![]() |
![]() |
#include <Settings.h>
Public Member Functions | |
int | alphaBitsTable () const |
int | alphashift () const |
double | bendcutme (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
double | bendcutte (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
double | bfield () const |
bool | bookHistos () const |
double | c () const |
int | chisqphifactbits () const |
int | chisqzfactbits () const |
bool | combined () const |
bool | debugTracklet () const |
bool | doKF () const |
bool | doMultipleMatches () const |
double | dphisector () const |
double | dphisectorHG () const |
double | drmax () const |
std::string | DTCLinkFile () const |
std::string const & | DTCLinkLayerDiskFile () const |
double | dzmax () const |
bool | exactderivatives () const |
bool | exactderivativesforfloating () const |
bool | extended () const |
bool | fakefit () const |
std::string const & | fitPatternFile () const |
int | fitphi0bitshift () const |
int | fitrinvbitshift () const |
int | fittbitshift () const |
int | fitz0bitshift () const |
std::string | geomext () const |
double | half2SmoduleWidth () const |
double | kd0 () const |
double | kd0pars () const |
double | kphi () const |
double | kphi0pars () const |
double | kphi1 () const |
double | kphider () const |
double | kr () const |
double | krinvpars () const |
double | krprojshiftdisk () const |
double | ktpars () const |
double | kz () const |
double | kz0pars () const |
double | kzder () const |
double | lutwidthtab (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
double | lutwidthtabextended (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
double | maxd0 () const |
double | maxrinv () const |
unsigned int | maxStep (std::string module) const |
unsigned int | maxStubsPerBin () const |
unsigned int | MEBins () const |
unsigned int | MEBinsBits () const |
unsigned int | MEBinsDisks () const |
std::string const & | memoryModulesFile () const |
std::string | mergeComparison () const |
unsigned int | minIndStubs () const |
std::string const & | moduleCablingFile () const |
unsigned int | nallstubs (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
unsigned int | nbendbitsmedisk () const |
unsigned int | nbitsallstubs (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
int | nbitsalpha () const |
unsigned int | nbitsd0 () const |
int | nbitsphi0 () const |
unsigned int | nbitsphiprojderL123 () const |
unsigned int | nbitsphiprojderL456 () const |
int | nbitsrinv () const |
int | nbitst () const |
unsigned int | nbitsvmme (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
unsigned int | nbitsvmte (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
int | nbitsz0 () const |
unsigned int | nbitszprojderL123 () const |
unsigned int | nbitszprojderL456 () const |
double | nfinephi (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
unsigned int | nHelixPar () const |
unsigned int | NLONGVMBINS () const |
unsigned int | NLONGVMBITS () const |
unsigned int | nphibitsstub (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
double | nphireg (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
unsigned int | nrbitsprojderdisk () const |
unsigned int | nrbitsstub (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
int | nrinvBitsTable () const |
unsigned int | nStrips (bool isPSmodule) const |
unsigned int | ntrackletmax () const |
unsigned int | nvmme (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
unsigned int | nvmte (unsigned int inner, unsigned int iSeed) const |
unsigned int | nzbitsstub (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
int | phi0_shift () const |
int | phi0bitshift () const |
double | phicritmax () const |
double | phicritmaxmc () const |
double | phicritmin () const |
double | phicritminmc () const |
int | phiderbitshift () const |
int | phiresidbits () const |
bool | printDebugKF () const |
std::string const & | processingModulesFile () const |
unsigned int | projdisks (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int i) const |
unsigned int | projlayers (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int i) const |
int | PS_rD_shift () const |
int | PS_rderD_shift () const |
int | PS_zderL_shift () const |
int | PS_zL_shift () const |
double | ptcut () const |
int | rcorrbits () const |
double | rcrit () const |
double | rcut2S (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int idisk) const |
double | rcutPS (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int idisk) const |
double | rDSSinner (unsigned int iBin) const |
double | rDSSouter (unsigned int iBin) const |
std::string | removalType () const |
int | rinv_shift () const |
double | rinvcut () const |
double | rinvcutte () const |
double | rinvmax () const |
double | rmax (unsigned int iLayer) const |
double | rmaxdisk () const |
double | rmaxdiskl1overlapvm () const |
double | rmaxdiskvm () const |
double | rmean (unsigned int iLayer) const |
double | rmin (unsigned int iLayer) const |
double | rmindisk () const |
double | rmindiskl2overlapvm () const |
double | rmindiskl3overlapvm () const |
double | rmindiskvm () const |
double | rphicut2S (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int idisk) const |
double | rphicutPS (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int idisk) const |
double | rphimatchcut (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int ilayer) const |
double | rPS2S () const |
int | rresidbits () const |
void | setBfield (double bfield) |
void | setCombined (bool combined) |
void | setDTCLinkFile (std::string DTCLinkFileName) |
void | setDTCLinkLayerDiskFile (std::string DTCLinkLayerDiskFileName) |
void | setExtended (bool extended) |
void | setFitPatternFile (std::string fitPatternFileName) |
void | setMemoryModulesFile (std::string memoryModulesFileName) |
void | setModuleCablingFile (std::string moduleCablingFileName) |
void | setNHelixPar (unsigned int nHelixPar) |
void | setNStrips_2S (unsigned int nStrips_2S) |
void | setNStrips_PS (unsigned int nStrips_PS) |
void | setProcessingModulesFile (std::string processingModulesFileName) |
void | setSkimfile (std::string skimfile) |
void | setStripLength_2S (double stripLength_2S) |
void | setStripLength_PS (double stripLength_PS) |
void | setStripPitch_2S (double stripPitch_2S) |
void | setStripPitch_PS (double stripPitch_PS) |
void | setTableTEDFile (std::string tableTEDFileName) |
void | setTableTREFile (std::string tableTREFileName) |
Settings () | |
void | setWiresFile (std::string wiresFileName) |
std::string | skimfile () const |
int | SS_phiD_shift () const |
int | SS_phiderD_shift () const |
int | SS_phiderL_shift () const |
int | SS_phiL_shift () const |
int | SS_zderL_shift () const |
double | stripLength (bool isPSmodule) const |
double | stripPitch (bool isPSmodule) const |
int | t_shift () const |
std::string const & | tableTEDFile () const |
std::string const & | tableTREFile () const |
bool | useapprox () const |
bool | usephicritapprox () const |
bool | useSeed (unsigned int iSeed) const |
unsigned int | vmrlutrbits (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
unsigned int | vmrlutzbits (unsigned int layerdisk) const |
bool | warnNoDer () const |
bool | warnNoMem () const |
std::string const & | wiresFile () const |
bool | writeHLS () const |
bool | writeHLSInvTable () const |
bool | writeInvTable () const |
bool | writeMem () const |
unsigned int | writememsect () const |
bool | writeMonitorData (std::string module) const |
bool | writeoutReal () const |
bool | writeTable () const |
bool | writetrace () const |
bool | writeTripletTables () const |
bool | writeVerilog () const |
int | z0_shift () const |
double | z0cut () const |
int | zderbitshift () const |
double | zlength () const |
double | zmatchcut (unsigned int iSeed, unsigned int ilayer) const |
double | zmax (unsigned int iDisk) const |
double | zmean (unsigned int iDisk) const |
double | zmin (unsigned int iDisk) const |
int | zresidbits () const |
~Settings ()=default | |
Private Attributes | |
int | alphaBitsTable_ {2} |
int | alphashift_ {12} |
std::array< double, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | bendcutme_ {{2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5}} |
std::array< std::array< double, 8 >, 2 > | bendcutte_ |
double | bfield_ {3.8112} |
bool | bookHistos_ {false} |
double | c_ {0.299792458} |
int | chisqphifactbits_ {14} |
int | chisqzfactbits_ {14} |
bool | combined_ {false} |
bool | debugTracklet_ {false} |
double | deltarzfract_ {32.0} |
bool | doKF_ {false} |
bool | doMultipleMatches_ {true} |
double | dphicritmc_ {0.005} |
std::string | DTCLinkFile_ |
std::string | DTCLinkLayerDiskFile_ |
bool | exactderivatives_ {false} |
bool | exactderivativesforfloating_ {true} |
bool | extended_ {false} |
bool | fakefit_ {false} |
std::string | fitPatternFile_ |
int | fitphi0bitshift_ {6} |
int | fitrinvbitshift_ {9} |
int | fittbitshift_ {10} |
int | fitz0bitshift_ {8} |
double | half2SmoduleWidth_ {4.57} |
double | halfstrip_ {2.5} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER > | irmean_ {{851, 1269, 1784, 2347, 2936, 3697}} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_DISK > | izmean_ {{2239, 2645, 3163, 3782, 4523}} |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_SEED >, 3 > | lutwidthtab_ |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_SEED >, 3 > | lutwidthtabextended_ |
double | maxd0_ {10.0} |
double | maxrinv_ {0.006} |
std::unordered_map< std::string, unsigned int > | maxstep_ |
unsigned int | maxstepoffset_ {10000} |
unsigned int | maxStubsPerBin_ {16} |
double | maxt_ {32.0} |
unsigned int | MEBinsBits_ {3} |
unsigned int | MEBinsDisks_ {8} |
std::string | memoryModulesFile_ |
std::string | mergeComparison_ {""} |
unsigned int | minIndStubs_ {3} |
std::string | moduleCablingFile_ |
unsigned int | nbendbitsmedisk_ {4} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | nbitsallstubs_ {{3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}} |
int | nbitsalpha_ {4} |
unsigned int | nbitsd0_ {13} |
int | nbitsphi0_ {18} |
unsigned int | nbitsphiprojderL123_ {10} |
unsigned int | nbitsphiprojderL456_ {10} |
int | nbitsrinv_ {14} |
int | nbitst_ {14} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | nbitsvmme_ {{2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2}} |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_SEED >, 3 > | nbitsvmte_ |
int | nbitsz0_ {10} |
unsigned int | nbitszprojderL123_ {10} |
unsigned int | nbitszprojderL456_ {9} |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_SEED >, 3 > | nfinephi_ |
unsigned int | nHelixPar_ {4} |
unsigned int | NLONGVMBITS_ {3} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | nphibitsstub_ {{14, 14, 14, 17, 17, 17, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14}} |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_SEED >, 3 > | nphireg_ |
unsigned int | nrbitsprojderdisk_ {9} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | nrbitsstub_ {{7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12}} |
int | nrinvBitsTable_ {3} |
unsigned int | nStrips_2S_ {1016} |
unsigned int | nStrips_PS_ {960} |
unsigned int | ntrackletmax_ {127} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | nzbitsstub_ {{12, 12, 12, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7}} |
int | phi0_shift_ {1} |
int | phi0bitshift_ {1} |
int | phiderbitshift_ {7} |
int | phiresidbits_ {12} |
bool | printDebugKF_ {false} |
std::string | processingModulesFile_ |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_DISK >, N_SEED > | projdisks_ |
std::array< std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER - 2 >, N_SEED > | projlayers_ |
int | PS_rD_shift_ {1} |
int | PS_rderD_shift_ {-6} |
int | PS_zderL_shift_ {-7} |
int | PS_zL_shift_ {0} |
double | ptcut_ {1.91} |
double | ptcutte_ {1.8} |
double | ptmin_ {2.0} |
int | rcorrbits_ {6} |
double | rcrit_ {55.0} |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_DISK > | rcut2S_ |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_DISK > | rcutPS_ |
std::array< double, N_DSS_MOD > | rDSSinner_mod_ {{68.9391, 78.7750, 85.4550, 96.3150, 102.3160}} |
std::array< double, N_DSS_MOD > | rDSSouter_mod_ {{66.4903, 76.7750, 84.4562, 94.9920, 102.3160}} |
std::string | removalType_ {"ichi"} |
int | rinv_shift_ {-8} |
double | rmaxdisk_ {120.0} |
double | rmaxdiskl1overlapvm_ {45.0} |
double | rmaxdiskvm_ {67.0} |
double | rmindisk_ {20.0} |
double | rmindiskl2overlapvm_ {40.0} |
double | rmindiskl3overlapvm_ {50.0} |
double | rmindiskvm_ {22.5} |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_DISK > | rphicut2S_ |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_DISK > | rphicutPS_ |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_LAYER > | rphimatchcut_ |
double | rPS2S_ {60.0} |
int | rresidbits_ {7} |
std::string | skimfile_ {""} |
int | SS_phiD_shift_ {3} |
int | SS_phiderD_shift_ {-4} |
int | SS_phiderL_shift_ {-5} |
int | SS_phiL_shift_ {0} |
int | SS_zderL_shift_ {-7} |
double | stripLength_2S_ {5.0250} |
double | stripLength_PS_ {0.1467} |
double | stripPitch_2S_ {0.009} |
double | stripPitch_PS_ {0.01} |
int | t_shift_ {-10} |
std::string | tableTEDFile_ |
std::string | tableTREFile_ |
bool | useapprox_ {true} |
bool | usephicritapprox_ {false} |
std::set< unsigned int > | useseeding_ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | vmrlutrbits_ |
std::array< unsigned int, N_LAYER+N_DISK > | vmrlutzbits_ |
bool | warnNoDer_ {false} |
bool | warnNoMem_ {false} |
std::string | wiresFile_ |
bool | writeHLS_ {false} |
bool | writeHLSInvTable_ {false} |
bool | writeInvTable_ {false} |
bool | writeMem_ {false} |
unsigned int | writememsect_ {3} |
std::unordered_map< std::string, bool > | writeMonitorData_ |
bool | writeoutReal_ {false} |
bool | writeTable_ {false} |
bool | writetrace_ {false} |
bool | writeTripletTables_ {false} |
bool | writeVerilog_ {false} |
int | z0_shift_ {0} |
double | z0cut_ {15.0} |
int | zderbitshift_ {6} |
double | zlength_ {120.0} |
std::array< std::array< double, N_SEED >, N_LAYER > | zmatchcut_ |
int | zresidbits_ {9} |
Definition at line 26 of file Settings.h.
inline |
Definition at line 28 of file Settings.h.
default |
inline |
Definition at line 177 of file Settings.h.
References alphaBitsTable_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::TrackDerTable(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 175 of file Settings.h.
References alphashift_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 111 of file Settings.h.
References bendcutme_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 110 of file Settings.h.
References bendcutte_, and SurfaceOrientation::inner.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 212 of file Settings.h.
References bfield_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), L1FPGATrackProducer::produce(), trklet::Track::pt(), and setBfield().
inline |
Definition at line 166 of file Settings.h.
References bookHistos_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::event(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::printSummary(), and trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::~TrackletEventProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 171 of file Settings.h.
References c_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::Track::pt().
inline |
Definition at line 323 of file Settings.h.
References chisqphifactbits_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 324 of file Settings.h.
References chisqzfactbits_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 146 of file Settings.h.
References debugTracklet_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addProjectionDisk(), trklet::InputLinkMemory::addStub(), trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::addVMStub(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::exactproj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::exactprojdisk(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::exacttracklet(), trklet::MatchEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngine::execute(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::execute(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::execute(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::execute(), trklet::MatchProcessor::execute(), trklet::FitTrack::execute(), trklet::VMRouter::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::goodTrackPars(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::FitTrack::orderedMatches(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), trklet::TrackDerTable::readPatternFile(), trklet::Stub::setAllStubIndex(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 199 of file Settings.h.
References doKF_.
Referenced by trklet::FullMatchMemory::addMatch().
inline |
Definition at line 200 of file Settings.h.
References doMultipleMatches_.
Referenced by trklet::FullMatchMemory::addMatch().
inline |
Definition at line 238 of file Settings.h.
References M_PI, and trklet::N_SECTOR.
Referenced by trklet::Cabling::addphi(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), and trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap().
inline |
Definition at line 230 of file Settings.h.
References funct::abs(), M_PI, SiStripPI::max, trklet::N_SECTOR, rcrit_, rinvmax(), and rmean().
Referenced by trklet::Sector::addStub(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::event(), trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::getPhiRange(), kphi(), kphi1(), krinvpars(), trklet::Track::phi0(), phicritmax(), phicritmin(), trklet::ProcessBase::ProcessBase(), trklet::Sector::Sector(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::TrackletProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 105 of file Settings.h.
References deltarzfract_, and rmaxdisk_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::getphiCorrValue(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::init(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), rmax(), rmin(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 40 of file Settings.h.
References DTCLinkFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 42 of file Settings.h.
References DTCLinkLayerDiskFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 106 of file Settings.h.
References deltarzfract_, and zlength_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::Stub::Stub(), zmax(), and zmin().
inline |
Definition at line 191 of file Settings.h.
References exactderivatives_.
Referenced by trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 192 of file Settings.h.
References exactderivativesforfloating_.
Referenced by trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 207 of file Settings.h.
References extended_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchEngine::execute(), trklet::PurgeDuplicate::execute(), trklet::VMRouter::execute(), trklet::Tracklet::fullmatchdiskstr(), trklet::Tracklet::fullmatchstr(), setExtended(), trklet::Tracklet::trackletprojstr(), trklet::Tracklet::trackletprojstrD(), and trklet::Tracklet::vmstrlayer().
inline |
Definition at line 201 of file Settings.h.
References fakefit_.
Referenced by trklet::FitTrack::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 43 of file Settings.h.
References fitPatternFile_.
Referenced by trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 316 of file Settings.h.
References fitphi0bitshift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 315 of file Settings.h.
References fitrinvbitshift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 317 of file Settings.h.
References fittbitshift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 318 of file Settings.h.
References fitz0bitshift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 108 of file Settings.h.
References half2SmoduleWidth_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 256 of file Settings.h.
References maxd0_, and nbitsd0_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), kd0pars(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 334 of file Settings.h.
References kd0().
Referenced by trklet::Track::d0(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr().
inline |
Definition at line 246 of file Settings.h.
References dphisectorHG(), and nphibitsstub().
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::getphiCorrValue(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::Stub::phiapprox(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 331 of file Settings.h.
References kphi1().
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), trklet::Track::phi0(), trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr().
inline |
Definition at line 247 of file Settings.h.
References dphisectorHG(), and nphibitsstub().
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::getphiCorrValue(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), kphi0pars(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 250 of file Settings.h.
References nrbitsstub_, and rmaxdisk_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouter::execute(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), krprojshiftdisk(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::Stub::rapprox(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 327 of file Settings.h.
References reco::ceil(), dphisectorHG(), nbitsrinv_, rmaxdisk_, and edm::shift.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), kphider(), trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::Track::pt(), trklet::Track::rinv(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr().
inline |
Definition at line 341 of file Settings.h.
References kr().
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 332 of file Settings.h.
References maxt_, and nbitst_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::Track::eta(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), kzder(), trklet::Track::tanL(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr().
inline |
Definition at line 249 of file Settings.h.
References nzbitsstub_, and zlength_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addLayerProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addLayerProj(), trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), kz0pars(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr(), and trklet::Stub::zapprox().
inline |
Definition at line 333 of file Settings.h.
References kz().
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), and trklet::Track::z0().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 114 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and lutwidthtab_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 115 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and lutwidthtabextended_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 253 of file Settings.h.
References maxd0_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 93 of file Settings.h.
References Exception, maxstep_, and maxstepoffset_.
Referenced by trklet::InputLinkMemory::addStub(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::execute(), trklet::MatchEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngine::execute(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::execute(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::execute(), trklet::MatchProcessor::execute(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::execute(), and trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 183 of file Settings.h.
References maxStubsPerBin_.
Referenced by trklet::VMStubsMEMemory::addStub(), and trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::addVMStub().
inline |
Definition at line 181 of file Settings.h.
References MEBinsBits_.
Referenced by trklet::LayerProjection::init().
inline |
Definition at line 180 of file Settings.h.
References MEBinsBits_.
Referenced by trklet::LayerProjection::init().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 45 of file Settings.h.
References memoryModulesFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 198 of file Settings.h.
References mergeComparison_.
Referenced by trklet::PurgeDuplicate::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 196 of file Settings.h.
References minIndStubs_.
Referenced by trklet::PurgeDuplicate::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 41 of file Settings.h.
References moduleCablingFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 84 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsallstubs_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addLayerProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addLayerProj(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::addOutput(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::getPhiRange(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::TrackletCalculator(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::TrackletProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 74 of file Settings.h.
References nbendbitsmedisk_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 83 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsallstubs_.
Referenced by trklet::InputLinkMemory::addStub(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::execute(), trklet::VMRouter::execute(), trklet::Stub::phiregionaddress(), trklet::Stub::phiregionaddressstr(), and trklet::VMRouter::VMRouter().
inline |
Definition at line 176 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsalpha_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 254 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsd0_.
Referenced by trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 278 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsphi0_.
Referenced by trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 69 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsphiprojderL123_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::LayerProjection::init(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 70 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsphiprojderL456_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::LayerProjection::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 277 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsrinv_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), and trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 279 of file Settings.h.
References nbitst_.
Referenced by trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 80 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsvmme_.
Referenced by trklet::ProjectionRouter::execute(), trklet::VMRouter::execute(), and trklet::VMRouter::VMRouter().
inline |
Definition at line 77 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and nbitsvmte_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 280 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsz0_.
Referenced by trklet::Tracklet::setFitPars(), and trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 71 of file Settings.h.
References nbitszprojderL123_.
Referenced by trklet::LayerProjection::init().
inline |
Definition at line 72 of file Settings.h.
References nbitszprojderL456_.
Referenced by trklet::LayerProjection::init().
inline |
Definition at line 112 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and nfinephi_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::TrackletEngine::TrackletEngine(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::TrackletEngineDisplaced(), and trklet::TripletEngine::TripletEngine().
inline |
Definition at line 204 of file Settings.h.
References nHelixPar_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce(), and setNHelixPar().
inline |
Definition at line 272 of file Settings.h.
References NLONGVMBITS_.
Referenced by trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::clean(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::VMStubsMEMemory::VMStubsMEMemory(), trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::VMStubsTEMemory(), and trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::writeStubs().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 65 of file Settings.h.
References nphibitsstub_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::LayerProjection::init(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), kphi(), kphi1(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 113 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and nphireg_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 68 of file Settings.h.
References nrbitsprojderdisk_.
Referenced by trklet::DiskProjection::init().
inline |
Definition at line 66 of file Settings.h.
References nrbitsstub_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), trklet::Stub::rapprox(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 178 of file Settings.h.
References nrinvBitsTable_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::TrackDerTable::getDerivatives(), trklet::TrackDerTable::readPatternFile(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 274 of file Settings.h.
References ntrackletmax_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::execute(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::execute(), trklet::Tracklet::fullmatchdiskstr(), trklet::Tracklet::fullmatchstr(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::TrackletCalculator(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::TrackletProcessor(), trklet::Tracklet::trackletprojstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletprojstrD().
inline |
Definition at line 81 of file Settings.h.
References nbitsvmme_.
Referenced by trklet::ProjectionRouter::addOutput(), trklet::VMRouter::addOutput(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::ProjectionRouter(), and trklet::VMRouter::VMRouter().
inline |
Definition at line 78 of file Settings.h.
References SurfaceOrientation::inner, and nbitsvmte_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::addOutput(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), and trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::getPhiRange().
inline |
Definition at line 64 of file Settings.h.
References nzbitsstub_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::LayerProjection::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 284 of file Settings.h.
References phi0_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 306 of file Settings.h.
References phi0bitshift_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator().
inline |
Definition at line 241 of file Settings.h.
References dphisectorHG(), M_PI, and trklet::N_SECTOR.
Referenced by phicritmaxmc(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 244 of file Settings.h.
References dphicritmc_, and phicritmax().
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 240 of file Settings.h.
References dphisectorHG(), M_PI, and trklet::N_SECTOR.
Referenced by phicritminmc(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 243 of file Settings.h.
References dphicritmc_, and phicritmin().
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 310 of file Settings.h.
References phiresidbits_.
Referenced by trklet::DiskResidual::init(), and trklet::LayerResidual::init().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 44 of file Settings.h.
References processingModulesFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 120 of file Settings.h.
References mps_fire::i, and projdisks_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttrackletdisk(), and trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 119 of file Settings.h.
References mps_fire::i, and projlayers_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttracklet(), and trklet::Tracklet::Tracklet().
inline |
Definition at line 300 of file Settings.h.
References PS_rD_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 303 of file Settings.h.
References PS_rderD_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 295 of file Settings.h.
References PS_zderL_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 292 of file Settings.h.
References PS_zL_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 321 of file Settings.h.
References rcorrbits_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 236 of file Settings.h.
References rcrit_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::TrackletCalculator(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::TrackletProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 126 of file Settings.h.
References rcut2S_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 124 of file Settings.h.
References rcutPS_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 135 of file Settings.h.
References halfstrip_, and rDSSinner_mod_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 138 of file Settings.h.
References halfstrip_, and rDSSouter_mod_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 197 of file Settings.h.
References removalType_.
Referenced by trklet::PurgeDuplicate::execute(), and trklet::FitTrack::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 283 of file Settings.h.
References rinv_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 169 of file Settings.h.
References bfield_, c_, and ptcut_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 258 of file Settings.h.
References bfield_, c_, and ptcutte_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 173 of file Settings.h.
References bfield_, c_, and ptmin_.
Referenced by dphisectorHG(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 129 of file Settings.h.
References drmax(), and rmean().
Referenced by trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), and trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap().
inline |
Definition at line 102 of file Settings.h.
References rmaxdisk_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), and trklet::Stub::Stub().
inline |
Definition at line 263 of file Settings.h.
References rmaxdiskl1overlapvm_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup().
inline |
Definition at line 261 of file Settings.h.
References rmaxdiskvm_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 128 of file Settings.h.
References irmean_, and rmaxdisk_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), dphisectorHG(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttracklet(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttrackletdisk(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttrackletOverlap(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::init(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), trklet::Stub::rapprox(), rmax(), rmin(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::Stub::Stub(), trklet::TrackDerTable::tpar(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 103 of file Settings.h.
References rmindisk_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 264 of file Settings.h.
References rmindiskl2overlapvm_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup().
inline |
Definition at line 265 of file Settings.h.
References rmindiskl3overlapvm_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouter::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 260 of file Settings.h.
References rmindiskvm_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addDiskProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addDiskProj(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::DiskProjection::init(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 125 of file Settings.h.
References rphicut2S_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 123 of file Settings.h.
References rphicutPS_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 121 of file Settings.h.
References rphimatchcut_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 267 of file Settings.h.
References rPS2S_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::LayerProjection::init(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 312 of file Settings.h.
References rresidbits_.
Referenced by trklet::DiskResidual::init().
inline |
Definition at line 213 of file Settings.h.
References bfield(), and bfield_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::beginRun().
inline |
Definition at line 210 of file Settings.h.
References combined(), and combined_.
inline |
Definition at line 50 of file Settings.h.
References DTCLinkFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 52 of file Settings.h.
References DTCLinkLayerDiskFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 208 of file Settings.h.
References extended(), and extended_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 55 of file Settings.h.
References fitPatternFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 59 of file Settings.h.
References memoryModulesFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 51 of file Settings.h.
References moduleCablingFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 205 of file Settings.h.
References nHelixPar(), and nHelixPar_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 217 of file Settings.h.
References nStrips_2S_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 216 of file Settings.h.
References nStrips_PS_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 56 of file Settings.h.
References processingModulesFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 228 of file Settings.h.
References skimfile(), and skimfile_.
inline |
Definition at line 225 of file Settings.h.
References stripLength_2S_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 224 of file Settings.h.
References stripLength_PS_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 221 of file Settings.h.
References stripPitch_2S_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 220 of file Settings.h.
References stripPitch_PS_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::produce().
inline |
Definition at line 61 of file Settings.h.
References tableTEDFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 62 of file Settings.h.
References tableTREFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
Definition at line 60 of file Settings.h.
References wiresFile_.
Referenced by L1FPGATrackProducer::L1FPGATrackProducer().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 299 of file Settings.h.
References SS_phiD_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 302 of file Settings.h.
References SS_phiderD_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 294 of file Settings.h.
References SS_phiderL_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 291 of file Settings.h.
References SS_phiL_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 296 of file Settings.h.
References SS_zderL_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 223 of file Settings.h.
References stripLength_2S_, and stripLength_PS_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives().
inline |
Definition at line 219 of file Settings.h.
References stripPitch_2S_, and stripPitch_PS_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::calculateDerivatives(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::getphiCorrValue(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 285 of file Settings.h.
References t_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 47 of file Settings.h.
References tableTEDFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::readTables().
inline |
Definition at line 48 of file Settings.h.
References tableTREFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TripletEngine::readTables().
inline |
Definition at line 193 of file Settings.h.
References useapprox_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 194 of file Settings.h.
References usephicritapprox_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::inSector(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::TrackletCalculator(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::TrackletProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 76 of file Settings.h.
References useseeding_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::execute(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::execute().
inline |
Definition at line 143 of file Settings.h.
References vmrlutrbits_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), and trklet::VMRouter::VMRouter().
inline |
Definition at line 142 of file Settings.h.
References vmrlutzbits_.
Referenced by trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), and trklet::VMRouter::VMRouter().
inline |
Definition at line 150 of file Settings.h.
References warnNoDer_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::getIndex(), and trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq().
inline |
Definition at line 149 of file Settings.h.
References warnNoMem_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addProjection(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addProjection(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addProjectionDisk(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addProjectionDisk().
inline |
Definition at line 46 of file Settings.h.
References wiresFile_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 152 of file Settings.h.
References writeMem_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::event().
inline |
Definition at line 160 of file Settings.h.
References writememsect_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::event().
inline |
Definition at line 86 of file Settings.h.
References Exception, and writeMonitorData_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::Sector::clean(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::event(), trklet::MatchEngine::execute(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngine::execute(), trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::execute(), trklet::PurgeDuplicate::execute(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::execute(), trklet::MatchProcessor::execute(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::execute(), trklet::FitTrack::execute(), trklet::Sector::executeTC(), trklet::Sector::executeVMR(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::printSummary(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), and trklet::CleanTrackMemory::writeCT().
inline |
Definition at line 164 of file Settings.h.
References writeoutReal_.
Referenced by trklet::Tracklet::trackfitstr(), and trklet::Tracklet::trackletparstr().
inline |
Definition at line 153 of file Settings.h.
References writeTable_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::VMRouterPhiCorrTable::init(), trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), trklet::MatchEngine::MatchEngine(), trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor(), trklet::VMStubsTEMemory::setbendtable(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), and trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin().
inline |
Definition at line 147 of file Settings.h.
References writetrace_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchEngine::addInput(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::addInput(), trklet::TrackletEngine::addInput(), trklet::TripletEngine::addInput(), trklet::FitTrack::addInput(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::addInput(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::addInput(), trklet::PurgeDuplicate::addInput(), trklet::MatchCalculator::addInput(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addInput(), trklet::MatchProcessor::addInput(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::addInput(), trklet::VMRouter::addInput(), trklet::ProjectionRouter::addOutput(), trklet::MatchEngine::addOutput(), trklet::TrackletEngine::addOutput(), trklet::FitTrack::addOutput(), trklet::TripletEngine::addOutput(), trklet::TrackletCalculator::addOutput(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::addOutput(), trklet::PurgeDuplicate::addOutput(), trklet::MatchCalculator::addOutput(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addOutput(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::addOutput(), trklet::MatchProcessor::addOutput(), trklet::VMRouter::addOutput(), and trklet::TrackletEventProcessor::init().
inline |
Definition at line 162 of file Settings.h.
References writeTripletTables_.
Referenced by trklet::TripletEngine::execute(), trklet::TrackletEngineDisplaced::execute(), and trklet::TripletEngine::~TripletEngine().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 286 of file Settings.h.
References z0_shift_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
Definition at line 269 of file Settings.h.
References z0cut_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::DDLSeeding(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLDSeeding(), and trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::LLLSeeding().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 101 of file Settings.h.
References zlength_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::addLayerProj(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::addLayerProj(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::Stub::Stub(), and trklet::TrackDerTable::tpar().
inline |
Definition at line 122 of file Settings.h.
References zmatchcut_.
Referenced by trklet::MatchCalculator::MatchCalculator(), and trklet::MatchProcessor::MatchProcessor().
inline |
Definition at line 132 of file Settings.h.
References dzmax(), and zmean().
Referenced by trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculator::IMATH_TrackletCalculator(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), and trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap().
inline |
Definition at line 131 of file Settings.h.
References izmean_, and zlength_.
Referenced by trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::barrelSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::diskSeeding(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttracklet(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttrackletdisk(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::exacttrackletOverlap(), trklet::MatchCalculator::execute(), trklet::TrackDerTable::fillTable(), trklet::VMRouterTable::getLookup(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorDisk(), trklet::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap::IMATH_TrackletCalculatorOverlap(), trklet::ProjectionRouterBendTable::init(), trklet::VMRouterTable::init(), trklet::MatchProcessor::matchCalculator(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorBase::overlapSeeding(), trklet::TrackletEngine::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::TrackletProcessor::setVMPhiBin(), trklet::Stub::Stub(), trklet::TrackDerTable::tpar(), trklet::FitTrack::trackFitChisq(), trklet::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced::TrackletCalculatorDisplaced(), trklet::Stub::zapprox(), zmax(), and zmin().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 311 of file Settings.h.
References zresidbits_.
Referenced by trklet::LayerResidual::init().
private |
Definition at line 665 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by alphaBitsTable().
private |
Definition at line 663 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by alphashift().
private |
Definition at line 391 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by bendcutme().
private |
Definition at line 387 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by bendcutte().
private |
Definition at line 714 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by bfield(), rinvcut(), rinvcutte(), rinvmax(), and setBfield().
private |
Definition at line 657 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by bookHistos().
private |
Definition at line 715 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by c(), rinvcut(), rinvcutte(), and rinvmax().
private |
Definition at line 470 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by chisqphifactbits().
private |
Definition at line 471 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by chisqzfactbits().
private |
Definition at line 710 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by combined(), geomext(), and setCombined().
private |
Definition at line 632 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by debugTracklet().
private |
Definition at line 359 of file Settings.h.
private |
Definition at line 694 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by doKF().
private |
Definition at line 703 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by doMultipleMatches().
private |
Definition at line 356 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by phicritmaxmc(), and phicritminmc().
private |
Definition at line 344 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by DTCLinkFile(), and setDTCLinkFile().
private |
Definition at line 346 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by DTCLinkLayerDiskFile(), and setDTCLinkLayerDiskFile().
private |
Definition at line 673 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by exactderivatives().
private |
Definition at line 674 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by exactderivativesforfloating().
private |
Definition at line 709 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by extended(), geomext(), and setExtended().
private |
Definition at line 706 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fakefit().
private |
Definition at line 347 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fitPatternFile(), and setFitPatternFile().
private |
Definition at line 463 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fitphi0bitshift().
private |
Definition at line 462 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fitrinvbitshift().
private |
Definition at line 464 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fittbitshift().
private |
Definition at line 465 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by fitz0bitshift().
private |
Definition at line 410 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by half2SmoduleWidth().
private |
Definition at line 628 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rDSSinner(), and rDSSouter().
private |
Definition at line 363 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmean().
private |
Definition at line 364 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by zmean().
private |
Definition at line 489 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by lutwidthtab().
private |
Definition at line 493 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by lutwidthtabextended().
private |
Definition at line 413 of file Settings.h.
private |
Definition at line 412 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by maxrinv().
private |
Definition at line 581 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by maxStep().
private |
Definition at line 578 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by maxStep().
private |
Definition at line 670 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by maxStubsPerBin().
private |
Definition at line 361 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by ktpars().
private |
Definition at line 668 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by MEBins(), and MEBinsBits().
private |
Definition at line 669 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by MEBinsDisks().
private |
Definition at line 349 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by memoryModulesFile(), and setMemoryModulesFile().
private |
Definition at line 696 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by mergeComparison().
private |
Definition at line 682 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by minIndStubs().
private |
Definition at line 345 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by moduleCablingFile(), and setModuleCablingFile().
private |
Definition at line 376 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbendbitsmedisk().
private |
Definition at line 380 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nallstubs(), and nbitsallstubs().
private |
Definition at line 664 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsalpha().
private |
Definition at line 415 of file Settings.h.
private |
Definition at line 425 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsphi0().
private |
Definition at line 371 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsphiprojderL123().
private |
Definition at line 372 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsphiprojderL456().
private |
Definition at line 424 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by krinvpars(), and nbitsrinv().
private |
Definition at line 426 of file Settings.h.
private |
Definition at line 381 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsvmme(), and nvmme().
private |
Definition at line 382 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsvmte(), and nvmte().
private |
Definition at line 427 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitsz0().
private |
Definition at line 373 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitszprojderL123().
private |
Definition at line 374 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nbitszprojderL456().
private |
Definition at line 478 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nfinephi().
private |
Definition at line 708 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nHelixPar(), and setNHelixPar().
private |
Definition at line 404 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by NLONGVMBINS(), and NLONGVMBITS().
private |
Definition at line 367 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nphibitsstub().
private |
Definition at line 484 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nphireg().
private |
Definition at line 370 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nrbitsprojderdisk().
private |
Definition at line 368 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by kr(), and nrbitsstub().
private |
Definition at line 666 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nrinvBitsTable().
private |
Definition at line 718 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nStrips(), and setNStrips_2S().
private |
Definition at line 717 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by nStrips(), and setNStrips_PS().
private |
Definition at line 421 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by ntrackletmax().
private |
Definition at line 366 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by kz(), and nzbitsstub().
private |
Definition at line 431 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by phi0_shift().
private |
Definition at line 453 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by phi0bitshift().
private |
Definition at line 454 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by kphider(), and phiderbitshift().
private |
Definition at line 457 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by phiresidbits().
private |
Definition at line 631 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by printDebugKF().
private |
Definition at line 348 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by processingModulesFile(), and setProcessingModulesFile().
Definition at line 513 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by projdisks().
Definition at line 499 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by projlayers().
private |
Definition at line 447 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by PS_rD_shift().
private |
Definition at line 450 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by PS_rderD_shift().
private |
Definition at line 442 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by PS_zderL_shift().
private |
Definition at line 439 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by PS_zL_shift().
private |
Definition at line 660 of file Settings.h.
private |
Definition at line 419 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rinvcutte().
private |
Definition at line 417 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rinvmax().
private |
Definition at line 468 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rcorrbits().
private |
Definition at line 354 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by dphisectorHG(), and rcrit().
Definition at line 569 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rcut2S().
Definition at line 553 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rcutPS().
private |
Definition at line 624 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rDSSinner().
private |
Definition at line 625 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rDSSouter().
private |
Definition at line 695 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by removalType().
private |
Definition at line 430 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rinv_shift().
private |
Definition at line 407 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by drmax(), kr(), krinvpars(), rmaxdisk(), and rmean().
private |
Definition at line 396 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmaxdiskl1overlapvm().
private |
Definition at line 394 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmaxdiskvm().
private |
Definition at line 408 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmindisk().
private |
Definition at line 397 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmindiskl2overlapvm().
private |
Definition at line 398 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmindiskl3overlapvm().
private |
Definition at line 393 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rmindiskvm().
Definition at line 561 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rphicut2S().
Definition at line 545 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rphicutPS().
Definition at line 527 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rphimatchcut().
private |
Definition at line 400 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rPS2S().
private |
Definition at line 459 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by rresidbits().
private |
Definition at line 712 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setSkimfile(), and skimfile().
private |
Definition at line 446 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by SS_phiD_shift().
private |
Definition at line 449 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by SS_phiderD_shift().
private |
Definition at line 441 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by SS_phiderL_shift().
private |
Definition at line 438 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by SS_phiL_shift().
private |
Definition at line 443 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by SS_zderL_shift().
private |
Definition at line 724 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setStripLength_2S(), and stripLength().
private |
Definition at line 723 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setStripLength_PS(), and stripLength().
private |
Definition at line 721 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setStripPitch_2S(), and stripPitch().
private |
Definition at line 720 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setStripPitch_PS(), and stripPitch().
private |
Definition at line 432 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by t_shift().
private |
Definition at line 351 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setTableTEDFile(), and tableTEDFile().
private |
Definition at line 352 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setTableTREFile(), and tableTREFile().
private |
Definition at line 675 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by useapprox().
private |
Definition at line 676 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by usephicritapprox().
private |
Definition at line 378 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by useSeed().
Definition at line 475 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by vmrlutrbits().
Definition at line 473 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by vmrlutzbits().
private |
Definition at line 636 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by warnNoDer().
private |
Definition at line 635 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by warnNoMem().
private |
Definition at line 350 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by setWiresFile(), and wiresFile().
private |
Definition at line 643 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeHLS().
private |
Definition at line 645 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeHLSInvTable().
private |
Definition at line 644 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeInvTable().
private |
Definition at line 638 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeMem().
private |
Definition at line 647 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writememsect().
private |
Definition at line 593 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeMonitorData().
private |
Definition at line 654 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeoutReal().
private |
Definition at line 639 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeTable().
private |
Definition at line 633 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writetrace().
private |
Definition at line 649 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeTripletTables().
private |
Definition at line 642 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by writeVerilog().
private |
Definition at line 433 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by z0_shift().
private |
Definition at line 402 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by z0cut().
private |
Definition at line 455 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by kzder(), and zderbitshift().
private |
Definition at line 536 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by zmatchcut().
private |
Definition at line 458 of file Settings.h.
Referenced by zresidbits().