virtual void endJob()
method called at job end - use to print summary report
RAII and useful methods for the many dataformat collections required by the GCT unpacker.
GctFormatTranslateBase * formatTranslator_
pointer to the block-to-digi converter
std::vector< unsigned > errorCounters_
Counts number of errors for each code (index)
L1TriggerErrorCollection * errors_
pointer to error collection
unsigned unpackFailures_
To count the total number of GCT unpack failures.
const unsigned formatVersion_
Defines unpacker verison to be used (e.g.: "Auto-detect", "MCLegacy", "V35", etc).
void produce(edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
GctBlockHeaderCollection blockHeaders_
void addError(const unsigned code)
std::vector< L1TriggerError > L1TriggerErrorCollection
const bool hltMode_
If true, only outputs the GCT data sent to the GT (number of BXs defined by numberOfGctSamplesToUnpac...
const bool checkHeaders_
If true, check block headers for synchronisation.
const bool verbose_
If true, then debug print out for each event.
edm::InputTag inputLabel_
FED collection label.
void checkHeaders()
check block headers for consistency
GctRawToDigi(const edm::ParameterSet &)
static const unsigned MAX_BLOCKS
The maximum number of blocks we will try to unpack before thinking something is wrong.
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions)
void doVerboseOutput(const GctBlockHeaderCollection &bHdrs, const GctUnpackCollections *const colls) const
Prints out a list of blocks and the various numbers of trigger objects that have been unpacked from t...
const unsigned numberOfRctSamplesToUnpack_
Number of BXs of RCT data to unpack (assuming they are in the raw data)
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
bool autoDetectRequiredFormatTranslator(const unsigned char *data)
Looks at the firmware version header in the S-Link packet and instantiates relevant format translator...
void unpack(const FEDRawData &d, edm::Event &e, GctUnpackCollections *const colls)
Unpacks the raw data.
static const unsigned MAX_ERR_CODE
const unsigned numberOfGctSamplesToUnpack_
Number of BXs of GCT data to unpack (assuming they are in the raw data)
const bool unpackSharedRegions_
Commissioning option: if true, where applicable the shared RCT calo regions will also be unpacked.