| BJetEnergyRegressionVarProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig) |
| ~BJetEnergyRegressionVarProducer () override |
| EDProducer ()=default |
| EDProducer (const EDProducer &)=delete |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns () const final |
EDProducer & | operator= (const EDProducer &)=delete |
bool | wantsGlobalLuminosityBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsGlobalRuns () const final |
bool | wantsInputProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsProcessBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsStreamLuminosityBlocks () const final |
bool | wantsStreamRuns () const final |
| EDProducerBase () |
ModuleDescription const & | moduleDescription () const |
| ~EDProducerBase () override |
void | callWhenNewProductsRegistered (std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> const &func) |
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & | indiciesForPutProducts (BranchType iBranchType) const |
| ProducerBase () |
std::vector< edm::ProductResolverIndex > const & | putTokenIndexToProductResolverIndex () const |
std::vector< bool > const & | recordProvenanceList () const |
void | registerProducts (ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &) |
std::function< void(BranchDescription const &)> | registrationCallback () const |
| used by the fwk to register list of products More...
void | resolvePutIndicies (BranchType iBranchType, ModuleToResolverIndicies const &iIndicies, std::string const &moduleLabel) |
TypeLabelList const & | typeLabelList () const |
| used by the fwk to register the list of products of this module More...
| ~ProducerBase () noexcept(false) override |
std::vector< ConsumesInfo > | consumesInfo () const |
void | convertCurrentProcessAlias (std::string const &processName) |
| Convert "@currentProcess" in InputTag process names to the actual current process name. More...
| EDConsumerBase () |
| EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase &&)=default |
| EDConsumerBase (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete |
ESProxyIndex const * | esGetTokenIndices (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
std::vector< ESProxyIndex > const & | esGetTokenIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
std::vector< ESRecordIndex > const & | esGetTokenRecordIndicesVector (edm::Transition iTrans) const |
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit | indexFrom (EDGetToken, BranchType, TypeID const &) const |
void | itemsMayGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const |
void | itemsToGet (BranchType, std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > &) const |
std::vector< ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit > const & | itemsToGetFrom (BranchType iType) const |
void | labelsForToken (EDGetToken iToken, Labels &oLabels) const |
void | modulesWhoseProductsAreConsumed (std::array< std::vector< ModuleDescription const * > *, NumBranchTypes > &modulesAll, std::vector< ModuleProcessName > &modulesInPreviousProcesses, ProductRegistry const &preg, std::map< std::string, ModuleDescription const * > const &labelsToDesc, std::string const &processName) const |
EDConsumerBase & | operator= (EDConsumerBase &&)=default |
EDConsumerBase const & | operator= (EDConsumerBase const &)=delete |
bool | registeredToConsume (ProductResolverIndex, bool, BranchType) const |
bool | registeredToConsumeMany (TypeID const &, BranchType) const |
ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit | uncheckedIndexFrom (EDGetToken) const |
void | updateLookup (BranchType iBranchType, ProductResolverIndexHelper const &, bool iPrefetchMayGet) |
void | updateLookup (eventsetup::ESRecordsToProxyIndices const &) |
virtual | ~EDConsumerBase () noexcept(false) |
typedef EDProducerBase | ModuleType |
using | ModuleToResolverIndicies = std::unordered_multimap< std::string, std::tuple< edm::TypeID const *, const char *, edm::ProductResolverIndex > > |
typedef ProductRegistryHelper::TypeLabelList | TypeLabelList |
typedef ProductLabels | Labels |
template<class ProductType > |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces () |
| declare what type of product will make and with which optional label More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B> |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces () |
template<typename ProductType , Transition B> |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces () |
BranchAliasSetter | produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true) |
template<BranchType B> |
BranchAliasSetter | produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true) |
template<Transition B> |
BranchAliasSetter | produces (const TypeID &id, std::string instanceName=std::string(), bool recordProvenance=true) |
template<typename ProductType , Transition B> |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces (std::string instanceName) |
template<class ProductType > |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces (std::string instanceName) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B> |
BranchAliasSetterT< ProductType > | produces (std::string instanceName) |
ProducesCollector | producesCollector () |
EDGetToken | consumes (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | consumes (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDConsumerBaseAdaptor< B > | consumes (edm::InputTag tag) noexcept |
template<BranchType B> |
EDGetToken | consumes (TypeToGet const &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
ConsumesCollector | consumesCollector () |
| Use a ConsumesCollector to gather consumes information from helper functions. More...
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
void | consumesMany () |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<BranchType B> |
void | consumesMany (const TypeToGet &id) |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes () |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
constexpr auto | esConsumes () noexcept |
template<typename ESProduct , typename ESRecord , Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag const &tag) |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
auto | esConsumes (ESInputTag tag) noexcept |
template<Transition Tr = Transition::Event> |
ESGetTokenGeneric | esConsumes (eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey const &iRecord, eventsetup::DataKey const &iKey) |
| Used with EventSetupRecord::doGet. More...
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<BranchType B> |
EDGetToken | mayConsume (const TypeToGet &id, edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<typename ProductType , BranchType B = InEvent> |
EDGetTokenT< ProductType > | mayConsume (edm::InputTag const &tag) |
template<typename T>
class BJetEnergyRegressionVarProducer< T >
Description: [one line class summary]
Implementation: [Notes on implementation]
Definition at line 73 of file BJetEnergyRegressionVarProducer.cc.
Implements edm::global::EDProducerBase.
Definition at line 132 of file BJetEnergyRegressionVarProducer.cc.
144 unsigned int nJet =
150 std::vector<float> leptonPtRel_v0(nJet, 0);
151 std::vector<float> leptonPtRatio_v0(nJet, 0);
152 std::vector<float> leptonPtRelInv_v0(nJet, 0);
154 std::vector<float>
leptonPt(nJet, 0);
157 std::vector<float>
vtxPt(nJet, 0);
158 std::vector<float>
vtxMass(nJet, 0);
159 std::vector<float>
vtx3dL(nJet, 0);
160 std::vector<float>
vtx3deL(nJet, 0);
161 std::vector<int>
vtxNtrk(nJet, 0);
162 std::vector<float>
ptD(nJet, 0);
163 std::vector<float>
genPtwNu(nJet, 0);
165 const auto&
pv = (*srcVtx)[0];
166 for (
unsigned int ij = 0; ij < nJet; ij++) {
169 if (
jet->genJet() !=
nullptr) {
170 auto genp4 =
171 auto gep4wNu = genp4;
172 for (
const auto&
gp : *srcGP) {
173 if ((
gp.pdgId()) == 12 ||
gp.pdgId()) == 14 ||
gp.pdgId()) == 16) &&
gp.status() == 1) {
176 gep4wNu = gep4wNu +
189 for (
const auto&
d :
jet->daughterPtrVector()) {
190 sumWeight += (
d->pt()) * (
196 ptD[ij] = (sumWeight > 0 ?
sqrt(sumWeight) /
sumPt : 0);
202 for (
const auto&
d :
jet->daughterPtrVector()) {
203 if (
d->pdgId()) == 11 ||
d->pdgId()) == 13) {
204 if (
d->pt() < maxLepPt)
211 leptonPtRatio_v0[ij] = std::get<0>(res2);
212 leptonPtRel_v0[ij] = std::get<1>(res2);
213 leptonPtRelInv_v0[ij] = std::get<2>(res2);
223 float maxFoundSignificance = 0;
231 for (
const auto&
sv : *srcSV) {
243 vtxNtrk[ij] =
269 fillerRel_v0.insert(
srcJet, leptonPtRel_v0.begin(), leptonPtRel_v0.end());
275 fillerRatio_v0.insert(
srcJet, leptonPtRatio_v0.begin(), leptonPtRatio_v0.end());
276 fillerRatio_v0.fill();
281 fillerRelInv_v0.insert(
srcJet, leptonPtRelInv_v0.begin(), leptonPtRelInv_v0.end());
282 fillerRelInv_v0.fill();
318 fillerVtxMass.fill();
330 fillerVtx3deL.fill();
References funct::abs(), RecoVertex::convertError(), RecoVertex::convertPos(), ztail::d, reco::deltaR(), reco::deltaR2(), VertexDistance3D::distance(), Measurement1D::error(), edm::helper::Filler< Map >::fill(), jets_cff::genPtwNu, runTauDisplay::gp, iEvent, edm::helper::Filler< Map >::insert(), metsig::jet, jets_cff::leadTrackPt, reco::btau::leptonDeltaR, jets_cff::leptonPdgId, jets_cff::leptonPt, jets_cff::leptonPtRatio, reco::btau::leptonPtRel, jets_cff::leptonPtRelInv, eostools::move(), jets_cff::ptD, AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi::ptMax, MetAnalyzer::pv(), Measurement1D::significance(), mathSSE::sqrt(), electrons_cff::srcJet, jetAnalyzer_cff::srcVtx, TtFullHadEvtBuilder_cfi::sumPt, pfDeepBoostedJetPreprocessParams_cfi::sv, Measurement1D::value(), jets_cff::vtx3deL, jets_cff::vtx3dL, jets_cff::vtxMass, jets_cff::vtxNtrk, and jets_cff::vtxPt.