Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef MuonRPCDetLayerGeometryBuilder_h
2 #define MuonRPCDetLayerGeometryBuilder_h
35 static void makeBarrelLayers(std::vector<const GeomDet*>& geomDets, std::vector<MuRodBarrelLayer*>&
36 static void makeBarrelRods(std::vector<const GeomDet*>& geomDets, std::vector<const DetRod*>&
39 const std::vector<int>& rings,
42 std::vector<int>& rolls,
static std::pair< std::vector< DetLayer * >, std::vector< DetLayer * > > buildEndcapLayers(const RPCGeometry &geo)
virtual ~MuonRPCDetLayerGeometryBuilder()
static bool isFront(const RPCDetId &rpcId)
constexpr std::array< uint8_t, layerIndexSize > layer
static MuRingForwardDoubleLayer * buildLayer(int endcap, const std::vector< int > &rings, int station, int layer, std::vector< int > &rolls, const RPCGeometry &geo)
Constructor (disabled, only static access is allowed)
static void makeBarrelRods(std::vector< const GeomDet * > &geomDets, std::vector< const DetRod * > &result)
static void makeBarrelLayers(std::vector< const GeomDet * > &geomDets, std::vector< MuRodBarrelLayer * > &result)
static std::vector< DetLayer * > buildBarrelLayers(const RPCGeometry &geo)
Builds the barrel layers. Result vector is sorted inside-out.