bool muon() const
Return the value of muon parameter.
std::string ele_res_str() const
Return the value of ele_res_str parameter.
std::string kt_res_str() const
Return the value of kt_res_str parameter.
double sigma_mt() const
Return the value of sigma_mt parameter.
Lepjets_Event gentop(const Gentop_Args &args, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine)
Generate a event.
double boost_sigma() const
Return the value of boost_sigma parameter.
Hold on to parameters for the toy event generator.
double mh() const
Return the value of mh parameter.
bool smear() const
Return the value of smear parameter.
std::string jet_res_str() const
Return the value of jet_res_str parameter.
Lepjets_Event gentth(const Gentop_Args &args, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine)
Generate a event.
double m_boost() const
Return the value of m_boost parameter.
double recoil_pt_mean() const
Return the value of recoil_pt_mean parameter.
Represent a simple event consisting of lepton(s) and jet(s). An instance of this class holds a list o...
double mw() const
Return the value of mw parameter.
Gentop_Args(const Defaults &defs)
Constructor, initialize an instance of Gentop_Args from an instance of Defaults object.
double t_pt_mean() const
Return the value of t_pt_mean parameter.
double mt() const
Return the value of mt parameter.
double sigma_mh() const
Return the value of sigma_mh parameter.
double sigma_mw() const
Return the value of sigma_mw parameter.
double mb() const
Return the value of mb parameter.
double sigma_mb() const
Return the value of sigma_mb parameter.
Define an interface for getting parameter settings.
bool smear_dir() const
Return the value of smear_dir parameter.
double svx_tageff() const
Return the value of svx_tageff parameter.
std::string muo_res_str() const
Return the value of muon_res_str parameter.