bool | CheckAperture (const double *in, bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
| LHCApertureApproximator () |
| LHCApertureApproximator (const LHCOpticsApproximator &in, double rect_x, double rect_y, double r_el_x, double r_el_y, ApertureType type=ApertureType::RECTELLIPSE) |
void | AddRectEllipseAperture (const LHCOpticsApproximator &in, double rect_x, double rect_y, double r_el_x, double r_el_y) |
bool | CheckInputRange (const double *in, bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
beam_type | GetBeamType () const |
double | GetDx (double mad_init_x, double mad_init_thx, double mad_init_y, double mad_init_thy, double mad_init_xi, double d_mad_xi=0.001) |
double | GetDxds (double mad_init_x, double mad_init_thx, double mad_init_y, double mad_init_thy, double mad_init_xi, double d_mad_xi=0.001) |
void | GetLinearApproximation (double atPoint[], double &Cx, double &Lx, double &vx, double &Cy, double &Ly, double &vy, double &D, double ep=1E-5) |
void | GetLineariasedTransportMatrixX (double mad_init_x, double mad_init_thx, double mad_init_y, double mad_init_thy, double mad_init_xi, TMatrixD &tr_matrix, double d_mad_x=10e-6, double d_mad_thx=10e-6) |
| returns linearised transport matrix for x projection | dx_out/dx_in dx_out/dthx_in | | dthx_out/dx_in dthx_out/dthx_in | More...
void | GetLineariasedTransportMatrixY (double mad_init_x, double mad_init_thx, double mad_init_y, double mad_init_thy, double mad_init_xi, TMatrixD &tr_matrix, double d_mad_y=10e-6, double d_mad_thy=10e-6) |
| returns linearised transport matrix for y projection | dy_out/dy_in dy_out/dthy_in | | dthy_out/dy_in dthy_out/dthy_in | More...
| LHCOpticsApproximator () |
| LHCOpticsApproximator (const LHCOpticsApproximator &org) |
| LHCOpticsApproximator (std::string name, std::string title, TMultiDimFet::EMDFPolyType polynom_type, std::string beam_direction, double nominal_beam_momentum) |
| begin and end position along the beam of the particle to transport, training_tree, prefix of data branch in the tree More...
const LHCOpticsApproximator & | operator= (const LHCOpticsApproximator &org) |
double | ParameterOutOfRangePenalty (double par_m[], bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
void | PrintCoordinateOpticalFunctions (TMultiDimFet ¶metrization, const std::string &coord_name, const std::vector< std::string > &input_vars) |
void | PrintInputRange () |
void | PrintOpticalFunctions () |
void | Test (TTree *inp_tree, TFile *f_out, std::string data_prefix=std::string("def"), std::string base_out_dir=std::string("")) |
void | TestAperture (TTree *in_tree, TTree *out_tree) |
| x, theta_x, y, theta_y, ksi, mad_accepted, parametriz_accepted More...
void | Train (TTree *inp_tree, std::string data_prefix=std::string("def"), polynomials_selection mode=PREDEFINED, int max_degree_x=10, int max_degree_tx=10, int max_degree_y=10, int max_degree_ty=10, bool common_terms=false, double *prec=nullptr) |
bool | Transport (const double *in, double *out, bool check_apertures=false, bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
bool | Transport (const MadKinematicDescriptor *in, MadKinematicDescriptor *out, bool check_apertures=false, bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
bool | Transport2D (const double *in, double *out, bool check_apertures=false, bool invert_beam_coord_sytems=true) const |
bool | Transport_m_GeV (double in_pos[3], double in_momentum[3], double out_pos[3], double out_momentum[3], bool check_apertures, double z2_z1_dist) const |
| pos, momentum: x,y,z; pos in m, momentum in GeV/c More...