1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
4 connect = "frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
9 Overrides a condition in startgeometry from globaltag.
12 if record
is None or tag
is None:
13 raise ValueError(
"A 'record' and a 'tag' have to be provided to 'setCondition'.")
15 if not hasattr(process,
16 process.load(
18 args = {
"connect": cms.string(connect),
19 "record": cms.string(record),
20 "tag": cms.string(tag)}
22 args[
"label"] = cms.untracked.string(label)
24 process.GlobalTag.toGet \
25 = cms.VPSet([x
for x
in process.GlobalTag.toGet.value()
if x.record.value() != record])
26 process.GlobalTag.toGet.append(cms.PSet(**args))