![]() |
![]() |
Variables | |
cvsVertex | |
directory | |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom! More... | |
elecExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
elecs | |
electronId | |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId More... | |
isolation | |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot More... | |
jetBTaggers | |
when omitted monitor histograms for b-tagging will not be filled More... | |
jetCorrector | |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jetExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets More... | |
jets | |
label | |
lowerEdge | |
massExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass befor filling the event monitoring plots More... | |
max | |
mets | |
min | |
monitoring | |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD More... | |
muonExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras More... | |
muons | |
pattern | |
preselection | |
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U']) ) More... | |
pvExtras | |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for primary vertices will be filled w/o extras More... | |
pvs | |
secondaryVertex | |
select | |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the primary vertex candidates More... | |
selection | |
setup | |
sources | |
[mandatory] More... | |
src | |
topSingleElectronLooseDQM_PU | |
topSingleElectronMediumDQM_PU | |
topSingleLeptonDQM | |
topSingleMuonLooseDQM_PU | |
topSingleMuonMediumDQM_PU | |
trackCountingEff | |
trackCountingPur | |
upperEdge | |
verbosity | |
vertex | |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R', 'HLT_QuadJet30']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied More... | |
workingPoint | |
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.cvsVertex |
Definition at line 202 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.directory |
sub-directory to write the monitor histograms to [mandatory] : should not be changed w/o explicit communication to TopCom!
Definition at line 15 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.elecExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for electrons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 37 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.elecs |
Definition at line 19 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.electronId |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o cut on electronId
Definition at line 39 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
Referenced by SingleTopTChannelLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopSingleLepton_miniAOD::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopSingleLepton::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), SingleTopTChannelLepton::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble.fill(), pf2pat::ElectronIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition.select(), SelectionStep< Object >.select(), and SelectionStep< Object >.selectVertex().
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.isolation |
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot
when omitted isolated electron multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive electron multiplicity plot
when omitted isolated muon multiplicity plot will be equi- valent to inclusive muon multiplicity plot
Definition at line 45 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetBTaggers |
when omitted monitor histograms for b-tagging will not be filled
when omitted monitor histograms for b-tagging will not be filled
Definition at line 189 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetCorrector |
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets
when omitted monitor plots for pt will be filled from uncorrected jets
Definition at line 62 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jetExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled from uncorrected jets
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for jets will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 59 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.jets |
Definition at line 20 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.label |
Definition at line 120 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.lowerEdge |
Definition at line 77 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.massExtras |
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass befor filling the event monitoring plots
[optional] : when omitted no mass window will be applied for the W mass before filling the event monitoring plots
Definition at line 76 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.max |
Definition at line 264 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.mets |
Definition at line 21 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.min |
Definition at line 128 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.monitoring |
[optional] : when omitted the verbosity level is set to STANDARD
Definition at line 25 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.muonExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for muons will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 49 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.muons |
Definition at line 18 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pattern |
Definition at line 39 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
Referenced by CSCTMBHeader2006.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2007.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2013.addCLCT0(), CSCTMBHeader2006.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2007.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.addCLCT1(), CSCTMBHeader2013.addCLCT1(), TPatternsGroup.addPattern(), edm::ParameterSetDescription.addWildcard(), edm::ParameterSetDescription.addWildcardUntracked(), CSCALCTHeader.ALCTDigis(), CSCDigiToPattern.analyze(), L1TdeStage2uGT.analyze(), reco::HitPattern.appendHit(), reco::TrackBase.appendHitPattern(), reco::HitPattern.badHitFilter(), HLTHiggsSubAnalysis.beginRun(), HLTExoticaSubAnalysis.beginRun(), PtAssignmentEngineAux2017.calcBendFromPattern(), CSCSectorReceiverMiniLUT.calcLocalPhiMini(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanAlgo.calculateEta(), reco::HitPattern.call(), TEPatternsGroup.check(), CSCTMBHeader2007.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2007_rev0x50c3.CLCTDigis(), CSCTMBHeader2013.CLCTDigis(), CSCAnodeLCTProcessor.clear(), L1TMuonBarrelKalmanLUTs.coarseEta(), CSCComparatorDigiFitter.comparatorInLCTPattern(), cms::dd.compareEqual(), PatternRecognition.configure_details(), CSCMotherboard.constructLCTs(), CSCGEMMotherboard.constructLCTsGEM(), l1t::MTF7Payload.count(), reco::HitPattern.countTypedHits(), HLTMuonValidator.dqmBeginRun(), HLTMuonRefMethod.dqmEndJob(), reco::PFDisplacedVertex.Dump(), reco::HitPattern.encode(), CSCMotherboard.encodePattern(), DQMGenericTnPClient.endRun(), reco::PatternSet< N >.fill(), CSCTriggerPrimitivesReader.fillCLCTHistos(), tadqm::TrackAnalyzer.fillHistosForEfficiencyFromHitPatter(), reco::HitPattern.fillNewHitPatternWithOldHitPattern_v12(), DQMGenericTnPClient.findAllSubdirectories(), HLTMuonRefMethod.findAllSubdirectories(), DQMGenericClient.findAllSubdirectories(), CSCMotherboard.findQuality(), CSCGEMMotherboard.findQualityGEM(), PFDisplacedVertexFinder.fitVertexFromSeed(), ecaldqm::MESet.formPath(), CSCPatternLUT.get2007Position(), SectorProcessorLUT.get_ph_patt_corr(), SectorProcessorLUT.get_ph_patt_corr_sign(), l1t::MTF7Payload.getBlock(), reco::HitPattern.getBTLModType(), RPCLogCone.getCompressedCone(), reco::HitPattern.getCSCRing(), L1TMuon::GeometryTranslator.getCSCSpecificPoint(), reco::HitPattern.getDTSuperLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getETLRing(), reco::HitPattern.getGEMLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getGEMStation(), AngleConverter.getGlobalEta(), reco::HitPattern.getHitType(), reco::HitPattern.getLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getMuonStation(), FastLineRecognition.getPatterns(), EgHLTOfflineSummaryClient.getQTestResults_(), reco::HitPattern.getRPCLayer(), reco::HitPattern.getRPCregion(), reco::HitPattern.getSide(), reco::HitPattern.getSubDetector(), reco::HitPattern.getSubStructure(), reco::HitPattern.getSubSubStructure(), reco::HitPattern.getTrackerLayerCase(), reco::HitPattern.getTrackerMonoStereo(), edm.glob2reg(), PrimaryVertexValidation.hasFirstLayerPixelHits(), reco::HitPattern.hasValidHitInPixelLayer(), HLTLevel1Pattern.HLTLevel1Pattern(), reco::HitPattern.inactiveHitFilter(), HLTHighLevel.init(), ZCounting.initHLT(), reco::HitPattern.innermostMuonStationWithHits(), reco::HitPattern.insertExpectedInnerHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertExpectedOuterHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertHit(), reco::HitPattern.insertTrackHit(), edm.is_glob(), cms::dd.isMatch(), L1MuDTEtaPatternLut.load(), L1MuBMTEtaPatternLut.load(), L1MuDTQualPatternLut.load(), L1MuBMTQualPatternLut.load(), LocalCacheFile.LocalCacheFile(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT.localPhi(), DQMGenericClient.makeAllPlots(), HLTConfigProvider.matched(), reco::HitPattern.missingHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonCSCHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonDTHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonGEMHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonME0HitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonRPCHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.muonStations(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithBothViews(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithRPhiView(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfDTStationsWithRZView(), reco::HitPattern.numberOfValidStripLayersWithMonoAndStereo(), MTDTrackQualityMVA.operator()(), edm.operator<<(), reco::HitPattern.outermostMuonStationWithHits(), edm::ParameterWildcard< T >.ParameterWildcard(), edm::ParameterWildcard< ParameterSetDescription >.ParameterWildcard(), edm::ParameterWildcard< std::vector< ParameterSet > >.ParameterWildcard(), QualityTester.performTests(), reco::HitPattern.pixelBarrelHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelEndcapHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.pixelLayersWithMeasurement(), FWTrackResidualDetailView.prepareData(), reco::HitPattern.printHitPattern(), cscdqm::EventProcessor.processCSC(), CSCTFUnpacker.produce(), CTPPSPixelLocalTrackProducer.produce(), TotemRPLocalTrackFitter.produce(), read_processor_model(), edm.regexMatch(), RPCPac.runEnergeticPatternsGroups(), L1MuDTEtaProcessor.runEtaTrackFinder(), L1MuBMEtaProcessor.runEtaTrackFinder(), RPCPac.runTrackPatternsGroup(), RPCPacMuon.setAll(), pat::PackedCandidate.setFirstHit(), L1MuKBMTrack.setHitPattern(), CSCCLCTDigi.setPattern(), SiPixelCalibDigiProducer.setPattern(), reco::HitPattern.stripHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripSubdetectorHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTECHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTIBHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTIDHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.stripTOBHitFilter(), TEPatternsGroup.TEPatternsGroup(), edm::ParameterWildcardBase.throwIfInvalidPattern(), reco::HitPattern.timingBTLHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.timingETLHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.timingHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.trackerHitFilter(), reco::HitPattern.trackerLayersWithMeasurement(), reco::HitPattern.trackerLayersWithoutMeasurement(), edm.untaintString(), TPatternsGroup.updateShape(), MuonResidualsFitter.useRes(), SiStripConfigDb.usingDatabase(), l1t::MTF7Payload.valid(), and reco::HitPattern.validHitFilter().
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.preselection |
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring([ 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R:HLT_QuadJetU15']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R:HLT_QuadJetU15']) )
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu11:HLT_QuadJet15U'])
[optional] : when omitted the monitoring plots for triggering will be empty triggerExtras = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), paths = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu3:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu5:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu7:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu9:HLT_QuadJet15U', 'HLT_Mu11:HLT_QuadJet15U']) )
setup of the event preselection, which will not be monitored [mandatory] : but may be empty
Definition at line 97 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pvExtras |
[optional] : when omitted all monitoring plots for primary vertices will be filled w/o extras
Definition at line 30 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.pvs |
Definition at line 22 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.secondaryVertex |
Definition at line 198 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.select |
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the primary vertex candidates
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
select = cms.string("pt>15 & abs(eta)<2.5& emEnergyFraction>0.01"),
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ),
when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted monitor plots will be filled w/o additional cut on jetID
jetID = cms.PSet( label = cms.InputTag("ak5JetID"), select = cms.string("fHPD < 0.98 & n90Hits>1 & restrictedEMF<1") ), when omitted no extra selection will be applied on jets before filling the monitor histograms; if jetCorrector is present the selection will be applied to corrected jets
when omitted muon plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the muon candidates
when omitted electron plots will be filled w/o additional pre- selection of the electron candidates
Definition at line 33 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.selection |
monitor histrograms are filled after each selection step, the selection is applied in the order defined by this vector [mandatory] : may be empty or contain an arbitrary number of PSets
Definition at line 118 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.setup |
configuration of the MonitoringEnsemble(s) [mandatory] : optional PSets may be omitted
Definition at line 11 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.sources |
Definition at line 17 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.src |
Definition at line 39 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleElectronLooseDQM_PU |
Definition at line 446 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleElectronMediumDQM_PU |
Definition at line 608 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleLeptonDQM |
Definition at line 4 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleMuonLooseDQM_PU |
Definition at line 133 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.topSingleMuonMediumDQM_PU |
Definition at line 293 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.trackCountingEff |
Definition at line 190 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.trackCountingPur |
Definition at line 194 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.upperEdge |
Definition at line 78 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.verbosity |
Definition at line 26 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.vertex |
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11', 'HLT_Ele15_LW_L1R', 'HLT_QuadJet30']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Ele15_SW_CaloEleId_L1R']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu15_v2']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
[optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied trigger = cms.PSet( src = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"), select = cms.vstring(['HLT_Mu11']) ), [optional] : when omitted no preselection is applied
Definition at line 104 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.
topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.workingPoint |
Definition at line 192 of file topSingleLeptonDQM_PU_cfi.py.