Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef GlobalTriggerAnalyzer_L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer_h
2 #define GlobalTriggerAnalyzer_L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer_h
TH1F * m_fdlEmulTechDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmAlgoCacheID
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulAlgoDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_fdlEmulAlgoDecision_Err[2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulTechDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
virtual void compareGt_Gct(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
void bookHistograms()
book all histograms for the module
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
analyze each event
virtual void compareTCS(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const L1TcsWord &, const L1TcsWord &)
compare the TCS board
TH1F * m_fdlEmulTechDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
virtual void compareDaqRecord(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
L1 GT DAQ record comparison.
unsigned long long m_l1GtTmTechCacheID
int m_nrDataEventError
TH1F * m_fdlEmulAlgoDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataTechDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
void endJob() override
end of job
TH1F * m_fdlDataAlgoDecision_Err[2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulAlgoDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
const L1GtTriggerMenu * m_l1GtMenu
trigger menu
virtual void compareGTFE(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const L1GtfeWord &, const L1GtfeWord &)
compare the GTFE board
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmul[TotalBxInEvent][2]
FDL (0 for DAQ, 1 for EVM record)
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmul_Err[2]
edm::InputTag m_l1GtEmulInputTag
input tag for the L1 GT emulator DAQ/EVM record
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskTechTrig
virtual void comparePSB(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const L1GtPsbWord &, const L1GtPsbWord &)
compare the PSB board
~L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer() override
TH1F * m_fdlDataAlgoDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_gtfeDataEmul
TH1F * m_fdlEmulTechDecision_Err[2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataTechDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataAlgoDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulTechDecision_Err[2]
unsigned long long m_l1GtMenuCacheID
std::ostringstream m_myCoutStream
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulTechDecision[TotalBxInEvent][2]
TH1F * m_fdlDataEmulAlgoDecision_Err[2]
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmAlgo
trigger masks
TH1F * m_fdlDataTechDecision_Err[2]
std::vector< unsigned int > m_triggerMaskAlgoTrig
edm::InputTag m_l1GtDataInputTag
input tag for the L1 GT hardware DAQ/EVM record
static const int TotalBxInEvent
virtual void compareEvmRecord(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
L1 GT EVM record comparison.
TH1F * m_fdlEmulAlgoDecisionMask[TotalBxInEvent][2]
const L1GtTriggerMask * m_l1GtTmTech
L1GtDataEmulAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &)
virtual void compareFDL(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const L1GtFdlWord &, const L1GtFdlWord &, const int)
compare the FDL board
edm::InputTag m_l1GctDataInputTag
input tag for the L1 GCT hardware record