Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef TtSemiLepJetCombEval_h
2 #define TtSemiLepJetCombEval_h
200 values.add(
202 values.add(
205 values.add(
207 values.add(
209 values.add(
212 values.add(
double relativePtHadronicTop() const
double combinedBTags(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const
combined b-tag values of the two b candidates
double compareTopLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the lepton candidate
double compareTopNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the neutrino candidate
double compareWNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the neutrino candidate
double compareTopW(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the W candidate
double wBosonVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
W boson candidate variable.
Common calculator class to keep multivariate analysis variables for jet combinations in semi-leptonic...
void evaluateTtSemiLepJetComb(PhysicsTools::Variable::ValueList &values, const TtSemiLepJetComb &jetComb)
double compareBLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the b and the lepton candidate
double combinedBTagsForLightQuarks(JetComb::BTagAlgo algo, JetComb::Operator op) const
combined b-tag values of the two light quark candidates
double topVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
top quark candidate variable
double lightQVar(bool qbar, JetComb::VarType var) const
light quark candidate variable
double compareLightQuarks(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the lightQ and the lightQBar candidate
double compareTopB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the top and the b candidate
double compareWLepton(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the lepton candidate
double compareWB(JetComb::DecayType dec1, JetComb::DecayType dec2, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the W and the b candidate
double bOverLightQPt() const
double bTag(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::BTagAlgo algo) const
b-tag value of a b candidate
double bQuarkVar(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::VarType var) const
b quark candidate variable
double compareHadTopLepTop(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two top candidates
double compareHadWLepW(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two W candidates
double compareBNeutrino(JetComb::DecayType decay, JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the b and the neutrino candidate
double compareHadBLepB(JetComb::CompType comp) const
comparison between the two b candidates