1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
29 logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018 = cms.VPSet(
31 depths = cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4),
32 detector = cms.string(
33 logWeightDenominator = _thresholdsHB
39 detector = cms.string(
40 logWeightDenominator = _thresholdsHEphase1HCAL
52 if producer.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector[0].detector.value() ==
53 producer.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector[0].seedingThreshold = _seedingThresholdsHB
54 producer.initialClusteringStep.thresholdsByDetector[0].gatheringThreshold = _thresholdsHB
55 producer.pfClusterBuilder.recHitEnergyNorms[0].recHitEnergyNorm = _thresholdsHB
57 producer.pfClusterBuilder.positionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
58 producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
61 producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
64 if producer.producers[0].name.value() ==
65 producer.producers[0].qualityTests[0].cuts[0].threshold = _thresholdsHBRec
68 producer.HBThreshold1 = cms.double(0.7)
69 producer.HBThreshold2 = cms.double(0.7)
70 producer.HBThreshold = cms.double(0.7)
75 producer.processQIE8 = cms.bool(
True )
76 producer.setNoiseFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(
True )
77 producer.setPulseShapeFlagsQIE8 = cms.bool(
True )
82 producer.algorithm.applyLegacyHBMCorrection = cms.bool(
True )
83 producer.algorithm.chiSqSwitch = cms.double(15.0)
92 process.hltHbhereco = process.hltHbhePhase1Reco.clone()
93 process.HLTDoLocalHcalSequence = cms.Sequence( process.hltHcalDigis + process.hltHbhereco + process.hltHfprereco + process.hltHfreco + process.hltHoreco )
94 process.HLTStoppedHSCPLocalHcalReco = cms.Sequence( process.hltHcalDigis + process.hltHbhereco )
95 process.HLTDoLocalHcalWithTowerSequence = cms.Sequence( process.hltHcalDigis + process.hltHbhereco + process.hltHfprereco + process.hltHfreco + process.hltHoreco + process.hltTowerMakerForAll )
103 if producer.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector[1].detector.value() ==
104 producer.seedFinder.thresholdsByDetector[1].seedingThreshold = _seedingThresholdsHEphase1
105 producer.initialClusteringStep.thresholdsByDetector[1].gatheringThreshold = _thresholdsHEphase1
106 producer.pfClusterBuilder.recHitEnergyNorms[1].recHitEnergyNorm = _thresholdsHEphase1
108 del producer.pfClusterBuilder.positionCalc.logWeightDenominator
109 producer.pfClusterBuilder.positionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
110 del producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominator
111 producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
114 del producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominator
115 producer.pfClusterBuilder.allCellsPositionCalc.logWeightDenominatorByDetector = logWeightDenominatorHCAL2018
118 if producer.producers[0].name.value() ==
119 producer.producers[0].qualityTests[0].cuts[1].threshold = _thresholdsHEphase1Rec
122 producer.HcalPhase = cms.int32(1)
123 producer.HESThreshold1 = cms.double(0.1)
124 producer.HESThreshold = cms.double(0.2)
125 producer.HEDThreshold1 = cms.double(0.1)
126 producer.HEDThreshold = cms.double(0.2)
132 producer.algorithm.calculateArrivalTime = cms.bool(
137 producer.use8ts = cms.bool(
138 producer.algorithm.dynamicPed = cms.bool(
139 producer.algorithm.activeBXs = cms.vint32(-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
145 """Adapt the HLT to run the legacy DT unpacking
146 for pre2018 data/MC workflows as the default"""
148 if hasattr(process,
149 process.hltMuonDTDigis = cms.EDProducer(
150 useStandardFEDid = cms.bool(
True ),
151 maxFEDid = cms.untracked.int32( 779 ),
152 inputLabel = cms.InputTag(
"rawDataCollector" ),
153 minFEDid = cms.untracked.int32( 770 ),
154 dataType = cms.string(
"DDU" ),
155 readOutParameters = cms.PSet(
156 localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool(
False ),
157 debug = cms.untracked.bool(
False ),
158 rosParameters = cms.PSet(
159 localDAQ = cms.untracked.bool(
False ),
160 debug = cms.untracked.bool(
False ),
161 writeSC = cms.untracked.bool(
True ),
162 readDDUIDfromDDU = cms.untracked.bool(
True ),
163 readingDDU = cms.untracked.bool(
True ),
164 performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool(
False )
166 performDataIntegrityMonitor = cms.untracked.bool(
False )
168 dqmOnly = cms.bool(
False )
174 """Customise the HLT to run on Run 2 data/MC using the old definition of the pixel calibrations
176 Up to 11.0.x, the pixel calibarations were fully specified in the configuration:
177 VCaltoElectronGain = 47
178 VCaltoElectronGain_L1 = 50
179 VCaltoElectronOffset = -60
180 VCaltoElectronOffset_L1 = -670
182 Starting with 11.1.x, the calibrations for Run 3 were moved to the conditions, leaving in the configuration only:
183 VCaltoElectronGain = 1
184 VCaltoElectronGain_L1 = 1
185 VCaltoElectronOffset = 0
186 VCaltoElectronOffset_L1 = 0
188 Since the conditions for Run 2 have not been updated to the new scheme, the HLT configuration needs to be reverted.
192 producer.VCaltoElectronGain = 47
193 producer.VCaltoElectronGain_L1 = 50
194 producer.VCaltoElectronOffset = -60
195 producer.VCaltoElectronOffset_L1 = -670
201 """Customise the HLT to run on Run 2 data/MC"""