2 from ROOT
import TLorentzVector
6 '''Computes and holds VBF quantities'''
7 def __init__(self, jets, diLepton, vbfMvaCalc, cjvPtCut):
8 '''jets: jets cleaned from the diLepton legs.
9 diLepton: the di-tau, for example. Necessary to compute input variables for MVA selection
16 self.
met = diLepton.met()
29 self.
mjj = dijetp4.M()
40 visDiLepton = diLepton.leg1 ().p4 () + diLepton.leg2 ().p4 ()
42 abs (self.
leadJets[0].eta () - visDiLepton.eta ()),
43 abs (self.
leadJets[1].eta () - visDiLepton.eta ()))
67 '''Finds all jets between the 2 leading jets, for central jet veto.'''
68 if not len(otherJets):
70 etamin = leadJets[0].
71 etamax = leadJets[1].
73 etamin, etamax = etamax, etamin
78 if etamin < eta
and eta < etamax:
82 centralJets = list(
filter( isCentral, otherJets ))
86 '''returns the sum p4 of a collection of objects.
87 FIXME: remove this function, which is a bit stupid
91 p4 += TLorentzVector(jet.px(), jet.py(), jet.pz(), jet.energy())
95 header =
'VBF : deta={deta:4.2f}, Mjj={mjj:4.2f}, #centjets={ncentjets}'
100 tmp.append(
'MVA input variables: dphi={dphi:4.2f}, dijetpt={dijetpt:4.2f}, dijetphi={dijetphi:4.2f}, dphidijethiggs={dphidijethiggs:4.2f}, visjeteta={visjeteta:4.2f}, ptvis={ptvis:4.2f}'.
108 tmp.append(
'Leading Jets:')
109 tmp.extend( leadJets )
110 tmp.append(
'Central Jets:')
111 tmp.extend( centralJets )
112 return '\n'.
join( tmp )