTime, fStopDate, fStopTime, TEcnaWrite::GetAsciiFileName(), TEcnaWrite::RegisterFileParameters(), TEcnaWrite::WriteAsciiCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and TEcnaWrite::WriteAsciiCovariancesBetweenSamples().
Referenced by ViewMatrix().
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesEv | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | PlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 6696 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fReadHistoDummy, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleMeans(), and ViewHisto().
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), and XtalSamplesEv().
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha | ||
) |
void TEcnaHistos::XtalSamplesSigma | ( | const TVectorD & | arg_read_histo, |
const Int_t & | arg_AlreadyRead, | ||
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const TString & | PlotOption | ||
) |
Definition at line 6883 of file TEcnaHistos.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fAllXtalsInStinPlot, fCfgResultsRootFilePath, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFapAnaType, fFapFirstReqEvtNumber, fFapLastReqEvtNumber, fFapNbOfSamples, fFapReqNbOfEvts, fFapRunNumber, fFapStexName, fFapStexNumber, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), fMyRootFile, fReadHistoDummy, fStatusDataExist, fStatusFileFound, fTobeRead, fTTBELL, fZerv, TEcnaNumbering::Get1DeeSCEcnaFromDeeSCCons(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStexInStas(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleSigmas(), and ViewHisto().
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
staticconstexprprivate |
Definition at line 349 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), EEDataSectors(), GetMemoFlag(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TopAxisForHistos(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), ViewEBGrid(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSMGrid(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 627 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), Plot1DHisto(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), ViewHisto(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 374 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), and PlotMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 417 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by AsciiFileName(), Init(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 449 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), ViewMatrix(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 792 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 793 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 785 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 784 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 783 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 782 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 781 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 780 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 789 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 788 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 775 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 774 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 777 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 776 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 787 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 786 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 791 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 790 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 779 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 778 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 773 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 798 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 804 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 797 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 803 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 796 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 802 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 794 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 800 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 799 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 805 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 795 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 801 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), CreateCanvas(), GetCurrentCanvas(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 958 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 958 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 954 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 954 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 953 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 953 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 952 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 952 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 957 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 956 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 949 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 949 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 950 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 950 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 955 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 955 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 957 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 956 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 951 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 951 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 948 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 962 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 962 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 961 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 961 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 963 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 963 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 959 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 959 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 964 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 964 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 960 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 960 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetCanvasName().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewStas(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 355 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), Init(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 415 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), TEcnaHistos(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 414 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 827 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 826 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 819 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 818 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 817 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 816 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 815 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 814 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 823 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 822 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 809 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 808 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 811 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 810 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 821 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 820 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 825 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 824 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 813 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 812 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 807 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 832 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 838 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 831 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 837 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 830 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 836 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 828 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 834 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 833 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 839 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 829 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 835 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), DoCanvasClosed(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 353 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 353 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 367 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 365 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), EEDataSectors(), EEGridAxis(), GetHistoNumberOfBins(), GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetOkViewHisto(), GetSCColor(), GetViewHistoColor(), GetXStinInStas(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), PlotHistory(), PlotMatrix(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetGraphPresentation(), SetHistoPresentation(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetViewGraphColors(), SetViewHistoColors(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), ViewEBGrid(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSCGrid(), ViewSMGrid(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), and ViewTowerGrid().
private |
Definition at line 366 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 368 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by TEcnaHistos(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), Init(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewStas(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 355 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by CreateCanvas(), DeeSCNumbering(), EEDataSectors(), EEGridAxis(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TopAxisForHistos(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewDeeGrid(), ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), ViewEBGrid(), ViewEEGrid(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSCGrid(), ViewSMGrid(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), ViewTowerGrid(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 361 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 362 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 447 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), Init(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStin(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 447 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by CovariancesBetweenSamples(), Init(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStin(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 771 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), GetCurrentCanvas(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 770 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), GetCurrentCanvasName(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 841 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), and DoCanvasClosed().
private |
Definition at line 842 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), and DoCanvasClosed().
private |
Definition at line 844 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 503 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 504 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 574 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 573 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 505 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo().
private |
Definition at line 506 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo().
private |
Definition at line 576 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 575 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 488 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 489 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 559 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 558 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 486 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 487 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 557 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 556 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 484 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 485 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 555 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 554 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 482 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 483 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 553 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 552 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 480 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 481 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 551 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 550 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 478 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 479 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 549 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 548 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 497 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 498 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 568 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 567 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 495 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 496 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 566 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 565 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 468 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 469 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 539 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 538 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 466 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 467 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 537 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 536 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 472 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 473 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 543 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 542 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 470 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 471 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 541 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 540 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 492 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 493 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 563 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 562 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 490 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 491 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 561 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 560 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 501 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 502 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 572 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 571 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 499 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 500 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 570 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 569 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo().
private |
Definition at line 476 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 477 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 547 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 546 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 474 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 475 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 545 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 544 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 369 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), EEDataSectors(), EEGridAxis(), EvSamplesXtals(), GetDSOffset(), GetHistoSize(), GetOkViewHisto(), GetSCOffset(), GetXCrysInStex(), GetXSampInStin(), GetXStinInStas(), GetYCrysInStex(), GetYSampInStin(), GetYStinInStas(), HistoPlot(), ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewDeeGrid(), ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), ViewEBGrid(), ViewEEGrid(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSMGrid(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 370 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), EEGridAxis(), EvSamplesXtals(), GetDSOffset(), GetOkViewHisto(), GetXCrysInStex(), GetXSampInStin(), GetXStinInStas(), GetYCrysInStex(), GetYSampInStin(), GetYStinInStas(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(), PlotMatrix(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewDeeSCNumberingPad(), ViewEBGrid(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewSCGrid(), ViewSMGrid(), ViewSMTowerNumberingPad(), ViewStin(), ViewTowerGrid(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 410 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
private |
Definition at line 394 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 385 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 386 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 392 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 390 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), Init(), NumberOfEvents(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 393 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 383 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), GetHistoSize(), GetOkViewHisto(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 387 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), GetHistoSize(), GetHistoXsup(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetCanvasName(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 384 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SetRunNumberFromList(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 402 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetEcalSubDetector(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 404 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetEcalSubDetector().
private |
Definition at line 407 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 388 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), FileParameters(), GetHistoSize(), GetOkViewHisto(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetHistoXAxisTitle(), SetHistoYAxisTitle(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TopAxisForHistos(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), WriteMatrixAscii(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 403 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetEcalSubDetector(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 408 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetOkViewHisto(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 405 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SCCrystalNumbering(), SetEcalSubDetector(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 409 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters().
private |
Definition at line 371 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 436 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetHistoColorPalette(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 437 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GeneralTitle(), Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), and SetAllPavesViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 434 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetHistoScaleX(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 435 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetHistoScaleY(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 360 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), GetHistoSize(), GetHocoVecoAxisTitle(), GetOkViewHisto(), GetXCrysInStex(), GetXSampInStin(), GetXStinInStas(), GetYCrysInStex(), GetYSampInStin(), GetYStinInStas(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), PlotMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetHistoXAxisTitle(), SetHistoYAxisTitle(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), StexNumberToString(), StexStinNumbering(), StinCrystalNumbering(), TopAxisForHistos(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStasGrid(), ViewStex(), ViewStexGrid(), ViewStexStinNumberingPad(), ViewStin(), ViewStinGrid(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 440 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), PlotHistory(), PlotMatrix(), SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetHistoMax(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 440 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), PlotHistory(), PlotMatrix(), SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetHistoMin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 463 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 464 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 608 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 607 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 606 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 605 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 604 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 603 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 515 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 516 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 586 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 585 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 528 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 529 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 599 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 598 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 513 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 514 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 584 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 583 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 526 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 527 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 597 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 596 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 511 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 512 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 582 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 581 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 524 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 525 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 595 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 594 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 507 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 508 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 578 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 577 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 520 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 521 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 591 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 590 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 517 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 518 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 588 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 587 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 530 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 531 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 601 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 600 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 509 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 510 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 580 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 579 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetGraphFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 522 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXinfValueFromMemo(), and SetXinfMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 523 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXsupValueFromMemo(), and SetXsupMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 593 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXsup(), GetYmaxValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYmaxMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYmaxMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 592 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoXinf(), GetYminValueFromMemo(), SetHistoFrameYminYmaxFromMemo(), SetYminMemoFromPreviousMemo(), and SetYminMemoFromValue().
private |
Definition at line 450 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 451 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 535 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 933 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 934 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 926 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 925 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 924 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 923 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 922 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 921 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 930 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 929 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 916 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 915 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 918 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 917 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 928 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 927 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 932 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 931 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 920 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 919 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 914 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 939 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 945 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 938 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 944 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 937 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 943 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 935 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 941 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 940 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 946 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 936 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 942 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 450 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 451 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 375 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 658 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 658 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 654 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 654 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 653 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 653 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 652 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 652 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 657 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 656 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 649 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 649 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 650 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 650 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 655 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 655 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 657 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 656 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 651 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 651 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 648 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetViewGraphColors(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 662 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 662 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 661 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 661 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 663 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 663 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 659 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 659 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 664 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 664 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 660 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewGraphColors().
private |
Definition at line 660 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetViewHistoColor(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), SetParametersCanvas(), and SetViewHistoColors().
private |
Definition at line 640 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 640 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 636 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 636 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 635 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 635 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 634 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 634 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 639 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 638 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 631 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 631 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 632 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 632 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 637 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 637 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 639 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 638 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 633 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 633 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 630 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 644 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 644 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 643 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 643 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 645 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 645 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 641 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 641 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 646 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 646 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 642 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 642 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetMemoFlag(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 373 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TEcnaHistos(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 412 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 755 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 756 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 748 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 747 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 746 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 745 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 744 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 743 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 752 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 751 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 738 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 737 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 740 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 739 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 750 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 749 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 754 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 753 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 742 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 741 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 736 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 761 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 767 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 760 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 766 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 759 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 765 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 757 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 763 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 762 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 768 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 758 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 764 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetNbBinsFromMemo(), Init(), and SetNbBinsMemo().
private |
Definition at line 666 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoNumberOfBins(), GetHistoSize(), Init(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 397 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 967 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 967 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 966 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 968 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 966 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 968 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 967 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 969 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 966 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 968 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetListFileNumber(), Init(), and ReInitCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 624 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), ActivePavTxt(), CreateCanvas(), DoCanvasClosed(), GetCurrentCanvas(), GetMemoFlag(), GetNbBinsFromMemo(), GetViewHistoColor(), GetXVarFromMemo(), GetYVarFromMemo(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), ReInitCanvas(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetNbBinsMemo(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetParametersPavTxt(), SetViewGraphColors(), SetViewHistoColors(), SetXVarMemo(), SetYVarMemo(), TopAxisForHistos(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistoPlot(), Init(), SetCanvasName(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetCanvasName(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistoPlot(), Init(), SetCanvasName(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 445 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), SetCanvasName(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 443 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 443 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 442 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 865 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 866 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 858 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 857 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 856 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 855 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 854 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 853 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 862 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 861 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 848 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 847 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 850 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 849 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 860 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 859 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 864 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 863 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 852 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 851 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 846 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 871 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 877 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 870 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 876 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 869 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 875 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 867 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 873 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 872 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 878 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 868 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 874 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersCanvas().
private |
Definition at line 616 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistoPlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 620 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), and SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb().
private |
Definition at line 622 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and SetAllPavesViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 621 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and SetAllPavesViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 611 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 619 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), and TowerCrystalNumbering().
private |
Definition at line 617 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistoPlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 618 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 612 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetAllPavesViewStas(), and ViewStas().
private |
Definition at line 613 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), SMTowerNumbering(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 614 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), SetAllPavesViewStinCrysNb(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewMatrix(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 615 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), and ViewMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 899 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 900 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 892 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 891 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 890 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 889 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 888 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 887 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 896 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 895 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 882 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 881 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 884 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 883 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 894 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 893 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 898 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 897 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 886 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 885 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 880 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 905 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 911 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 904 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 910 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 903 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 909 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 901 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 907 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 906 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 912 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 902 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 908 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePavTxt(), Init(), and SetParametersPavTxt().
private |
Definition at line 628 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetViewHistoColors(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 377 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), Init(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 378 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and PlotMatrix().
private |
Definition at line 424 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), HistoPlot(), Init(), InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), RunType(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 626 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), ActivePavTxt(), CreateCanvas(), DoCanvasClosed(), GetCurrentCanvas(), GetMemoFlag(), GetNbBinsFromMemo(), GetViewHistoColor(), GetXVarFromMemo(), GetYVarFromMemo(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), NewCanvas(), ReInitCanvas(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetNbBinsMemo(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetParametersPavTxt(), SetViewGraphColors(), SetViewHistoColors(), SetXVarMemo(), SetYVarMemo(), TopAxisForHistos(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 625 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by ActivePad(), ActivePavTxt(), CreateCanvas(), DoCanvasClosed(), GetCurrentCanvas(), GetMemoFlag(), GetNbBinsFromMemo(), GetViewHistoColor(), GetXVarFromMemo(), GetYVarFromMemo(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), ReInitCanvas(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetCanvasName(), SetEcalSubDetector(), SetNbBinsMemo(), SetParametersCanvas(), SetParametersPavTxt(), SetViewGraphColors(), SetViewHistoColors(), SetXVarMemo(), SetYVarMemo(), TopAxisForHistos(), ViewHistime(), and ViewHisto().
private |
Definition at line 423 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StartStopDate(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 400 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 396 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 399 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 422 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), ViewHisto(), ViewStas(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 420 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), GetHistoValues(), GetOkViewHisto(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StatusDataExist(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 419 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), StatusFileFound(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 432 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 423 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by FileParameters(), InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), SetAllPavesViewMatrix(), SetAllPavesViewStas(), SetAllPavesViewStex(), SetAllPavesViewStin(), StartStopDate(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 400 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 396 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), SetAllPavesViewHisto(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 399 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init(), and ViewHistime().
private |
Definition at line 422 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by InitSpecParBeforeFileReading(), ViewHisto(), ViewStas(), WriteHistoAscii(), and WriteMatrixAscii().
private |
Definition at line 426 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 430 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 429 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 427 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetHistoryRunListParameters(), HistimePlot(), Init(), SetRunNumberFromList(), ViewHistime(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 456 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 453 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 454 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 455 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 376 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), Init(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotDetector(), PlotMatrix(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().
private |
Definition at line 357 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by DeeSCNumbering(), EvSamplesXtals(), GetHistoryRunListParameters(), GetHistoValues(), GetOkViewHisto(), HistimePlot(), HistoPlot(), Init(), ModifiedSCEchaForNotConnectedSCs(), NewCanvas(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotCloneOfCurrentCanvas(), PlotDetector(), PlotHistory(), PlotMatrix(), SCCrystalNumbering(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), SMTowerNumbering(), SqrtContourLevels(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), TowerCrystalNumbering(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), ViewStin(), ViewTowerGrid(), XtalSamplesEv(), XtalSamplesSigma(), and ~TEcnaHistos().
private |
Definition at line 351 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 439 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetHistoMax(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 439 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by SetAllYminYmaxMemoFromDefaultValues(), SetHistoMin(), StexHocoVecoLHFCorcc(), ViewHistime(), ViewHisto(), ViewMatrix(), ViewStas(), ViewStex(), and ViewStin().
private |
Definition at line 458 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot().
private |
Definition at line 460 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 687 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 688 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 680 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 679 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 678 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 677 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 676 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 675 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 684 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 683 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 670 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 669 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 672 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 671 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 681 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 686 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 685 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 674 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 673 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 668 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 693 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 699 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 692 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 698 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 691 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 697 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 689 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 695 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 694 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 700 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 690 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 696 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetXVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetXVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 458 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot().
private |
Definition at line 460 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
private |
Definition at line 458 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot().
private |
Definition at line 721 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 722 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 714 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 713 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 712 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 711 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 709 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 718 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 717 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 704 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 703 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 705 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 716 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 715 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 720 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 719 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 708 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 707 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 702 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 727 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 733 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 726 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 732 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 725 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 731 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 723 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 729 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 728 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 734 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 724 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 730 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by GetYVarFromMemo(), Init(), and SetYVarMemo().
private |
Definition at line 458 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by HistimePlot().
private |
Definition at line 350 of file TEcnaHistos.h.
Referenced by EvSamplesXtals(), Init(), Plot1DHisto(), PlotMatrix(), SigmaSamplesXtals(), XtalSamplesEv(), and XtalSamplesSigma().