Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCCFEBTimeSlice_h
2 #define EventFilter_CSCRawToDigi_CSCCFEBTimeSlice_h
unsigned short overlappedSampleFlag
unsigned get_l1pipe_empty() const
unsigned short theSamples[96]
void setCRC()
=VB= Set calculated CRC value for simulated CFEB Time Slice data
unsigned get_lctpipe_empty() const
unsigned get_lctpipe_count() const
unsigned get_crc() const
accessors for words 97, 98 and 99
unsigned short controllerData
combined from all 16 strips to make a word
unsigned get_lctpipe_full() const
unsigned get_l1pipe_full() const
unsigned get_L1A_number() const
unsigned get_buffer_count() const
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
void setControllerWord(const CSCCFEBSCAControllerWord &controllerWord)
CSCCFEBDataWord * timeSample(int index) const
input from 0 to 95
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const CSCCFEBTimeSlice &)
void set_L1Anumber(unsigned l1a)
unsigned buffer_warning
WORD 99.
unsigned sizeInWords() const
unsigned short adcOverflow
unsigned get_n_free_sca_blocks() const
unsigned get_buffer_warning() const
unsigned n_free_sca_blocks
WORD 98.
CSCCFEBSCAControllerWord scaControllerWord(int layer) const
unpacked from the controller words for each channel in the layer
bool sixteenSamples() const
whether we keep 8 or 16 time samples