Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef L1Trigger_TrackFindingTMTT_Stub_h
2 #define L1Trigger_TrackFindingTMTT_Stub_h
65 unsigned int index_in_vStubs,
108 float r()
const {
return r_; }
109 float z()
const {
return z_; }
unsigned int index_in_vStubs_
double invPtToDphi() const
void setDigitizeWarningsOn(bool newVal)
NOTE: this is needed even if it seems not.
const DigitalStub * digitalStub() const
const std::set< const TP * > & assocTPs() const
bool tiltedBarrel() const
void setFrontend(const StubKiller *stubKiller)
edm::Ref< edmNew::DetSetVector< TTCluster< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > >, TTCluster< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > > TTClusterRef
bool operator==(const Stub &stubOther)
bool stubFailedDegradeWindow_
float stripLength() const
float dphiOverBend() const
unsigned int layerIdReduced() const
const TrackerModule * trackerModule() const
bool frontendPass() const
float numMergedBend() const
TTClusterAssociationMap< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > TTClusterAssMap
float bendInFrontend() const
unsigned int iphi() const
unsigned int max_qOverPt_bin_
NOTE: this is needed even if it seems not.
void fillTruth(const std::map< edm::Ptr< TrackingParticle >, const TP * > &translateTP, const edm::Handle< TTStubAssMap > &mcTruthTTStubHandle, const edm::Handle< TTClusterAssMap > &mcTruthTTClusterHandle)
std::set< const TP * > assocTPs_
double bendCutExtra() const
unsigned int index() const
void degradeResolution(float bend, float °radedBend, unsigned int &num) const
Stub(const Settings *settings, unsigned int idStub, double phi, double r, double z, double bend, unsigned int iphi, double alpha, unsigned int layerId, unsigned int iPhiSec, bool psModule, bool barrel, bool tiltedBarrel, float stripPitch, float stripLength, unsigned int nStrips)
void digitize(unsigned int iPhiSec, DigiStage digiStep)
float trkPhiAtR(float rad) const
std::unique_ptr< DigitalStub > digitalStub_
std::array< const TP *, 2 > assocTPofCluster_
bool stubFailedDegradeWindow() const
void setTrackerModule(const TrackerGeometry *trackerGeometry, const TrackerTopology *trackerTopology, const DetId &detId)
const TTStubRef & ttStubRef() const
unsigned int layerId() const
const DegradeBend * degradeBend_
unsigned int min_qOverPt_bin_
unsigned int layerIdReduced_
std::array< bool, 2 > genuineCluster() const
float qOverPtOverBend() const
const Settings * settings_
std::array< float, 2 > localV_cluster() const
edmNew::DetSet< TTStub< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > > TTStubDetSet
edmNew::DetSetVector< TTStub< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > > TTStubDetSetVec
std::array< float, 2 > localU_cluster_
const TP * assocTP() const
unsigned int max_qOverPt_bin() const
const float rejectedStubBend_
float phiDiff(float rad, float Pt) const
unsigned int numMergedBend_
NOTE: this is needed even if it seems not.
unsigned int nStrips() const
TTStubAssociationMap< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > TTStubAssMap
edm::Ref< TTStubDetSetVec, TTStub< Ref_Phase2TrackerDigi_ > > TTStubRef
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
std::array< const TP *, 2 > assocTPofCluster() const
std::array< float, 2 > localV_cluster_
unsigned int min_qOverPt_bin() const
std::array< float, 2 > localU_cluster() const
=== This is the base class for the linearised chi-squared track fit algorithms.
float bendCutInFrontend() const
const TrackerModule * trackerModule_
float trkPhiAtRcut(float rad) const