![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
DiElectronDQM | |
DiMuonDQM | |
directory | |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom! More... | |
elecExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
ElecMuonDQM | |
elecs | |
ElelooseIsoCut | |
EletightIsoCut | |
isolation | |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot More... | |
jetCorrector | |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jetExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jets | |
label | |
[mandatory] : 'jets' defines the objects to select on, 'step0' labels the histograms; instead of 'step0' you can choose any label label = cms.string("empty:step0") ), More... | |
looseIsoCut | |
looseMuonCut | |
lowerEdge | |
massExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the same flavor lepton monitoring plots More... | |
max | |
mets | |
min | |
monitoring | |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD More... | |
muonExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
muons | |
preselection | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), pathsELECMU = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_DoubleMu3']), pathsDIMUON = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_DoubleMu3', 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_DoubleMu3']) ) More... | |
select | |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId electronId = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("mvaTrigV0"), cutValue = cms.double(0.0) ), when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates More... | |
selection | |
setup | |
sources | |
[mandatory] More... | |
src | |
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM | |
upperEdge | |
verbosity | |
vertex | |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu9','HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R','HLT_DoubleMu3']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied More... | |
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.DiElectronDQM |
Definition at line 298 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.DiMuonDQM |
Definition at line 155 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.directory |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom!
Definition at line 21 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.elecExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 36 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.ElecMuonDQM |
Definition at line 443 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.elecs |
Definition at line 26 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.ElelooseIsoCut |
Definition at line 5 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.EletightIsoCut |
Definition at line 6 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.isolation |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot
when omitted isolated muon multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive muon multiplicity plot
Definition at line 44 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.jetCorrector |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets
Definition at line 61 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.jetExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets
Definition at line 58 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.jets |
Definition at line 27 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.label |
[mandatory] : 'jets' defines the objects to select on, 'step0' labels the histograms; instead of 'step0' you can choose any label label = cms.string("empty:step0") ),
Definition at line 132 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.looseIsoCut |
Definition at line 4 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.looseMuonCut |
Definition at line 3 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.lowerEdge |
Definition at line 76 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.massExtras |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the same flavor lepton monitoring plots
Definition at line 75 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.max |
Definition at line 136 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.mets |
Definition at line 28 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.min |
Definition at line 135 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.monitoring |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD
Definition at line 31 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.muonExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 48 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.muons |
Definition at line 25 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.preselection |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), pathsELECMU = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R', 'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R:HLT_DoubleMu3']), pathsDIMUON = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_DoubleMu3:HLT_Mu9', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_DoubleMu3', 'HLT_Mu15:HLT_DoubleMu3']) )
setup of the event preselection, which will not be monitored [mandatory] : but may be empty
Definition at line 102 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.select |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId electronId = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("mvaTrigV0"), cutValue = cms.double(0.0) ),
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates
when omitted muon plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the muon candidates
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId electronId = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("mvaTrigV0"), cutValue = cms.double(0.5) ),
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates
electronId = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("mvaTrigV0"), cutValue = cms.double(0.5) ),
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted muon plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the muon candidates
Definition at line 41 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.selection |
monitor histrograms are filled after each selection step, the selection is applied in the order defined by this vector [mandatory] : may be empty or contain an arbitrary number of PSets as given below:
Definition at line 124 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.setup |
configuration of the MonitoringEnsemble(s) [mandatory] : optional PSets may be omitted
Definition at line 17 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.sources |
Definition at line 24 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.src |
Definition at line 110 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.topDiLeptonOfflineDQM |
Definition at line 10 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.upperEdge |
Definition at line 77 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.verbosity |
Definition at line 32 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.
topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.vertex |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu9','HLT_Ele15_SW_L1R','HLT_DoubleMu3']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
Definition at line 109 of file topDiLeptonOfflineDQM_cfi.py.