Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef ETLDetLayerGeometryBuilder_h
2 #define ETLDetLayerGeometryBuilder_h
25 const int mtdTopologyMode);
33 std::vector<unsigned>& rings,
static bool orderGeomDets(const GeomDet *&, const GeomDet *&)
static std::pair< std::vector< DetLayer * >, std::vector< DetLayer * > > buildLayers(const MTDGeometry &geo, const int mtdTopologyMode)
static MTDRingForwardDoubleLayer * buildLayer(int endcap, int layer, std::vector< unsigned > &rings, const MTDGeometry &geo)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
static MTDSectorForwardDoubleLayer * buildLayerNew(int endcap, int layer, std::vector< unsigned > §ors, const MTDGeometry &geo)
static MTDDetSector * makeDetSector(std::vector< const GeomDet * > &geomDets)
static MTDDetRing * makeDetRing(std::vector< const GeomDet * > &geomDets)
static bool isFront(int layer, int ring, int module)