Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef L1GCTVALIDATION_H
TH1F * theHfRing1CountPositiveEta
TH2F * theMissHyVsInternalJetsSum
TH1F * theHfRing1CountNegativeEta
void analyze(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) override
TH2F * theSumEtVsInputRegions
TH2F * theHtVsInternalJetsSum
TH2F * theMissHtVsInternalJetsSum
TH2F * theMissEtVsMissHtAngle
TH1F * theHfRing0EtSumNegativeEta
TH2F * theMissHtPhiVsInternalJetsSum
TH1F * theHfRing1EtSumPositiveEta
TH1F * theHfRing0CountNegativeEta
TH2F * theMissHxVsInternalJetsSum
edm::InputTag m_energy_tag
TH2F * theMissEtAngleVsInputRegions
TH1F * theHfRing1EtSumNegativeEta
L1GctValidation(const edm::ParameterSet &)
TH1F * theHfRing0CountPositiveEta
~L1GctValidation() override
edm::InputTag m_gctinp_tag
TH1F * theHfRing0EtSumPositiveEta
TH2F * theMissEtMagVsInputRegions
TH2F * theMissHtMagVsInputRegions