Go to the documentation of this file.
43 <<
"The method matchedHit() has been deprecated. Use numberOfTrackerLayers() instead.";
56 s <<
"TP momentum, q, ID, & Event #: " <<
tp.p4() <<
" " <<
tp.charge() <<
" " <<
tp.pdgId() <<
" "
57 <<
tp.eventId().bunchCrossing() <<
"." <<
tp.eventId().event() << std::endl;
60 s <<
" HepMC Track Momentum " << (*hepT)->momentum().rho() << std::endl;
64 s <<
" Geant Track Momentum " << g4T->momentum() << std::endl;
65 s <<
" Geant Track ID & type " << g4T->trackId() <<
" " << g4T->type() << std::endl;
66 if (g4T->type() !=
tp.pdgId()) {
67 s <<
" Mismatch b/t TrackingParticle and Geant types" << std::endl;
71 s <<
" TP Vertex " <<
tp.vertex() << std::endl;
72 s <<
" Source vertex: " <<
tp.parentVertex()->position() << std::endl;
73 s <<
" " <<
tp.decayVertices().size() <<
" Decay vertices" << std::endl;
74 for (
tv_iterator iTV =
tp.decayVertices_begin(); iTV !=
tp.decayVertices_end(); ++iTV) {
75 s <<
" Decay vertices: " << (**iTV).position() << std::endl;
int numberOfTrackerHits() const
The number of hits in the tracker. Hits on overlaps in the same layer count separately.
int numberOfTrackerLayers() const
The number of tracker layers with a hit.
void addGenParticle(const reco::GenParticleRef &ref)
void clear()
Clear the vector.
g4t_iterator g4Track_begin() const
void clearDecayVertices()
int numberOfHits_
The total number of hits.
void addDecayVertex(const TrackingVertexRef &ref)
std::vector< SimTrack > g4Tracks_
references to G4 and reco::GenParticle tracks
const_iterator begin() const
Initialize an iterator over the RefVector.
std::vector< SimTrack >::const_iterator g4t_iterator
const TrackingVertexRef & parentVertex() const
void setNumberOfTrackerLayers(const int numberOfTrackerLayers)
Log< level::Warning, false > LogWarning
int numberOfTrackerLayers_
The number of tracker layers with hits. Equivalent to the old matchedHit.
static const unsigned int longLivedTag
long lived flag
TrackingVertexRef parentVertex_
const_iterator end() const
Termination of iteration.
int numberOfHits() const
Gives the total number of hits, including muon hits. Hits on overlaps in the same layer count separat...
genp_iterator genParticle_end() const
void setNumberOfTrackerHits(int numberOfTrackerHits)
Monte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation.
edm::Ref< TrackingVertexCollection > TrackingVertexRef
TrackingVertexRefVector decayVertices_
void setNumberOfHits(int numberOfHits)
Default constructor. Note that the object will be useless until it is provided with a SimTrack and pa...
void push_back(value_type const &ref)
Add a Ref<C, T> to the RefVector.
void setParentVertex(const TrackingVertexRef &ref)
reco::GenParticleRefVector genParticles_
g4t_iterator g4Track_end() const
int numberOfTrackerHits_
The number of tracker only hits.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, TrackingParticle const &tp)
void addG4Track(const SimTrack &t)
genp_iterator genParticle_begin() const