Go to the documentation of this file.
29 switch (
tp.subsystem()) {
52 switch (
tp.subsystem()) {
75 switch (
tp.subsystem()) {
98 switch (
tp.subsystem()) {
124 unsigned long long geomid =
135 unsigned long long magfieldid =
148 int partition =
149 int iroll = (partition >> 1) + 1;
153 int phiposition =
154 int istrip = (phiposition >> 1);
155 int phiposition2 = (phiposition & 0x1);
156 float centreOfStrip = istrip + 0.25 + phiposition2 * 0.5;
171 return tp.getME0Data().deltaphi * (
tp.getME0Data().bend == 0 ? 1 : -1);
182 const float pad = (0.5 * static_cast<float>(
tp.getGEMData().pad_low +
tp.getGEMData().pad_hi)) + 0.5f;
206 const float strip = (0.5 * static_cast<float>(
tp.getRPCData().strip_low +
tp.getRPCData().strip_hi)) - 0.5f;
240 const uint16_t halfstrip =
241 const uint16_t
pattern =
242 const uint16_t keyWG =
252 const unsigned halfstrip_offs = static_cast<unsigned>(0.5 + halfstrip +
253 const unsigned strip = halfstrip_offs / 2 + 1;
257 const LocalPoint& coarse_lp = layer_geom->stripWireGroupIntersection(
strip, keyWG);
262 const double hs_offset = layer_geom->stripPhiPitch() / 4.0;
267 const double phi_offset = ((halfstrip_offs % 2 ? 1 : -1) * (ccw ? -hs_offset : hs_offset));
280 layer_geom.release();
297 const int nStrips =
298 const double phi1 =
299 const double phiN =
308 std::unique_ptr<DTChamber> chamb(const_cast<DTChamber*>(
309 std::unique_ptr<DTTrigGeom> trig_geom(
new DTTrigGeom(chamb.get(),
317 const int NBTI_theta = ((baseid.
station() != 4) ? trig_geom->nCell(2) : trig_geom->nCell(3));
318 const int bti_group =
319 const unsigned bti_actual = bti_group * NBTI_theta / 7 + NBTI_theta / 14 + 1;
321 if (baseid.
station() != 4 && bti_group != -1) {
322 thetaBTI =
DTBtiId(baseid, 2, bti_actual);
326 thetaBTI =
DTBtiId(baseid, 3, 1);
328 const GlobalPoint& theta_gp = trig_geom->CMSPosition(thetaBTI);
331 double phi = static_cast<double>(
tp.getDTData().radialAngle) / 4096.0;
332 phi +=
tp.getDTData().sector *
M_PI / 6.0;
343 int bend =
344 double bendf =
bend / 512.0;
prodAgent to be discontinued
T1 value() const
Explicit access to value in case implicit conversion not OK.
GlobalPoint getME0SpecificPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
unsigned long long _magfield_cache_id
double calcGEMSpecificPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcME0SpecificPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
GlobalPoint getCSCSpecificPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
Geom::Theta< T > theta() const
double calcCSCSpecificPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
GlobalPoint getGlobalPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
const RPCRoll * roll(RPCDetId id) const
Return a roll given its id.
edm::ESHandle< RPCGeometry > _georpc
edm::ESHandle< ME0Geometry > _geome0
double calcRPCSpecificEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
const DTChamber * chamber(const DTChamberId &id) const
Return a DTChamber given its id.
double calculateGlobalPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
const ME0EtaPartition * etaPartition(ME0DetId id) const
Return the eta partition corresponding to the given id.
const ME0Chamber * chamber(ME0DetId id) const
Return a chamber given its id.
const Plane & surface() const
The nominal surface of the GeomDet.
double calcRPCSpecificPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
edm::ESHandle< GEMGeometry > _geogem
edm::ESHandle< CSCGeometry > _geocsc
LocalPoint centreOfStrip(int strip) const
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
static double getLegacyPosition(int pattern)
double calcGEMSpecificBend(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcCSCSpecificEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
double calcDTSpecificBend(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcGEMSpecificEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > _magfield
double calcME0SpecificEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
LocalPoint centreOfStrip(int strip) const
GlobalPoint getRPCSpecificPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcCSCSpecificBend(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
void checkAndUpdateGeometry(const edm::EventSetup &)
double calculateGlobalEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcDTSpecificPhi(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
1.2 is to make the matching window safely the two nearest strips 0.35 is the size of an ME0 chamber i...
double calcME0SpecificBend(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
bool isCSCCounterClockwise(const std::unique_ptr< const CSCLayer > &) const
double bend(double r, double rinv, double stripPitch)
GlobalPoint calcDTSpecificPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
double calcRPCSpecificBend(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calculateBendAngle(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
double calcDTSpecificEta(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
const CSCChamber * chamber(CSCDetId id) const
Return the chamber corresponding to given DetId.
int station() const
Return the station number.
GlobalPoint getGEMSpecificPoint(const TriggerPrimitive &) const
unsigned long long _geom_cache_id
edm::ESHandle< DTGeometry > _geodt
const GEMEtaPartition * etaPartition(GEMDetId id) const
Return a GEMEtaPartition given its id.