Go to the documentation of this file.
1 from builtins import range
2 import copy
4 from Validation.RecoTrack.plotting.plotting import Plot, PlotGroup, PlotFolder, Plotter
5 import Validation.RecoTrack.plotting.validation as validation
6 from Validation.RecoTrack.plotting.html import PlotPurpose
7 from Validation.RecoTrack.plotting.trackingPlots import _legendDy_1row, _legendDy_2rows, _legendDy_2rows_3cols, _legendDy_4rows, _minMaxResidual
9 _minPU = [0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 120]
10 _maxPU = [60, 80, 100, 150, 200, 250]
11 _minVtx = [0, 80, 120]
12 _maxVtx = [60, 100, 150, 200, 250]
13 _maxEff = 1.025
14 _maxFake = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1.025]
15 _minMaxRes = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000]
16 (_minResidual, _maxResidual) = _minMaxResidual(_minMaxRes)
17 _minMaxPt = [5e-1, 1, 5, 1e1, 5e1, 1e2, 5e2, 1e3, 5e3, 1e4]
18 _minPull = [0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9]
19 _maxPull = [1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2]
20 _minVertexZ = list(range(-60,-10,10))
21 _maxVertexZ = list(range(20,70,10))
23 _vertexNumberOfEventsHistogram = "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/PrimaryVertexV/GenPV_Z"
25 _common = {"xtitle": "Simulated interactions", "xmin": _minPU, "xmax": _maxPU, "ymin": _minVtx, "ymax": _maxVtx}
26 _recovsgen = PlotGroup("recovsgen", [
27  Plot("RecoVtx_vs_GenVtx", ytitle="Reco vertices", **_common),
28  Plot("MatchedRecoVtx_vs_GenVtx", ytitle="Matched reco vertices", **_common),
29  Plot("merged_vs_ClosestVertexInZ", xtitle="Closest distance in Z (cm)", ytitle="Merge rate", xlog=True, xmin=1e-3, ymax=_maxFake),
30  Plot("merged_vs_Z", xtitle="Z (cm)", ytitle="Merge rate", xmin=-20, xmax=20, ymax=_maxFake),
31 ],
32  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows, onlyForPileup=True,
33 )
34 _pvtagging = PlotGroup("pvtagging", [
35  Plot("TruePVLocationIndexCumulative", xtitle="Signal PV status in reco collection", ytitle="Fraction of events", drawStyle="hist", normalizeToUnitArea=True, xbinlabels=["Not reconstructed", "Reco and identified", "Reco, not identified"], xbinlabelsize=15, xbinlabeloption="h", xgrid=False, ylog=True, ymin=1e-3, ratioCoverageXrange=[-0.5, 0.5]),
36  Plot("TruePVLocationIndex", xtitle="Index of signal PV in reco collection", ytitle="Fraction of events", drawStyle="hist", normalizeToUnitArea=True, ylog=True, ymin=1e-5),
37  Plot("MisTagRate_vs_PU", xtitle="PU", ytitle="Mistag rate vs. PU", title="", xmax=_maxPU, ymax=_maxFake),
38  Plot("MisTagRate_vs_sum-pt2", xtitle="#Sigmap_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Mistag rate vs. #Sigmap_{T}^{2}", title="", xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
39 ],
40  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
41 )
42 _effandfake = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
43  Plot("effic_vs_NumVertices", xtitle="Simulated interactions", ytitle="Efficiency vs. N sim vertices", xmin=_minPU, xmax=_maxPU, ymax=_maxEff),
44  Plot("fakerate_vs_PU", xtitle="Simulated interactions", ytitle="Fake rate vs. N sim vertices", xmin=_minPU, xmax=_maxPU, ymax=_maxFake),
45  Plot("effic_vs_NumTracks", xtitle="Tracks", ytitle="Efficiency vs. N tracks", title="", ymax=_maxEff),
46  Plot("fakerate_vs_NumTracks", xtitle="Tracks", ytitle="Fake rate vs. N tracks", title="", ymax=_maxFake),
47  Plot("effic_vs_Pt2", xtitle="Sum p_{T}^{2} ", ytitle="Efficiency vs. sum p_{T}^{2}", xlog=True, ymax=_maxEff),
48  Plot("fakerate_vs_Pt2", xtitle="Sum p_{T}^{2} ", ytitle="Fake rate vs. sum p_{T}^{2}", xlog=True, ymax=_maxFake),
49 ])
50 _common = {"title": "", "stat": True, "fit": True, "normalizeToUnitArea": True, "drawStyle": "hist", "drawCommand": "", "ylog": True, "ymin": [5e-7, 5e-6, 5e-5, 5e-4]}
51 _resolution = PlotGroup("resolution", [
52  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX", xtitle="Resolution in x (#mum) for PV", **_common),
53  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX", xtitle="Resolution in x (#mum)", **_common),
54  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX", xtitle="Resolution in x for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
55  #
56  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY", xtitle="Resolution in y (#mum)", **_common),
57  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY", xtitle="Resolution in y (#mum)", **_common),
58  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY", xtitle="Resolution in y for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
59  #
60  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ", xtitle="Resolution in z (#mum)", **_common),
61  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ", xtitle="Resolution in z (#mum)", **_common),
62  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ", xtitle="Resolution in z for merged vertices (#mum)", **_common),
63 ], ncols=3)
64 _commonNumTracks = dict(title="", xtitle="Number of tracks", scale=1e4, ylog=True, ymin=_minMaxRes , ymax=_minMaxRes)
65 _resolutionNumTracks = PlotGroup("resolutionNumTracks", [
66  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
67  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
68  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) x for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
69  #
70  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
71  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
72  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
73  #
74  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
75  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
76  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
77 ], ncols=3)
78 _commonPt = copy.copy(_commonNumTracks)
79 _commonPt.update(dict(xtitle= "Sum of track p_{T} (GeV)", xlog=True, xmin=_minMaxPt, xmax=_minMaxPt))
80 _resolutionPt = PlotGroup("resolutionPt", [
81  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
82  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum)", **_commonPt),
83  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
84  #
85  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
86  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum)", **_commonPt),
87  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
88  #
89  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
90  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum)", **_commonPt),
91  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
92 ], ncols=3)
93 _common = {"stat": True, "fit": True, "normalizeToUnitArea": True, "drawStyle": "hist", "drawCommand": "", "xmin": -6, "xmax": 6, "ylog": True, "ymin": 5e-5, "ymax": [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.025]}
94 _pull = PlotGroup("pull", [
95  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullX", xtitle="x", ytitle="Pull of x for PV", **_common),
96  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX", xtitle="x", ytitle="Pull of x", **_common),
97  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullX", xtitle="x", ytitle="Pull of x for merged vertices", **_common),
98  #
99  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullY", xtitle="y", ytitle="Pull of y for PV", **_common),
100  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY", xtitle="y", ytitle="Pull of y", **_common),
101  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullY", xtitle="y", ytitle="Pull of y for merged vertices", **_common),
102  #
103  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullZ", xtitle="z", ytitle="Pull of z for PV", **_common),
104  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ", xtitle="z", ytitle="Pull of z", **_common),
105  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullZ", xtitle="z", ytitle="Pull of z for merged vertices", **_common),
106 ], ncols=3)
107 _commonNumTracks.update(dict(scale=1, ylog=False, ymin=_minPull, ymax=_maxPull))
108 _pullNumTracks = PlotGroup("pullNumTracks", [
109  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
110  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x", **_commonNumTracks),
111  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullX_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for merged vertices", **_commonNumTracks),
112  #
113  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
114  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y", **_commonNumTracks),
115  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullY_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for merged vertices", **_commonNumTracks),
116  #
117  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
118  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z", **_commonNumTracks),
119  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullZ_vs_NumTracks_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for merged vertices", **_commonNumTracks),
120 ], ncols=3)
121 _commonPt.update(dict(scale=1, ylog=False, ymin=_minPull, ymax=_maxPull))
122 _pullPt = PlotGroup("pullPt", [
123  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for PV", **_commonPt),
124  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x", **_commonPt),
125  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullX_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for merged vertices", **_commonPt),
126  #
127  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for PV", **_commonPt),
128  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y", **_commonPt),
129  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullY_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for merged vertices", **_commonPt),
130  #
131  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for PV", **_commonPt),
132  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z", **_commonPt),
133  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullZ_vs_Pt_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for merged vertices", **_commonPt),
134 ], ncols=3)
136 _common={"drawStyle": "HIST", "normalizeToUnitArea": True}
137 _puritymissing = PlotGroup("puritymissing", [
138  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Number of reco PVs matched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-4, **_common),
139  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Number of reco PVs not matcched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-3, **_common),
140  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_Missing", xtitle="Fraction of reco p_{T} associated to gen PV \"missing\" from reco PV", ytitle="Number of reco PVs matched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-4, **_common),
141  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Missing", xtitle="Fraction of reco p_{T} associated to gen PV \"missing\" from reco PV", ytitle="Number of reco PVs not matcched to gen PVs", ylog=True, ymin=1e-3, **_common),
142 # Plot("fakerate_vs_Purity", xtitle="Purity", ytitle="Fake rate", ymax=_maxFake),
143 ])
144 # "xgrid": False, "ygrid": False,
145 _common={"drawStyle": "HIST", "xlog": True, "ylog": True, "ymin": 0.5}
146 _sumpt2 = PlotGroup("sumpt2", [
147  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVMatched_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco vertices matched to gen PV", **_common),
148  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVMatchedNotHighest_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco non-PV-vertices matched to gen PV", **_common),
149  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}", ytitle="Reco vertices not matched to gen PV", **_common),
150  Plot("RecoAssoc2GenPVNotMatched_GenPVTracksRemoved_Pt2", xtitle="#sum^{}p_{T}^{2}, gen PV tracks removed", ytitle="Reco vertices not matched to gen PV", **_common),
151 ],
152  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows, onlyForPileup=True,
153 )
155 _k0_effandfake = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
156  Plot("K0sEffVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. p_{T}"),
157  Plot("K0sFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
158  Plot("K0sEffVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Efficiency vs. #eta"),
159  Plot("K0sFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
160  Plot("K0sEffVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. R"),
161  Plot("K0sFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
162 ])
163 _k0_effandfakeTk = PlotGroup("effandfakeTk", [
164 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsPt"),
165  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
166 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsEta"),
167  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
168 # Plot("K0sTkEffVsR"),
169  Plot("K0sTkFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
170 ],
171  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
172 )
173 _common = dict(normalizeToUnitArea=True, drawStyle="HIST", stat=True)
174 _k0_mass = PlotGroup("mass", [
175  Plot("ksMassAll", xtitle="mass of all (GeV)", **_common),
176  Plot("ksMassGood", xtitle="mass of good (GeV)", **_common),
177  Plot("ksMassFake", xtitle="mass of fake (GeV)", **_common),
178 ],
179  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
180 )
181 _lambda_effandfake = PlotGroup("effandfake", [
182  Plot("LamEffVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. p_{T}"),
183  Plot("LamFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
184  Plot("LamEffVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Efficiency vs. #eta"),
185  Plot("LamFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
186  Plot("LamEffVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Efficiency vs. R"),
187  Plot("LamFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
188 ])
189 _lambda_effandfakeTk = PlotGroup("effandfakeTk", [
190 # Plot("LamTkEffVsPt"),
191  Plot("LamTkFakeVsPt", xtitle="p_{T} (GeV)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. p_{T}"),
192 # Plot("LamTkEffVsEta"),
193  Plot("LamTkFakeVsEta", xtitle="#eta", ytitle="Fake rate vs. #eta"),
194 # Plot("LamTkEffVsR"),
195  Plot("LamTkFakeVsR", xtitle="R (cm)", ytitle="Fake rate vs. R"),
196 ],
197  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
198 )
199 _lambda_mass = PlotGroup("mass", [
200  Plot("lamMassAll", xtitle="mass of all (GeV)", **_common),
201  Plot("lamMassGood", xtitle="mass of good (GeV)", **_common),
202  Plot("lamMassFake", xtitle="mass of fake (GeV)", **_common),
203 ],
204  legendDy=_legendDy_2rows
205 )
208 _common = dict(drawStyle = "HIST", stat=True)
209 _commonXY = dict(xmin=[x*0.1 for x in range(-6, 6, 1)], xmax=[x*0.1 for x in range(-5, 7, 1)])
210 _commonZ = dict(xmin=[-60,-30], xmax=[30,60])
211 _commonXY.update(_common)
212 _commonZ.update(_common)
213 _extGenpos = PlotGroup("genpos", [
214  Plot("GenAllV_X", xtitle="Gen AllV pos x (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
215  Plot("GenPV_X", xtitle="Gen PV pos x (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
216  Plot("GenAllV_Y", xtitle="Gen AllV pos y (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
217  Plot("GenPV_Y", xtitle="Gen PV pos y (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
218  Plot("GenAllV_Z", xtitle="Gen AllV pos z (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonZ),
219  Plot("GenPV_Z", xtitle="Gen PV pos z (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonZ),
220 ])
221 _extDist = PlotGroup("dist", [
222  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_X", xtitle="Reco vertex pos x (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
223  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_Y", xtitle="Reco vertex pos y (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
224  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_R", xtitle="Reco vertex pos r (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonXY),
225  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_Z", xtitle="Reco vertex pos z (cm)", ytitle="N", **_commonZ),
226  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_NumVertices", xtitle="Number of reco vertices", ytitle="A.u.", normalizeToUnitArea=True, stat=True, drawStyle="hist", min=_minVtx, xmax=_maxVtx),
227  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2Gen_NumTracks", xtitle="Number of tracks in vertex fit", ytitle="N", stat=True, drawStyle="hist"),
228 ])
229 _commonZ = dict(title="", xtitle="Vertex z (cm)", scale=1e4, ylog=True, ymin=_minMaxRes , ymax=_minMaxRes, xmin=_minVertexZ, xmax=_maxVertexZ)
230 _extResolutionZ = PlotGroup("resolutionZ", [
231  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
232  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) (#mum)", **_commonZ),
233  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta x) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
234  #
235  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
236  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) (#mum)", **_commonZ),
237  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta y) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
238  #
239  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
240  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) (#mum)", **_commonZ),
241  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="#sigma(#delta z) for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
242 ], ncols=3)
243 _commonPU = copy.copy(_commonZ)
244 _commonPU.update(dict(xtitle="Simulated interactions", xmin=_minPU, xmax=_maxPU))
245 _extResolutionPU = PlotGroup("resolutionPU", [
246  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in x (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
247  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in x (#mum)", **_commonPU),
248  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in x for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
249  #
250  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in y (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
251  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in y (#mum)", **_commonPU),
252  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in y for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
253  #
254  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in z (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
255  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in z (#mum)", **_commonPU),
256  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Resolution in z for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
257 ], ncols=3)
258 _commonZ.update(dict(scale=1, ylog=False, ymin=_minPull, ymax=_maxPull))
259 _extPullZ = PlotGroup("pullZ", [
260  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for PV", **_commonZ),
261  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x", **_commonZ),
262  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullX_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for merged vertices", **_commonZ),
263  #
264  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for PV", **_commonZ),
265  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y", **_commonZ),
266  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullY_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for merged vertices", **_commonZ),
267  #
268  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for PV", **_commonZ),
269  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z", **_commonZ),
270  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullZ_vs_Z_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for merged vertices", **_commonZ),
271 ], ncols=3)
272 _commonPU.update(dict(scale=1, ylog=False, ymin=_minPull, ymax=_maxPull))
273 _extPullPU = PlotGroup("pullPU", [
274  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for PV", **_commonPU),
275  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x", **_commonPU),
276  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullX_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of x for merged vertices", **_commonPU),
277  #
278  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for PV", **_commonPU),
279  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y", **_commonPU),
280  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullY_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of y for merged vertices", **_commonPU),
281  #
282  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_PullZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for PV", **_commonPU),
283  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_PullZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z", **_commonPU),
284  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_PullZ_vs_PU_Sigma", ytitle="Pull of z for merged vertices", **_commonPU),
285 ], ncols=3)
286 _commonNumTracks.update(dict(scale=1e4, ymin=_minResidual, ymax=_maxResidual))
287 _extResidualNumTracks = PlotGroup("residualNumTracks", [
288  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
289  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
290  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
291  #
292  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
293  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
294  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
295  #
296  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum) for PV", **_commonNumTracks),
297  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
298  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_NumTracks_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonNumTracks),
299 ], ncols=3)
300 _commonPt.update(dict(scale=1e4, ymin=_minResidual, ymax=_maxResidual))
301 _extResidualPt = PlotGroup("residualPt", [
302  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
303  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum)", **_commonPt),
304  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
305  #
306  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
307  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum)", **_commonPt),
308  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
309  #
310  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPt),
311  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum)", **_commonPt),
312  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_Pt_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPt),
313 ], ncols=3)
314 _commonZ.update(dict(scale=1e4, ymin=_minResidual, ymax=_maxResidual))
315 _extResidualZ = PlotGroup("residualZ", [
316  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
317  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum)", **_commonZ),
318  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
319  #
320  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
321  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum)", **_commonZ),
322  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
323  #
324  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum) for PV", **_commonZ),
325  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum)", **_commonZ),
326  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_Z_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonZ),
327 ], ncols=3)
328 _commonPU.update(dict(scale=1e4, ymin=_minResidual, ymax=_maxResidual))
329 _extResidualPU = PlotGroup("residualPU", [
330  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolX_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
331  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolX_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > (#mum)", **_commonPU),
332  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolX_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta x > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
333  #
334  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolY_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
335  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolY_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > (#mum)", **_commonPU),
336  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolY_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta y > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
337  #
338  Plot("RecoPVAssoc2GenPVMatched_ResolZ_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum) for PV", **_commonPU),
339  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatched_ResolZ_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > (#mum)", **_commonPU),
340  Plot("RecoAllAssoc2GenMatchedMerged_ResolZ_vs_PU_Mean", ytitle="< #delta z > for merged vertices (#mum)", **_commonPU),
341 ], ncols=3)
342 _extDqm = PlotGroup("dqm", [
343  Plot("tagVtxTrksVsZ", xtitle="z_{vertex} - z_{beamspot} (cm)", ytitle="Tracks / selected PV"),
344  Plot("otherVtxTrksVsZ", xtitle="z_{vertex} - z_{beamspot} (cm)", ytitle="Tracks / pileup vertex"),
345  Plot("vtxNbr", xtitle="Reconstructed vertices", ytitle="Events", stat=True, drawStyle="hist", xmin=_minVtx, xmax=_maxVtx),
346 ])
347 _common = dict(ytitle="Vertices", stat=True)
348 _extDqmDiff = PlotGroup("dqmDiff", [
349  Plot("tagDiffX", xtitle="PV x_{vertex} - x_{beamspot} (#mum)", **_common),
350  Plot("otherDiffX", xtitle="Pileup vertex x_{vertex} - x_{beamspot} (#mum)", **_common),
351  #
352  Plot("tagDiffY", xtitle="PV y_{vertex} - y_{beamspot} (#mum)", **_common),
353  Plot("otherDiffY", xtitle="Pileup vertex y_{vertex} - y_{beamspot} (#mum)", **_common),
354 ])
355 _extDqmErr = PlotGroup("dqmErr", [
356  Plot("tagErrX", xtitle="PV uncertainty in x (um)", **_common),
357  Plot("otherErrX", xtitle="Pileup vertex uncertainty in x (um)", **_common),
358  #
359  Plot("otherErrY", xtitle="Pileup vertex uncertainty in y (um)", **_common),
360  Plot("tagErrY", xtitle="PV uncertainty in y (um)", **_common),
361  #
362  Plot("otherErrZ", xtitle="Pileup vertex uncertainty in z (um)", **_common),
363  Plot("tagErrZ", xtitle="PV uncertainty in z (um)", **_common),
364 ])
367  def __init__(self, page="vertex"):
368  self._purpose = PlotPurpose.Vertexing
369  self._page = page
371  def getPurpose(self):
372  return self._purpose
374  def getPage(self):
375  return self._page
377  def getSection(self, dqmSubFolder):
378  return dqmSubFolder
380  def create(self, tdirectory):
381  def _formatOrNone(num, func):
382  if num is None:
383  return None
384  return func(num)
386  ret = []
387  h = tdirectory.Get("TruePVLocationIndexCumulative")
388  if h:
389  n_events = h.GetEntries()
390  n_pvtagged = h.GetBinContent(2)
391  ret.extend([int(n_events), "%.4f"%(float(n_pvtagged)/float(n_events))])
392  else:
393  ret.extend([None, None])
395  h = tdirectory.Get("globalEfficiencies")
396  if h:
397  d = {}
398  for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1):
399  d[h.GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(i)] = h.GetBinContent(i)
400  ret.extend([
401  _formatOrNone(d.get("effic_vs_Z", None), lambda n: "%.4f"%n),
402  _formatOrNone(d.get("fakerate_vs_Z", None), lambda n: "%.4f"%n),
403  _formatOrNone(d.get("merged_vs_Z", None), lambda n: "%.4f"%n),
404  _formatOrNone(d.get("duplicate_vs_Z", None), lambda n: "%.4f"%n),
405  ])
406  else:
407  ret.extend([None]*4)
409  if ret.count(None) == len(ret):
410  return None
412  return ret
414  def headers(self):
415  return [
416  "Events",
417  "PV reco+tag efficiency",
418  "Efficiency",
419  "Fake rate",
420  "Merge rate",
421  "Duplicate rate",
422  ]
424 _vertexFolders = [
425  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/PrimaryVertex",
426  "DQMData/Vertexing/PrimaryVertex",
427  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/PrimaryVertexV",
428  "DQMData/Vertexing/PrimaryVertexV",
429 ]
430 _vertexDqmFolders = [
431  "DQMData/Run 1/OfflinePV/Run summary/offlinePrimaryVertices",
432  "DQMData/OffinePV/offlinePrimaryVertices",
433 ]
434 _v0Folders = [
435  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/V0",
436  "DQMData/Vertexing/V0",
437  "DQMData/Run 1/Vertexing/Run summary/V0V",
438  "DQMData/Vertexing/V0V",
439 ]
440 plotter = Plotter()
441 plotterExt = Plotter()
442 plotter.append("", _vertexFolders, PlotFolder(
443  _recovsgen,
444  _pvtagging,
445  _effandfake,
446  _resolution,
447  _resolutionNumTracks,
448  _resolutionPt,
449  _pull,
450  _pullNumTracks,
451  _pullPt,
452  _puritymissing,
453  _sumpt2,
454  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
455  page="vertex"
456 ))
457 plotter.appendTable("", _vertexFolders, VertexSummaryTable())
458 plotter.append("K0", [x+"/K0" for x in _v0Folders], PlotFolder(
459  _k0_effandfake,
460  _k0_effandfakeTk,
461  _k0_mass,
462  loopSubFolders=False,
463  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
464  page="v0", section="k0"
465 ))
466 plotter.append("Lambda", [x+"/Lambda" for x in _v0Folders], PlotFolder(
467  _lambda_effandfake,
468  _lambda_effandfakeTk,
469  _lambda_mass,
470  loopSubFolders=False,
471  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
472  page="v0", section="lambda"
473 ))
474 plotterExt.append("", _vertexFolders, PlotFolder(
475  _extDist,
476  _extResolutionZ,
477  _extResolutionPU,
478  _extPullZ,
479  _extPullPU,
480  _extResidualNumTracks,
481  _extResidualPt,
482  _extResidualZ,
483  _extResidualPU,
484  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
485  page="vertex",
486  onlyForPileup=True,
487  numberOfEventsHistogram=_vertexNumberOfEventsHistogram
488 ))
489 plotterExt.append("dqm", _vertexDqmFolders, PlotFolder(
490  _extDqm,
491  _extDqmDiff,
492  _extDqmErr,
493  loopSubFolders=False,
494  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
495  page="vertex",
496  section="offlinePrimaryVertices",
497  onlyForPileup=True
498 ))
499 plotterExt.append("gen", _vertexFolders, PlotFolder(
500  _extGenpos,
501  loopSubFolders=False,
502  purpose=PlotPurpose.Vertexing,
503  page="vertex",
504  section="genvertex",
505  onlyForPileup=True
506 ))
509  def _init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
510  super(TrackingValidation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
512  def _getDirectoryName(self, quality, algo):
513  return algo
515  def _getSelectionName(self, quality, algo):
516  if algo is None:
517  return ""
518  return "_"+algo
def __init__(self, page="vertex")
def _init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def _getSelectionName(self, quality, algo)
def getPurpose(self)
def getSection(self, dqmSubFolder)
def create(self, tdirectory)
def getPage(self)
def _getDirectoryName(self, quality, algo)
def headers(self)
def _minMaxResidual(ma)
def __init__(self, fullsimSamples, fastsimSamples, refRelease, refRepository, newRelease, newRepository, newFileModifier=None, selectionName="")
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*", "!HLTx*" if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL. It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of "!*" before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated). Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run